Insert structure arrays dynamic in C. Exited, segmentation fault - c

I have a problem with structure arrays, to insert dynamic values.
Cannot insert values ​​into dynamic arrays, response "Exited, segmentation fault".
Can anyone help me, that's problem.
Thank you
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FLUSH while (getchar() != '\n')
typedef struct{
char *Name;
int Qty;
} Item;
static void insert(Item* i, char *name, int qty)
i->Name = name;
i->Qty = qty;
int main() {
int storage = 0, menu;
printf("Temporary Storage\n");
//Input storage amount
bool isInputStorage = true;
while (isInputStorage) {
printf("Input Storage amount [1..10]: ");
scanf("%d", &storage);
if (storage <= 10 && storage >= 1) {
isInputStorage = false;
else {
printf("\n[!]Please enter numbers [1..10] for Storage amount.\n\n");
Item *dataItems;
//Input Menu
bool isInputMenu = true;
while (isInputMenu) {
printf("1. Add items\n");
printf("4. Exit\n");
printf("Choose Menu [1..4]: ");
scanf("%d", &menu);
if (menu >= 1 && menu <= 4) {
if (menu == 1) {
char* name;
int qty;
//Insert to arrays storage
int currentStorageAmount = sizeof(dataItems) / sizeof(dataItems[0]);
if (currentStorageAmount >= storage) {
printf("Storage is Full");
else {
printf("Input name of Item : ");
scanf("%s", name);
bool isQty = true;
while (isQty) {
printf("Input qty of Item : ");
int correctQty = scanf("%d", &qty);
if (correctQty == 1) {
isQty = false;
else {
printf("\n[!]Please enter number for Qty!\n\n");
//action to insert
insert(&dataItems[currentStorageAmount], name, qty);
else if (menu == 4) {
printf("\nThank you for using this application.\n");
isInputMenu = false;
else {
printf("\n[!]Please enter numbers [1..4] for choose Menu.");
menu = 0;
return 0;
Temporary Storage
Input Storage amount [1..10]: 4
1. Add items
4. Exit
Choose Menu [1..4]: 1
Input name of Item : test
Input qty of Item : 5
exited, segmentation fault

You are asking about arrays but there is no one array in your code...
What you really have is the pointer to Item. This means three things:
You have not initialized this pointer, and it points to somewhere. So the expression &dataItems[currentStorageAmount] gives you a random position in memory that leads you to the segmentation fault.
The expression sizeof(dataItems) / sizeof(dataItems[0]) gives you something different from what you expect: size of the pointer divided to size of the structure. In other words it is zero.
You need to allocate memory before using the dataItems.

I check the code with GDB, the error is at line 65,
scanf("%s", name);
you have declared a pointer char* name, but you have not allocated its heap memory yet. The correct solution is to change the line,
char *name
char* name = malloc(128);
Then, the code is running.


String in structure gets deleted

I'm working on the last exercise of the "Think like a computer scientist, C version" book and I have some trouble with one particular point.
The exercise consists of making a small game, where the computer picks a random value between 0 and 20 and then asks me to guess the number.
After that, the computer counts the number of tries I made and, if I get a better score than the previous party, I need to store my name and the number of tries in a structure.
My problem is the following: When I restart the game, the string value, player_name, in the structure gets somehow deleted but player_score is still there.
First, I made a "call by value" function to create the structure and then a tried with a "call by reference" but getting the same results.
I think I tried everything I could with my actual knowledge for now; so, if someone could check my code and give me some tips about what's wrong I would much appreciate it!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
typedef struct
int player_score;
char *player_name;
} HS_Player;
int Random_Value(void);
int Get_User_Choice(void);
int Check_Result(int computer, int my_choice);
int Try_Again(int game_result, int computer);
void Player_Infos(HS_Player *player_p, int score);
int Game_Restart(void);
int main(void)
int end_game;
int high_score_value = 100;
HS_Player player;
while (end_game != TRUE)
int computer_number = Random_Value();
printf("Guess the number between 0 et 20 chosen by the computer.\n");
int your_number = Get_User_Choice();
int result_game = Check_Result(computer_number, your_number);
int tries_to_win = Try_Again(result_game, computer_number);
printf("Number of tries: %i\n", tries_to_win);
if (tries_to_win < high_score_value)
Player_Infos(&player, tries_to_win );
high_score_value = player.player_score;
printf("Highest score: %i By: %s\n", player.player_score, player.player_name);
end_game = Game_Restart();
//Random_Value FUNCTION
int Random_Value(void)
int x = rand();
int y = x % 20;
return y;
//Get_User_Choice FUNCTION
int Get_User_Choice(void)
int success, x;
char ch;
printf("Your Guess:\t");
success = scanf("%i", &x);
while (success != 1)
printf("Your input is not a number. Please try again:\t");
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF);
success = scanf("%i", &x);
if (x < 0 || x > 20)
printf("Your input must be between 0 and 20. Please try again.\n");
return x;
//Check_Result FUNCTION
int Check_Result(int computer, int my_choice)
int check_result;
if (my_choice < computer)
printf("Computer number is larger!\n");
check_result = FALSE;
else if (my_choice > computer)
printf("Computer number is smaller!\n");
check_result = FALSE;
else if (my_choice == computer)
printf("It's a Match! You chose the same number than the computer.\n");
check_result = TRUE;
return check_result;
//Try_Again FUNCTION
int Try_Again(int game_result, int computer)
int tries_befor_success = 1;
while (game_result != TRUE)
int your_number = Get_User_Choice();
game_result = Check_Result(computer, your_number);
return tries_befor_success;
//Player_Infos FUNCTION
void Player_Infos(HS_Player *player_p, int score)
char new_name[80];
printf("Congrats! Your made a new high score.\n");
printf("What's your name ?\t");
scanf("%s", new_name);
player_p->player_score = score;
player_p->player_name = new_name;
//Game_Restart FUNCTION
int Game_Restart(void)
int quit_value;
printf("Quit Game ?\n");
printf("Press 'y' to quit or any other keys to continue.\n");
char quit_game = getchar();
if (quit_game == 'y')
quit_value = TRUE;
quit_value = FALSE;
return quit_value;
The problem is that, in your Player_Infos function, you are assigning the address of a local array to the char* player_name pointer member of the passed structure. When that function ends, the local array it used will be deleted and the pointer in the structure will be invalid. (In the case of the player_score, you don't have that problem, because the given value is copied to the structure member.)
There are several ways around this; one would be to use the strdup() function to make a copy of the local char new_name[80]; array – but that is really overkill, and you would need to manage (i.e. free()) that allocated string whenever you make a modification.
A simpler way is to make the player_name member an actual array of char and then use strcpy() to copy the local array into that member.
Better, still, with the player_name member defined as char [80], you can read directly into that (in the function), and avoid the local array completely:
typedef struct
int player_score;
char player_name[80];
} HS_Player;
void Player_Infos(HS_Player *player_p, int score)
printf("Congrats! Your made a new high score.\n");
printf("What's your name ?\t");
// Read directly. Limit input to 79 chars (allowing room for null terminator).
scanf("%79s", player_p->player_name);
player_p->player_score = score;
Also, just as a "style" tip, you may want to change the member names to just score and name, as the "player" part is implied by the structure type-name itself.
This issue you are having is that you are associating the player name pointer to a variable that goes out of scope when you leave the "player_Infos" function. What you probably would want to do is define the name as a character array in your structure and then use the "strcpy" call in your function instead. Following is a couple of code snippets illustrating that point.
typedef struct
int player_score;
char player_name[80];
} HS_Player;
Then, in your function, use the "strcpy" call.
//Player_Infos FUNCTION
void Player_Infos(HS_Player *player_p, int score)
char new_name[80];
printf("Congrats! Your made a new high score.\n");
printf("What's your name ?\t");
scanf("%s", new_name);
player_p->player_score = score;
strcpy(player_p->player_name, new_name);
//player_p->player_name = new_name;
When I tested that out, I got a name to appear in the terminal output.
Computer number is smaller!
Your Guess: 4
It's a Match! You chose the same number than the computer.
Number of tries: 8
Highest score: 4 By: Craig
FYI, you will need to include the "string.h" file.
Give that a try.
Name Update
The reason your player.player_name is not getting updated is because you can't assign a string this way in C. When doing player_p->player_name = new_name; you're actually saving in player_p->player_name the memory address of new_name.
Instead, what you want to achieve, is to copy each character of new_name to player_p->player_name and in order to achieve this, you have to change the type of prlayer_name field from char* player_name to char player_name[80], then assign it using, for example, strcpy():
#include <string.h>
// [...]
typedef struct
unsigned int player_score;
char player_name[80];
} HS_Player;
// [...]
//Player_Infos FUNCTION
void Player_Infos(HS_Player *player_p, int score)
char new_name[80];
printf("Congrats! Your made a new high score.\n");
printf("What's your name ?\t");
scanf("%s", new_name);
player_p->player_score = score;
strcpy(player_p->player_name, new_name);
Data Persistence
To make data (players info) persistent over multiple runs, you have to save the content of the struct to a file.
int Save_Score(char* filename, HS_Player* player)
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "\nAn error occurred while opening the file\n");
return -1;
if (fprintf(file, "%d %s", player->player_score, player->player_name) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
int Load_Score(char* filename, HS_Player* player)
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "\nAn error occurred while opening the file\n");
return -1;
if (fscanf(file, "%d %79s", &player->player_score, player->player_name) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;

Using Struct in C to create a library for items and giving location feedback based upon user entry. I just cant seem to find my error

//make a location marker for key items
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct find {int index; char name[50]; char location[50]; };
int main() {
char locate_item[50];
//using struct to add items
struct find item1;
item1.index = 1;
strcpy(, "guitar");
strcpy(item1.location, "Usually near the table in the living room area.\n");
struct find item2;
item2.index = 2;
strcpy(, "ipad");
strcpy(item2.location, "Usually on the table or charging on the bed.\n");
//using while and if statements to get user feedback and display the appropriate location
while (locate_item != || locate_item != {
printf("what is the item you want to find? \n");
scanf("%s", locate_item);
printf("You entered %s\n", locate_item);
if (locate_item == {
printf("%s", item1.location);
} else if (locate_item == {
printf("%s", item2.location);
} else {
printf("Incorrect entry. Please try again.\n");
return 0;
locate_item != || locate_item != compares pointer, however, you want to use strcmp() to compare two strings by value. strcmp() returns 0 if the two strings are the same.
In either case, your program doesn't make a lot of sense. You probably want to find locate_item in the an array of items (renamed from find) along these lines:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct item {
int index;
char name[50];
char location[50];
int main() {
struct item items[] = {
{ 1, "guitar", "Usually near the table in the living room area." },
{ 2, "ipad", "Usually on the table or charging on the bed." },
{ 0 }
for(;;) {
printf("what is the item you want to find? \n");
char locate_item[50];
scanf("%s", locate_item);
//printf("You entered %s\n", locate_item);
for(int i = 0; items[i].name[0]; i++) {
if(!strcmp(items[i].name, locate_item)) {
printf("%s\n", items[i].location);
goto done;
printf("Incorrect entry. Please try again.\n");
return 0;

Initialization from incompatible pointer type warning

I am trying to make an array of pointer pointers to point in an stuct.
until now I have the following code done
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct ID{
char firstName[21];
char lastName[21];
char phoneNumber[11];
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int answere,i=0;
printf("******* WELCOME TO PHONEBOOK **********\n\n\n");
printf("* MENU *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* 1.Add New 2.Print list 3.Exit *\n\n");
ID* ptr=(int*)malloc(21*sizeof(ID));
printf("Please select (1, 2 or 3): ");
if(answere!=1 && answere!=2 && answere!=3)
printf("//...Error...\\ please give me a correct answere: ");
if(answere == 1)
else if(answere==2)
return 0;
so the ptr array gonna be each time a new user and I want it to max out at 3 users the code for adding a new user is the following
ID addNew(ID *ptr,int i){
char fname,lname,phone;
int l;
for (l=1;l<=3;l++)
ID user;
ptr[l] = user;
printf("enter the first name: ");
*ptr->firstName= fname;
printf("enter the last name: ");
*ptr->lastName = lname;
printf("enter the phone number: ");
*ptr->phoneNumber = phone;
printf("sorry but you have reach max capacity\n");
the problem is that when I am calling the first fuction after the assignment of values the programm crashes. What is wrong?
You function prototype ID addNew(ID *ptr,int i), so you must call it with addNew(ptr,i), not using &ptr because you've already declared ptr as ID*.
I hope it helps.
you scan a string into a single character. which probably results in memory overrung and thus the behavior of your program is UNDEFINED
scanf("%s",&fname); // here fname is only 1 char long, probably a mistake

When I run this program, after entering a name, I get a segmentation fault. How can I fix this to make it work properly?

This program allows you to create a restaurant menu, stores it in a file, and then rates each item on the menu. It uses file functions to output everything into a file that can then be viewed through almost any program. When the program gets to the line in nametofile() 'fprintf(restauraunt, "%s Restauraunt\n\n",name);' the program gives a segmentation fault. I do not know why it is doing this, I have attempted several different methods of debugging, but none have worked. If you have any suggestions, please comment them below.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
FILE *restauraunt;
char name[20];
char item[20];
char price[20];
int count=0;
void nametofile();
void rate();
void itemtofile();
void counter();
void renamefile();
int main()
int i,j;
int num;
printf("Restauraunt Creator\n\n");
printf("Enter the name of your restauraunt:\n");
printf("\nEnter the number of items to be included in your menu:\n");
scanf("%d", &num);
/* Cycles through each entry to the menu */
printf("\nPlease enter the name of item number %d:\n",count);
scanf("%s", &item);
printf("\nPlease enter the price of item number %d:\n",count);
scanf("%s", &price);
/*void nametofile()
restauraunt = fopen("restauraunt","w");
fprintf(restauraunt, "%s Restauraunt\n\n",name);
/* The function that sends the restaurant name to the file */
void nametofile()
int i;
i = strlen(name);
name[i+1] = '\0';
restauraunt = fopen("restauraunt","w");
/* the line that gives a segmentation fault */
fprintf(restauraunt, "%s Restauraunt\n\n",name);
/* rates each menu item */
void rate()
int rating;
restauraunt = fopen("restauraunt", "a");
rating = random() % 5 + 1;
fprintf(restauraunt,"Your food's rating was:\t%d stars!",rating);
case 1:
fprintf(restauraunt," Here's why: Your food was not very good tasting and the price was ridiculously high.\n");
case 2:
fprintf(restauraunt," Here's why: Your food was mildly good tasting and the price was too high.\n");
case 3:
fprintf(restauraunt," Here's why: Your food was somewhat good tasting and the price was fair.\n");
case 4:
fprintf(restauraunt," Here's why: Your food was quite good tasting and the price was very nice.\n");
case 5:
fprintf(restauraunt," Here's why: Your food was very delicious and the price was amazingly low.\n");
/* sends each item to the file */
void itemtofile()
restauraunt = fopen("restauraunt","a");
fprintf(restauraunt, "%s: $%s\nRating:",item,price);
/* counts up one each time function is called */
void counter()
count += 1;
/* renames the file at the end */
void renamefile()
int x,y;
char bridge[] = { "menu" };
name[0] = tolower(name[0]);
x = strcat(name,bridge);
y = rename("restauraunt",name);
name is a char array. When you pass it to scanf or other functions, it decays to a pointer, so you do not need the & operator:
scanf("%19s", name);
When you read strings with scanf, it is a good idea to pass the size limit: this lets you avoid buffer overruns. Since name is declared as char[20], you pass 19, because one more char needs to be reserved for the null terminator.

How to approach and optimize code in C

I am new to C and very much interested in knowing how to approach any problem which has more than 3 or 4 functions, I always look at the output required and manipulate my code calling functions inside other functions and getting the required output.
Below is my logic for finding a students record through his Id first & then Username.
This code according to my professor has an excessive logic and is lacking in many ways, if someone could assist me in how should I approach any problem in C or in any other language it would be of great help for me as a beginner and yes I do write pseudo code first.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct{
int id; //Assuming student id to be unique
int age;
char *userName; //Assuming student userName to be unique
char *dept;
}student; // Alias "student" created for struct
student* createstruct(); // All function prototype declared
student* createArray();
void addstruct(student* s2);
void searchChar(student* s2,int num);
void searchInt(student* s2,int num);
student* createstruct() // function createStruct() to malloc data of struct student.
student *s;
s = (student*)malloc(sizeof(student));
s->userName = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*32);
s->dept = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*32);
printf("please enter id ");
printf("please enter age ");
printf("please enter userName ");
printf("please enter department ");
return s;
student* createArray()
student *arr; //declaration of arr poiter, type struct student
arr = (student*)malloc(sizeof(student)*10); // memory allocated for a size of 10
return arr;
void addstruct(student *s2) // function for adding data to the structures in array
int i,num;
student* s1;
printf("please enter the number of records to add:");
if(num>0 && num<11)
for(i=0;i<num;i++) // if user want to enter 5 records loop will only run 5 times
s1 = createstruct();
s2[i].id = s1->id; // traversing each element of array and filling in struct data
s2[i].age = s1->age;
s2[i].userName = s1->userName;
s2[i].dept= s1->dept;
else if(num>10) // if user enters more than 10
for(i=0;i<10;i++) // loop will still run only 10 times
s1 = createstruct();
s2[i].id = s1->id;
s2[i].age = s1->age;
s2[i].userName = s1->userName;
s2[i].dept = s1->dept;
printf("Array is full"); // Array is full after taking 10 records
searchInt(s2,num); // Calling searchInt() function to search for an integer in records
searchChar(s2,num); // Calling searchChar() function to search for a string in records
void searchChar(student* s2,int num) // function for searching a string in records of structure
char *c;
int i;
c = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*32);
printf("please enter userName to search ");
for (i=0;i<num;i++) //num is the number of struct records entered by user
if ((strcmp(s2[i].userName,c)==0)) //using strcmp for comparing strings
printf("struct variables are %d, %d, %s, %s\n", s2[i].id,s2[i].age,s2[i].userName,s2[i].dept);
else if(i == num-1)
printf("nothing in userName matches: <%s>\n",c);
void searchInt(student* s2,int num) //searchs for an integer and prints the entire structure
int i,z;
printf("please enter id to search ");
for (i=0;i<num;i++)
if (s2[i].id == z)
printf("struct variables are %d, %d, %s, %s\n\n", s2[i].id,s2[i].age,s2[i].userName,s2[i].dept);
else if(i == num-1)
printf("nothing in id matches: <%d>\n\n",z);
int main(void)
student *s2;
s2 = createArray();
return 0;
I'm not going to go into optimizing, because if you wanted better theoretical performance you would probably go with different data structures, such as ordered arrays/lists, trees, hash tables or some kind of indexing... None of that is relevant in this case, because you have a simple program dealing with a small amount of data.
But I am going to tell you about the "excessive logic" your professor mentioned, taking your searchInt function as an example:
for (i=0;i<num;i++)
if (s2[i].id == z)
printf("struct variables are %d, %d, %s, %s\n\n", s2[i].id,s2[i].age,s2[i].userName,s2[i].dept);
else if(i == num-1)
printf("nothing in id matches: <%d>\n\n",z);
The thing here is that every time around the loop you're testing to see if you're at the last element in the loop. But the loop already does that. So you're doing it twice, and to make it worse, you're doing a subtraction (which may or may not be optimized into a register by the compiler).
What you would normally do is something like this:
int i;
student *s = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
if( s2[i].id == z ) {
s = &s2[i];
if( s != NULL ) {
printf( "struct variables are %d, %d, %s, %s\n\n",
s->id, s->age, s->userName, s->dept );
} else {
printf("nothing in id matches: <%d>\n\n",z);
See that you only need to have some way of knowing that the loop found something. You wait for the loop to finish before you test whether it found something.
In this case I used a pointer to indicate success, because I could then use the pointer to access the relevant record without having to index back into the array and clutter the code. You won't always use pointers.
Sometimes you set a flag, sometimes you store the array index, sometimes you just return from the function (and if the loop falls through you know it didn't find anything).
Programming is about making sensible choices for the problem you are solving. Only optimize when you need to, don't over-complicate a problem, and always try to write code that is easy to read/understand.
