How to NOT delete existing translations with "react-intl-translations-manager"? - reactjs

I use React-Intl in my app and it works great, but to be easier to manage new keys to translate I started using "react-intl-translations-manager".
My problem is that some of my translations are used through a notification system and the babel extractor don't recognize them because it's outside of his scan scope.
So when I run "react-intl-translations-manager" it deletes all the keys relatives to notifications and other non-scanned translations.
Here is my question: is there any method to "say" to "react-intl-translations-manager" that it's forbidden to delete those keys ?
I tried multiple solutions including whitelists and other but nothing is working.
Here is my translationRunner.js (the configuration file)
const manageTranslations = require('react-intl-translations-manager').default;
messagesDirectory: 'src/messages/',
translationsDirectory: 'src/locales/',
languages: ['en_GB', 'fr_FR']

There are two ways to do this. One is to use hooks and another way is to override the module where deletion of the actual code happens.
To do the same we can override the getLanguageReport module from react-intl-translations-manager/dist/getLanguageReport
getLanguageReport = require('react-intl-translations-manager/dist/getLanguageReport');
getLanguageReport.original = getLanguageReport.default
getLanguageReport.default = function(defaultMessages, languageMessages, languageWhitelist) {
data = getLanguageReport.original(defaultMessages, languageMessages, languageWhitelist)
// this whitelist ids can be read through a config file as well
whitelisted_id = ['helloworld2', 'helloworld']
deleted = data.deleted;
re_add = []
for (var i=0; i < deleted.length; ) {
if (whitelisted_id.indexOf(deleted[i].key)>=0) {
// we are removing a record so lets not increment i
removed_element = deleted.splice(i,1)[0];
data.fileOutput[removed_element.key] = removed_element.message;
} else {
return data;
const manageTranslations = require('react-intl-translations-manager').default;
messagesDirectory: 'build/messages/src/extracted/',
translationsDirectory: 'src/translations/locales/',
languages: ['de'] // Any translation --- don't include the default language
This method works fine and will keep the helloworld2 message even if it is not there in new code.
Hooks approach
In this we use the hook reportLanguage and override it to change the data
const manageTranslations = require('react-intl-translations-manager').default;
const writeFileSync = require('fs').writeFileSync
const stringify = require('react-intl-translations-manager/dist/stringify').default;
stringifyOpts = {
sortKeys: true,
space: 2,
trailingNewline: false,
messagesDirectory: 'build/messages/src/extracted/',
translationsDirectory: 'src/translations/locales/',
languages: ['de'], // Any translation --- don't include the default language
overrideCoreMethods: {
reportLanguage: function(langResults) {
data =;
// this whitelist ids can be read through a config file as well
whitelisted_id = ['helloworld2', 'helloworld']
deleted = data.deleted;
re_add = []
for (var i=0; i < deleted.length; ) {
if (whitelisted_id.indexOf(deleted[i].key)>=0) {
// we are removing a record so lets not increment i
removed_element = deleted.splice(i,1)[0];
data.fileOutput[removed_element.key] = removed_element.message;
} else {
// original definition of reportLanguage from manageTranslations.js
// unfortunately the original core method is not exposed for us to re-use
// so we need to copy the code again
if (
! &&
) {
// printers.printLanguageReport(langResults);
stringify(, stringifyOpts)
stringify(, stringifyOpts)
} else {
if ( {
stringify(, stringifyOpts)
if ( {
stringify([], stringifyOpts)


Firestore add data over an object within a document's data REACT.JS

I want to add some data on the bookChapters object, like a random id and inside of it the name of the chapters, I tried this but it doesn't work, after I add the previous data I also want to add a new object "takeAways", like the previous one, inside the random id object.
export const createNewChapter = (bookId, inputText) => {
return async dispatch => {
try {
.onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
//There I want to add the chapters to the firestore database
} catch (error) {
I wanna know how to do add from scratch the bookChapters object
The database screenshot shows that the bookChapters object is a map. So to add (populate) this object you need to generate a simple JavaScript object with some properties as “key: value” pairs.
Something along these lines, making the assumption the chapter titles are in an Array:
function arrayToObject(arr) {
var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
obj[i] = arr[i];
return obj;
const chapterList = ['Intro', 'Chapter 1', 'Chapter2', 'Conclusion'];
const bookChaptersObj = arrayToObject(chapterList);
Or, if the document does not already exist:
firebase.firestore().doc(`Users/${bookId}`).set(bookChaptersObj, {merge: true});

vscode findFiles returns nothing but npm glob returns correct results

I'm writing and vscode extension in which I need a list of the test files inside workspace.
To find the test files I'm using the default testMatch from the jest.config.js which is:
My problem is that vscode.workspace.findFiles returns empty array and I cannot set it up to get correct results, but using Glob package the output is correct.
protected async findTestFiles(
matchTestsGlobPatterns: string[]
): Promise<vscode.Uri[]> {
const testFilesUris: vscode.Uri[] = [];
const glob_testFilesUris: vscode.Uri[] = [];
const { name: workspaceName, workspaceFolders } = vscode.workspace;
if (workspaceName === undefined || workspaceFolders === undefined) {
throw new Error(`No active workspace${!workspaceFolders ? ' folders' : ''}.`);
for (let folderIdx = 0; folderIdx < workspaceFolders.length; folderIdx++) {
const folder = workspaceFolders[folderIdx];
// - by vscode.workspace.findFiles
for (let patternIdx = 0; patternIdx < matchTestsGlobPatterns.length; patternIdx++) {
const currentPattern = matchTestsGlobPatterns[patternIdx];
const pattern = new vscode.RelativePattern(
const files = await vscode.workspace.findFiles(
console.log('by [vscode.workspace.findFiles]', testFilesUris.length);
// - by npm Glob
var glob = require('glob');
for (let patternIdx = 0; patternIdx < matchTestsGlobPatterns.length; patternIdx++) {
const currentPattern = matchTestsGlobPatterns[patternIdx];
const files: any[] = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
absolute: true,
cwd: folder.uri.fsPath,
ignore: ['**/node_modules/**']
function (err: Error, files: any[]) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
console.log('by [npm Glob]', glob_testFilesUris.length);
// #todo: remove duplicates.
return testFilesUris;
The example console output of this function for some project is:
by [vscode.workspace.findFiles] 0
by [npm Glob] 45
Project structure:
So my question is how do I call vscode.workspace.findFiles to get correct results, or is there known problem with this function?
I have found some kind of answer to the question.
The problem is ?(x) in patterns. The vscode.workspace.findFiles does not work with this pattern as other packages do. If remove it from mentioned glob patterns they work except the .jsx | .tsx files are ommited.
After deep dive into vscode github's issues I have learned (here) that vscode.workspace.findFiles does not support extended patterns like ?(patterLike)

How to save Mobx state in sessionStorage

Trying to essentially accomplish this which is for Redux but do it for Mobx. And preferably would like to use sessionStorage. Is there an easy way to accomplish this with minimal boilerplate?
The easiest way to approach this would be to have a mobx "autorun" triggered whenever any observable property changes. To do that, you could follow my answer to this question.
I'll put some sample code here that should help you get started:
function autoSave(store, save) {
let firstRun = true;
mobx.autorun(() => {
// This code will run every time any observable property
// on the store is updated.
const json = JSON.stringify(mobx.toJS(store));
if (!firstRun) {
firstRun = false;
class MyStore {
#mobx.observable prop1 = 999;
#mobx.observable prop2 = [100, 200];
constructor() {
load() {
if (/* there is data in sessionStorage */) {
const data = /* somehow get the data from sessionStorage or anywhere else */;
mobx.extendObservable(this, data);
save(json) {
// Now you can do whatever you want with `json`.
// e.g. save it to session storage.
Turns out you can do this in just a few lines of code:
const store = observable({
players: [
"Player 1",
"Player 2",
// ...
reaction(() => JSON.stringify(store), json => {
}, {
delay: 500,
let json = localStorage.getItem('store');
if(json) {
Object.assign(store, JSON.parse(json));
Boom. No state lost when I refresh the page. Saves every 500ms if there was a change.
Posting the example from here:
This shows a cleaner method of detecting value changes, though not necessarily local storage.
import {observable, autorun} from 'mobx';
import uuid from 'node-uuid';
export class TodoStore {
#observable todos = [];
#observable isLoading = true;
constructor(transportLayer, authorStore) {
this.authorStore = authorStore; // Store that can resolve authors for us
this.transportLayer = transportLayer; // Thing that can make server requests for us
this.transportLayer.onReceiveTodoUpdate(updatedTodo => this.updateTodoFromServer(updatedTodo));
* Fetches all todo's from the server
loadTodos() {
this.isLoading = true;
this.transportLayer.fetchTodos().then(fetchedTodos => {
fetchedTodos.forEach(json => this.updateTodoFromServer(json));
this.isLoading = false;
* Update a todo with information from the server. Guarantees a todo
* only exists once. Might either construct a new todo, update an existing one,
* or remove an todo if it has been deleted on the server.
updateTodoFromServer(json) {
var todo = this.todos.find(todo => ===;
if (!todo) {
todo = new Todo(this,;
if (json.isDeleted) {
} else {
* Creates a fresh todo on the client and server
createTodo() {
var todo = new Todo(this);
return todo;
* A todo was somehow deleted, clean it from the client memory
removeTodo(todo) {
this.todos.splice(this.todos.indexOf(todo), 1);
export class Todo {
* unique id of this todo, immutable.
id = null;
#observable completed = false;
#observable task = "";
* reference to an Author object (from the authorStore)
#observable author = null;
store = null;
* Indicates whether changes in this object
* should be submitted to the server
autoSave = true;
* Disposer for the side effect that automatically
* stores this Todo, see #dispose.
saveHandler = null;
constructor(store, id=uuid.v4()) { = store; = id;
this.saveHandler = reaction(
// observe everything that is used in the JSON:
() => this.asJson,
// if autoSave is on, send json to server
(json) => {
if (this.autoSave) {;
* Remove this todo from the client and server
delete() {;;
#computed get asJson() {
return {
completed: this.completed,
task: this.task,
authorId: ? : null
* Update this todo with information from the server
updateFromJson(json) {
// make sure our changes aren't send back to the server
this.autoSave = false;
this.completed = json.completed;
this.task = json.task; =;
this.autoSave = true;
dispose() {
// clean up the observer
Here, you can use my code, although it only supports localStorage you should be able to modify it quite easily.

Breeze 1-m-1 in HotTowel Angular with local storage

I've had a requirement recently to implement a UI for managing a many-many relationship. Ward Bell kindly provided this plunker showing how to implement using 1-m-1 with Angular and Breeze.
My app's design is based largely (especially the datacontext and the local storage) is based largely on John Papa's recent Pluralsight courses.
In my app, BusUnit = Hero and Dimension = Power (in reference to Ward's example.
Everything seems to be working well when I force the app to fetch data from the server, in that my updates to a business unit's dimensions reflect correctly. The problem I'm facing now is when I navigate away from the page and back again (which gets data from local storage). In this case:
if I previously added a new dimension to a business unit, everything is ok, but
if i previously marked a business unit's dimension for deletion and the save, the dimension still appears for the business unit in question.
this is the controller code that initially gets business units and their dimensions:
function getdboardStructure() {
var busUnitsPromise = datacontextSvc.busUnits.getByDboardConfigId(;
var dimensionsPromise = datacontextSvc.dimensions.getByDboardConfigId(;
$q.all([busUnitsPromise, dimensionsPromise])
.then(function (values) {
vm.busUnits = values[0];
vm.dims = values[1];
//vm.currentBusUnitVm = vm.busUnitVms[0]; // not required as using accordion instead of drop-down
vm.hasChanges = false;
this is the code in my controller that prepares for the save:
function applyBusUnitDimensionSelections(busUnitVm) {
var busUnit = busUnitVm.busUnit;
var mapVms = busUnitVm.dimensionMapVms;
var dimensionHash = createBusUnitDimensionHash(busUnit);
mapVms.forEach(function (mapVm) {
var map = dimensionHash[];
if (mapVm.selected) {
if (!map) {
datacontextSvc.busUnits.addBusUnitDimension(busUnit, mapVm.dimension)
.then(function () {
} else {
if (map) {
this is the code in my controller that executes the save:
function save() {
if (!canSave()) {
return $q.when(null);
vm.isSaving = true;
return (saveResult) {
vm.isSaving = false;
trapSavedDboardConfigId(saveResult); // not relevant to use case
}, function (error) {
vm.isSaving = false;
this is the code in my repository that add a new busUnitDimension entity:
function addBusUnitDimension(busUnit, dimension) {
var newBusUnitDimension = this.em.createEntity(busUnitDimension);
newBusUnitDimension.busUnitId =;
newBusUnitDimension.dimensionId =;
return this.$q.when(newBusUnitDimension);
this is my datacontext code for marking an item deleted:
function markDeleted(entity) {
return entity.entityAspect.setDeleted();
and finally this is the repository code to get business units and their join table entities:
function getByDboardConfigId(dboardConfigId, forceRefresh) {
var self = this;
var predicate = pred.create('dboardConfigId', '==', dboardConfigId);
var busUnits;
if (self.zStorage.areItemsLoaded('busUnits') && !forceRefresh) {
busUnits = self._getAllLocal(entityName, orderBy, predicate);
return self.$q.when(busUnits);
return eq.from('BusUnits')
.to$q(succeeded, self._failed);
function succeeded(data) {
busUnits = data.results;
self.zStorage.areItemsLoaded('busUnits', true);;
//self.logSuccess('Retrieved ' + busUnits.length + ' business units from server', busUnits.length, true);
return busUnits;
My departure from John's course examples is that I'm using expand in the function I use to get Business Units from the server, and my hypothesis is that this has something to do with the fact that breeze is going to the server everytime I refresh the page (without clearing cache) instead, and that this also has something to do with the error i'm receiving if I navigate away and then back to the page.
Can anyone offer and suggestions?
Appreciate this was a long time ago and you have probably solved it or moved on but I came up against the same problem recently that took me ages to resolve.
The answer I found is that you have to edit JP's angular.breeze.storagewip.js file.
I contains the names of the entities hard-coded into the file and you will need to change these to match your own entities.
There are two functions where you need to do this, examples below show the changes with the four entities I am using:
function zStorageCore($rootScope, zStorageConfig) {
var storeConfig = zStorageConfig.config;
var storeMeta = {
breezeVersion: breeze.version,
appVersion: storeConfig.version,
isLoaded: {
elementAssets : false,
surveyors : false,
elements : false,
assets : false
function checkStoreImportVersionAndParseData(importedData) {
if (!importedData) {
return importedData;
try {
var data = JSON.parse(importedData);
var importMeta = data[0];
if (importMeta.breezeVersion === storeMeta.breezeVersion &&
importMeta.appVersion === storeMeta.appVersion) {
if (importMeta.isLoaded) {
storeMeta.isLoaded.assets = storeMeta.isLoaded.assets || importMeta.isLoaded.assets;
storeMeta.isLoaded.elements = storeMeta.isLoaded.elements || importMeta.isLoaded.elements;
storeMeta.isLoaded.surveyors = storeMeta.isLoaded.surveyors || importMeta.isLoaded.surveyors;
storeMeta.isLoaded.elementAssets = storeMeta.isLoaded.elementAssets || importMeta.isLoaded.elementAssets;
return data[1];
} else {
'Did not load from storage because mismatched versions',
{ current: storeMeta, storage: importMeta });
} catch (ex) {
_broadcast(, 'Exception during load from storage: ' + ex.message, ex);
return null; // failed
I solved this by comparing JP's Style Guide course files with his SPA/Angular/Breeze course.

Firebase - How to update many children and not delete others in AngularFire

I want to use update() on firebase ref to update many children in one operation.
To do this I passed the object with values to change.
Here is the output of console.log(angular.toJson(change,1))
"10": {
"otherRubies": 30
"11": {
"otherRubies": 30
At the beginning i have:
Then i do:
var refUsers = new Firebase(FBURL).child('users/');
So i want to have:
but instead of that i get:
Is there any way to do that ?
Update is not a recursive operation. So it's calling set on the child paths. If you call update at users/, you're saying don't delete any keys under user/ which are not in my data, when you want to say, don't delete any keys in the child records of user/.
Instead, iterate the records and call update on each:
var refUsers = new Firebase(FBURL).child('users/');
for(key in change) {
if( change.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
refUsers.child(key).update( change[key] );
With Firebase 3 you can do the update by writing :
update = {};
update['10/otherRubies'] = 30;
update['11/otherRubies'] = 30;
This way of updating the data is not in the documentation but it worked for me.
This is a sample of recursive update:
function updateRecursively(path, value) {
for (let key in value) {
if (value[key] instanceof Object) {
updateRecursively(`${path}/${key}`, value[key]);
} else {
updateRecursively('users', {
"10": {
"otherRubies": 30
"11": {
"otherRubies": 30
