Cannot access my ssrs server using my dns name on Azure VM - sql-server

I have SSRS running on my Azure VM, I want to access my SSRS Server Portal through my DNS name with an https. I already deploy add configure my https using a certificate that I already generate using let's encrypt and a different port. FYI this certificate is used by my Website too. But when I try to access my SSRS using an https and my DNS name, but it won't connect, its return site can't be reached. I already add inbound rules to my port too. But when I try to connect from my Ip and Http It will connect. What did I miss?

I found the answer, I need to add my Inbound port in my azure Network Security Group


Unable to connect to Azure Database from a web app deployed on Azure App Services account

I deployed a web app on Azure App Services. When web app tries to connect to the Azure SQL Database connection failed.
I downloaded the event log from Kudu, I found the following error message:
Cannot open server 'servername' requested by the login. Client with IP
address '**************' is not allowed to access the server. To
enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run
sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule
for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes
for this change to take effect..
On Azure portal I found how to set server firewall by adding a range of client IP addresses (with lower bound and upper bound) according your client IP address. For instance, if client IP address is the range of IP addresses is: low bound ( and upper bound (
I set the server firewall for the IP address assigned to my Azure App Services account and also for my local machine to connect to Azure SQL Database from SQL Server Management Studio. After setting firewall, I can connect to Azure SQL Database with SQL Server Management Studio. Unfortunately unable to connect from web app. When I download event log from Kudu I find the same message error.
Someone could help to solve that issue.
Go to your SQL Server in Azure Portal.
Go to "Firewall and Virtual Network".
Turn on "Allow Azure Service and resources to access this server".
Allowing Azure Service and resources to access this server may not be the correct approach. This may be a security issue in many cases. We have to create managed identity and assign to webapp or sql server where required.

Azure Function App not able to access Azure SQL server- saying Client IP need to be added in SQL Server

Getting below exception when my Azure Function App tries to connect with Azure SQL Server.
Cannot open server 'my-sql-sever' requested by the login. Client with IP address '' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.
Getting below exception when my Azure Function App tries to connect with Azure SQL Server.
Cannot open server 'my-sql-sever' requested by the login. Client with IP address '' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.
I was in impression that by default all Azure IPs of SQL database are whitelisted to Azure Fuction.
Please suggest.
You can either configure your SQL to allow connections from inside Azure or you have to create a firewall rule for the Azure Function IP address (see Create and manage IP firewall rules)
We need to white list the our function app hosted IP address. This can be fund the configuration settings. This is typically a range.

Azure AWS Db Connection

I’m having a very specific issue with Azure and I couldn’t find any solution on the web.
So, we are little by little migrating our client’s infrastructure to Azure and we are starting with our Workers (webjobs).
These webjobs need to consume data present on a AWS SQL Server instance.
We already have checked that the App Service Plan’s Outbound IPs are whitelisted and that the SQL server is listening on TCP port 1433.
An evidence of that is the fact that we are able to communicate with the SQL Server instance through the Azure Debug Console:
But when we run the WebApp, the worker cannot find and connect to the same DB:
Does anyone have a clue of how I can solve this issue? It would be very appreciated!
Well, as you demonstrated by the first image, the SQL Server instance is configured correctly.
The worker Outbound IP address is definetely the same as the App Service Plan's machine.
Based on that, can you then please check if the Connection string you are setting have 'tcp:' before the IP Address?
Sometimes you need to force it, otherwise IIS can choose other ways to connect to your SQL server (like UDP for instance).

How to connect database which is on aws VM from azure website

I want to connect to the database which is on Amazon AWS VM from azure website.
It is giving error "not accessible"
Any configuration I have to made in AWS VM
You need to setup a security group and open up inbound and outbound ports in AWS.
Only after your sql server port is opened you can connect to your sserver from Azure.
If you are using MySql which uses 3306 port by default (you need to change this for security reasons), you need to open up 3306 to recieve and throw bytes.
Have you checked your network firewall settings in both azure and aws? I suspect that's your issue. Create exceptions for the proper IP addresses.

How to use gmail account for ssrs email subscription

I have a report using SSRS 2008 R2, I want to subscribe to this report using the "email" option. I have configured the settings in the reporting services manager to use server as "" and sender address as my gmail ID.
I also tried using the SMTP virtual server and relay it using smart host as "". But I get the following error while sending email :
Failure sending mail: The transport failed to connect to the server.
I am using IIS 7 and Windows Server 2008. Following is the snippet of my rsreportserver.config file:
Any help will be highly appreciated.
I was having a problems getting SSRS 2017 to connect. I tried a dozen different suggestions and ended up with the following. I didn't need to setup the SMTP relay or SMTP service on the windows server.
Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager. Go to E-mail Settings >>>
Sender Address: [user] (or your G-Suite domain)
Current Delivery Method: Use SMTP server
SMTP Server:
Authentication= "Username and password (basic)"
Username: [user] (or your G-Suite domain)
Confirm Password
Use Secure Connection: Checked
Now go to the rsreportserver.config file. Mine was located at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config
Find the <SMTPServerPort> and set to 587
Save rsreportserver.config
You'll also need to enable "Less secure app access" in the Security section of your Google Account settings otherwise will throw authentication errors.
Having struggled with this for the past few hours I thought it might be valuable to share another method for anyone else still unable to configure an SSRS instance to send subscription emails via gmail using their smtp relay service.
For this example, my company uses Gmail Servers to host our own domain and I assume that you have access to the Admin Console on Google Apps.
Step 1 - Configure Gmail
Log into Google Apps with an Administrator Account
Go into the admin console
Select Apps > Gmail > Advanced Settings
Find SMTP Relay Service
Add New
Allowed Senders - Set to "Only Addresses In My Domains"
Authentication - Set to "Only Accept Mail From Specified IP"
Add the Public IP Range of the Server SSRS is running on
Leave TLS Encryption Unchecked
Leave SMTP Authentication Unchecked
You should then have settings that look like this:
Allowed senders: Only addresses in my domains
Only accept mail from the specified IP addresses: Yes
Allowed IP addresses: (Your Description)
Require SMTP Authentication: No
Require TLS encryption: No
Step 2 - Configure SSRS
Go to SSRS Configuration Manager > Email Settings
Enter Sender address as
Use SMTP Server
SMTP Server = ""
Following these steps will allow you to send emails using SSRS subscriptions without needing to set up your own relay server. Hope this helps some other poor sole from spending hours trying to figure it out!
From what I have read, it sounds like you might have to setup a local SMTP relay server that you send the email through, b/c SSRS requires that "The Report Server service must have Send As permissions on the SMTP server" and does not appear to give any options for entering a password. I am assuming the SSRS subscription email setup only works using Windows authentication since it uses the SSRS Service, but the configuration documentation is vague. ( )
Here is a link that shows how to setup the SMTP relay server
Here are the steps you'll need to do differently.
Item 19, choose Basic Authentication, enter your gmail account info, and make sure TLS encryption is checked.
Item 21, enter your server name as the Fully-qualiified domain name. Enter "" as the "Smart host".
Then specify the SMTP server you just created above in your SSRS SMTP configuration.
You probably also need to enable POP3 on your gmail account if you have not already.
