we have small problem with KIWI TCMS. A some test case editing icon has appeared on the main menu that never disappears and is still there.
When I open a Test Case, the right icon will appear at the far right.
Have any of you encountered a similar problem?
This is reported in GitHub already https://github.com/kiwitcms/Kiwi/issues/991
This issue only happens when I am working on anything react related. I am currently learning react native and practicing react at the same time but when I open other projects that have nothing to do with react, the issue never comes up. The other similar questions I have checked on the visual studio code git hub and here on stack overflow mostly have no answers and the only one with an answer said I must reinstall visual studio code of which I have but the same issue persists. So now I am out of ideas about what to do because it happens every like 20 or 30 minutes and it is tiring so how can I fix this?
Go to your Settings option in VSCode and type restoreWindows and set the option in setting to 'none'.
My DNN site is running 7.4.2 and I'm running the latest 2sxc, 08.05.06. I have this strange issue where when I try to edit any content items, instead of displaying the edit dialog, it's now just displaying a bunch of javascript.
As far as I know nothing has been deliberately changed on the site and I'm not seeing any errors in the browser console related to the module. No errors are showing in the Event Log either. I've tried reinstalling the latest release overtop to try to repair anything that may have been corrupt or missing but that didn't solve the issue. Any ideas what might be happening here?
The JavaScript inside the ui.html seems to show, instead of run. I believe that this file is somehow damaged, that the script tag isn't open/closing correctly.
-- correction --
To anybody reading this - it turned out that the web-server of this user was reconfigured, causing HTML files to be handled as plain-text. So this was a user bug.
I'm using textAngular as a WYSIWYG text editor in an angular app. It is a fantastic library that is essentially plug and play. It works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox.
The problem is when I attempt to paste some text into the textAngular window in IE it simply doesn't work. It doesn't raise any console events, throw any exceptions or anything. On the network, it calls 4 URLs, which are then all aborted. They are:
This network activity does not happen in Chrome and Firefox. So, I think that is where the problem is. But for the life of me I can't figure out what is going on. It doesn't look like this problem has been reported to the textAngular team or has been asked on stack overflow.
Does anyone have an I idea of how I can remedy the situation?
Here is a plunk replicating the situation. It is the demo from the github repo, almost verbatim (the link to the textAngular links were dead, and I got ride of the initial text). I'm pretty sure that it is just a problem within the 1.2.2 library and I'm going to report a bug. The version on the main page is 1.2.0. Thanks for you help!
I tested your solution on IE 8,9,10 & 11 without any issues. I did however notice it the page was not formatting correctly no IE. It could be an issue with escape characters.
If you could provide some more details about your system, for example: IE version, the code you tried to paste etc. I think I may be able to sort this one out.
Since a week back I'm seeing a very annoying behavior from VS2010:
As I'm debugging a project and the debugger stops on a breakpoint Windows freezes for almost ten seconds. I say "Windows freezes" because the mouse and keyboard are useless during this time period.
The problem only happens as I debug a specific project and I've tried it on two diffrent machines with the same result. The project is WPF and I do hook the keyboard at one point (not the mouse though) but that code hasn't been touched for months while the problem is just a week old.
I did install Telerik's big suite of everything (trial) just before this started to show so my first suspicion was Telerik's VS integration was the culprit. I uninstalled all Telerik VS integrations (the "JustXXX" products) but the problem remain.
I would be very greatful to anyone being abe to give a hint as to what might be going on here.
I have now tried building a new solution, moving all projects into it but the problem remains.
I then uninstalled everything Telerik, just to make sure, but this also was to no effect.
The next test was to load the exact same solution on a different machine and that did help. That machine has no 3rd party integrations with VS2010 except for reSHarper 6.1.
I have also analyzed the issue bit more and the typical scenario is that the first few times a breakpoint is hit the UI freezes for apeoximately ten seconds. Mouse/keyboard stops responding but the cursor keeps blinking in the code editor. The next few breakpoints does the same and often stepping from one line to another will cause a very long delay (no UI freeze though).
Also, if the first breakpoint is set very early in my application startup code I might not experience the problem. But as I continue to step through the code the debugger becomes more sluggish as the application initializes itself (in separate threads).
As I've said before this happens for a single application so the code is clearly related somehow.
Does anyone have good knowledge of how the debugger operates? Apart from the obvious steps needed whenever a breakpoint is set or the user steps from one line to another (refresh stack trace and watch windows) what is going on in the background that might freeze up everything and how is it possible?
My last hope is a complete reinstall of VS2010 but I hope I can solve this before that option is required.
I have finally found the cause for this weird behavior. As I mentioned in the original post I do hook the keyboard (AND mouse, I had forgotten I did that) during the application's initialization in order to be able to detect user inactivity.
The monitoring takes place in a background thread that simply waits for an AutoResetEvent to discover user activity or inactivity. For some odd reason the AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(...) somehow affects the debugger. My current fix is to just avoid the wait if the debugger is attached.
I still cannot explain why this happens now. It has been working for a year but the cause for the problem is finally found and dealt with.
I have submitted my question to Microsoft, hoping to get a good explanation. If I do I will post it here.
If you really have the problem with one Project / Solution you could try to create a new empty solution and add the project there, maybe this helps.
I don't really know much about the inner workings of Visual Studio (after all it must be one of the most complex pieces of software out there). But what I've learned is, that a reinstall often is the best and fastest solution (even if it takes an hour or two). Just make sure you backup any settings you don't want to lose.
I found this one here, maybe you've already found it too: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/260864/visual-studio-debugger-occasionally-locks-up-the-entire-windows-gui
You could give it a try and disable the language bar.
I'm having issues with Silverlight 4 Out-Of-Browser, as specified in the title.
What I did:
Update project settings to enable Out-Of-Browser. This enabled OOB, but when I ran the app in this way it just displayed a white screen.
What I have done to try to fix this:
All references to the System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage (to avoid DOM interaction) have been removed as per various sources including this SO question and this blog post.
Remove any references to SizeChangedEventHandler as per this SO question.
Clean projects/solution, including ideas such as deleting *.suo files as per this blog post
Uninstalling the installed OOB app, reinstalling
As commented on by "kobruleht" here, attempting to attach the debugger does not appear to work. Visual Studio (2010, SP1) reports that it is attached without help from me, but breakpoints are not being hit.
And so:
Can anyone advise on other courses of action? At the very least I'd like to be able to step through and hit breakpoints (or even break on Exceptions!)
OK, I have a resolution.
In AppManifest.xml I specified assemblies to be loaded, one of these was not loading correctly, which meant that App.xaml.cs->App()was never reached. The problem is difficult to diagnose because the program runs, with no errors or exceptions, but then displays a white screen - quite misleading.
For anyone experiencing the same problem, the simplest debugging steps to take in this case is to run the app in in-browser mode, copy the results from the Output window, then compare the results from the Output window when you try to run in OOB mode. Any discrepancies will give a good hint to the problem.
I should also mention, that I have not had trouble with SizeChangedEventHandler as mentioned above.