How to avoid React Hook UseState to share the states? - reactjs

I may have a bad title for this question, but here's my situation.
I use a chunk of json to render a list. The list item can be expanded and showed the sub list if it has children property. The json structure includes two arrays and each array contains more sub-arrays. I use tabs to switch arrays.
I use useState to manage the value isExpanded of each individual sub-array component. but it seems like the state isExpaned is shared for all tabs.
The state isExpanded remains same even if I switch to another tab. In other words, why the sub-list keep expanded when I switch to another tab?
In addition, why the expanded sub-list of each tab overlaps each other. They should keep 'close' when I switch to another tab because I set the initial state to false already. (const [isExpand, setIsExpand] = useState(false))
const ListItem = ({name, children}) => {
const [subList, setSubList] = useState(null)
const [isExpand, setIsExpand] = useState(false)
const handleItemClick = () => {
children && setIsExpand(!isExpand)
useEffect(() => {
isExpand && children && setSubList(children)
}, [isExpand, children])
return (
<div className='list-wrapper'>
<div className='list-item'>
children &&
onClick={() => handleItemClick()}>
{isExpand ? '-' : '+'}
<div className='list-children'>
isExpand && subList &&, index) =>
<ListItem key={index} name={item} />
Here's the codesanbox, anyone helps?

It seems like React is confused due to index being used as ListeItem key.
(React will try to "share" isExpanded state as they look the same according to the key you specified)
You could change the key from key={index}
<div className="contents">
{contents &&
contents.children &&, index) => (
...... πŸ‘‡ ....
to use more distinct key,
<div className="contents">
{contents &&
contents.children && => (
...... πŸ‘‡ ....
Check out the forked sandbox.


Possible to render components in reverse manner in JSX?

In my Nextjs/React.js component I am rendering list of cards like this :
<div className="grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-12 gap-12">
<div className="lg:col-span-8 col-span-1">
{, index) => (
<PostCard post={post.node} key={post.title} />
I was wondering if it was possible to render these PostCards in a reverse manner; starting from the last index rather than the initial index? This is for my blog application and whenever I post a new PostCard I want the latest Post to be rendered on Top of the list instead of the bottom of the list.
Just reverse the array first:
{posts.slice(0).reverse().map((post, index) => (
post={ post.node }
key={ post.title }
whenever I post a new PostCard I want the latest Post to be rendered on Top of the list instead of the bottom of the list.
If you're currently doing this by adding to the end of an array, you can add to the start of it instead. For example, if you're doing this:
setPosts(prev => [...prev, { title: 'My New Post' }]);
Do this instead:
setPosts(prev => [{ title : 'My New Post' }, ...prev]);
If you can't change the way the array gets created (say, because some components want it in one order, and some in another), then you can create a new array in the right order, and then map over that. You may want to memoize this if the array isn't going to change often:
const reorderedPosts = useMemo(() => {
return [...posts].reverse();
}, [posts]);
// ...
{, index) => (
<PostCard post={post.node} key={post.title} />
This can also easily be enhanced to let you change the order via a state, if you need to:
const [shouldReverse, setShouldReverse] = useState(false);
const reorderedPosts = useMemo(() => {
if (shouldReverse) {
return [...posts].reverse();
} else {
return posts;
}, [posts, shouldReverse])
// ...
{, index) => (
<PostCard post={post.node} key={post.title} />

Accessing a component state from a sibling button

I'm building a page that will render a dynamic number of expandable rows based on data from a query.
Each expandable row contains a grid as well as a button which should add a new row to said grid.
The button needs to access and update the state of the grid.
My problem is that I don't see any way to do this from the onClick handler of a button.
Additionally, you'll see the ExpandableRow component is cloning the children (button and grid) defined in SomePage, which further complicates my issue.
Can anyone suggest a workaround that might help me accomplish my goal?
const SomePage = (props) => {
return (
<button onClick={(e) => { /* Need to access MyGrid state */ }} />
Add Row
<GridColumn field="somefield" />
const ExpandableRowsComponent = (props) => {
const data = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }];
return (
{ => (
<ExpandableRow id={} />
const ExpandableRow = (props) => {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="row-item">
<div className="row-item-header">
onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded)}
{expanded && (
<div className="row-item-content">
{, (child => cloneElement(child, { id: })))}
There are two main ways to achieve this
Hoist the state to common ancestors
Using ref (sibling communication based on this tweet)
const SomePage = (props) => {
const ref = useRef({})
return (
<button onClick={(e) => { console.log(ref.current.state) }} />
Add Row
<MyGrid ref={ref}>
<GridColumn field="somefield" />
Steps required for seconds step if you want to not only access state but also update state
You must define a forwardRef component
Update ref in useEffect or pass your API object via useImerativeHandle
You can also use or get inspired by react-aptor.
⭐ If you are only concerned about the UI part (the placement of button element)
Portals provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
(Mentioned point by #Sanira Nimantha)

Why am I receiving this Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop

I am passing the index as a unique key, yet I am still receiving this warning:
Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
Check the render method of SectionPackages
Can anyone guide me on what could be the problem?
const SectionPackages = props => {
const listingPackages =
publicData && publicData.packages && publicData.packages.length
? [defaultPackage, ...publicData.packages]
: [];
useEffect(() => {, index) => {
hidden[index] = true;
}, []);
return (
<div className={listingPackages.length ? rootClassName : css.noPackages}>
{listingPackages.length > 0 && (
<h2 className={css.packagesMainTitle}>
<FormattedMessage id="SectionPackages.title" />
{, index) => {
const moneyPrice = new Money(
listingPackage.price.amount * 100,
return (
<a onClick={e => handleBtnClick(e, index)} key={index}>
selectedPackage === index && selectedPackage !== null
? classNames(css.packagesContainer, css.packagesSelectedContainer)
: css.packagesContainer
<div className={css.packagesDescriptionHolder}>
{listingPackage.description != null && (
hidden[index] === true
? classNames(css.packagesDescriptionHidden, 'packagesDescription')
: classNames(css.packagesDescriptionShown, 'packagesDescription')
{elHeight[index] && elHeight[index].index === index && elHeight[index].height > 40 && (
onClick={e => showHideDescription(e, index)}
{hidden[index] === true ? (
<FormattedMessage id="SectionPackages.showMore" />
) : (
<FormattedMessage id="SectionPackages.showLess" />
When you use map or any other looping function you need to assign a unique key to each element you generate in react.
In your case you are assigning the index to the "a" tag and the "div" within the same loop.
You can make them unique by adding some kind of prefix maybe something like:
<a onClick={e => handleBtnClick(e, index)} key={`a_${index}`}>
that way the key for the a is different than the key for the div.
As an alternate solution you could remove the "key" from the div and leave it on the "a" tag.
I want to clarify because there seem to be some confusion about how this works.
In this case the same key is being used both for the "a" and the "div" which are both within the same loop.
You need to assign the key to the root element being returned by the map function in this case "a".
React will use the key to compare previous virtual dom with current virtual dom and perform merges. This has nothing to do with "identifying" elements within elements.
Also it is not recommeded to use "index" as key because the index might end up on a different item on the next pass.
This is a quote from react's documentation:
We don’t recommend using indexes for keys if the order of items may change. This can negatively impact performance and may cause issues with component state.
Also check Index As Key Anti-Pattern

Is there any pitfall of using ref as conditional statement?

Context: I am trying to scroll view to props.toBeExpandItem item which keeps changing depending on click event in parent component. Every time a user clicks on some button in parent component I want to show them this list and scroll in the clicked item to view port. Also I am trying to avoid adding ref to all the list items.
I am using react ref and want to add it conditionally only once in my component. My code goes as below. In all cases the === props.toBeExpandItem would be truthy only once in loop at any given point of time. I want to understand will it add any overhead if I am adding ref=null for rest of the loop elements?
export const MyComponent = (
) => {
const rootRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (props.toBeExpandItem && rootRef.current) {
setTimeout(() => {
rootRef.current?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
}, [props.toBeExpandItem]);
return (
{ => (
ref={ === props.toBeExpandItem ? rootRef : null}
Depending upon your recent comment, you can get the target from your click handler event. Will this work according to your ui?
const handleClick = (e) => {
return (
<li onClick={handleClick}>Milk</li>
<li onclick={handleClick}>Cheese </li>

React Reveal not working for array of data

Can't use React Reveal on array of data with .map() to produce effect from documentation.
Their documentation gives a nice example
<Fade left cascade>
<h2>React Reveal</h2>
<h2>React Reveal</h2>
<h2>React Reveal</h2>
I want to produce the same CASCADE effect with my data
{projects.filter(project => project.category === category)
.map((project, index) => {
return (
<ProjectThumb key={index} project={project}
The effect I'm getting is that the entire ProjectThumb component list fades in in one group, I need them to fade in individually and as i scroll. Thanks in advance.
Pass react-reveal props to your React component. It will work.
<Fade left cascade>
.filter(project => project.category === category)
.map((project, index) => (
<ProjectThumb key={index} project={project} showDetails={showDetails} />
In your ProjectThumb.js
const ProjectThumb = props => {
return <Whatever {...props}>{...}</Whatever>
