How to encode/compress gltf to draco - reactjs

I want to compress/encode gltf file using draco programatically in threejs with reactjs. I dont want to use any commandline tool, I want it to be done programatically. Please suggest me a solution.
I tried using gltf-pipeline but its not working in client side. Cesium library was showing error when I used it in reactjs.

Yes, this is can be implemented with glTF-Transform. There's also an open feature request on three.js, not yet implemented.
First you'll need to download the Draco encoder/decoder libraries (the versions currently published to NPM do not work client side), host them in a folder, and then load them as global script tags. There should be six files, and two script tags (which will load the remaining files).
<script src="assets/draco_encoder.js"></script>
<script src="assets/draco_decoder.js"></script>
Then you'll need to write code to load a GLB file, apply compression, and do something with the compressed result. This will require first installing the two packages shown below, and then bundling the web application with your tool of choice (I used here).
import { WebIO } from '#gltf-transform/core';
import { DracoMeshCompression } from '#gltf-transform/extensions';
const io = new WebIO()
'draco3d.encoder': await new DracoEncoderModule(),
'draco3d.decoder': await new DracoDecoderModule(),
// Load an uncompressed GLB file.
const document = await'./assets/Duck.glb');
// Configure compression settings.
method: DracoMeshCompression.EncoderMethod.EDGEBREAKER,
encodeSpeed: 5,
decodeSpeed: 5,
// Create compressed GLB, in an ArrayBuffer.
const arrayBuffer = io.writeBinary(document); // ArrayBuffer

In the latest version of 1.5.0, what are these two files? draco_decoder_gltf.js and draco_encoder_gltf.js. Does this means we no longer need the draco_encoder and draco_decoder files? and how do we invoke the transcoder interface without using MeshBuilder. A simpler API would be musth better.


In Tensorflow JS, using Node (tfjs-node) is there any way to Load Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) from local File?

I have a tensorflow.js script/app that runs in Node.js using tfjs-node and Universal Sentence Encoder (USE).
Each Time the script runs, it downloads a 525 MegaByte File (the USE model file).
Is there any way to load the Universal Sentence Encoder Model File from the local file system to avoid downloading such a large file every time I need to run the node.js tensorflow script?
I've noted several similar model loading examples but none that work with Universal Sentence Encoder as it does not appear to have the same type functionality. Below is a stripped down example of a functioning script that downloads the 525 MB file every time it executes.
Any help or recommendations would be appreciated.
const tf = require('#tensorflow/tfjs-node');
const use = require('#tensorflow-models/universal-sentence-encoder');
// No Form of Universal Sentence Encoder loader appears to be present
let model = tf.loadGraphModel('file:///Users/ray/Documents/tf_js_model_save_load2/models/model.json');
use.load().then(model => {
const sentences = [
'How are you?'
model.embed(sentences).then(embeddings => {
embeddings.print(true /* verbose */);
I've tried several recommendations that appear to work for other models but not Universal Sentence Encoder such as:
const tf = require('#tensorflow/tfjs');
const tfnode = require('#tensorflow/tfjs-node');
async function loadModel(){
const handler ='tfjs_model/model.json');
const model = await tf.loadLayersModel(handler);
console.log("Model loaded")
its not a model issue per-say, its a module issue.
model can be loaded any way you want, but the module #tensorflow-models/universal-sentence-encoder implements only a specific internal way on how it loads actual model data.
specifically, it internally uses tf.util.fetch.
solution? use some library (or write your own) to register a global fetch handler that knows how to handle file:// prefixes - if global fetch handler exists, tf.util.fetch will simply just use it.

Trying to make an image classification model using AutoML Vision run on a website

I've created a classification model using AutoML Vision and tried to use this tutorial to make a small web app to make the model classify an image using the browser.
The code I'm using is basically the same as the tutorial with some slight changes:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<img id="test" crossorigin="anonymous" src="101_SI_24_23-01-2019_iOS_1187.JPG">
async function run() {
const model = await tf.automl.loadImageClassification('model.json');
const image = document.getElementById('test');
const predictions = await model.classify(image);
// Show the resulting object on the page.
const pre = document.createElement('pre');
pre.textContent = JSON.stringify(predictions, null, 2);
This index.html file above is located in the same folder of the model files and the image file. The problem is that when I try to run the file I'm receiving this error:
error received
I have no idea what I should do to fix this error. I've tried many things without success, I've only changed the error.
models built with AutoML should not have dynamic ops, but seems that yours does.
if that is truly model designed using AutoML, then AutoML should be expanded to use asynchronous execution.
if model was your own (not AutoML), it would be a simple await model.executeAsync() instead of model.execute(), but in AutoML case, that part is hidden inside AutoML library module inside classify call and that needs to be addressed by tfjs AutoML team.
best to open an issue at
btw, why post a link to an image containing error message instead of copying the message as text here??

React Load Binary File / URL scheme "file" is not supported

I built an app, which converts files from type A to type B (a binary file). I want to import and use a dummy file of type B to fill the data of file type A. The dummy always stays the same. The app has no backend. I want to share the html, so anything which requires turning off browser security etc., isn't an option.
At the moment, I load the files as I found here, but this works only with a backend server:
Requesting blob images and transforming to base64 with fetch API
import dummy from '../templates/Grid2.shp';
let hex = await fetch(dummy)
.then( response => response.blob() )
.then( blob => new Promise( callback =>{
let reader = new FileReader() ;
reader.onload = function(){
const serumShp = atob(this.result.substring(37)); // 37 strips the base64 info data:...
} ;
reader.readAsDataURL(blob) ;
}) ) ;
It works in my development but not at the built stage. As the browsers requests from the filesystem.
I found a solution over a file loader, but this solution also throws an error:
Using file-loader to load binary file in react
Also, I don't see any configuration files for Webpack. As far as I have seen I would need to eject them, which is also not recommended.
How can I import binary files into my app without a backend server/any changes, etc.?
Sorry, I cannot help, but pointing out that there is a general discussion in CRA to support a more elegant way of importing binary/raw data. Sadly there doesn't seem to be much progress, the proposal is from 2018.

Zlib.Gunzip not working in Grafana Plugin

I am creating my first Grafana panel plugin to display GLG grphics. I am using react simple panel plugin.
For GLG implementation I am having GLG static library(can't install with npm). So I added my GLG library files(GlgCE.js, GlgTooklitCE.js, gunzip.min.js) in external folder. I am importing all these library files in SimplePanel.tsx file. One of my step is to decompress created the data.In my GlgToolkit.js I am having below code which creates object for Zlib.Gunzip and decompress the data which is in Uint8Array format.
tproto.__glg_gunzip_hook__ = (data) => {
var gunzip = new Zlib.Gunzip(data);
return gunzip.decompress();
My problem is that above code is not working, while debugging I can say its unable to create object for Zlib.Gunzip. It returing undefine for gunzip variable, and data is not getting decompress.
I will be great if anybody caan help me on this.How can one library file can communicate with other(in this case gunzip.min.js).
I found my own solution, I imported the gunzip.min.js file in my library file.
import * as Zlib from './gunzip.min.js';

Using VS 2015/gulp for versioning js files

I'm using VS 2015, ASP.NET 5 (MVC 6) and Gulp to write a SPA with angularjs and supplementary modules. My target framework is dnx451. I've read several best practices which state that the response from Index should have a strict no cache policy set, and all other resources (e.g. js, css, img) should all be heavily cached. In doing so, the browser always downloads the lightweight page and caches the scripts. When publishing, I am trying to have a gulp task which concats/uglifys all my JS files and outputs a single app.min.{version}.js (also for the less -> css file). This gives the benefit of always downloading the latest file version, but keeping them in cache while it is the latest and greatest.
Is there a way to get the Version (from project.json) and the build (from the * portion of project.json) from my gulp task? I am looking for a way to have the file {version} portion of the name match the version/build of the website.
I have seen examples of using process.env in gulp for VS environment variables, but am having trouble putting the pieces together to achieve the desired Version.Build format.
I have tried:
var project = require('./project.json');
gulp.task('js-publish', function(){
project.version; //this give 1.0.0-* (makes sense since its a string)
gulp.task('js-publish', function(){
process.env.BUILD_VERSION; //which is undefined
You want to use the gulp-rename NPM package to rename the file. Add gulp-rename to your package.json file. Here is an example of how it can then be used in your gulpfile.js:
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
// rename via string
.pipe(gulp.dest("./dist")); // ./dist/main/text/ciao/
// rename via function
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
path.dirname += "/ciao";
path.basename += "-goodbye";
path.extname = ".md"
.pipe(gulp.dest("./dist")); // ./dist/main/text/ciao/
// rename via hash
gulp.src("./src/main/text/hello.txt", { base: process.cwd() })
dirname: "main/text/ciao",
basename: "aloha",
prefix: "bonjour-",
suffix: "-hola",
extname: ".md"
.pipe(gulp.dest("./dist")); // ./dist/main/text/ciao/
