Is is possible to have a candlestick chart and a line chart on the same XY axis with apexcharts? - reactjs

I'm using the apexcharts with react to build a chart with two series: one is the price and it should be visualized as a candlestick chart and the other one is the volume and it should be visualized as bar (or line) chart. Is it possible to have both on the same XY axis?
I know that it is possible having two (or more) line charts on the same XY axis as in the attached picture, but I did not see an example for a candlestick chart.
For this example I would like to replace the red line with a candlestick chart.


How to specify the width of a particular arc in doughnut chart using react-chartjs-2?

I'm trying to create a doughnut chart with two different arcs of chart having different widths using react-chartjs-2. But I can't seem to find the way to target the width of a particular arc in chart. Can anyone help me with this. Thank you in advance.An example of doughnut chart I want to create is given below

Adding Line or separator to y axis in WPF Tool kit Line chart

I have added multiple Y axes to a single chart. Is it possible to add vertical lines in the LinearAxis and a scroll bar in below X axis? Please check out the image below:
How to handle the zoom and pan Functionality in the WPF Toolkit Chart?

how to get slider line on x axis and y axis for Chart in codenameone

I want two slider lines - one for x-axis and another for y-axis to show accurate result at any point in the line chart. As slider line move through the any axis it should display the crossing point values (display cross point values w.r.t. axis where slider line overlaps graph ) on the chart. Is there any method available for it ? If not how do I proceed for this ?
You can just place a horizontal and vertical slider next to the charts. However, I'm assuming you want to use them like a scrollbar?
You might prefer using gestures like drag and pinch to work with charts.

Telerik bar chart x-axis with long texts

I'm trying the telerik bar chart in my mvc application. The texts on the x-axis labels can sometimes be very long and then they overlap.
How can i solve this? can i use a tooltip for this? and how to set the tooltip text for each bar?
Thanks in advance.
You can add a tooltip by adding Tooltip(true) like so:
.Series( series => series
.Bar( /*data*/)
.CategoryAxis( axis => axis
.Categories( /*data*/)
This will display the value of the Series (x-axis) on hover.
I know you can rotate the labels on the category axis by doing something like this:
.CategoryAxis( axis =>
axis.Categories( /*data*/ );
axis.Labels(labels => labels.Rotation(45));//this rotates 45 degrees (you can use whatever value you want)
but I don't think the Label method is available on the Series. You may consider flipping the Series and the Axis (if that would still make sense for your data). You may also consider formatting (abbreviating) the x-axis labels and adding your own legend.

How to synchronize TimeSeries colour with Marker colour in JFreeChart?

I am displaying several time series lines along with Markers on a JFreeChart plot. Different markers are related to different time series and I would like them to appear in the same colour. So how do I find out for a given TimeSeries what is colour is?
You should be able to use lookupSeriesPaint() for a given series. See also this example that overrides getItemPaint(), which calls lookupSeriesPaint().
