Load a Popup Component - reactjs

I am trying to display a detail component in a popup window. My App.js component contains a List component with list of Item component. When click Item component, I want to show a Detail popup. The togglePopup() function is passed from parent List component to child Item then to Detail. Right now, the popup does not show up. Below is my code:
class App extends Component {
state={ showPopup: false,
togglePopup=()=> {
showPopup: !this.state.showPopup
const Items=['aa','bb','cc'];
{this.state.showPopup ?
: null
import React from 'react';
import Item from './Item';
const List=({Items,onItemSelect,onClick})=>{
const renderedList= Items.map(item=>{
return (
<Item key={item.ID} item={item} onItemSelect={onItemSelect} onClick={onClick} />
return <div>
export default List;
import React from 'react';
const Item=({item, onItemSelect,onClick})=>{
return <div onClick={()=>onItemSelect(item)} >
<div class="content">
<div class="header">
{/*display contents*/}
<button onClick={onClick}>View More</button>
export default Item;
import React from 'react';
const Detail=({item,closePopup})=>{
if (!item){
return <div>loading</div>
return (
{/*contents here*/}
<button onClick={()=>closePopup}>close me</button>
export default Detail;

You have not set state to show popup, do this
this.setState({selectedItem:item, showPopup: true}); //make showPopup to true so that popup get displayed
Note: As you are using arrow function, no need to bind this here,
You can change this to,
Another thing is, don't do this,
<div onClick={()=>onItemSelect(item) togglePopup={togglePopup}} > //This is wrong way to call two functions
<div onClick={()=> {onItemSelect(item); togglePopup;}} > //This is right way to call two functions
If you call togglePopup on every item click, then every time selectedItem:'' will set item to blank and you won't be able to see anything on page
Side note: Detail is a component and not a popup. This component will get display on App component after this.state.showPopup get true value. To show it as popup you must use Modal.


How Do I Fix This TypeError In React?

I am struggling and in need of help! I'm extremely new to React - and I'm busy doing this practice assignment for a course that I'm taking to learn it, but I am running into the same sort of problem over and over again and I cannot seem to get it right.
I do not need you to complete my assignment, but any hint or directions/feedback on my code on where I am going wrong and what I am doing wrong would be highly appreciated. Oof, I'm just so tired of not finding the solution on Google/forums, and my React skills are fairly novice so I can't really identify the problem without the help of some super cool React experts out there! Thank you very much in advance. :)
I keep on getting the error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
Full Source Code Here: https://github.com/christinec-dev/react_new
The overall end goal of my application is as follows (added here for perspective reasons):
Task 1:
A new DishdetailComponent has been added to your React application.
Included the DishDetail into your MenuComponent's view to show the selected dish.
Passing the selected dish as props to the DishDetail Component.
Used the appropriate Bootstrap classes to the card so that it occupies the entire row for xs and sm screen sizes, and 5 columns for md screens and above.
Used the appropriate Bootstrap classes to the div containing the list of comments so that it occupies the entire row for xs and sm screen sizes, and 5 columns for md screens and above.
Task 2:
Used the Card component to display the details of the dish.
Task 3:
Included a list of comments about the dish into the dishdetail view.
----------------------------------------- menuComponent.js
//package imports
import React, { Component } from 'react';
//import bootrap components from reactstrap library
//NOTE: The media query returns a CSS style
import { Card, CardImgOverlay, CardImg, CardBody, CardText, CardTitle } from 'reactstrap';
import DishDetail from './DishdetailComponent';
//creates Menu component
class Menu extends Component {
//define a constructor for it
constructor(props) {
//Props is read-only and are used to pass data, whereas state is for managing data and can be modified by its own component
//required when you create a component in react
//when document is loaded no card has been selected by default
this.state = {
selectedDish: null
//when dishg is clicked, it will render details of dish
onDishSelect(dish) {
this.setState({selectedDish: dish});
//if dish is clicked it will show card details, else nothing
renderDish(dish) {
if(dish != null) {
<CardImg width="100%" src={dish.image} alt={dish.name} />
} else {
//return a value or function that will be called
render() {
//will iterate (map) over the dishes list and return each key (item) uniquely
const menu = this.props.dishes.map((dish) => {
// This will create the layout of the menu items by displaying the image, name and -description- of each menu item
return (
<div key={dish.id} className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
{/* When clicked on, it will run event function*/}
<Card onClick={() => this.onDishSelect(dish.id, dish.comments)}>
<CardImg width="100%" src={dish.image} alt={dish.name} />
<CardImgOverlay body className="ml-5">
return (
//This will return a menu list that will be defined
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
{/* This will return the menu items */}
<div className="row">
{/* This will return the clicked card dish items when clicked */}
<div className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
<div className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
<DishDetail dishes={this.state.dishes} />
//exports it for use in other files
export default Menu;
//package imports
import React, { Component } from 'react';
//import bootrap components from reactstrap library
//NOTE: The media query returns a CSS style
//creates Dishdetail component
class DishDetail extends Component {
//define a constructor for it
constructor(props) {
//Props is read-only and are used to pass data, whereas state is for managing data and can be modified by its own component
//required when you create a component in react
//when document is loaded no card has been selected by default
this.state = {
selectedDish: null,
comments: null
onDishSelect(comments) {
this.setState({comments: comments});
//if dish is clicked it will show card comments, else nothing
renderComments(comments) {
if (comments != null){
return (
<ul key={comments.id} className="list-unstyled">
<li className="comment">{comments.comment}</li>
<li className="author"> {comments.author}</li>
<li className="date"> {comments.date}</li>
else {
//return a value or function that will be called
render() {
//will iterate (map) over the dishes list and return each key (item) uniquely
const details = this.props.comments.map((comments) => {
return (
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
return (
//This will return a menu list that will be defined
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
{/* This will return the menu items */}
<div className="row">
{/* This will return the clicked card dish items when clicked */}
//exports it for use in other files
export default DishDetail;
----------------------------------------- App.js
//package and component imports
import logo from './logo.svg';
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import { NavbarBrand, Navbar } from 'reactstrap';
import Menu from './components/menuComponent';
import DishDetail from './components/DishdetailComponent';
import './App.css';
import {DISHES} from './shared/dishes';
//creates Menu component
class App extends Component {
//define a constructor for it
constructor (props) {
//Props is read-only and are used to pass data, whereas state is for managing data and can be modified by its own component
//required when you create a component in react
//when document is loaded no card has been selected by default
this.state = {
dishes: DISHES,
selectedDish: null,
comments: null
//when dishg is clicked, it will render details of dish
onDishSelect(dish) {
this.setState({ selectedDish: dish});
render () {
return (
//To create html structures in React we always define it via the className strucutre
{/* This will create a layour based on our individual component files. For example, if we have a navbarComponent file, then we just import it from there and insert it here, without having to code the whole thing. */}
<Navbar color="primary" dark expand="md">
<div className="container">
<NavbarBrand href="/"> Ristorante Con Fusion</NavbarBrand>
{/* The Menu component from the menuComponent.js file is rendered here and displayed when the index.js is loaded */}
<Menu dishes={this.state.dishes} />
//exports it for use in other files
export default App;
The error is preatty clear, this.props.comments or this.props.dishes are undefined.
You are trying to access the property .map of undefined element.
Basically add a check to be sure that this.props.comments and this.props.dishes exist and are arrays, or you can add a loader or you can add question point this.props.comments?.map(... and this.props.dishes?.map(...
I was able to solve it by myself after reading some documentation. It turns out I had to remove the renderDish(dish) function from the menuComponent.js file and place it in the DishdetailComponent.js file.
To solve the
TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined problem
I did the following:
//if dish is clicked it will show dish comments, else nothing
renderComments(array) {
//if dish array is not equal to null, display comments in half grid
if (array.length != 0) {
return (
//col-12 for sm and xs, and col-5 for md and lg screens with margin # 1
<div className="col-12 col-md-5 m-1">
{/* Displays the comment title, and details of author, date and comment */}
{/* //will iterate (map) over the comments list and return each key (item) uniquely */}
{ array.map (comment => (
<ul className="list-unstyled">
<p><i> - {comment.author} </i>, {comment.date}</p>
//if the dish contains nothing, show nothing
else {
return (
src\App.js Line 4:8: 'DishDetail' is defined but never used no-unused-vars
Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.

How to trigger a function from one component to another component in React.js?

I'am creating React.js Weather project. Currently working on toggle switch which converts celcius to fahrenheit. The celcius count is created in one component whereas toggle button is created in another component. When the toggle button is clicked it must trigger the count and display it. It works fine when both are created in one component, but, I want to trigger the function from another component. How could I do it? Below is the code for reference
CelToFahr.js (Here the count is displayed)
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import CountUp from 'react-countup';
class CeltoFahr extends Component {
state = {
celOn: true
render() {
return (
{/* Code for celcius to farenheit */}
<div className="weather">
<div className="figures">
<div className="figuresWrap2">
<div className="mainFigureWrap">
start={!this.state.celOn ? this.props.temp.cel : this.props.temp.fahr}
end={this.state.celOn ? this.props.temp.cel : this.props.temp.fahr}
{({ countUpRef, start}) => (
<h1 ref={countUpRef}></h1>
{/*End of Code for celcius to farenheit */}
export default CeltoFahr
CelToFahrBtn (Here the toggle button is created)
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import CelToFahr from './CeltoFahr'
class CelToFahrBtn extends Component {
state = {
celOn: true
switchCel = () => {
this.setState({ celOn: !this.state.celOn })
render = (props) => {
return (
<div className="button" style={{display: 'inline-block'}}>
<div className="weather">
<div className="figures">
<div className="figuresWrap2">
<div className="mainFigureWrap">
<div onClick={this.switchCel} className="CelSwitchWrap">
<div className={"CelSwitch" + (this.state.celOn ? "" : " transition")}>
export default CelToFahrBtn
Here when I click on switchCel it must trigger the celcius to fahrenheit value and vice-versa. How to do it? Any suggestions highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
I would have the celToFahr be the parent component of the celToFahrBtn and then pass the function you want to invoke via props
<CellToFahrBtn callback={yourfunction}/>
What else could you do is having a common parent for these to components where you would again do the execution via props and callbacks
The 3rd option would be having a global state which would carry the function like Redux or Reacts own Context. There again you would get the desired function via props and you would execute it whenever you like. This is the best option if your components are completely separated in both the UI and in source hierarchically, but I don't think this is the case in this case.
These are pretty much all the options you have
To achieve this you'd need to lift your state up and then pass the state and handlers to the needed components as props.
CeltoFahr & CelToFahrBtn would then become stateless components and would rely on the props that are passed down from TemperatureController
class TemperatureController extends Component {
state = {
celOn: true
switchCel = () => {
this.setState({ celOn: !this.state.celOn })
render () {
return (
<CeltoFahr celOn={this.state.celOn} switchCel={this.state.switchCel} />
<CelToFahrBtn celOn={this.state.celOn} switchCel={this.state.switchCel}/>
It's probably better explained on the React Docs https://reactjs.org/docs/lifting-state-up.html
See this more simplified example:
import React, {useState} from 'react';
const Display = ({}) => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return <div>
<Button countUp={() => setCount(count +1)}></Button>
const Button = ({countUp}) => {
return <button>Count up</button>
It's always possible, to just pass down functions from parent components. See Extracting Components for more information.
It's also pretty well described in the "Thinking in React" guidline. Specifically Part 4 and Part 5.
In React you should always try to keep components as dumb as possible. I always start with a functional component instead of a class component (read here why you should).
So therefore I'd turn the button into a function:
import React from 'react';
import CelToFahr from './CeltoFahr';
function CelToFahrBtn(props) {
return (
<div className="button" style={{ display: 'inline-block' }}>
<div className="weather">
<div className="figures">
<div className="figuresWrap2">
<div className="mainFigureWrap">
<div onClick={() => props.switchCel()} className="CelSwitchWrap">
className={'CelSwitch' + (props.celOn ? '' : ' transition')}
export default CelToFahrBtn;
And you should put the logic in the parent component:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import CountUp from 'react-countup';
import CelToFahrBtn from './CelToFahrBtn';
class CeltoFahr extends Component {
state = {
celOn: true
switchCel = () => {
this.setState({ celOn: !this.state.celOn });
render() {
return (
<div className="weather">
<div className="figures">
<div className="figuresWrap2">
<div className="mainFigureWrap">
<CelToFahrBtn switchCel={this.switchCel} celOn={celOn} />

Clicking the button does not work - React

I use a component called "Modal" that I want to make global so I can use it in any other component. Modal will be used in all the components that need it.
My problem is that now the onclick {this.props.stateModal} in Widgets does not work and show nothing.
This is my Widgets.js
class Widgets extends Component {
return (
<aside className="widgets">
<div id="bq-datos">
<span>Todas tus campañas</span>
<a onClick={this.props.stateModal} className="content-datos orange" data-bq-datos="999"><div>Llamadas <span>ENTRANTES</span></div></a>
<a className="content-datos violet" data-bq-datos="854"><div>Llamadas <span>SALIENTES</span></div></a>
? (
stateModal = {this.props.stateModal}
isModalOpen={this.props.isModalOpen} >
: null
I need {this.props.stateModal} to work on my Modal component (in Modal.js)
This is my Modal.js with code for {this.props.stateModal} but not works.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Modal extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isModalOpen: false,
this.stateModal = this.stateModal.bind(this);
stateModal() {
isModalOpen: !this.state.isModalOpen
return (
<div id="modal">
} else {
return null;
class ModalWidgets extends Component {
<article id="md-descansos" className="medium">
hola tú!!
<div>k pasa!</div>
export default Modal;
I think that i need do something in my Modal.js but i don't know what it is
I have changed the components to use Modal as the parent of all the other Modal that I want to use, such as ModalWidgets. But now when you click on the button of {this.props.stateModal} in Widgts not works.
You have to use stateModal function somewhere in your Modal component. Something like:
return (
<div id="modal">
<button type="button" onClick={this.stateModal}>Click here</button>
} else {
return <ModalGenerico />;
The button in the example above should be replaced with your backdrop of the modal (or anything else as you like).
Edited: You should take a look at this article State vs Props. Because I notice that you weren't clear the usage of them.
Besides, I don't think there's such thing called global component as you described. Every components in react are reusable and can be imported anywhere in the project.

React - Proper way to render dynamic content?

I want to make a modal view has dynamic content by injecting a component to it.
class RootView extends Component {
state = {
modalBody: null
setModalBody = (body) => {
this.setState({modalBody: body})
render() {
return(<ContextProvider value={this.setModalBody}><Modal>{this.state.modalBody}</Modal></ContextProvider>)
Then inside any children view i use setState to change parent modalBody
The modalBody can be setted on each route, which means the modalBody can be input list, selection list or text only. So the modalBody must have its state for controlling these inputs.
By this way, it renders ok, but the dynamic content couldn't be updated after state changed. The parent's dynamic content couldn't receive the ChildView new state, i have to setModalBody again and again after it rerendered.
For example, if input in modalBody has changed, the parent couldn't be updated.
class ChildView extends Component {
state = {
inputValue: null
handleChange = (e) => {
this.setState({inputValue: e.target.value})
setModalBody(body) {
this.props.context.setModalBody(<input value={this.state.inputValue} onChange={this.handleChange} />)
render() {
Full code: https://codesandbox.io/s/lp5p20mx1m
Any proper way to render dynamic content to parent?
I'm not sure why you'd need to create a parent Modal component, when you can make the Modal a simple reusable child component.
See here for a detailed explanation on how to achieve a stateful parent that controls a child modal.
However, if you MUST have a parent Modal component, then you can create a render prop to pass down props to be used by its children.
Working example:
components/Modal.js (parent component -- this has a lot of smaller components that were separated for reusability and ease of understanding -- they're basically simple divs with some styles attached -- see notes below)
import React, { Fragment, Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import BackgroundOverlay from "../BackgroundOverlay"; // grey background
import ClickHandler from "../ClickHandler"; // handles clicks outside of the modal
import Container from "../Container"; // contains the modal and background
import Content from "../Content"; // renders the "children" placed inside of <Modal>...</Modal>
import ModalContainer from "../ModalContainer"; // places the modal in the center of the page
class Modal extends Component {
state = { isOpen: false };
handleOpenModal = () => {
this.setState({ isOpen: true });
handleCloseModal = () => {
this.setState({ isOpen: false });
// this is a ternary operator (shorthand for "if/else" -- if cond ? then : else)
// below can be read like: if isOpen is true, then render the modal,
// else render whatever the child component is returning (in this case,
// initially returning an "Open Modal" button)
render = () =>
this.state.isOpen ? (
<BackgroundOverlay />
isOpen: this.state.isOpen,
onCloseModal: this.handleCloseModal,
onOpenModal: this.handleOpenModal
) : (
isOpen: this.state.isOpen,
onCloseModal: this.handleCloseModal,
onOpenModal: this.handleOpenModal
// these proptype declarations are to ensure that passed down props are
// consistent and are defined as expected
Modal.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.func.isRequired // children must be a function
export default Modal;
components/Example.js (child component accepting isOpen, onCloseModal and onOpenModal from the parent -- with this approach, as you'll notice, there's duplicate isOpen logic. While this approach gives you full control over the parent, it's repetitive. However, you can simplify your components by moving the "Open Modal" button logic to the parent, and passing in a prop like <Modal btnTitle="Open Modal"> to make it somewhat flexible, BUT you'll still lose some control of what's being initially rendered when isOpen is false.)
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import Modal from "../Modal";
import "./styles.css";
const Example = () => (
<div className="example">
<h2>Parent Modal Example</h2>
{({ isOpen, onCloseModal, onOpenModal }) =>
isOpen ? (
<h1 className="title">Hello!</h1>
<p className="subtitle">There are two ways to close this modal</p>
<li>Click outside of this modal in the grey overlay area.</li>
<li>Click the close button below.</li>
className="uk-button uk-button-danger uk-button-small"
) : (
className="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-button-small"
Open Modal
export default Example;

Using fullpagejs in React, how to trigger function on active slide without re-rendering entire page

In my React app I am using fullpage.js to render two slides containing two different components. I want to run a function inside one of these only when it's the active slide. I tried below code, but once the state changes the entire ReactFullpage is re-rendered causing the first slide to be active again so I'm basically stuck in a loop.
My question is, how can I trigger a function inside the <Player /> component to run only if it's the active slide?
import React from "react";
import ReactFullpage from "#fullpage/react-fullpage";
import AlbumInfo from './AlbumInfo';
import Player from './Player';
class Album extends React.Component {
playing: false
_initPlayer = (currentIndex, nextIndex) => {
if(nextIndex.index === 1) {
render() {
return (
render={({ state, fullpageApi }) => {
return (
<div id="fullpage-wrapper">
<div className="section">
<AlbumInfo />
<div className="section">
<Player playing={this.state.playing} />
export default Album;
From docs:
just add the class 'active' to the section and slide you want to load first.
adding conditionally (f.e. using getActiveSection()) 'active' class name should resolve rerendering problem.
The same method/value can be used for setting playing prop.
Probably (I don't know/didn't used fullpage.js) you can also use callbacks (without state management and unnecessary render), f.e. afterSlideLoad
The issue has been fixed on https://github.com/alvarotrigo/react-fullpage/issues/118.
Version 0.1.15 will have it fixed
You should be using fullPage.js callbacks afterLoad or onLeave as can be seen in the codesandbox provided on the react-fullpage docs:
/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "fullpage.js/vendors/scrolloverflow"; // Optional. When using scrollOverflow:true
import ReactFullpage from "#fullpage/react-fullpage";
import "./styles.css";
class FullpageWrapper extends React.Component {
onLeave(origin, destination, direction) {
console.log("Leaving section " + origin.index);
afterLoad(origin, destination, direction) {
console.log("After load: " + destination.index);
render() {
return (
anchors={["firstPage", "secondPage", "thirdPage"]}
sectionsColor={["#282c34", "#ff5f45", "#0798ec"]}
render={({ state, fullpageApi }) => {
return (
<div id="fullpage-wrapper">
<div className="section section1">
<h3>Section 1</h3>
<button onClick={() => fullpageApi.moveSectionDown()}>
Move down
<div className="section">
<div className="slide">
<h3>Slide 2.1</h3>
<div className="slide">
<h3>Slide 2.2</h3>
<div className="slide">
<h3>Slide 2.3</h3>
<div className="section">
<h3>Section 3</h3>
ReactDOM.render(<FullpageWrapper />, document.getElementById("react-root"));
export default FullpageWrapper;
