I can't figure out what I am doing wrong with my pointers. It is causing a segmentation fault. I am convinced the problem is rooted in my use of the array of pointers I have and the pthread_join I am using.
The goal is to read multiple integers into a gcc compiler, then print out the integer with all its factors, like this, 12: 2 2 3
I created a struct containing an int array to store the factors of each integer as the factor function pulls it apart and a counter(numfact) to store how many factors there are stored in the array.
I commented out the section at the bottom that prints out the factors.
I think the problem is how I am trying to store the output from the pthread_join in the pointer array, ptr[]. Whenever I comment it out, it does not get the segmentation error.
Either I have my pointers screwed up in a way I don't understand or I can't use an array of pointers. Either way, after many hours, I am stuck.
Please help.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct intfact
long int factors[100];
int numfact;
struct intfact *factor(long int y)
struct intfact threadfact;
threadfact.numfact = 0;
// Store in struct the number of 2s that divide y
while (y % 2 == 0)
threadfact.factors[threadfact.numfact] = 2;
y = y/2;
// Store in struct the odds that divide y
for (int i = 3; i <= floor(sqrt(y)); i = i+2)
while (y % i == 0)
threadfact.factors[threadfact.numfact] = i;
y = y/i;
// Store in struct the primes > 2
if (y > 2)
threadfact.factors[threadfact.numfact] = y;
struct intfact *rtnthred = &threadfact;
return rtnthred;
/* Trial Division Function */
void *divde(void *n)
long int *num = (long int *) n;
struct intfact *temp = factor(*num);
return temp;
/* Main Function */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t threads[argc-1];
void *ptr[argc-1];
/* loop to create all threads */
for(int i=0; i < argc; i++)
long temp = atol(argv[i+1]);
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, divde, (void *) temp);
/* loop to join all threads */
for(int i=0; i < argc; i++)
pthread_join(threads[i],(void *) ptr[i]); //THIS POINTER IS THE PROBLEM
/* loops to print results of each thread using pointer array*/
//for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
// printf("%s: ", argv[i+1]); /* print out initial integer */
// struct intfact *temp = (struct intfact *) ptr[i]; //cast void pointer ptr as struct intfact pointer
// printf("%d", temp->numfact);
//for(int j = 0; j < temp->numfact; j++) /*(pull the numfact(count of factors) from the struct intfact pointer??)*/
// printf("%d ", temp->factors[j]); /* print out each factor from thread struct */
In my Linux) terminal this code is stored in p3.c
"./p3 12" should yeild "12: 2 2 3"
For starters:
long temp = atol(argv[i+1]);
pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, divde, (void *) temp);
you define a long int and pass it as argument to the thread. For example 12
Inside the thread function then
void *divde(void *n)
long int *num = (long int *) n;
you treat the long int passed in as pointer to long int.
And then here dereference it
... = factor(*num);
So this *num for example would become *12. That is referencing memory address 12 to read out its content and pass it to factor). Aside the fact that this mostly likely is an invalid address, there would be nothing relevant store, at least nothing your code defined.
To (more or less fix) this do
void *divde(void *n)
long int num = (long int) n;
... = factor(num);
The second issues is mentioned in the comment: Multiple threads to find prime factors of integers, segmentation fault
The problem you are trying to solve is a special case of parallel programming, namely that the tasks to be run in parallel are completely independent. In such cases it makes sense to give each task its own context. Here such a context would include the
the thread specific input
as well as its specific output.
In C grouping variables can be done using structures, as your implementation already comes up with for the output of the tasks:
struct intfact
long int factors[100];
int numfact;
So what is missing is thread-id and input. Just add those for example like this.
/* group input and output: */
struct inout
long int input;
struct intfact output;
/* group input/output with thread-id */
struct context
pthread_t thread_id;
struct inout io;
Now before kicking off the threads define as many contexts as needed:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
size_t num_to_process = argv - 1;
struct context ctx[num_to_process];
then create the threads passing in what is needed, that is input along with space/memory for the output:
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_to_process ; i++)
ctx[i].io.input = atol(argv[i]);
pthread_create(&ctx[i].thread_id, NULL, divide, &ctx[i].io);
Inside the thread function convert the void-pointer received back to its real type:
void *divide(void * pv)
struct inout * pio = pv; /* No cast needed in C. */
Define the processing function to take a pointer to the context specific input/output variables:
void factor(struct inout * pio) /* No need to return any thing */
/* Initialise the output: */
pio->output.numfact = 0;
/* set local copy of input: */
long int y = pio->input; /* One could also just use pio->input directly. */
Replace all other occurrences of threadfact by pio->output.
to leave the processing function.
Then inside the thread function call the processing function:
return NULL;
to leave the thread function.
In main() join without expecting any result from the threads:
/* loop to join all threads */
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_to_process; i++)
pthread_join(ctx[i].thread_id, NULL);
Putting this all together:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <math.h>
struct intfact
long int factors[100];
size_t numfact;
/* group input and output: */
struct inout
long int input;
struct intfact output;
/* group input/output with thread-id */
struct context
pthread_t thread_id;
struct inout io;
void factor(struct inout * pio)
/* Initialise the output: */
pio->output.numfact = 0;
/* set local copy of input: */
long int y = pio->input; /* One could also just use pinout->input directly. */
if (0 == y)
return; /* Nothing to do! */
// Store in struct the number of 2s that divide y
while (y % 2 == 0)
pio->output.factors[pio->output.numfact] = 2;
y = y/2;
// Store in struct the odds that divide y
for (int i = 3; i <= floor(sqrt(y)); i = i+2)
while (y % i == 0)
pio->output.factors[pio->output.numfact] = i;
y = y/i;
// Store in struct the primes > 2
if (y > 2)
pio->output.factors[pio->output.numfact] = y;
void *divide(void * pv)
struct inout * pio = pv; /* No cast needed in C. */
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
size_t num_to_process = argc - 1;
struct context ctx[num_to_process];
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_to_process; i++)
ctx[i].io.input = atol(argv[i+1]);
if (!ctx[i].io.input)
fprintf(stderr, "COnversion to integer failed or 0 for '%s'\n", argv[i]);
pthread_create(&ctx[i].thread_id, NULL, divide, &ctx[i].io);
/* loop to join all threads */
for (size_t i=0; i < num_to_process; i++)
pthread_join(ctx[i].thread_id, NULL);
/* loops to print results of each thread using pointer array*/
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_to_process; i++)
printf("%ld: ", ctx[i].io.input); /* print out initial integer */
printf("%zu factors --> ", ctx[i].io.output.numfact);
for(size_t j = 0; j < ctx[i].io.output.numfact; j++)
printf("%ld ", ctx[i].io.output.factors[j]); /* print out each factor from thread struct */
putc('\n', stdout);
Feel like im taking crazy pills just trying to do literally the simplest stuff I can imagine in C. Any help would be extremely appreciated. why does this work?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define Q_LIMT 100
typedef struct servers
int id;
int num_in_Q;
int server_status;
void initialize(SERVER *s);
void initialize(SERVER *s)
int i=0,j=0;
for(i=0; i<2; i++) { //i=0; i=1
s[i].id = i; // 0, 1
s[i].num_in_Q = i*i + 1; // 1, 2
s[i].server_status = i+i + 2; // 2, 4
} // the bracket was missing
int main()
int i;
SERVER serv[2];
for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
printf("server[%d].id = %d\n", i, serv[i].id);
printf("server[%d].num_in_Q = %d\n", i, serv[i].num_in_Q);
but this throws away the initialized struct?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Inode {
int valid;/* 0 == invalid, 1 == valid*/
int size;
int Blocks [5];
int InodeToString(char * InodeString, struct Inode iNode){
char * blockBuffer;
sprintf(InodeString, "%d", iNode.valid);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < POINTERS_PER_INODE; i++){
blockBuffer = malloc(8);
sprintf(blockBuffer, "%d", iNode.Blocks[i]); //no valid pointers yet
return 0;
int initializeInode(struct Inode iNode){
int i;
for (i = 0; i < POINTERS_PER_INODE; i++){
iNode.Blocks[i] = -1; //no valid pointers yet
iNode.valid = 0; //initialized as invalid inode
return 0;
int main() {
struct Inode iNode1;
char * InodeString;
InodeString = malloc(20);
InodeToString(InodeString, iNode1);
printf("%s", InodeString);
iNode1.valid = 1;
InodeString = malloc(20);
InodeToString(InodeString, iNode1);
printf("%s", InodeString);
return 0;
This is test code btw, so the includes probably dont make sense. stack overflow says I dont have enough details so I guess I have to keep typing sentences. Let me know if theres any details that would make this more clear. its for a basic super simplified file system simulation project. it seemed in a previous version when I initialized the inode outside of the function, I was able to pass the string into the string function, assign it values, not use it as the return value and still end up on the other side of the function with an updated string.
As is normal in C, arguments to a function are passed by value. The object called iNode in initializeInode is local to that function, and changes to it have no effect on any other object in the program. If you want a function to modify an object that's local to the caller, you have to pass a pointer to it, and dereference that pointer to get at the caller's object.
So what you probably want is:
int initializeInode(struct Inode *iNode){
int i;
for (i = 0; i < POINTERS_PER_INODE; i++){
iNode->Blocks[i] = -1; //no valid pointers yet
iNode->valid = 0; //initialized as invalid inode
return 0;
int main() {
struct Inode iNode1;
// ...
I am working on a function that creates a thread and calculates the Fibonacci sequence to a certain user inputted value. For example, if a user enters 5, the output will be: 0 1 1 2 3 5
However, the sequence must be calculated in the created thread, and the results have to be printed out after the thread is exited.
I can create the thread and calculate the sequence, but I need to pass the array fibSequence[] back to the original thread using pthread_exit and pthread_join. I am having trouble figuring out the syntax and can't find any examples of people passing arrays through.
What I have so far:
I created a function fib_runner() that is called by a newly created thread. The Fibonacci sequence is created and placed into the array fibSequence[]. I need to pass this back through to the main function. I am temporarily printing out the sequence in the function, but it should be printed in the main.
Thank you!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
void* fib_runner(void* arg)
int *limit_ptr = (int*) arg;
int limit = *limit_ptr;
int fibSequence[limit];
int size = sizeof(fibSequence)/sizeof(fibSequence[0]);
printf("Size: %d\n", size);
fibSequence[0] = 0;
fibSequence[1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= size; i++)
fibSequence[i] = fibSequence[i-1] + fibSequence[i-2];
for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++)
printf("%d ", fibSequence[i]);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int limit;
printf("Enter Number: ");
scanf("%d", &limit);
pthread_t tid;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_create(&tid, &attr, fib_runner, &limit);
pthread_join(tid, NULL);
Currently, the array is a local variable, so it would go out of scope when the function exits. You need to dynamically allocate memory for it instead:
int *fibSequence = malloc(sizeof(int) * limit);
Then return this pointer from the function:
return fibSequence;
In your main function, you then pass the address of a pointer to receive this value. Then you can print the content of the array. When you're done, be sure to free it:
int *fibSequence;
pthread_join(tid, (void **)&fibSequence);
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
printf("%d ", fibSequence[i]);
Also, you don't need size in your thread function, since it is the same as limit, and the way you currently calculate it won't work anyway since you now have a pointer instead of an array. Your loop limit in fib_runner also goes one past the end of the array. The exit condition should be i < size, not i <= size.
you have to pass in a value of void * to pthread_exit which is pthread_exit(( void * ) &fibSequence, once that function is called the passed in value will populate the second argument to pthread_join, the second argument will be a pointer to a pointer void ** it will hold the values passed in to pthred_exit
All the threads running within a process share the same address space, file descriptors, stack and other process related attributes.
Threads are sharing memory by definition, they do not own anything except stack and local variables;
If you make fibSequence[limit] global then all threads will have access to it.
You can also declare fibSequence[limit] on the stack in main and pass pointer to it to your thread.
To pass multiple arguments it is convenient to wrap them up in a structure.
The solutions below employ:
struct arg_struct {
int limit;
int *ptrFib;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
struct arg_struct {
int limit;
int *ptrFib;
void* fib_runner(void* arg)
struct arg_struct *a = (struct arg_struct *) arg;
int size = a->limit;
int * fibSequence = a->ptrFib;
fibSequence[0] = 0;
fibSequence[1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= size; i++){
fibSequence[i] = fibSequence[i-1] + fibSequence[i-2];
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int limit;
printf("Enter Number: ");
scanf("%d", &limit);
int fibSequence[limit];
struct arg_struct argF;
argF.limit = limit;
argF.ptrFib = fibSequence;
pthread_t tid;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_create(&tid, &attr, fib_runner, &argF);
pthread_join(tid, NULL);
for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++){
printf("%d ", fibSequence[i]);
Enter Number: 5
0 1 1 2 3 5
The solution with global variable argF is of course possible but it is less elegant.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
struct arg_struct {
int limit;
int *ptrFib;
struct arg_struct argF;
void* fib_runner()
int size = argF.limit;
int * fibSequence = argF.ptrFib;
fibSequence[0] = 0;
fibSequence[1] = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= size; i++){
fibSequence[i] = fibSequence[i-1] + fibSequence[i-2];
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int limit;
printf("Enter Number: ");
scanf("%d", &limit);
int fibSequence[limit];
argF.limit = limit;
argF.ptrFib = fibSequence;
pthread_t tid;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_create(&tid, &attr, fib_runner, NULL);
pthread_join(tid, NULL);
for (int i = 0; i <= limit; i++){
printf("%d ", fibSequence[i]);
First let me start by posting the code:
#include <pthread.h>
//64 BITS -ALL 32 bit Arch
//32 BIT - UNIX 64 bit arch
//64 BIT - WINDOWS 64 bit arch
long long sum = 0;
static enum turn
struct threads_util
pthread_t *t_id;
pthread_attr_t *attr;
void (*init_attr)(pthread_attr_t *);
void init_attr_fn(pthread_attr_t *attr)
void* sum_runner(void* arg)
long long* limit_ptr = (long long *) arg;
long long limit = *limit_ptr;//Derefrencing
for(long long i=0; i<=limit; i++)
sum += i;
printf("Sum is %lld \n", sum);
void ping()
def = PONG;
void pong()
def = PING;
pthread_t * all_thread(pthread_t *t_id)
t_id = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));
return t_id;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
puts("Usage ./objFile <num 1> <num 2> .. <num n>");
int args = argc-1;
long long limit = atoll(argv[1]);
def = PING;
struct threads_util *threads[args];
for (int i=0; i<args; i++)
threads[i]->t_id = all_thread(threads[i]->t_id);
for(int i=0; i<args; i++)
threads[i]->init_attr = init_attr_fn;
//Begin -Main Functions
for(int i=0; i<= 10; i++)
if(def == PING)
else if(def == PONG)
puts("UNKOWN PI-PO");
//End - Main Functions
for(int i=0; i<args; i++)
You can see i have a puts("In"), in the main function, just after the for loop when i call all_thread args times. Well calling the function argc times with the for loop according to my debugging skills, is the problem. And also before we did all the allocation strategy, I had a problem on calling the thread function, of course resulting in a Segmentation Fault. threads[i]->init_attr(threads[i]->attr);. Help would be very much appreciated.
struct threads_util *threads[args];
means that you define an array of pointers to struct threads_util. But you don't actually create any struct threads_util so this line:
threads[i]->t_id = all_thread(threads[i]->t_id);
is illegal as it writes to memory not allocated.
You need to allocate memory for struct threads_util first:
for (int i=0; i<args; i++)
threads[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct threads_util));
I need to write a parallel quick sort in c using pthreads. This is what I did so far.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h> // sleep()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // EXIT_SUCCESS
#include <string.h> // strerror()
#include <errno.h>
void* quickSort( void* data);
int partition( int* a, int, int);
struct info {
int start_index;
int* data_set;
int end_index;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int a[] = { 7, 12, 1, -2,8,2};
pthread_t thread_id;
struct info *info = malloc(sizeof(struct info));
if (pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, quickSort, info)) {
fprintf(stderr, "No threads for you.\n");
return 1;
pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);
printf("\n\nSorted array is: ");
int i;
for(i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_DATASET; ++i)
printf(" %d ", info->data_set[i]);
return 0;
void* quickSort( void *data)
struct info *info = data;
int j,l,r;
l = info->start_index;
r = info->end_index;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t thread_id1;
pthread_t thread_id2;
if( l < r )
j = partition( info->data_set, l, r);
if (pthread_create(&thread_id1, NULL, quickSort, info)) {
fprintf(stderr, "No threads for you.\n");
return NULL;
if (pthread_create(&thread_id2, NULL, quickSort, info)) {
fprintf(stderr, "No threads for you.\n");
return NULL;
pthread_join(thread_id1, NULL);
pthread_join(thread_id2, NULL);
return NULL;
int partition( int* a, int l, int r) {
int pivot, i, j, t;
pivot = a[l];
i = l; j = r+1;
while( 1)
do ++i; while( a[i] <= pivot && i <= r );
do --j; while( a[j] > pivot );
if( i >= j ) break;
t = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = t;
t = a[l]; a[l] = a[j]; a[j] = t;
return j;
But inside quick sort function only call first thread only. Cant understand what is been happening here.
Note : serial version of code has been tested. no issue with that
This is modified version based on John Bollinger's solution. But still second half of array which is taken by newly created thread inside quicksort is not sorted.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int a[] = { 7, 12, 1, -2, 0, 15, 4, 11, 9,5,3,24,5,23,3,1,56,8,4,34,23,51};
struct info *info = malloc(sizeof(struct info));
printf("\n\nSorted array is: ");
int i;
for(i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_DATASET; ++i)
printf(" %d ", info->data_set[i]);
return 0;
void* quickSort( void *data)
struct info *info = data;
struct info *info1 = data;
int j,l,r;
l = info->start_index;
r = info->end_index;
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t thread_id1;
if( l < r )
j = partition( info->data_set, l, r);
info1->data_set = info->data_set;
if (pthread_create(&thread_id1, NULL, quickSort, info1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "No threads for you.\n");
return NULL;
if(info->end_index < 0) info->end_index = 0;
quickSort(info); /* don't care about the return value */
pthread_join(thread_id1, NULL);
return NULL;
The program is incorrect because your threads all share the same struct info structure describing the sub-problem they are supposed to be working on. They run concurrently (or may do, anyway) and they modify that structure as they proceed, so the values that any particular thread sees are indeterminate.
To resolve this, each quickSort frame must create at least one new struct info, so that the two quickSort() calls it makes in different threads each has its own. As a matter of efficiency, it would also be better to spawn only one additional thread in each quickSort() call. For example:
void* quickSort( void *data)
struct info *info = data;
struct info other_info;
/* ... */
/* launch a new thread to handle one partition: */
other_info.start_index = j + 1;
other_info.end_index = r;
other_info.data_set = info->data_set;
if (pthread_create(&thread_id1, NULL, quickSort, &other_info)) {
fprintf(stderr, "No threads for you.\n");
return NULL;
/* handle the other partition in the current thread: */
info->start_index = l;
info->end_index = j - 1;
if(info->end_index < 0) info->end_index = 0;
quickSort(info); /* don't care about the return value */
/* after this thread is done, wait for the other thread to finish, too */
pthread_join(thread_id1, NULL);
/* ... */
Note that this does not ensure that any particular pair of threads runs concurrently, neither in a multi-core sense nor in a time-slicing sense. That's up to the OS. Certainly, however, the multi-core sense of parallelism applies only where there are in fact multiple cores available on the host machine on which the OS is willing to schedule your process.
I'm currently trying to use msgpack in a project written in C. I'm using msgpack for the purpose of serializing the contents of a struct, which is then to be sent over the network, and deserialized back into a corresponding struct on the other side.
Condensed version of what I'm trying to do:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <msgpack.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef someStruct{
uint32_t a;
uint32_t b;
float c;
} someStruct;
int main (void){
someStruct data;
/* ... Fill 'data' with some data for test purposes ...*/
msgpack_sbuffer* buff = msgpack_sbuffer_new();
msgpack_packer* pck = msgpack_packer_new(buff, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
someStruct* structs = malloc(sizeof(someStruct) * 10);
/* ... Fill 'structs' with members containing test data ... */
// Serialize
msgpack_pack_array (pck, 10);
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){
msgpack_pack_array (pck, 3);
msgpack_pack_uint32 (pck, structs[i].a);
msgpack_pack_uint32 (pck, structs[i].b);
msgpack_pack_float (pck, structs[i].c);
// Deserialize
msgpack_unpacked msg;
bool deserialize_success = msgpack_unpack_next
(&msg, buff->data, buff->size, NULL);
if(!deserialize_success) /* Error */
msgpack_object obj = msg.data;
msgpack_object_print(stdout,obj); // This seems to work perfectly, indicating serialize / deserialize works as intended...
someStruct deserialized_data;
/* Insert code to extract and cast deserialized data to 'deserialized_data */
// Clean
return 0;
The code listed is more or less ripped straight from here, which seems to be one of very few resources on msgpack-c.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to a way to 'recreate' the original struct on the other side of the wire? The only way I've found to actually utilize the deserialized data, is to use the msgpack_object_print() call to print from the messagepack_object. This does, however seem to work, so I'm certain the data is there.
Do I need to somehow loop through the serialized data and use msgpack_unpack_next() with an offset to retrieve each someStruct member? Using memcpy to a local byte buffer?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Please find below a rewritten version that illustrates how to pack / unpack your data.
The whole idea is to pack each successive field of your struct, in a contiguous fashion, and apply (of course), the same logic at unpack time.
Right after pack, you are free to use the buffer the way you want (e.g send over the network, save on-disk, etc).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <msgpack.h>
typedef struct some_struct {
uint32_t a;
uint32_t b;
float c;
} some_struct;
static char *pack(const some_struct *s, int num, int *size);
static some_struct *unpack(const void *ptr, int size, int *num);
/* Fixtures */
some_struct ary[] = {
{ 1234, 5678, 3.14f },
{ 4321, 8765, 4.13f },
{ 2143, 6587, 1.34f }
int main(void) {
/** PACK */
int size;
char *buf = pack(ary, sizeof(ary)/sizeof(ary[0]), &size);
printf("pack %zd struct(s): %d byte(s)\n", sizeof(ary)/sizeof(ary[0]), size);
/** UNPACK */
int num;
some_struct *s = unpack(buf, size, &num);
printf("unpack: %d struct(s)\n", num);
/** CHECK */
assert(num == (int) sizeof(ary)/sizeof(ary[0]));
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
assert(s[i].a == ary[i].a);
assert(s[i].b == ary[i].b);
assert(s[i].c == ary[i].c);
printf("check ok. Exiting...\n");
return 0;
static char *pack(const some_struct *s, int num, int *size) {
assert(num > 0);
char *buf = NULL;
msgpack_sbuffer sbuf;
msgpack_packer pck;
msgpack_packer_init(&pck, &sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
/* The array will store `num` contiguous blocks made of a, b, c attributes */
msgpack_pack_array(&pck, 3 * num);
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
msgpack_pack_uint32(&pck, s[i].a);
msgpack_pack_uint32(&pck, s[i].b);
msgpack_pack_float(&pck, s[i].c);
*size = sbuf.size;
buf = malloc(sbuf.size);
memcpy(buf, sbuf.data, sbuf.size);
return buf;
static some_struct *unpack(const void *ptr, int size, int *num) {
some_struct *s = NULL;
msgpack_unpacked msg;
if (msgpack_unpack_next(&msg, ptr, size, NULL)) {
msgpack_object root = msg.data;
if (root.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_ARRAY) {
assert(root.via.array.size % 3 == 0);
*num = root.via.array.size / 3;
s = malloc(root.via.array.size*sizeof(*s));
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < root.via.array.size; i += 3, j++) {
s[j].a = root.via.array.ptr[i].via.u64;
s[j].b = root.via.array.ptr[i + 1].via.u64;
s[j].c = root.via.array.ptr[i + 2].via.dec;
return s;