Custom Channel Grouping - google-data-studio

Used this code to create a custom channel grouping but it includes an extra dimension that is not named but has data valued on the time series
I have tried to edit the code and reenter it but the extra dimension still remains and because it is not named I cannot figure out how to eliminate it
WHEN ((Source="direct" AND Medium="(not set)") OR Medium="(none)") THEN "Direct"
WHEN Medium="organic" THEN "Organic Search"
WHEN Medium="referral" THEN "Referral"
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Medium,"^(cpc|ppc|paidsearch)$") AND Ad Distribution Network!="Content" THEN "Paid Search"
I expect to see Direct, Organic search, referral and Paid search as the only data values on my time series but I have all those appear and then another set of data values show up on the time series and in the legend but this dimension is unnamed and I am not sure where the code is wrong

I'm not sure why you're getting the extra dimension but you could add the else statement below and then use a filter to remove the "Delete" dimension
WHEN ((Source="direct" AND Medium="(not set)") OR Medium="(none)") THEN "Direct"
WHEN Medium="organic" THEN "Organic Search"
WHEN Medium="referral" THEN "Referral"
WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Medium,"^(cpc|ppc|paidsearch)$") AND Ad Distribution Network!="Content"
THEN "Paid Search"
ELSE "Delete"

I wonder if this is showing up as blank because it's traffic that doesn't have a utm tag? That should show up as (not set) but you never know. If you pull the channel into a table along with full referrer, is there anything distinguishing the blank ones from the others, so you know how to categorize it, then you can add anything blank to a specific channel?


Google Sheets: Trying to get values for Data in a column and row

Not sure I was able to explain myself too well in the title so here it goes:
I have been trying to figure this one out using the Filter function, but I am unable to make it work, and I am sure there must be an easy way to do it. The idea is that I have a column with the names of the members of a team, and each team member needs to perform a number of actions in a set of tasks. I am counting the amount of actions performed by each team member on each task, and trying to filter those by team member and by task.
So it goes like this: I have a list of names in column B. The number of actions in column C and the task would be selected from a dropdown menu done with 'Data validation'. When I select the task from my drop down menu, the number of actions would change to reflect the actions performed per agent on the selected task.
I added an example too. In the example I filtered the data in sheet 'Data' by names, but I don't know how to add a criteria that would also filter by the tasks on row 1 in the sheet 'Data', or if it is even possible.
SPLIT(FLATTEN(Data!A2:A&Data!B1:E1&"×"&Data!B2:E), "×"), 2, 0)))

How to send an Email notification by day end using Rules with all the nodes published that day?

I am trying to achieve email notification . The condition is , it should go by end of the day with the current day published content list.
For the same I have tried couple of things using Rules, but stuck in between.
Any help?
I tried using rules, and I created a rule like so:
After updating existing content of type(content type name)
Cron maintenance tasks are performed
Condition: Data to compare: [node:field-img-status], Data value: Approve
When I am trying to add second condition to check if the node is published within 24hrs, I am unable to achieve it. When I add strtotime("-1 day"), I get an error like:
Wrong date format. Specify the date in the format 2017-05-10 08:17:18.
I tried date('Y-m-d h:i:s',strtotime("-1 day")) but I did not succeed.
Now I am trying one more method to achieve it using Views Rules which is suggested in this answer to the question about 'How to create a Drupal rule to check (on cron) a date field and if passed set field "status" to "ended"?'.
Below is a blueprint of how I'd get this to work ...
Step 1: Create a single eMail for each node that was published
Create a view (using Views) of all the nodes that were published the last 24 hours. Make sure to include a column in that view for the various data you want to be included about each node in your eMail later on.
Use Rules to create a rule with a Rules Action that consists of a "Rules Loop", in which its "list items" are actually the list of nodes that you want to be included in your eMail later on. To create this Rules Loop, use the Views Rules combined with a Views display type of "Views Rules", for the view that you created. Refer to my answer to "How to pass arguments to a view from Rules?" for way more details on how to use the Views Rules module.
For each list item in the Rules Loop of the previous step, you have access to all data for each column in the View you created. By using these data you could add an additional Rules Action (within the same Rules Loop) to send an appropriate eMail about the node being processed.
Step 2: Group all eMails in a single eMail
Obviously, the previous step creates a single eMail for each node that was published in the last 24 hours. If you only have a few nodes that may not be a real issue to worry about. But if you have dozens (or more?) of such nodes then you might want to consider consolidating all such eMails in a single eMail, which contains (in its eMail body) the complete list of nodes.
A possible solution to implement such consolidation, is similar to what is shown in the Rules example included in my answer to "How to concatenate all token values of a list in a single field within a Rules loop?". In your case, you could make it work like so:
Add some new Rules variable that will be used later on as part of the eMail body, before the start of your loop. Say you name the variable nodes_list_var_for_email_body.
Within your loop, for each iteration, prepend or append the value for each "list item" to that variable nodes_list_var_for_email_body.
Move the Rules Action to send an eMail outside your loop, and after the loop completed. And finetune the details (configuration) of your (new) "send an eMail" Rules Action. When doing so, you'll be able to select the token for nodes_list_var_for_email_body to include anywhere in your eMail body.
Step 3: Schedule the daily execution of your rule
Use the Rules Once per Day to schedule the daily execution of your rule. Refer to my answer to "How to limit the execution of a rule for sending an email to only run once in a day?" for way more details about this module.
Voilà, that's it ...
This is how I would achieve this:
Make some view which would list all nodes created today.
Make some end-point (from my module, check out:
It would call this view, and grab that node list (i.e. with views_get_view_result : ), loop through the list, compose the email and send it.
Then I would set cron job to call that end-point at end of every day.

Two-way synchronization between View Objects

I have two view objects in Oracle ADF.
LineVO represents order lines -- with one line per product.
Products are differentiated by several attributes... say "model" and "color". So, VO #1 contains a row for each model/color combination.
ModelVO represents a model-level summary of the lines.
Both VOs have a "quantity" field (an Integer).
There is a ViewLink between them and each has a row accessor to the other.
I want to achieve two-way coordination between these two view objects, such that:
When a user queries data, ModelVO.Quantity equals the sum of LineVO.Quantity, for the associated rows
When a user updates any LineVO.Quantity, the ModelVO.Quantity is immediately updated to reflect the new total
When a user updates a ModelVO.Quantity, the quantity is spread among the associated LineVO rows (according to complex business logic which I hope is not relevant here).
I have tried many different ways to do this and cannot get it perfect.
Right now, I am working on variations where ModelVO.Quantity is set to a Groovy expression "LineVO.sum('Quantity')". Unfortunately, everything I try either has the summing from LineVO->ModelVO working or the spreading from ModelVO->LineVO working, but never both at the same time.
Can someone suggest a way to do this? I want to do it in the model layer (either a EO or VO or combination).
Nevermind.. it turns out to be simple:
ModelVO.Quantity must be set to a Groovy "LineVO.sum('Quantity')" and it must have a recalcExpression set to a method where I can control things so it only recalculates when I am changing a LineVO.Quantity value.
The reason my approach didn't work initially was because, when the user updated a LineVO.Quantity value and I wanted to recalculate, I was getting the ModelVO row by lineVORow.getModelVO()... i.e., via a view accessor.
Apparently, that returns some sort of internal copy of the row and not the actual row.
When I got the parent row via the applicationModule.getModelVO().getCurrentRow(), the whole thing works perfectly.
I've posted another question about why accessing the row via the view accessor did not work. That part is still a mystery to me.

How do travel websites implement the sorting of search results?

For example you make a search for a hotel in London and get 250 hotels out of which 25 hotels are shown on first page. On each page user has an option to sort the hotels based on price, name, user-reviews etc. Now the intelligent thing to do will be to only get the first 25 hotels on the first page from the database. When user moves to page 2, make another database query for next 25 hotels and keep the previous results in cache.
Now consider this, user is on page 1 and sees 25 hotels sorted by price and now he sorts them based on user-ratings, in this case, we should keep the hotels we already got in cache and only request for additional hotels. How is that implemented? Is there something built in any language (preferably php) or we have to implement it from scratch using multiple queries?
This is usually done as follows:
The query is executed with order by the required field, and with a top (in some databases limit) set to (page_index + 1) * entries_per_page results. The query returns a random-access rowset (you might also hear of this referred to as a resultset or a recordset depending on the database library you are using) which supports methods such as MoveTo( row_index ) and MoveNext(). So, we execute MoveTo( page_index * entries_per_page ) and then we read and display entries_per_page results. The rowset generally also offers a Count property which we invoke to get the total number of rows that would be fetched by the query if we ever let it run to the end (which of course we don't) so that we can compute and show the user how many pages exist.

Autocomplete Dropdown - too much data, timing out

So, I have an autocomplete dropdown with a list of townships. Initially I just had the 20 or so that we had in the database... but recently, we have noticed that some of our data lies in other counties... even other states. So, the answer to that was buy one of those databases with all towns in the US (yes, I know, geocoding is the answer but due to time constraints we are doing this until we have time for that feature).
So, when we had 20-25 towns the autocomplete worked stellarly... now that there are 80,000 it's not as easy.
As I type I am thinking that the best way to do this is default to this state, then there will be much less. I will add a state selector to the page that defaults to NJ then you can pick another state if need be, this will narrow down the list to < 1000. Though, I may have the same issue? Does anyone know of a work around for an autocomplete with a lot of data?
should I post teh codez of my webservice?
Are you trying to autocomplete after only 1 character is typed? Maybe wait until 2 or more...?
Also, can you just return the top 10 rows, or something?
Sounds like your application is suffocating on the amount of data being returned, and then attempted to be rendered by the browser.
I assume that your database has the proper indexes, and you don't have a performance problem there.
I would limit the results of your service to no more than say 100 results. Users will not look at any more than that any how.
I would also only being retrieving the data from the service once 2 or 3 characters are entered which will further reduce the scope of the query.
Good Luck!
Stupid question maybe, but... have you checked to make sure you have an index on the town name column? I wouldn't think 80K names should be stressing your database...
I think you're on the right track. Use a series of cascading inputs, State -> County -> Township where each succeeding one grabs the potential population based on the value of the preceding one. Each input would validate against its potential population to avoid spurious inputs. I would suggest caching the intermediate results and querying against them for the autocomplete instead of going all the way back to the database each time.
If you have control of the underlying SQL, you may want to try several "UNION" queries instead of one query with several "OR like" lines in its where clause.
Check out this article on optimizing SQL.
I'd just limit the SQL query with a TOP clause. I also like using a "less than" instead of a like:
select top 10 name from cities where #partialname < name order by name;
that "Ce" will give you "Cedar Grove" and "Cedar Knolls" but also "Chatham" & "Cherry Hill" so you always get ten.
var q = (from c in db.Cities
where partialname < c.Name
orderby c.Name
select c.Name).Take(10);
