How to send the database I created in Postgres to someone? - postgis

I made a database using PostgreSQL (using pgAdmin III as the SQL client), and it is filled with shapefiles.
Then i connected that database to Qgis. Now I want to export this database to someone else so they can import it on their PostgreSQL server on their own PC and also get to connect it with Qgis.
How can I do that?


cannot access Postgres views from SSIS thru ODBC PSQL driver

I'm working with Postgres from SSIS thru ODBC Unicode driver ver 13.01. 32-bit connection.
I can successfully connect to all Postgres tables but can not able to see any view thru that connection.
How can I access to Postgres views from SSIS?
I just tried using the SQL Server import wizard (which uses a subset of SSIS) and I also could not see any views in the list of "Tables and views" for my PostgreSQL database
but when I chose the "Write a query to specify the data to transfer" and entered
for the "SQL statement" it allowed be to import the view data into a SQL Server table.
I had a similar problem because the view belonged to another user and the search context in postgres was not set for my ssis-login user.

Local Database Is Not Connecting in SQL Server 2012

I newly installed SQL server 2012 .when install my Database their is a local server .then i created a db in local server about my new system is in a network i install with admin permition. my db name is E4events and there are many tables in also accessing network server db also from my sql server.i worked in local server db for 2 days on third day it is not connecting i refer and try to clear problem by many reference but still i cant connect .I am not feared about connection .i created lot of tables so if i can connect i will get data or otherwise please suggest me how to get that db and whole tables. so here below i attached meathods i tried to solve problem but i dint become succes

MIgrate data from SQL Server to Bluemix Database as a Service

I am trying to move data from a local SQL Server 2014 database to Bluemix's database as a service. The IBM SQL database console limits uploads to 20 MB. Some of my tables are significantly larger than that.
What would be the best way to move the data?
If you install the DB2 client on your local machine, you can connect directly to your SQLDB database and use the IMPORT or LOAD** utilities to load the data.
For example,
load client from /tmp/mssql.cust.csv of del replace into my_table
** With LOAD, you have to use LOAD CLIENT ... in order to load data from your client machine instead of the server.

How can I set up a remote connection to a SQL Server 2012 database in the Cloud?

I have connection strings that look like this after I added a few line feeds so it's easy to read:
<add name="DefaultConnection"
Initial Catalog=database2;
Persist Security Info=True;
User ID=xxx;
I have two tables one in a local database and one in database2. The tables are in the dbo schema.
If the table in the remote and local databases are both called USERDATA then how can I move data
from my local to remote database. I assume I need to make a remote connection but is that possible
if the database is store in the cloud like this? If possible can someone tell me how I can set up
this remote connection? I have SQL Server Management Studio so I can open a SQL Query window. I am just not sure how to specify the remote connection and if that is the best way to do it.
You can use like this:
INSERT INTO [database2].[dbo].[USERDATA]
FROM [database].[dbo].[USERDATA] as tn
or you can use SSDT (Sql Server Data Tools) to migrate your schema and data to Sql Database on Azure.
There are multiple ways of handling this. Two simple ones of the top of my head are:
1) If you just need to transfer data for ONE table your best bet is to use a program called 'bcp' that comes with your SQL Server tools.
bcp allows you to export or import data (using in or out parameters) to a file and very quickly. You can simply use the bcp tool, export a table into a flat file, copy it over to the SQL Server in the cloud (using remote deskop or sharing the file in Azure storage or any other web-based storage) and then import the table again.
2) Alternatively, if you have access to SQL server in the cloud from your premise machine (ie: the firewall is open) and you're to run SSIS, you can connect both of the SQL servers within your SSIS package and transfer the data via SSIS

MOSS 2007 Unable to Connect to Database after Config Database Move

I am in the process of moving all our SharePoint DB's from a SQL 2005 server to a new 2008 server, and after moving the config database, everything seems ok, except when I click on "Timer Job Status" (under Central Admin > Operations > Global Configuration) I receive a "Unable to connect to database. Check database connection information and make sure the database server is running." error.
I get the following entries in the log regarding this:
Windows SharePoint Services
Possible mismatch
between the reported error with code =
0x8107053b and message: "Unable to
connect to database. Check database
connection information and make sure
the database server is running." and
the returned error with code
Windows SharePoint Services
SQL Database
'SP_Test_Config' on SQL Server
instance 'test-server' not found.
Additional error information from SQL
Server is included below. Cannot open
database "SP_Test_Config" requested by
the login. The login failed.
It should be noted that in order to ensure that it was no longer using the config database on the old server, I detached the original SP_Test_Config database in SQL Management Studio.
Obviously there are still references to the old SP_Test_Config database on the old 2005 server. How do I remove these references? Or, barring that, how do I move the config database in such a way that no references to the old 2005 server will remain?
Thank you in advance!
Not really an answer, but what we ended up doing (basically start from scratch using SQL Aliases):
First, create the SQL Server alias. This will make it so if you need to move the databases again in the future, you can just migrate all the databases to the new SQL Server, and change your SQL Server alias to point at that server. This should save you a lot of trouble and heartache in the future.
Run SQL Server Client Configuration Utility at: C:\Windows\System 32\cliconfig.exe.
Under the Alias tab, create a SQL Server Alias for the new SQL Server.
Now, recreate the farm.
Run stsadm -o preparetomove on all content DB's Backup all content DB's and copy to new SQL server
Remove all servers from farm using SharePoint Configuration Wizard
Recreate farm using SharePoint Configuration Wizard with the alias of the SQL Server you created above
Recreate all web apps with temp content DB's
Run stsadm -o deletecontentdb on all temp content databases created in step 4
Run stsadm -o addcontentdb using copied production databases as content database
Troubleshoot ad nauseum
