React App Prevent Rerender of All Items in Grid When Redux Updates - reactjs

I've got an app that shows a list of items in a grid. Some of the items have an embedded video which flashes or stops playing (if it's already playing) when it's rerendered.
The list is maintained in Redux. When the user scrolls to the bottom of the page it loads more results which causes the Redux state to update which, in turn, causes the grid to rerender all of the items plus the new items.
I'm looking for a solution that will just add more items to the end of the grid instead of rerendering everything.
I've got a component that holds the entire grid. It renders a component for each item in the grid. In each item I have a component that holds the embedded video.
Any ideas?

If each item in the grid is a component, like you said, you should use React.memo (for functional compoents) or Reat.PureComponent (for class components). It will prevent the component from rerendering if the props have not changed. I can't guarantee your videos will keep playing, but if the only reason they stop playing or flash is because the component is being rerendered then it should fix the problem.

Maybe this can help: when passing information from redux to your component, try to update the list of the objects instead of sending a new one
It's redux UpdateObject method.


React app confusion setting state of nested child component

I'm an embedded developer who is new to React and am struggling a bit with the behaviour of child components and nested child components.
I understand that for any component to be re-rendered, the state must change. I am using an example of a menu component that has an item component within. When some global level event happens, I want to change the text displayed by the item components.
Here is a fiddle that shows some code that I would expect to work:
On clicking the div, the menu's setText function gets called, which calls into the item component, setting the state. This state is used in the render function of the item component, so I would expect both item and menu to be re-rendered.
Instead I get an error saying that I can't set the state of an object that hasn't yet been mounted. I would have thought it had been mounted..
Perhaps the way I have linked the declared components with those in the render functions by calling this.componentname.render() is the issue - but how else could that be done?
Thanks in advance!
Here is a working version of your sandbox.
I see that you are new to react. I would suggest you use hooks instead of class components.

react native flatlist not keeping scroll position when appending to data in redux

I'm implementing a infinite scroll list view with the FlatList component in react native. I realized that even before the data gets appended any other prop changes will trigger a re-render of the component and therefore losing the scroll position in the list view.
I don't believe that is normal behavior, does any one know what I should do to have this work with redux ?

Performance issue with redux / redux-form

We've been using redux-form and seeing a noticeable lag when user types in an input field. I'm not really sure if it's a problem with redux-form. This could probably be the way we've structured our components. So we have page which lists some data, say 25 rows and filters for it. On click of a button, we open a modal where we render a redux-form. Now if user types in any of the input field, all the list items in the underlying page also get re-rendered. We're using React.Component for list items. React devtool's "Highlight updates" option highlights list items but when I do a console.log in list item's render method, it's not printing!
Wonder if this is happening because the list item's parent component is also a (redux) connected component and when redux-form's Field updates the store, this also gets re-rendered? How do you use redux-form in such scenario? I don't think having multiple stores is a recommended way.
I'm guessing you have an event listener for when any of the inputs on the form changes, and then you do some fetching/filtering on the underlying list?
Running this when typing quickly could lead to a performance hit, depending on what your event listener does. You could try using something like lodash.debounce to only run your listener after the user has stopped typing for like 200ms?

Keep scroll-y after rerender

I have dropdown list with a lot of checkboxes, so this container has scroll. But when i click on any checkbox - it selects\deselects itself and then state changes.
So the problem is that after rerendering this container is back to the top. Is it possible to keep container's scroll after rendering without saving it to the state?
You can save the "snapshot" of the scroll position before the commit phase.
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() shows kind of what you are looking for.
The documentation example saves the current scroll position within getSnapshotBeforeUpdate lifecycle method and then use the snapshot value passed to componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) as the last argument to restore the scroll position.
It doesn't require creating a state to save the scroll position as you requested.
It's happening because you are re-rendering the complete list of the checkboxes.
There are 2 possible approaches:
Re-render only relevant checkbox
Save the scroll position of the container and update it once component is re-rendered.
Unfortunately, you haven't added any code examples, so can't share the code changes.

Only animate list items when new are inserted, not when mounting initial

I have a ListView component, which is a live-updating feed, rendering a collection of child component ListItem.
Each time a new ListItem is added, I want to add a transition animation.
Problem is, I don't know how to accomplish this without applying the transition on the initial load. The list often have 30+ elements initially, these should not be animated.
I tried setting a 'initialLoad' state, and doing something with transitionEnter={!initialLoad} but this ended up being messy
How can this be accomplished?
