Theme nesting with Material UI - reactjs

I have many datatables throughout my website and for the most part they are all styled the same. There are several different styles I need to apply to some of them. I want to create a global theme for handling everything across the site including the basic datatable styles and I also want to have a local theme to tweak the individual datatables a little.
Here is what I've got.
This is structure like this
<PrimaryThemeHere> //All have Border 1px red
<SecondaryThemeHere> //blue background
<Datatable />
<SecondaryThemeHere> //Red background
<Datatable />
The primary theme looks like this:
const theme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiTableBody: {
root: {
border: "1px solid red"
MuiTableCell: {
root: {
border: "1px solid red"
and the nested theme looks like this:
getMuiTheme = () =>
overrides: {
MuiTableRow: {
root: {
backgroundColor: "blue"
I can never get the border red to show alongside the background color. It always chooses one or the other. How can I get a combination of the initial primary theming (border 1px red) and the background color or blue and red.
Please help

Here's the relevant portion of the documentation:
The code that handles theme nesting can be found here:
Here is the current code:
// To support composition of theme.
function mergeOuterLocalTheme(outerTheme, localTheme) {
if (typeof localTheme === 'function') {
const mergedTheme = localTheme(outerTheme);
'Material-UI: you should return an object from your theme function, i.e.',
'<ThemeProvider theme={() => ({})} />',
return mergedTheme;
return { ...outerTheme, ...localTheme };
Notice that the final line (return { ...outerTheme, ...localTheme };) is doing a shallow merge of the two themes. Since both of your themes have the overrides property specified, the localTheme overrides will completely replace the outerTheme overrides.
However, you can do a more sophisticated merge of the two themes, by providing a function to the ThemeProvider. For instance TestChild can look like this:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { MuiThemeProvider } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
import MUIDataTable from "mui-datatables";
const localTheme = {
overrides: {
MuiTableRow: {
root: {
backgroundColor: "blue"
const themeMerge = outerTheme => {
// Shallow copy of outerTheme
const newTheme = { ...outerTheme };
if (!newTheme.overrides) {
newTheme.overrides = localTheme.overrides;
} else {
// Merge the overrides. If you have the same overrides key
// in both (e.g. MuiTableRow), then this would need to be
// more sophisticated and you would probably want to use
// a deepMerge function from some other package to handle this step.
newTheme.overrides = { ...newTheme.overrides, ...localTheme.overrides };
return newTheme;
class TestChild extends Component {
render() {
const columns = [
name: "Message"
name: "Date"
name: "Dismiss"
const data = [["test", "15/01/19", "", ""], ["test", "15/01/19", "", ""]];
let options = {
filterType: "dropdown",
responsive: "stacked",
print: false,
search: false,
download: false,
selectableRows: "none"
return (
<MuiThemeProvider theme={themeMerge}>
export default TestChild;
In my version of your sandbox, I only fixed TestChild2.js.

For me the whole inner theme worked, except the mode. I could fix it by adding a <Paper /> component.
import { createTheme, Paper, ThemeProvider } from "#mui/material";
const outerThemeOptions = {
palette: { mode: "light" },
typography: { body1: { fontSize: 14 } },
const innerThemeOptions = {
palette: { mode: "dark" },
const outerTheme = createTheme(outerThemeOptions);
const innerTheme = createTheme({
<ThemeProvider theme={outerTheme}>
<Child1 />
<ThemeProvider theme={innerTheme}>
<Paper elevation={0}>
<Child2 />


Material UI doesn't use overridden styles when using useTheme hook

I'm trying to use custom theming in Material UI like so:
const theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
primary: {
main: PRIMARY_COLOR, // "#121212"
secondary: {
main: SECONDARY_COLOR, // "#F7D600"
const Wrapper = ({ children }) => {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>{children}</ThemeProvider>
This works for things like buttons:
In this case, the hex color #F7D600 gets applied.
But when I try to use the same color on my components using makeStyles, it doesn't seem to recognize it. It just uses the default by Material UI:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
someElement: {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main // <- not working. it uses the default purple color
I also tried useTheme but it's the same result:
const SomeComponent = () => {
const theme = useTheme();
return (
<Box style={{ backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main }}></Box>
Any ideas what I could be missing?
I can't see your import statement, but I use MuiThemeProvider. That could be your issue. Everything else looks right to me
import { MuiThemeProvider } from '#material-ui/core';
Use the below style to override any component in material-UI
import { createMuiTheme, colors } from '#material-ui/core'
const theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
background: {
dark: '#F4F6F8',
default: colors.common.white,
paper: colors.common.white,
primary: {
main: colors.indigo[500],
secondary: {
main: colors.indigo[500],
text: {
primary: colors.blueGrey[900],
secondary: colors.blueGrey[600],
common: {
tableHeader: '#DEF3FA',
action: {
oddRowColor: '#def3fa2e',
zIndex: {
modal: 10010, // override modal zIndex
appBar: 1000, // override Appbar
overrides: { 'MTableHeader-header': { root: { width: '143px !important' } } },
// use in your component
const StyledTableRow = withStyles((theme) => ({
root: {
'&:nth-of-type(odd)': {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.oddRowColor,//defined in theme
padding: 'dense',

createMaterialTopTabNavigator backgroundColor not defaulting to theme primary color

I am trying to use my theme primary color for the background of my createMaterialTopTabNavigator, but it is not defaulting to the theme color, and I can't access the theme outside of a component.
Basically I am using React-Native-Paper's default theme right now and it looks something like this (This purple color is the color I want):
Now the MaterialTopBarNavigator looks like this (It's not using the theme's default purple color):
So basically, I am trying to find a way to access my theme outside of a component so I can pass it into the style object in createMaterialTopTabNavigator tabBarOptions
My index.js looks like this
const myDarkTheme = {
headerDark: true
const myDefaultTheme = {
headerDark: true
export const ThemeContext = React.createContext(null);
export default class Main extends Component {
state = {
theme: myDefaultTheme
_toggleTheme = () => {
this.setState(prevState => {
return {
theme: prevState.theme.dark ? myDefaultTheme : myDarkTheme
render() {
return (
value={{ theme: this.state.theme, toggleTheme: this._toggleTheme }}
<PaperProvider theme={this.state.theme}>
<App />
AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => Main);
Here is my createMaterialTopTabNavigator
const AccountNavigator = createMaterialTopTabNavigator(
Profile: { screen: Profile },
Preferences: { screen: Preferences }
initialRouteName: "Profile",
swipeEnabled: true,
animationEnabled: true,
tabBarOptions: {
labelStyle: { fontWeight: "bold" },
//I would add this here to change background color
//but I don't know how to access my theme color from here...
//style: { backgroundColor: insertThemePrimaryColorHere }

Alternative to innerTheme when we want to have different primaryTypographyProps

I have a component which has a List customized with ListeItems and Icons and Buttons. I want to use this component in 2 different places. In one place, I set the MuiListItemTextTypography props this way..
const theme = createMuiTheme({
typography: {
useNextVariants: true
body1: {
fontSize: '14px'
props: {
MuiListItemText: {
primaryTypographyProps: {
variant: "body1"
secondaryTypographyProps: {
variant: "body2"
But a second component wants the font size to be 12 px, so I did it this way
const innerTheme = createMuiTheme({
typography: {
body1: {
fontSize: '12px'
props: {
MuiListItemText: {
primaryTypographyProps: {
variant: "body1"
secondaryTypographyProps: {
variant: "body1"
and wrapped the second component in new Theme
<MuiThemeProvider theme={innerTheme}>
<ListItems itemsList={secondItem}/>
It works fine, but the drawback is that I lose all the styles set in main theme when I wrap it in an inner theme
How can I do this so that I do not lose all that in the first theme.
There is a good example of how to do this here: Nesting the Theme
MuiThemeProvider accepts a function, so you can redefine innerTheme as:
const innerTheme = {
typography: {
body1: {
fontSize: '12px'
props: {
MuiListItemText: {
primaryTypographyProps: {
variant: "body1"
secondaryTypographyProps: {
variant: "body1"
And then change your markup to:
<MuiThemeProvider theme={theme => createMuiTheme({...theme, ...innerTheme})}>
<ListItems itemsList={secondItem}/>

How do you access the Material UI theme inside event handlers?

I have event handlers for things like onClick or onFocus, and I can't figure out how to use the theme inside of the handler code. I want to change the color of an iconButton and I don't want to hard-code the color because we want components that can be general use, and eventually work with themes using completely different colors.
Tried using withTheme in addition to withStyles, so I can get the theme inside of the render(), but I can't get to it from a handler called from that rendering. Tried passing it, calling as a prop, declaring constants based upon theme values in the class (both inside and outside of render), nothing.
I don't know if this is possible, or not built in, or what. I'm hoping that I'm just missing something.
Environment: CodeSandBox, so CreateReactApp. Material-UI plus React-Select, withStyles and withTheme (useTheme help here?).
handleInfoClick = (e) => {
if ( !== "block") { = "block"; = "#f9be00"; //works
} else { = "none"; = this.theme.palette.text.disabled; // doesn't work
also tried this:
handleSelectFocus = () => {
if (this.state.visited === false) { = "block"; = this.activeButtonColor;
this.setState({ visited: true });
render() {
const { theme } = this.props;
const activeButtonColor = theme.palette.secondary.main;
Finally, also tried to use the classes I can use within render(), but it doesn't recognize those either:
const styles = theme => ({
infoButton: {
position: "absolute",
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
marginBottom: 20,
width: 48,
color: theme.palette.text.disabled,
"&:active": {
color: theme.palette.secondary.main
infoButtonActive: {
position: "absolute",
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
marginBottom: 20,
width: 48,
color: theme.palette.secondary.main
Hoping one of these approaches would give me a color for my <IconButton> - from my theme:
<div className={classes.infoButtonDiv}>
<HelpOutline />
(in a different theme.js file applied to the root element:
const theme = createMuiTheme({
typography: {
fontFamily: ["Roboto", '"Helvetica Neue"', "Arial", "sans-serif"].join(",")
palette: {
primary: {
main: "#00665e"
secondary: {
main: "#f9be00"
overrides: {
LeftNav: {
drawerDiv: {
backgroundColor: "#00665e",
width: 300
direction: "ltr",
typography: {
useNextVariants: true
Triggering a state change onClick will update the color, but only if you pass one of the supported values for the IconButton color prop ("primary" or "secondary").
import React, { Component } from "react";
import IconButton from "#material-ui/core/IconButton";
import DeleteIcon from "#material-ui/icons/Delete";
class ButtonStyle extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
buttonColor: "primary"
handleClick = e => {
buttonColor: "secondary"
render() {
const buttonColor = this.state.buttonColor;
return (
<DeleteIcon />
export default ButtonStyle;

Change primary color dynamically in MUI theme

There is requirement, I want to give access to user can select their primary color from list like Blue, Orange Green. I have used latest MUI for front-end.
Now I am able to change light to dark theme but my requirement is change primary color also. please help me for same how to code for same.
Please check attached screen:
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { MuiThemeProvider, createMuiTheme } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import Root from './Root';
import lightTheme from 'your-light-theme-path';
import darkTheme from 'your-dark-them-path';
const theme1 = createMuiTheme(lightTheme);
const theme2 = createMuiTheme(darkTheme)
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
isThemeLight: true;
onChange = () => {
this.setState=({ isThemeLight: false })
render() {
const { isThemeLight } = this.state;
return (
<MuiThemeProvider theme={isThemeLight ? theme1 : theme2}>
<Root /> // your app here
<button onClick={this.onChange}>Change Dark</button>
render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));
Where your lightTheme or darkTheme can be a file like this
export default {
direction: 'ltr',
palette: {
type: 'light',
primary: {
main: '#37b44e',
secondary: {
main: '#000',
You can see all the list of theme configurable in Material UI Docs Theme Configuration
Approach 2 (For Theme Change Runtime)
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { MuiThemeProvider, createMuiTheme } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import Root from './Root';
const theme1 = createMuiTheme(lightTheme);
const theme2 = createMuiTheme(darkTheme)
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
theme1: {
palette: {
type: 'light',
primary: { main: '#37b44e' },
secondary: { main: '#000' },
theme2: {
palette: {
type: 'light',
primary: { main: '#37b44e' },
secondary: { main: '#000' },
isThemeLight: true;
onChange = () => {
this.setState=({ isThemeLight: false })
onChangeTheme1 = () => {
this.setState(({theme1}) => ({
theme1: {
primary: { main: 'red' },
render() {
const { theme1, theme2, isThemeLight } = this.state;
return (
theme={isThemeLight ? createMuiTheme(theme1) : createMuiTheme(theme2)}
<Root /> // your app here
<button onClick={this.onChange}>Change Dark</button>
<button onClick={this.onChangeTheme1}>Change Palette Theme 1</button>
render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));
You can use useMemo to compute the theme object whenever the primaryColor state changes. The state can be updated with setPrimaryColor() after the user chose an option in the UI:
const [primaryColor, setPrimaryColor] = React.useState(defaultColor);
const theme = React.useMemo(
() =>
palette: {
primary: {
main: primaryColor,
Here is a minimal working example:
const defaultColor = '#f44336';
const [primaryColor, setPrimaryColor] = React.useState(defaultColor);
const theme = React.useMemo(
() =>
palette: {
primary: { main: primaryColor },
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Box m={2}>
sx={{ width: 100 }}
label="Primary color"
onChange={(e) => setPrimaryColor(}
<MenuItem value="#f44336">Red</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="#2196f3">Blue</MenuItem>
<MenuItem value="#4caf50">Green</MenuItem>
<Checkbox defaultChecked />
Live Demo
