JMeter: how different type of timers can affect each others - timer

I need to create a load test for a certain number of requests in a given time. I could successfully setup Precise Throughput Timer and I believe I understand how it works. What I don't understand is how other timers, specifically Gaussian Random Timer would affect it.
I have run my test plan with and without Gaussian Random Timer but I don't see that much of difference in the results. I'm wondering whether adding Gaussian Random Timer would help me to better simulate my users behavior?

I would say that these timers are mutually exclusive
Precise Throughput Timer allows you to reach and maintain the desired throughput (number of requests per given amount of time)
Gaussian Random Timer - allows you to simulate "think time"
If your goal is to mimic real users behavior as close as possible - go for the Gaussian Random Timer because real users don't hammer the application under test non-stop, they need some time to "think" between operations, i.e. locate the button and move the mouse pointer there, read something, type something, etc. So if your test assumes simulating real users using real browsers - go for Gaussian Random Timer and put realistic think times between operations. If you need your test to produce certain amount of hits per second - just increase the number of threads (virtual users) accordingly. Check out What is the Relationship Between Users and Hits Per Second? for comprehensive explanation if needed.
On the other hand Precise Thorughput Timer is handy when there are no "real users", for example you're testing an API or a database or a message queue and need to send a specific number of requests per second.


Which Micrometer metric is better to count database values found?

We want to implement a Grafana dashboard that shows in how many calls to a database a value is found
I´m not sure which Micrometer metric to use:
Counter: Counters report a single metric, a count.
Timer: Measures the frequency
According to that, I would choose the counter, because I just want to know how many times we find a value in the database.
It depends on the information you hope to capture based on the metric. You most likely want a gauge.
You aren't timing anything so a Timer wouldn't be a good fit.
Counter - is used for measuring values that only go up and can be used to calculate rates. For instance, counting requests.
Gauge - is used for measuring values that go up and down. For instance, CPU usage.
If you are counting values in a database result, that number could go up and down (if that table allows deletion). However, if the amount only goes up, using a counter would make sense, and give you the ability to see the growth rate, but that will only work if you can guarantee the number is only going up.

Monte Carlo Tree Search Improvements

I'm trying to implement the MCTS algorithm on a game. I can only use around 0.33 seconds per move. In this time I can generate one or two games per child from the start state, which contains around 500 child nodes. My simulations aren't random, but of course I can't make a right choice based on 1 or 2 simulations. Further in the game the tree becomes smaller and I can my choices are based on more simulations.
So my problem is in the first few moves. Is there a way to improve the MCTS algorithm so it can simulate more games or should I use another algorithm?
Is it possible to come up with some heuristic evaluation function for states? I realise that one of the primary benefits of MCTS is that in theory you wouldn't need this, BUT: if you can create a somewhat reasonable evaluation function anyway, this will allow you to stop simulations early, before they reach a terminal game state. Then you can back-up the evaluation of such a non-terminal game state instead of just a win or a loss. If you stop your simulations early like this, you may be able to run more simulations (because every individual simulation takes less time).
Apart from that, you'll want to try to find ways to ''generalize''. If you run one simulation, you should try to see if you can also extract some useful information from that simulation for other nodes in the tree which you didn't go through. Examples of enhancements you may want to consider in this spirit are AMAF, RAVE, Progressive History, N-Gram Selection Technique.
Do you happen to know where the bottleneck is for your performance? You could investigate this using a profiler. If most of your processing time is spent in functions related to the game (move generation, advancing from one state to the next, etc.), you know for sure that you're going to be limited in the number of simulations you can do. You should then try to implement enhancements that make each individual simulation as informative as possible. This can for example mean using really good, computationally expensive evaluation functions. If the game code itself already is very well optimized and fast, moving extra computation time into things like evaluation functions will be more harmful to your simulation count and probably pay off less.
For more on this last idea, it may be interesting to have a look through some stuff I wrote on my MCTS-based agent in General Video Game AI, which is also a real-time environment with a very computationally expensive game, meaning that simulations counts are severely constrained (but the branching factor is much much smaller than it seems to be in your case). Pdf files of my publications on this are also available online.

Library design methodology

I want to make the "TRAP AGENT" library. The trap agent library keeps the tracks of the various parameter of the client system. If the parameter of the client system changes above threshold then trap agent library at client side notifies to the server about that parameter. For example, if CPU usage exceeds beyond threshold then it will notify the server that CPU usage is exceeded. I have to measure 50-100 parameters (like memory usage, network usage etc.) at client side.
Now I have the basic idea about the design, but I am stuck with the entire library design.
I have thought of below solutions:
I can create a thread for each parameter (i.e. each thread will monitor single parameter).
I can create a process for each parameter (i.e. each process will monitor single parameter).
I can classify the various parameters into the various groups, like data usage parameter will fall into network group, CPU memory usage parameter will fall into the system group, and then will create thread for each group.
Now 1st solution is looking good as compare to 2nd. If I am adopting 1st solution then it may fail when I want to upgrade my library for 100 to 1000 parameters. Because I have to create 1000 threads at that time, which is not good design (I think so; if I am wrong correct me.)
3rd solution is good, but response time will be high since many parameters will be monitored in single thread.
Is there any better approach?
In general, it's a bad idea to spawn threads 1-to-1 for any logical mapping in your code. You can quickly exhaust the available threads of the system.
In .NET this is very elegantly handled using thread pools:
Thread vs ThreadPool
Here is a C++ discussion, but the concept is the same:
Thread pooling in C++11
Processes are also high overhead on Windows. Both designs sound like they would ironically be quite taxing on the very resources you are trying to monitor.
Threads (and processes) give you parallelism where you need it. For example, letting the GUI be responsive while some background task is running. But if you are just monitoring in the background and reporting to a server, why require so much parallelism?
You could just run each check, one after the other, in a tight event loop in one single thread. If you are worried about not sampling the values as often, I'd say that's actually a benefit. It does no help to consume 50% CPU to monitor your CPU. If you are spot-checking values once every few seconds that is probably fine resolution.
In fact high resolution is of no help if you are reporting to a server. You don't want to denial-of-service-attack your server by doing a HTTP call to it multiple times a second once some value triggers.
NOTE: this doesn't mean you can't have a pluggable architecture. You could create some base class that represents checking a resource and then create subclasses for each specific type. Your event loop could iterate over an array or list of objects, calling each one successively and aggregating the results. At the end of the loop you report back to the server if any are out of range.
You may want to add logic to stop checking (or at least stop reporting back to the server) for some "cool down period" once a trap hits. You don't want to tax your server or spam your logs.
You can follow below methodology:
1.You can have two threads one thread is dedicated to measure emergency parameter and second thread monitors non emergency parameter.
hence response time for emergency parameter will be less.
2.You can define 3 threads.First thread will monitor the high priority(emergency parameter).Second thread will monitor the intermediate priority parameter. and last thread will monitor lowest priority parameter.
So overall response time will be improved as compared to first solution.
3.If response time is not concern then you can monitor all the parameters in single thread.But in this case response time becomes worst when you upgrade your library to monitor 100 to 1000 parameters.
So in 1st case there will be more response time for non emergency parameter.While in 3rd case there will be definitely very high response time.
So solution 2 is better.

NBody Simulation - appropriate design approach

I have a problem where I am going to have a bunch of nbodies - the movements of each is predescribed by existing data, however when a body is in the range of another one certain properties about it change. For the sake of this question we'll just assume you have a counter per body that counts the time you were around other bodies. So basically you start with t = 0, you spend 5 seconds around body 2, so your t is now 5. I am wondering what's the best way I should go about this, I don't have the data yet, but I was just wondering if it's appropriate for me to explore something like CUDA/OpenCL or should I stick with optimizing this across a multi-core cpu machine. Because the amount of data that this will be simulated across is about 500 bodies, which each have movements described down to the second over a 30 day period, so that's 43200 points of data per body.
Brute force nbody is definitely suited to GPUs, because it is "embarrassingly parallel". Each body-to-body interaction computation is completely independent of any other. Your variation that includes keeping track of time spent in the "presence" of other bodies would be a straightforward addition to the existing body-to-body force computation, since everything is done on a timestep basis anyway.
Here's some sample CUDA code for nbody.

Rolling Timer Array for Calculating Averages

Language: C++
Development Environment: Microsoft Visual C++
Libraries Used: MFC
Problem: This should be fairly simple, but I can't quite wrap my head around it. I'm attempting to calculate a rolling average over a given amount of time - let's say five seconds. Every second, my program receives a data message containing some numerical information, including the CPU idle time during the process.
I want to be able to show the user an average CPU idle time over a five second period. I was thinking about using just an array and storing a value every five seconds, but I'm not sure how to do the rolling portion. Unless there is some other built-in method for doing rolling calculations?
As it turns out, it would actually be better to implement immediate feedback regarding idle percentage, which is much easier to code.
