Extending C Brute Force Algorithm - c

I need a brute force algorithm over alphanumeric characters.
The code I use just prints all the permutations to the standard output. I tried for hours but failed to rewrite the code in such a manner that I can just call a function brute_next() to get the next codeword when needed.
Can someone help me rewrite this code? The function brute_next() should return a char* or alternatively gets an char* as parameter. I'm using CLion with gcc under Mac.
The code is (source):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static const char alphabet[] =
static const int alphabetSize = sizeof(alphabet) - 1;
void bruteImpl(char* str, int index, int maxDepth)
for (int i = 0; i < alphabetSize; ++i)
str[index] = alphabet[i];
if (index == maxDepth - 1) printf("%s\n", str);
else bruteImpl(str, index + 1, maxDepth);
void bruteSequential(int maxLen)
char* buf = malloc(maxLen + 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= maxLen; ++i)
memset(buf, 0, maxLen + 1);
bruteImpl(buf, 0, i);
int main(void)
return 0;
This is my non-working attempt to convert the recursion into a generator. Just can't figure out how the permutation algorithm works.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static const char alphabet[] =
static const int alphabetSize = sizeof(alphabet) - 1;
struct bruteconfig {
int index;
int i1;
int i2;
char* str;
int maxDepth;
static struct bruteconfig* config;
void brute_init(int maxLen){
config = malloc(sizeof(struct bruteconfig*));
config->i1 = 1;
config->i2 = 0;
config->index = 0;
config->maxDepth = maxLen;
void bruteImpl()
if(config->i2 > alphabetSize) // how to transform for to iterative?
config->i2 = 0;
config->str[config->index] = alphabet[config->i2];
if (config->index == config->maxDepth - 1) {
//printf("%s\n", config->str);
return; // str filled with next perm
else {
//bruteImpl(config->str, config->maxDepth);
char* bruteSequential()
config->str = malloc(config->maxDepth + 1);
if(config->i1 >= config->maxDepth)
return NULL;
memset(config->str, 0, config->maxDepth + 1); // clear buf
bruteImpl(config->str, config->i1); // fill with next perm
return config->str;
//free(buf); // needs to be done by the caller

You're trying to switch from recursion to using a generator: the key difference is that recursion stores working state implicitly in the call stack, while a generator needs to store all its state explicitly for the next call.
So, first you need to think about what state is being implicitly held for you in the recursive version:
each level of your recursive call has its own value for the parameter index
each level has its own value for the local variable i
... and that's it.
You have maxDepth levels, numbered 0..maxDepth-1, each with its own current position in the alphabet. Note that the index argument is also just the position in this collection, so you don't need to store it separately.
Now, you need to store some persistent state between calls, and it's going to be this array of maxDepth integer alphabet positions. Can you figure out how to write a function to convert that array into a string? Can you figure out how to advance the state one place in the same way your recursive code would?
Edit your state should probably look something like
struct PermutationState {
/* stringLength == maxDepth */
int stringLength;
char *string;
/* better to avoid globals */
int alphaLength;
const char *alphabet;
/* this replaces i as the index into our alphabet */
int *alphaPos;
and I'd suggest writing an interface like
struct PermutationState* start_permutation(int stringLength,
int alphaLength,
const char *alphabet)
struct PermutationState *state = malloc(sizeof(*state));
if (!state) return NULL;
/* initialize scalar values first, for easier error-handling */
state->stringLength = stringLength;
state->string = NULL;
state->alphaLength = alphaLength;
state->alphabet = alphabet;
state->alphaPos = NULL;
/* now we can handle nested allocations */
state->string = malloc(stringLength + 1);
state->alphaPos = calloc(stringLength, sizeof(int));
if (state->string && state->alphaPos) {
/* both allocations succeeded, and alphaPos is already zeroed */
memset(state->string, alphabet[0], stringLength);
state->string[stringLength] = 0;
return state;
/* one or both of the nested allocations failed */
return NULL;
void end_permutation(struct PermutationState *state)
and finally you're looking to implement this function:
char *next_permutation(struct PermutationState *state)
/* TODO */
Since start_permutation has already set you up with state->alphaPos = [0, 0, ... 0] and state->string = "aaa...a", you probably want to advance alphaPos by one position and then return the current string.
NB. I assumed you don't need to copy the alphabet, which means the caller is responsible for guaranteeing its lifetime. You could easily copy that too, if necessary.

I just can't figure out how the permutation algorithm works
It's quite simple: To get from one word to the next, start at the rightmost position, change that character to the next in the alphabet; if there's no next character, reset the position to the first character in the alphabet and continue with changing the position to the left; if there's no position left, the codeword needs to be lengthened. Here's a sample implementation:
char *brute_next()
for (; ; )
static char *buf; // buffer for codeword
static int maxDepth; // length of codeword
int i, index = maxDepth-1; // alphabet and buffer index, resp.
while (0 <= index) // as long as current length suffices:
{ // next char at buf[index] is next in alphabet or first:
i = buf[index] ? strchr(alphabet, buf[index]) - alphabet + 1 : 0;
if (buf[index] = alphabet[i]) return buf;
buf[index--] = alphabet[0]; // reset to 'a', continue to the left
index = maxDepth++; // now need to lengthen the codeword
buf = realloc(buf, maxDepth+1); // string length + terminator
if (!buf) exit(1);
buf[index] = buf[maxDepth] = '\0';


I attempted to parse a string into different words, attempted to freed them later but 2 of the strings have the same byte addresses

I am currently trying to parse a string into an array of strings.
So far, I currently believe I've succeeded in splitting up the string by inserting '\0' after every word "chunk".
However, when I attempt to free the string array later, some of my words have the same byte address, and thus, when I try to free one of them, the other gets freed as well.
This is the code for my parser, I apologize for its messy form:
* parser()
* Parses a given string into different words and returns a list with the words.
* If there is a non-space and non-alphabetic character an error is recorded.
void parser(char* str, char** actualList, char** freeingList,char* error, int* length){
// initialize variables
bool chara = false;
bool beginning = true;
int size = strlen(str);
bool nonAlphaSpace = false;
// iterate through the entire string
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
// if the character is not either a space or an alphabetic character
if(isspace(str[i])==0 && isalpha(str[i])==0 && !nonAlphaSpace){
*error = str[i];
nonAlphaSpace = true;
// if there was no irregular character
for(int j = 0; j < size; j++){
// if the character is the beginning of the current string
// record this string into the list of words
freeingList[*length] = &str[j];
// set the status of any alphabetic character being present to false;
chara = false;
// if the current character is an alphabetic character
chara = true;
beginning = false;
// if the character is a space
else if(isspace(str[j])!=0){
// if there was a character beforehand
// get the pointer to the next character
char* new = &str[j+1];
// change the current character to a null
str[j] = '\0';
// realign the pointer to the string to rest of the string
str = new;
j = -1;
size = strlen(str);
beginning = true;
// if the character is an alphabetic character
chara = true;
// if the last chunk of string left didn't contain any characters
// for every word extracted
for(int k = 0; k < *length; k++){
int newSize = strlen(freeingList[k]);
bool first = true;
// get the pointer to the first character in the word, i.e. not the first few spaces
for(int l = 0; l < newSize; l++){
if(isspace(freeingList[k][l])==0 && first){
actualList[k] = &freeingList[k][l];
first = false;
This is when I attempt to free it:
// free the current collection of strings
for(int j = 0; j < size; j+=2){
When I input "home or for" into the parser and later try to free it, the address of "home" is 0x7fffffffe840 while the address of "for" is 0x7fffffffe848. This leads me to believe that the freeing of home also frees or causing a SIGABRT error later.
Is this assumption correct? How can I overcome this double freeing?
You should only call free() on pointers returned by malloc(), calloc(), or realloc(). What it looks like you are doing:
char *ptr = malloc(100);
char *ptr2 = &ptr[10];
free(ptr2); // You can't do that.
I suspect you meant to make a copy of the strings. Here's a simplified version:
void parser(char* str, char** actualList, int* length) {
char *start = str; // The start of the current string
int count = 0; // Number of strings copied
while (*str) {
if (isspace(*str)) {
*str = '\0';
actualList[count] = malloc(strlen(start) + 1); // Allocate space for string
strcpy(actualList[count++], start); // Copy string
start = str + 1; // Reset for next string
if (count == *length - 1) break; // Don't overflow pointer array
// Grab the final string
actualList[count] = malloc(strlen(start) + 1); // Allocate space for string
strcpy(actualList[count++], start); // Copy string
*length = count;
Then call it like:
char input[] = "home or for";
char *words[5];
int max_words = 5;
parser(input, words, &max_words);
// max_words should be 3 now
for (int i = 0; i < max_words; i++) {
printf("%s\n", words[i]);
// Clean up
for (int i = 0; i < max_words; i++) {
That's not a parser, though. More a tokenizer.
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
bool parser(char const *str, char ***words, size_t *num_words, size_t *error)
{ // ^^^ gaaaah! *)
errno = 0;
size_t length = strlen(str);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (!isalnum(str[i]) && !isspace(str[i])) {
*error = i; // the position is most likely more meaningful than the character
return false; // get outta here!!
char const *begin;
char const *end;
*num_words = 0;
*words = NULL;
bool in_word = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= length; ++i) {
if (!in_word && isalnum(str[i])) { // word begins
begin = str + i;
in_word = true;
else if (in_word && !isalnum(str[i])) { // word ended
end = str + i;
char *word = calloc(end - begin + 1, sizeof *word);
if (!word) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
errno = ENOMEM;
return false;
memcpy(word, begin, end - begin);
char **tmp = realloc(*words, (*num_words + 1) * sizeof *tmp);
if (!tmp) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
errno = ENOMEM;
return false;
*words = tmp;
tmp[(*num_words)++] = word;
in_word = false;
return true;
int main(void)
char const *foo = "slfkja askdfj jk j aksjf lasjdflkjsdlf jask fdjl";
char **words = NULL;
size_t num_words = 0;
size_t error = 0;
if (!parser(foo, &words, &num_words, &error)) {
if (errno == ENOMEM)
fputs("Not enough memory. :(\n\n", stderr);
else fprintf(stderr, "Error at position %zu: \"%s\"\n\n", error, foo + error);
puts("List of words:");
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) {
printf("\"%s\"\n", words[i]);
C should be renamed brainf*ck ...
*) Three Star Programmer
you modify the value of str in the body of the function (in the line str = new; (don't use new as an identifier, more if you plan to use this code as C++ code, as new is a reserved word in C++). As you don't call malloc(3) in the function body, it's quite normal you get a problem from free(3), as free requires to be passed a pointer previously generated with malloc (and only once, so you cannot call it twice with the same pointer). This is the reason of you getting SIGABRT and the like. As a general rule, don't call free(3) in a function you don't also call malloc for the same pointer. That use is error prone and you will run into trouble more than once a day if you insist in doing everything in a single function.
better than apologize for the messy form of the code, please, clean it before posting. Post a minimu (meaning the minimum code that shows the error), full (meaning that we can compile it and observe the result you post as failing), verifiable (code that shows it producing the observed result, and not the expected one) and complete (this means we have nothing to do but compile it and run) code (so we can test it failing as you say, without having to correct it first) That way, we can make a diagnostic of what happens in your code. If we need to correct the code just to make it runnable, we can correct the main problem you are observing and be unable to see the mistake. You see? :)
Note about using new as an identifier in C code:
Many Unit Testing frameworks require your code to be compilable as C++ code, so it can be used by the framework (at least Google Test requires this) If you plan to write unit tests for your code, remember that new is a reserved word in C++ for the operator new, and so, your code will produce syntax errors if you try to compile it with a c++ compiler. Better if you don't use it.

How to word-wrap using specific delimiters, without dynamic allocation

I have a program that displays UTF-8 encoded strings with a size limitation (say MAX_LEN).
Whenever I get a string with a length > MAX_LEN, I want to find out where I could split it so it would be printed gracefully.
For example:
#define MAX_LEN 30U
const char big_str[] = "This string cannot be displayed on one single line: it must be splitted"
Without process, the output will looks like:
"This string cannot be displaye" // Truncated because of size limitation
"d on one single line: it must "
"be splitted"
The client would be able to chose eligible delimiters for the split but for now, I defined a list of delimiters by default:
#define DEFAULT_DELIMITERS " ;:,)]" // Delimiters to track in the string
So I am looking for an elegant and lightweight way of handling these issue without using malloc: my API should not return the sub-strings, I just want the positions of the sub-strings to display.
I already have some ideas that I will propose in answer: any feedback (e.g. pros and cons) would be appreciated, but most of all I am interested in alternatives solutions.
I just want the positions of the sub-strings to display.
So all you need is one function analysing your input returning the positions where a delimiter was found.
A possible appoach using strpbrk() assuming C99 at least:
#include <unistd.h> /* for ssize_t */
#include <string.h>
#define DELIMITERS (" ;.")
void find_delimiter_positions(
const char * input,
const char * delimiters,
ssize_t * delimiter_positions)
ssize_t dp_current = 0;
const char * p = input;
while (NULL != (p = strpbrk(p, delimiters)))
delimiter_positions[dp_current] = p - input;
int main(void)
char input[] = "some randrom data; more.";
size_t input_length = strlen(input);
ssize_t delimiter_positions[input_length];
for (size_t s = 0; s < input_length; ++s)
delimiter_positions[s] = -1;
find_delimiter_positions(input, DELIMITERS, delimiter_positions);
for (size_t s = 0; -1 != delimiter_positions[s]; ++s)
/* print out positions */
For why C99: C99 introduces V(ariable) L(ength) A(rray), which are necessary here to get around the limitation to not use dynamic memory allocation.
If VLAs also may not be used one needs to fall back a defining a maximum number of possible occurences of delimiters per string. The latter however might be feasable as the maximum length of the string to be parsed is given, which in turn would imply the maximum number of possible delimiters per string.
For the latter case those lines from the example above
char input[] = "some randrom data; more.";
size_t input_length = strlen(input);
ssize_t delimiter_positions[input_length];
could be replaced by
char input[MAX_INPUT_LEN] = "some randrom data; more.";
size_t input_length = strlen(input);
ssize_t delimiter_positions[MAX_INPUT_LEN];
An approach that doesn't require additional storage is to make the wrapping function call a callback function for each substring. In the example below, the string is just printed with plain old printf, but the callback could call any other API function.
Things to note:
There is a function next that should advance a pointer to the next UTF-8 character. The encoding width for an UTF-8 char can be seen from its first byte.
The space and punctuation delimiters are treated slightly differently: Spaces are neither appended to the end or beginning of a line. (If there aren't any consecutive spaces in the text, that is.) Punctuation is retained at the end of a line.
Here's an example implementation:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define DELIMITERS " ;:,)]"
* Advance to next character. This should advance the pointer to
* up to three chars, depending on the UTF-8 encoding. (But at the
* moment, it doesn't.)
static const char *next(const char *p)
return p + 1;
typedef struct {
const char *begin;
const char *end;
} substr_t;
* Wraps the text and stores the found substring' ranges into
* the lines struct. Return the number of word-wrapped lines.
int wrap(const char *text, int width, substr_t *lines, uint32_t max_num_lines)
const char *begin = text;
const char *split = NULL;
uint32_t num_lines = 1;
int l = 0;
while (*text) {
if (strchr(DELIMITERS, *text)) {
split = text;
if (*text != ' ') split++;
if (l++ == width) {
if (split == NULL) split = text;
lines[num_lines - 1].begin = begin;
lines[num_lines - 1].end = split;
//write(fileno(stdout), begin, split - begin);
text = begin = split;
while (*begin == ' ') begin++;
split = NULL;
l = 0;
if (num_lines > max_num_lines) {
return -1;
text = next(text);
lines[num_lines - 1].begin = begin;
lines[num_lines - 1].end = text;
//write(fileno(stdout), begin, split - begin);
return num_lines;
int main()
const char *text = "I have a program that displays UTF-8 encoded strings "
"with a size limitation (say MAX_LEN). Whenever I get a string with a "
"length > MAX_LEN, I want to find out where I could split it so it "
"would be printed gracefully.";
substr_t lines[100];
const uint32_t max_num_lines = sizeof(lines) / sizeof(lines[0]);
const int num_lines = wrap(text, 48, lines, max_num_lines);
if (num_lines < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: can't split into %d lines\n", max_num_lines);
//printf("num_lines = %d\n", num_lines);
for (int i=0; i < num_lines; i++) {
FILE *stream = stdout;
const ptrdiff_t line_length = lines[i].end - lines[i].begin;
write(fileno(stream), lines[i].begin, line_length);
fputc('\n', stream);
Addendum: Here's another approach that builds loosely on the strtok pattern, but without modifying the string. It requires a state and that state must be initialised with the string to print and the maximum line width:
struct wrap_t {
const char *src;
int width;
int length;
const char *line;
int wrap(struct wrap_t *line)
const char *begin = line->src;
const char *split = NULL;
int l = 0;
if (begin == NULL) return -1;
while (*begin == ' ') begin++;
if (*begin == '\0') return -1;
while (*line->src) {
if (strchr(DELIMITERS, *line->src)) {
split = line->src;
if (*line->src != ' ') split++;
if (l++ == line->width) {
if (split == NULL) split = line->src;
line->line = begin;
line->length = split - begin;
line->src = split;
return 0;
line->src = next(line->src);
line->line = begin;
line->length = line->src - begin;
return 0;
All definitions not shown (DELIMITERS, next) are as above and the basic algorithm hasn't changed. I think this method is easy to use for the client:
int main()
const char *text = "I have a program that displays UTF-8 encoded strings "
"with a size limitation (say MAX_LEN). Whenever I get a string with a "
"length > MAX_LEN, I want to find out where I could split it so it "
"would be printed gracefully.";
struct wrap_t line = {text, 60};
while (wrap(&line) == 0) {
printf("%.*s\n", line.length, line.line);
return 0;
A function that will be called successively until the whole string is processed: it would return the count of bytes to recopy to create the sub-strings:
The API:
* Return the length between the beginning of the string and the
* last delimiter (such that returned length <= max_length)
size_t get_next_substring_length(
const char * str, // The string to be splitted
const char * delim, // String of eligible delimiters for a split
size_t max_length); // The maximum length of resulting substring
On the client' side:
size_t shift = 0;
// Where do we start within big_str ?
const char * tmp = big_str + shift;
size_t count = get_next_substring_length(tmp, DEFAULT_DELIMITERS, MAX_LEN);
// Allocate a sub-string and recopy "count" bytes
// Display the sub-string
shift += count;
else // End Of String (or error)
// Handle potential error
// Exit the loop
Define a custom structure to store positions and lengths of sub-strings:
const char * str = "This is a long test string";
struct substrings
const char * str; // Beginning of the substring
size_t length; // Length of the substring
} sub[] = { {&str[0], 4},
{&str[5], 2},
{&str[8], 1},
{&str[10], 4},
{&str[15], 4},
{&str[20], 6},
{NULL, 0} };
The API:
size_t find_substrings(
struct substrings ** substr,
size_t max_length,
const char * delimiters,
const char * str);
On the client' side:
#define ARRAY_LENGTH 20U
struct substrings substr[ARRAY_LENGTH];
// Fill the structure
// Browse the structure
for (struct substrings * sub = &substr[0]; substr->str; sub++)
// Display sub->length bytes of sub->str
Some things are bothering me though:
in Solution1 I don't like the infinite loop, it is often bug prone
in Solution2 I fixed ARRAY_LENGTH arbitrarily but it should vary depending of input string length

Resetting a char buffer in C

I'm working on a homework assignment and I need to basically create a character buffer. One of the functions I need to create is called "b_reset". It's purpose is to reinitialize the given buffer so that it will point to the first position in the char buffer. This is needed because later on, when a new char is added to the buffer, it needs to be added to the first position in the buffer.
This is the code I have thus far:
The struct:
typedef struct BufferDescriptor {
char * ca_head ;
int capacity ;
char inc_factor;
int addc_offset ;
int mark_offset ;
char r_flag;
char mode;
} Buffer ;
The code:
int b_reset ( Buffer *pB )
Buffer *temp = NULL;
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
if (pB == NULL)
return R_FAIL_1;
temp = (Buffer*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer*));
if (temp == NULL)
return R_FAIL_1;
temp->ca_head = (char*)malloc(pB->capacity);
if (!temp->ca_head)
temp = NULL;
return R_FAIL_1;
for(i = 0;i < ca_getsize(pB);++i)
temp->ca_head[j] = pB->ca_head[i];
pB->ca_head = temp->ca_head;
return 0;
My goal in this code was to create a temporary buffer that would basically shift over everything 1 time based on the actual given buffer. This would make the first position empty so another char could be added.
The problem I'm running into is that the original buffer doesn't seem to be returning the right values after I reset it.
When I do this for example:
temp->ca_head[0] = 'a';
temp->ca_head[1] = 'b';
temp->ca_head[2] = 'c';
temp->ca_head[3] = 'd';
temp->ca_head[4] = 'e';
b_reset(temp); //this will return the size as 0, when it's actually 5
//temp->ca_head[0] = 'i'; //if this is executed, it returns the size as 6
//and prints out the right values, but if it's not,
//it will not print out anything
printf("%d", ca_getsize(temp));
for(i = 0;i < ca_getsize(temp);++i)
printf("%c", temp->ca_head[i]);
I know something is going wrong here, but I'm not too sure what. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This code is based on your followup comment:
well I'm not trying to resize the buffer, I just want to create an
empty space in the first position, so basically shifting everything to
the right 1 time. The assumption is that there is a enough space in
the buffer to handle this process.
I don't think you need to do any malloc() ing beyond the initial one. You can just shift everything up in a loop:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define R_FAIL_1 1
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
typedef struct BufferDescriptor {
char * ca_head ;
int capacity ;
char inc_factor;
int addc_offset ;
int mark_offset ;
char r_flag;
char mode;
} Buffer ;
void allocate_buffer(Buffer *pB, int size)
pB->ca_head = malloc(size);
pB->capacity = size;
int ca_getsize( Buffer *pB)
return pB->capacity;
int b_reset ( Buffer *pB )
int i = 0;
if (pB == NULL)
return R_FAIL_1;
if ( ca_getsize(pB) <= 0 || pB->ca_head == NULL )
return R_FAIL_1;
// shift data up by 1 byte
for( i = ca_getsize(pB) - 1 ; i > 0;i-- )
pB->ca_head[i] = pB->ca_head[i-1];
pB->ca_head[0] = '\0';
return 0;
void print_buffer(Buffer *pB)
printf("capacity: %d \n", ca_getsize(pB));
for (int i = 0;i < ca_getsize(pB);++i)
printf("buffer(%d): [%d] ",i, pB->ca_head[i]);
int main(void)
Buffer a_buffer;
int ret = b_reset(&a_buffer);
assert(ret == 0);
temp = (Buffer*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer*));
You need to allocate enough space to hold a Buffer, but you only allocate enough space to hold a pointer to a buffer. This should be:
temp = (Buffer*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer));
You are managing your memory incorrectly. You are allocating memory for a new Buffer struct when actually you only need to handle the memory of the ca_head member (if my interpretation of your homework problem is correct).
Each time you invoke b_reset, you will allocate memory for this struct that will not be released. If you don't handle your memory correctly, you will experience unexpected results as the one you are reporting in your question.
I suggest you to make a research on the function realloc and use it properly in your b_reset function.
Good luck with your homework.

algorithm for bejeweled (3-in-a-row all the way until 5-in-a-row) [duplicate]

Given a (char *) string, I want to find all occurrences of a substring and replace them with an alternate string. I do not see any simple function that achieves this in <string.h>.
The optimizer should eliminate most of the local variables. The tmp pointer is there to make sure strcpy doesn't have to walk the string to find the null. tmp points to the end of result after each call. (See Shlemiel the painter's algorithm for why strcpy can be annoying.)
// You must free the result if result is non-NULL.
char *str_replace(char *orig, char *rep, char *with) {
char *result; // the return string
char *ins; // the next insert point
char *tmp; // varies
int len_rep; // length of rep (the string to remove)
int len_with; // length of with (the string to replace rep with)
int len_front; // distance between rep and end of last rep
int count; // number of replacements
// sanity checks and initialization
if (!orig || !rep)
return NULL;
len_rep = strlen(rep);
if (len_rep == 0)
return NULL; // empty rep causes infinite loop during count
if (!with)
with = "";
len_with = strlen(with);
// count the number of replacements needed
ins = orig;
for (count = 0; tmp = strstr(ins, rep); ++count) {
ins = tmp + len_rep;
tmp = result = malloc(strlen(orig) + (len_with - len_rep) * count + 1);
if (!result)
return NULL;
// first time through the loop, all the variable are set correctly
// from here on,
// tmp points to the end of the result string
// ins points to the next occurrence of rep in orig
// orig points to the remainder of orig after "end of rep"
while (count--) {
ins = strstr(orig, rep);
len_front = ins - orig;
tmp = strncpy(tmp, orig, len_front) + len_front;
tmp = strcpy(tmp, with) + len_with;
orig += len_front + len_rep; // move to next "end of rep"
strcpy(tmp, orig);
return result;
This is not provided in the standard C library because, given only a char* you can't increase the memory allocated to the string if the replacement string is longer than the string being replaced.
You can do this using std::string more easily, but even there, no single function will do it for you.
There isn't one.
You'd need to roll your own using something like strstr and strcat or strcpy.
You could build your own replace function using strstr to find the substrings and strncpy to copy in parts to a new buffer.
Unless what you want to replace_with is the same length as what you you want to replace, then it's probably best to use a new buffer to copy the new string to.
Here's some sample code that does it.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char * replace(
char const * const original,
char const * const pattern,
char const * const replacement
) {
size_t const replen = strlen(replacement);
size_t const patlen = strlen(pattern);
size_t const orilen = strlen(original);
size_t patcnt = 0;
const char * oriptr;
const char * patloc;
// find how many times the pattern occurs in the original string
for (oriptr = original; patloc = strstr(oriptr, pattern); oriptr = patloc + patlen)
// allocate memory for the new string
size_t const retlen = orilen + patcnt * (replen - patlen);
char * const returned = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * (retlen + 1) );
if (returned != NULL)
// copy the original string,
// replacing all the instances of the pattern
char * retptr = returned;
for (oriptr = original; patloc = strstr(oriptr, pattern); oriptr = patloc + patlen)
size_t const skplen = patloc - oriptr;
// copy the section until the occurence of the pattern
strncpy(retptr, oriptr, skplen);
retptr += skplen;
// copy the replacement
strncpy(retptr, replacement, replen);
retptr += replen;
// copy the rest of the string.
strcpy(retptr, oriptr);
return returned;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if (argc != 4)
fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <original text> <pattern> <replacement>\n", argv[0]);
char * const newstr = replace(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
if (newstr)
printf("%s\n", newstr);
fprintf(stderr,"allocation error\n");
return 0;
As strings in C can not dynamically grow inplace substitution will generally not work. Therefore you need to allocate space for a new string that has enough room for your substitution and then copy the parts from the original plus the substitution into the new string. To copy the parts you would use strncpy.
// Here is the code for unicode strings!
int mystrstr(wchar_t *txt1,wchar_t *txt2)
wchar_t *posstr=wcsstr(txt1,txt2);
return (posstr-txt1);
return -1;
// assume: supplied buff is enough to hold generated text
void StringReplace(wchar_t *buff,wchar_t *txt1,wchar_t *txt2)
wchar_t *tmp;
wchar_t *nextStr;
int pos;
The repl_str() function on creativeandcritical.net is fast and reliable. Also included on that page is a wide string variant, repl_wcs(), which can be used with Unicode strings including those encoded in UTF-8, through helper functions - demo code is linked from the page. Belated full disclosure: I am the author of that page and the functions on it.
Here is the one that I created based on these requirements:
Replace the pattern regardless of whether is was long or shorter.
Not use any malloc (explicit or implicit) to intrinsically avoid memory leaks.
Replace any number of occurrences of pattern.
Tolerate the replace string having a substring equal to the search string.
Does not have to check that the Line array is sufficient in size to hold the replacement. e.g. This does not work unless the caller knows that line is of sufficient size to hold the new string.
avoid use of strcat() to avoid overhead of scanning the entire string to append another string.
/* returns number of strings replaced.
int replacestr(char *line, const char *search, const char *replace)
int count;
char *sp; // start of pattern
//printf("replacestr(%s, %s, %s)\n", line, search, replace);
if ((sp = strstr(line, search)) == NULL) {
count = 1;
int sLen = strlen(search);
int rLen = strlen(replace);
if (sLen > rLen) {
// move from right to left
char *src = sp + sLen;
char *dst = sp + rLen;
while((*dst = *src) != '\0') { dst++; src++; }
} else if (sLen < rLen) {
// move from left to right
int tLen = strlen(sp) - sLen;
char *stop = sp + rLen;
char *src = sp + sLen + tLen;
char *dst = sp + rLen + tLen;
while(dst >= stop) { *dst = *src; dst--; src--; }
memcpy(sp, replace, rLen);
count += replacestr(sp + rLen, search, replace);
Any suggestions for improving this code are cheerfully accepted. Just post the comment and I will test it.
i find most of the proposed functions hard to understand - so i came up with this:
static char *dull_replace(const char *in, const char *pattern, const char *by)
size_t outsize = strlen(in) + 1;
// TODO maybe avoid reallocing by counting the non-overlapping occurences of pattern
char *res = malloc(outsize);
// use this to iterate over the output
size_t resoffset = 0;
char *needle;
while (needle = strstr(in, pattern)) {
// copy everything up to the pattern
memcpy(res + resoffset, in, needle - in);
resoffset += needle - in;
// skip the pattern in the input-string
in = needle + strlen(pattern);
// adjust space for replacement
outsize = outsize - strlen(pattern) + strlen(by);
res = realloc(res, outsize);
// copy the pattern
memcpy(res + resoffset, by, strlen(by));
resoffset += strlen(by);
// copy the remaining input
strcpy(res + resoffset, in);
return res;
output must be free'd
a fix to fann95's response, using in-place modification of the string, and assuming the buffer pointed to by line is large enough to hold the resulting string.
static void replacestr(char *line, const char *search, const char *replace)
char *sp;
if ((sp = strstr(line, search)) == NULL) {
int search_len = strlen(search);
int replace_len = strlen(replace);
int tail_len = strlen(sp+search_len);
memcpy(sp, replace, replace_len);
/*замена символа в строке*/
char* replace_char(char* str, char in, char out) {
char * p = str;
while(p != '\0') {
if(*p == in)
*p == out;
return str;
This function only works if ur string has extra space for new length
void replace_str(char *str,char *org,char *rep)
char *ToRep = strstr(str,org);
char *Rest = (char*)malloc(strlen(ToRep));
This only replaces First occurrence
Here goes mine, make them all char*, which makes calling easier...
char *strrpc(char *str,char *oldstr,char *newstr){
char bstr[strlen(str)];
int i;
for(i = 0;i < strlen(str);i++){
i += strlen(oldstr) - 1;
strncat(bstr,str + i,1);
return str;
There is a function in string.h but it works with char [] not char* but again it outputs a char* and not a char []
It is simple and beautiful
Supposing we want to replace 'and' in 'TheandQuickandBrownandFox'.
We first split with strtok and then join with snprintf defined in the stdio.h
char sometext[] = "TheandQuickandBrownandFox";
char* replaced = malloc(1024);
// split on the substring, here I am using (and)
char* token = strtok(sometext, "and");
snprintf(replaced, 1, "%s", ""); // initialise so we can compare
while(token) {
if (strcmp(replaced, "") < 1) {
// if it is the first one
snprintf(replaced, 1024, "%s", token);
token = NULL;
} else {
// put the space between the existing and new
snprintf(replaced, 1024, "%s %s", replaced, token);
token = NULL;
This should give us:
The Quick Brown Fox
You can use this function (the comments explain how it works):
void strreplace(char *string, const char *find, const char *replaceWith){
if(strstr(string, find) != NULL){
char *temporaryString = malloc(strlen(strstr(string, find) + strlen(find)) + 1);
strcpy(temporaryString, strstr(string, find) + strlen(find)); //Create a string with what's after the replaced part
*strstr(string, find) = '\0'; //Take away the part to replace and the part after it in the initial string
strcat(string, replaceWith); //Concat the first part of the string with the part to replace with
strcat(string, temporaryString); //Concat the first part of the string with the part after the replaced part
free(temporaryString); //Free the memory to avoid memory leaks
DWORD ReplaceString(__inout PCHAR source, __in DWORD dwSourceLen, __in const char* pszTextToReplace, __in const char* pszReplaceWith)
PCHAR foundSeq = NULL;
PCHAR restOfString = NULL;
PCHAR searchStart = source;
size_t szReplStrcLen = strlen(pszReplaceWith), szRestOfStringLen = 0, sztextToReplaceLen = strlen(pszTextToReplace), remainingSpace = 0, dwSpaceRequired = 0;
if (strcmp(pszTextToReplace, "") == 0)
else if (strcmp(pszTextToReplace, pszReplaceWith) != 0)
foundSeq = strstr(searchStart, pszTextToReplace);
if (foundSeq)
szRestOfStringLen = (strlen(foundSeq) - sztextToReplaceLen) + 1;
remainingSpace = dwSourceLen - (foundSeq - source);
dwSpaceRequired = szReplStrcLen + (szRestOfStringLen);
if (dwSpaceRequired > remainingSpace)
restOfString = CMNUTIL_calloc(szRestOfStringLen, sizeof(CHAR));
strcpy_s(restOfString, szRestOfStringLen, foundSeq + sztextToReplaceLen);
strcpy_s(foundSeq, remainingSpace, pszReplaceWith);
strcat_s(foundSeq, remainingSpace, restOfString);
searchStart = foundSeq + szReplStrcLen; //search in the remaining str. (avoid loops when replWith contains textToRepl
} while (foundSeq && dwRC == NO_ERROR);
return dwRC;
char *replace(const char*instring, const char *old_part, const char *new_part)
if(!instring || !old_part || !new_part)
return (char*)NULL;
size_t instring_len=strlen(instring);
size_t new_len=strlen(new_part);
size_t old_len=strlen(old_part);
if(instring_len<old_len || old_len==0)
return (char*)NULL;
const char *in=instring;
const char *found=NULL;
size_t count=0;
size_t out=0;
size_t ax=0;
char *outstring=NULL;
if(new_len> old_len )
size_t Diff=EXPECTED_REPLACEMENTS*(new_len-old_len);
size_t outstring_len=instring_len + Diff;
outstring =(char*) malloc(outstring_len);
return (char*)NULL;
while((found = strstr(in, old_part))!=NULL)
return (char*)NULL;
outstring =(char*) malloc(instring_len);
return (char*)NULL;
while((found = strstr(in, old_part))!=NULL)
return outstring;
Using only strlen from string.h
sorry for my English
char * str_replace(char * text,char * rep, char * repw){//text -> to replace in it | rep -> replace | repw -> replace with
int replen = strlen(rep),repwlen = strlen(repw),count;//some constant variables
for(int i=0;i<strlen(text);i++){//search for the first character from rep in text
if(text[i] == rep[0]){//if it found it
count = 1;//start searching from the next character to avoid repetition
for(int j=1;j<replen;j++){
if(text[i+j] == rep[j]){//see if the next character in text is the same as the next in the rep if not break
if(count == replen){//if count equals to the lenght of the rep then we found the word that we want to replace in the text
if(replen < repwlen){
for(int l = strlen(text);l>i;l--){//cuz repwlen greater than replen we need to shift characters to the right to make space for the replacement to fit
text[l+repwlen-replen] = text[l];//shift by repwlen-replen
if(replen > repwlen){
for(int l=i+replen-repwlen;l<strlen(text);l++){//cuz replen greater than repwlen we need to shift the characters to the left
text[l-(replen-repwlen)] = text[l];//shift by replen-repwlen
text[strlen(text)-(replen-repwlen)] = '\0';//get rid of the last unwanted characters
for(int l=0;l<repwlen;l++){//replace rep with repwlen
text[i+l] = repw[l];
if(replen != repwlen){
i+=repwlen-1;//pass to the next character | try text "y" ,rep "y",repw "yy" without this line to understand
return text;
if you want strlen code to avoid calling string.h
int strlen(char * string){//use this code to avoid calling string.h
int lenght = 0;
while(string[lenght] != '\0'){
return lenght;
There you go....this is the function to replace every occurance of char x with char y within character string str
char *zStrrep(char *str, char x, char y){
char *tmp=str;
if(*tmp == x)
*tmp++ = y; /* assign first, then incement */
// *tmp='\0'; -> we do not need this
return str;
An example usage could be
Exmaple Usage
char s[]="this is a trial string to test the function.";
char x=' ', y='_';
Example Output
The function is from a string library I maintain on Github, you are more than welcome to have a look at other available functions or even contribute to the code :)
#siride is right, the function above replaces chars only. Just wrote this one, which replaces character strings.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* replace every occurance of string x with string y */
char *zstring_replace_str(char *str, const char *x, const char *y){
char *tmp_str = str, *tmp_x = x, *dummy_ptr = tmp_x, *tmp_y = y;
int len_str=0, len_y=0, len_x=0;
/* string length */
for(; *tmp_y; ++len_y, ++tmp_y)
for(; *tmp_str; ++len_str, ++tmp_str)
for(; *tmp_x; ++len_x, ++tmp_x)
/* Bounds check */
if (len_y >= len_str)
return str;
/* reset tmp pointers */
tmp_y = y;
tmp_x = x;
for (tmp_str = str ; *tmp_str; ++tmp_str)
if(*tmp_str == *tmp_x) {
/* save tmp_str */
for (dummy_ptr=tmp_str; *dummy_ptr == *tmp_x; ++tmp_x, ++dummy_ptr)
if (*(tmp_x+1) == '\0' && ((dummy_ptr-str+len_y) < len_str)){
/* Reached end of x, we got something to replace then!
* Copy y only if there is enough room for it
for(tmp_y=y; *tmp_y; ++tmp_y, ++tmp_str)
*tmp_str = *tmp_y;
/* reset tmp_x */
tmp_x = x;
return str;
int main()
char s[]="Free software is a matter of liberty, not price.\n"
"To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' \n"
"as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'";
return 0;
And below is the output
Free software is a matter of liberty, not price.
To understand the concept, you should think of 'free'
as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'
FXYZ software is a matter of liberty, not price.
To understand the concept, you should think of 'fXYZ'
as in 'fXYZ speech', not as in 'fXYZ beer'
You can use strrep()
char* strrep ( const char * cadena,
const char * strf,
const char * strr
strrep (String Replace). Replaces strf with strr in cadena and returns the new string. You need to free the returned string in your code after using strrep.
cadena: The string with the text.
strf: The text to find.
strr: The replacement text.
The text updated wit the replacement.
Project can be found at https://github.com/ipserc/strrep

using functions in c (return value)

Learning C and having many doubts.
I have a function (lets say function 1) that calls another function (lets say function 2).
Function 2 calculates an array of string.
How can I use this array in function 1?
Some code example:
int find_errors(char* word)
char error[100];
/*Given the word, It will find the duplicate chars and store it in the
error array. */
return 0;
int find_word(char* word)
find_errors (word);
printf("%s\n", error);
return 0;
There are at least three possible approaches:
Use a global variable
pass a parameter between them
return a pointer from the function
There are multiple ways to do this.
1) Create a dynamic array and return a pointer to the array. This will require you to manually free the memory for the array at a later time.
#define NUM_ELEMS 50
// In find_error():
char* error = malloc(NUM_ELEMS * sizeof(char));
return error;
// In find_word():
char *error = find_errors();
// do stuff
2) Pass a pointer to find_errors that it can use as the error array. This will not require you to manually free the memory.
// In find_word():
char error[NUM_ELEMS];
3) Use a global array. May make it more difficult for other people to understand your code. Has other potential problems as well.
// In global scope:
char error[NUM_ELEMS];
Your question relates to "call-by-reference" and "call-by-value".
char* getNewValsToSet(void)
char* new_vals = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char[5]));
new_vals[4] = '\0';
return new_vals;
void setValuesEven(char* vals_to_set)
vals_to_set[0] = 'A';
vals_to_set[2] = 'C';
void setValuesOdd(char* vals_to_set)
vals_to_set[1] = 'B';
vals_to_set[3] = 'D';
int main(void)
char* some_vals_to_set = getNewValsToSet();
// ... now has vals "ABCD"
free(some_vals_to_set); //cleanup
return 0;
If you have "doubts" about learning C, IMHO it's one of the best things you can do (no matter the language in which you work) because it will explain exactly how things work "under-the-hood" (which all high-level languages try to hide to some degree).
You need to declare the error array globally and use it just like you did.
EDIT: using global variables isn't the best practice in most of the cases, like this one.
Here is an example of what you are looking for with an awesome console output. It dynamically allocates the array to hold any number errors (duplicate characters in your case) that may occur.
//Only free errors if result is > 0
int find_errors(char* word, char** errors)
int num_errors = 0;
int word_length = strlen(word);
int ARRAY_SIZE = MIN(8, word_length);
char existing[word_length];
int existing_index = 0;
*errors = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < word_length; i++)
char character = word[i];
//Search array
for (int n = 0; n < word_length; ++n ) {
if(n >= existing_index)
existing[n] = character;
if (existing[n] == character) {
*errors = (char*)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(char));
//Check if we need to resize array
if(num_errors >= ARRAY_SIZE)
ARRAY_SIZE = MIN(ARRAY_SIZE, word_length);
char *tmp = (char*)malloc(ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(char));
memcpy(tmp, *errors, (unsigned long)ARRAY_SIZE);
*errors = tmp;
//Set the error character
(*errors)[num_errors - 1] = character;
return num_errors;
int find_word(char* word)
char* errors;
int errCount = find_errors (word, &errors);
if(errCount > 0)
printf("Invalid Characters: ");
for(int i =0; i < errCount; i++)
printf("%c ", errors[i]);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
find_word("Hello World");
