How to check if an array contains a certain value? - arrays

I am working with an array in this form:
"id"=>"", "filename"=>"tyYYqHeqSFOnqLHEz5lO_rc_tispor12756_6wldwu.pdf", "document_type"=>"contract"
"id"=>"", "filename"=>"a9P8TyECRiKbI2YdRVZy_rc_tispor12756_bbtzdz.pdf", "document_type"=>"request"
"id"=>"", "filename"=>"WCM5FHOfSw6yNSUrfPPm_rc_tispor12756_dqu9r2.pdf", "document_type"=>"notes"
I need to find out if in this array is an item where document_type=contract (there can be none, one or multiple ones).
The way I do it is looping through the array item by item, which can be slow if there are tens of items.
Is there a better and faster way to simply check if in the array is an item with document_type = contract?

That's a hash containing more hashes. What you can do is to access to car_documents_attributes, iterate over those hash values and check if any document_type is "contract":
data = {
"car_documents_attributes" => {
"1562523330183" => { "id" => "", "filename" => "tyYYqHeqSFOnqLHEz5lO_rc_tispor12756_6wldwu.pdf", "document_type" => "contract"},
"1562523353208" => { "id" => "", "filename" => "a9P8TyECRiKbI2YdRVZy_rc_tispor12756_bbtzdz.pdf", "document_type" => "request" },
"1562523353496" => { "id" => "", "filename" => "WCM5FHOfSw6yNSUrfPPm_rc_tispor12756_dqu9r2.pdf", "document_type" => "notes" }
p data['car_documents_attributes'].any? { |_, doc| doc['document_type'] == 'contract' }
# true
Didn't know it was data coming from the params. If so, you do need to permit what's being received or convert the params to an unsafe hash.
Also, you can try using fetch instead [] when trying to get car_documents_attributes, because if that key isn't in data, it'll throw nil, which would throw a NoMethodError:
data.fetch('car_documents_attributes', []).any? { |_, doc| doc['document_type'] == 'contract' }


How to order an array by bool values in laravel livewire

I have an array, I want to order that array by "is_available" key, (true first)
I'm using laravel 8 and a livewire component
0 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 1
"name" => "치킨 ~The Chicken~"
"is_available" => true
"nearest_customer_distance" => 4905.4423678942
"customers" => array:26 [▶]
1 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 2
"name" => "混ぜるな危険"
"is_available" => false
"customers" => array:10 [▶]
2 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 3
"name" => "Oh! Bánh mì"
"is_available" => true
"customers" => array:8 [▶]
3 => array:12 [▼
"id" => 5
"name" => "CHIJIMI DEVIL"
"is_available" => false
"customers" => array:44 [▶]
I'm trying this
$newFranchiseList = $this->getFranchiseListActualPage();
$finalFranchiseList = array_merge($this->franchiseList, $newFranchiseList);
$finalFranchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse();
$this->franchiseList = $finalFranchiseList->toArray();
but I get the order by ID in my view, this is my view
#forelse($franchiseList as $franchise)
if I do a dump($this->franchiseList) the list is shown with the order of is_available!
note: $this->franchiseList is never used in the component, the only line to be used is the last one, if I don't use this line, the list is empty
component data collection process
first, in javascript call a livewire listener
window.livewire.emit('franchises:selectedCoords', JSON.stringify(selectedCoords));
then that is received by the component
public $selectedLatitude,
$perPage = 20,
$franchiseList = [],
$page = 1,
$totalFranchises = 0,
$isLoaded = false;
protected $listeners = [
'franchises:selectedCoords' => 'getCoords'
public function render()
return view('livewire.franchise-list');
public function getCoords($selectedCoords)
if ($selectedCoords) {
if (!empty($this->franchiseList)) {
$this->selectedLatitude = json_decode($selectedCoords, true)['lat'];
$this->selectedLongitude = json_decode($selectedCoords, true)['lng'];
public function getFranchiseList()
if ($this->selectedLatitude && $this->selectedLongitude) {
if (!$this->allFranchisesAreLoaded())
$newFranchiseList = $this->getFranchiseListActualPage();
$finalFranchiseList = array_merge($this->franchiseList, $newFranchiseList);
$this->franchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse()->toArray();
$this->isLoaded = true;
remember that $this->franchiseList is never overwritten, that is, it is only used once, in the line $this->franchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse()->toArray (); and if it is not done, it ends up being an empty array, so there is no other $this->franchiseList with the order shown by the blade view
Livewire will on each request serialize the public properties, so that it can be sent to the frontend and stored in JavaScript.
Now here's the kicker: JavaScript will do its own internal sorting on objects, which you can't prevent. So to work around that, you have to re-key your array after you sort it, so that the keys are now in ascending order of what you sorted it to.
Basically, all you need to do before you call ->toArray(), is to call ->values() on it, thereby grabbing the values in the order they were, and PHP will assign it new keys starting from 0.
$this->franchiseList = collect($finalFranchiseList)->sortBy('is_available')->reverse()->values()->toArray();
For example, a object like this in JavaScript,
1: 'foo',
0: 'bar',
Will be internally sorted by JavaScript like this
0: 'bar',
1: 'foo',
And you can't change that. That's why you need to re-key it.

Typescript filter array of object by another array of strings

i stuck at my typescript filter function.
I have an array of objects:
"id": 12345,
"title": "Some title",
"complexity": [
"slug": "1" // my search term
"name": "easy"
}, {
"slug": "2" // my search term
"name": "middle"
And i have a array of strings with the allowed complexity:
public allowedComplexityArray:Array<string> = ["1"];
My Task: I only want to show objects with the allowed complexity of "1".
But somehow my function dont work and i dont know why:
allowedMeals = meals.filter(meal => {
return meal.complexity.every(complexityObj => that.allowedComplexityArray.indexOf(complexityObj.slug) > -1)
let allowedMeals = data.filter(meal => {
return meal.complexity.findIndex(complexityObj =>
allowedComplexityArray.findIndex(m => m == complexityObj.slug) > -1) > -1
I'm using findIndex instead of filter in the return clause so it does not need to scan the whole array every time.

Ruby pick up a value in hash of array to reformat into a hash

Is there a way I can pick a value in hash of array, and reformat it to be only hash?
Is there any method I can do with it?
"qset_id" => 1,
"name" => "New1"
"qset_id" => 2,
"name" => "New2"
1 => {
"name" => "New1"
2 => {
"name" => "New2"
You can basically do arbitary manipulation using reduce function on array or hashes, for example this will get your result
array.reduce({}) do |result, item|
result[item["qset_id"]] = { "name" => item["name"] }
You can do the same thing with each.with_object do:
array.each.with_object({}) do |item, result|
result[item["qset_id"]] = { "name" => item["name"] }
it's basically the same thing but you don't have to make each iteration return the result (called a 'memo object').
You could iterate over the first hash and map it into a second hash:{|h| {h['qset_id'] => {'name' => h['name']}} }
# => [{1=>{"name"=>"New1"}}, {2=>{"name"=>"New2"}}]
... but that would return an array. You could pull the elements into a second hash like this:
h2 = {}
h1.each do |h|
h2[h['qset_id']] = {'name' => h['name']}
>> h2
=> {1=>{"name"=>"New1"}, 2=>{"name"=>"New2"}}

Merge Complex Hash of Arrays of Hashes Simultaneously on Multiple Levels

I realize there are many questions of varying degrees of similarity to this one. I've searched at length (using: [ruby] merge array of hashes on key) for them and I have attempted bits and pieces of each answer to try to solve this on my own. Before coming to StackOverflow, I even shared my question with my colleagues who have been equally stumped. This seems to be a unique question or we're all just staring too closely at it to see an otherwise obvious answer.
Essential Requirements
The solution must work with the Ruby 1.8.7 standard library (no gems). Please feel free to additionally illustrate solutions for other versions of Ruby, but doing so will not automatically make one answer better than another.
The structure of the input data cannot be changed by its provider; the entire data structure is delivered as-is. If the data needs to be temporarily rearranged to provide the most efficient answer, that's perfectly fine as long as the output matches the required sample below. In addition, the solution can make no assumptions about the position of the sorting keys within the Hashes.
The source variable cannot be altered in any way; it is immutable at run-time (this is checked), so the result must be provided to a new variable.
The sample data below is fiction but the problem is real. There are other levels of Arrays-of-Hashes that must also be merged on other keys in the same way; so, the very best answer can be generically applied to arbitrary levels of the data structure.
The best solution will be easy to read, maintain, and apply to arbitrary -- though similar -- data structures. It needn't be a one-liner but if you can meet all the requirements in a single line of Ruby code, kudos to you.
Sample Data
If we think of the Apache Tomcat server.xml file as a Ruby data structure rather than XML, it can provide a very good analog for this problem. Assume further that the default configuration is merged upstream -- before being delivered to you -- with data that you must consolidate before some later operation consumes the resulting data structure. The source data will look very much like this:
source = {
:Server => {
:'attribute.port' => 8005,
:'attribute.shutdown' => 'SHUTDOWN',
:Listener => [
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener' },
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener',
:'attribute.SSLEngine' => 'off'},
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener' },
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener' },
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener',
:'attribute.SSLEngine' => 'on'}
:Service => [
{ :'' => 'Catalina',
:Connector => [
{ :'attribute.port' => 8080,
:'attribute.protocol' => 'HTTP/1.1'},
{ :'attribute.port' => 8009,
:'attribute.protocol' => 'AJP/1.3'}
:Engine => {
:'' => 'Catalina',
:'attribute.defaultHost' => 'localhost',
:Realm => {
:'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm',
:Realm => [
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm',
:'attribute.resourceName' => 'UserDatabase'}
:Host => [
{ :'' => 'localhost',
:'attribute.appBase' => 'webapps',
:Valve => [
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve',
:'' => 'logs'}
{ :'' => 'Catalina',
:Connector => [
{ :'attribute.port' => 8080,
:'attribute.protocol' => 'HTTP/1.1',
:'' => true,
:'attribute.scheme' => 'https',
:'attribute.proxyPort' => 443}
{ :'' => 'JSVCBridge',
:Connector => [
{ :'attribute.port' => 8010,
:'attribute.protocol' => 'HTTP/2'}
{ :'' => 'Catalina',
:Engine => {
:Host => [
{ :'' => 'localhost',
:Valve => [
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve',
:'attribute.internalProxies' => '*',
:'attribute.remoteIpHeader' => 'X-Forwarded-For',
:'attribute.protocolHeader' => 'X-Forwarded-Proto',
:'attribute.protocolHeaderHttpsValue' => 'https'}
The challenge is to produce this result from it:
result = {
:Server => {
:'attribute.port' => 8005,
:'attribute.shutdown' => 'SHUTDOWN',
:Listener => [
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener' },
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener',
:'attribute.SSLEngine' => 'on'},
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener' },
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener' },
:Service => [
{ :'' => 'Catalina',
:Connector => [
{ :'attribute.port' => 8080,
:'attribute.protocol' => 'HTTP/1.1',
:'' => true,
:'attribute.scheme' => 'https',
:'attribute.proxyPort' => 443},
{ :'attribute.port' => 8009,
:'attribute.protocol' => 'AJP/1.3'}
:Engine => {
:'' => 'Catalina',
:'attribute.defaultHost' => 'localhost',
:Realm => {
:'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm',
:Realm => [
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm',
:'attribute.resourceName' => 'UserDatabase'}
:Host => [
{ :'' => 'localhost',
:'attribute.appBase' => 'webapps',
:Valve => [
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve',
:'' => 'logs'},
{ :'attribute.className' => 'org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve',
:'attribute.internalProxies' => '*',
:'attribute.remoteIpHeader' => 'X-Forwarded-For',
:'attribute.protocolHeader' => 'X-Forwarded-Proto',
:'attribute.protocolHeaderHttpsValue' => 'https'}
{ :'' => 'JSVCBridge',
:Connector => [
{ :'attribute.port' => 8010,
:'attribute.protocol' => 'HTTP/2'}
The Question
We need source to become result. To get there, :Listener gets merged by attribute.className; :Service gets merged by; the resulting Arrays of :Connector get merged by attribute.port; and such. The identification of the location of the Arrays-of-Hashes within the data structure and the key which each is to be merged on should be easily provided to the solution.
The real essence of this question is finding that generic solution that can apply to multiple arbitrary levels of a complex data structure like this, merge Arrays-of-Hashes by a supplied key, and produce the merged result after the set of location and key pairs is provided.
Thank you all very much for your time and interest in this question.
There may be more elegant ways of condensing this code but I finally developed an answer to this very challenging question. While Wand Maker's answer came close, it was based on the untenable assumption that the order of the keys in the Hashes would be predictable and stable. As this is a Ruby 1.8.7 problem and because the data provider makes no such guarantee, I had to take a different path; we had to inform the merge engine which key to use for each Array-of-Hashes.
My (non-optimized) solution required three functions and an external Hash that defines the necessary merge keys:
deepMergeHash walks through a hash, deeply scanning for Arrays
deepMergeArrayOfHashes performs the desired merge against an Array-of-Hashes
subMergeHelper recursively assists deepMergeArrayOfHashes
The trick was to not only treat the Hash recursively, but to always be aware of the "present" location within the Hash so that the necessary merge key could be known. Having established a way to determine that location, defining, finding, and using the merge keys became trivial.
The Solution
def subMergeHelper(lhs, rhs, mergeKeys, crumbTrail)
lhs.merge(rhs){|subKey, subLHS, subRHS|
mergeTrail = crumbTrail + ':' + subKey.to_s
case subLHS
when Array
deepMergeArrayOfHashes(subLHS + subRHS, mergeKeys, mergeTrail)
when Hash
subMergeHelper(subLHS, subRHS, mergeKeys, mergeTrail)
def deepMergeArrayOfHashes(arrayOfHashes, mergeKeys, crumbTrail)
mergedArray = arrayOfHashes
if arrayOfHashes.all? {|e| e.class == Hash}
if mergeKeys.has_key?(crumbTrail)
mergeKey = mergeKeys[crumbTrail]
mergedArray = arrayOfHashes.group_by{|evalHash| evalHash[mergeKey.to_sym]}.map{|groupID, groupArrayOfHashes|
groupArrayOfHashes.reduce({}){|memoHash, evalHash|
memoHash.merge(evalHash){|hashKey, lhs, rhs|
deepTrail = crumbTrail + ':' + hashKey.to_s
case lhs
when Array
deepMergeArrayOfHashes(lhs + rhs, mergeKeys, deepTrail)
when Hash
subMergeHelper(lhs, rhs, mergeKeys, deepTrail)
$stderr.puts "[WARNING] deepMergeArrayOfHashes: received an Array of Hashes without merge key at #{crumbTrail}."
$stderr.puts "[WARNING] deepMergeArrayOfHashes: received an Array containing non-Hashes at #{crumbTrail}?"
return mergedArray
def deepMergeHash(hashConfig, mergeKeys, crumbTrail = '')
return hashConfig unless Hash == hashConfig.class
mergedConfig = {}
hashConfig.each{|nodeKey, nodeValue|
nodeCrumb = nodeKey.to_s
testTrail = crumbTrail + ':' + nodeCrumb
case nodeValue
when Hash
mergedConfig[nodeKey] = deepMergeHash(nodeValue, mergeKeys, testTrail)
when Array
mergedConfig[nodeKey] = deepMergeArrayOfHashes(nodeValue, mergeKeys, testTrail)
mergedConfig[nodeKey] = nodeValue
return mergedConfig
Example Use
Using the data in the question, we can now:
mergeKeys = {
':Server:Listener' => 'attribute.className',
':Server:Service' => '',
':Server:Service:Connector' => 'attribute.port',
':Server:Service:Engine:Host' => '',
':Server:Service:Engine:Host:Valve' => 'attribute.className',
':Server:Service:Engine:Realm:Realm' => 'attribute.className'
mergedConfig = deepMergeHash(source, mergeKeys)
I can't seem to perform a successful equality test like (result == mergedConfig), but a visual inspection of mergedConfig shows that it is identical to result except that the order of some keys changes. I suspect that's a side-effect of using Ruby 1.8.x and is acceptable for this question.
Happy coding, everyone and thank you so much for your interest in this discussion.
Solution based on assumption that you are merging hashes based on value of first key in the given array of hashes is given below:
def merge_ary(ary_hash)
# Lets not process something that is not array of hash
return ary_hash if not ary_hash.all? {|h| h.class == Hash }
# If array of hash, lets group them by value of first key
# Then, reduce the resultant group of hashes by merging them.
c = ary_hash.group_by {|h| h.values.first}.map do |k,v|
v_reduced = v.reduce({}) do |memo_hash, h|
memo_hash.merge(h) do |k, v1, v2|
v1.class == Array ? merge_ary(v1 + v2) : v2
[k, v_reduced]
return Hash[c].values
def merge_hash(hash)
t = do |k,v|
new_v = v
if v.class == Hash
new_v = merge_hash(v)
elsif v.class == Array
new_v = merge_ary(v)
return Hash[t]
# Test the output
merge_hash(source) == result
#=> true

Parsing a HoAoHoAoHoAoH in Perl

I am new to Perl and have a little idea about hashes. I have a hash of array of hash of array of hash of array of hash (HoAoHoAoHoAoH) as follows.
%my_hash = (
key00 => 'value00',
key01 => [
{ key10 => 'value10',
key11 => 'value11',
key12 => [
{ key20 => 'value20',
key21 => 'value21',
key22 => [
{ key30 => 'value30',
key31 => [
{ color => 'blue', quantity => 10, boxes => [0,1,3] },
{ color => 'red', quantity => 2, boxes => [2,3] },
{ color => 'green', quantity => 5, boxes => [0] },
What is the easiest way to access the "color", "quantity" and "boxes"? I also need to do arithmetic operations with the "quantity"s, such as 10+2+5 (quantity0+quantity1+quantity2).
This looks a lot like an XY problem. What are you trying to solve here?
You can access an element of your data structure like this:
print $my_hash{key01}[0]{key12}[0]{key22}[0]{key31}[0]{color},"\n";
You can also iterate the bottom elements with:
foreach my $something ( #{ $my_hash{key01}[0]{key12}[0]{key22}[0]{key31} } ) {
print $something->{'color'};
print $something->{'quantity'}
But this doesn't look like a real problem - what are you actually trying to accomplish? I might guess you're trying to parse XML or similar, in which case there's almost certainly a better approach.
