STM32L0 Timer TIM22 cause interrupt in unpredictive way? - c

Every time I enable the timer it instantly activates the Interrupt. No matter how I try to prescale it. only ARR seems to work but 16 bit with 0,5MHz clock gives me ~160ms maneuver.
#define SYSCLK_FREQ 524288
void timer_init(uint16_t detonation_delay_ms);
int main(void){
TIM22->PSC = (SYSCLK_FREQ/1000)-1;
/* calling function */
/* calling function */
void timer_init(uint16_t detonation_delay_ms){
TIM22->CR1 &= ~TIM_CR1_CEN;
TIM22->ARR = detonation_delay_ms;
TIM22->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_CEN;
TIM22->SR = 0;
void TIM22_IRQHandler(void){
TIM22->CR1 &= ~TIM_CR1_CEN;
I wish that calling function makes the timer tick till the called value in milisec. But no matter how I set it up it ends up with no scaled timer and instant interrupt after calling it.
Correct way to do it?
TIM22->ARR = 65535-detonation_delay_ms;

Do not delay in interrupts
you enable the timer then set the ARR which is wrong - first set ARR and prescaller, then generate the UG event using the EGR register, then enable the timer.

Works like a charm. Just because I got help here will describe for future interested people.
The way to get the interrupt working for the timers is to generate interrupt 'by hand' once. It's okay to do it because you can control what's happening during the interrupt by a single 'if'.
/* TIMER Enable */
I had a problem with the above declaration, dunno why but it wasn't working after declaring some more modules before it. Had to put it on higher on the list. Manual does not say why it happened.
/* Configure TIM22 interrupt */
TIM22->PSC = (SYSCLK_FREQ/1000)-1; /* Prescaler TIMERA 22 */
TIM22->CNT = 0;
NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM22_IRQn); /* Zalaczenie przerwania od TIMER'a */
NVIC_SetPriority(TIM22_IRQn,4); /* Ustawienie priorytetu przerwania od TIMER'a */
The prescaler meant to be 1ms so I divided 524288 of my core speed. Then enabling the interrupt, resetting the counter to make sure it starts from 0 and then manually generating the interrupt. And it does the interrupt 'loop' once but with a single 'if' and variable, I can control what it does.
So what I do, I am calling a function that set the clock and enables the count inside another function enable = 1; timer_init(ms);
Then comes the function call
void timer_init(uint16_t ms)
TIM22->CNT = 65535-ms;
TIM22->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_CEN;
void TIM22_IRQHandler(void)
/* Up-Counter milisec */
if(TIM22->CR1 & TIM_CR1_CEN) {TIM22->CR1 &= ~TIM_CR1_CEN;}
if(TIM22->SR & TIM_SR_UIF) {
if(enable == 1){
And the interrupt.
Thanks a lot!Have fun with registers!


Timer In Normal Mode to Trigger an Interrupt on the AVR128DB48

I am trying to set a timer trigger an interrupt 8k times a second on the AVR128DB48. The initialization code I am using to initialize the clock is below.
//clock init
//24Mhz/64 = 375k
//top = 46
//enables overflow interrupt
//sets clock divider to 64 enables clock
This is almost exactly what the documentation says the initialization code should be. In order to test the interrupt I am using this function as the interrupt handler
outputval = !outputval;
if (outputval){
When I hook up this pin to my oscilloscope and measure the frequency it reads output frequency of 35k. If I change the per value to anything it also always reads 35k. I tested with values like 100 and 200 all the same results. I also change the clock divider and I still get the same result of 35k. If I don't set the enable bit I don't get any output. Is there something I missing? Does the interrupt OVF not do what I think it does? I have gone through the documentation several times and I believe I am doing everything correct.
As pointed out by kkrambo the issue was that with the AVR128DB48, this interrupt flag is not cleared automatically by the interrupt controller so you need to clear the flag at the end of the interrupt handler before you return. If you don't it will continuously try to service the interrupt over and over again. This is done by writing 1 to the interrupt flag which for the this peripheral and for this interrupt (OVF) done by the following code below:
So for the revised code for the whole interrupt would be:
outputval = !outputval;
if (outputval){

ATSAML21 Hardware Timer

I've been trying to configure & run hardware timer over SAML21 MCU to generate a 100ms delay i.e. ISR is supposed to hit at every 100ms. But it is observed that after starting the timer ISR is hitting at every 10us and changing the Prescaler & Compare register values isn't creating any difference in the 10us interval. Please review my code and let me know where I'm doing wrong.
I'm trying to configure Timer1(TC1) in 16bit mode, using GCLK_GENERATOR_1 as its clock source running at 8MHz frequency(CPU Main Clock:16MHz). The timer is expected to cause overflow interrupt every 100ms.
TcCount16 *tc_hw1 = NULL; /* Pointer to TC1 hardware registers Initilized later */
void init_timer1(void)
struct tc_module tc_inst1;
struct tc_config conf_tc1;
conf_tc1.clock_source = GCLK_GENERATOR_1;
conf_tc1.clock_prescaler = TC_CLOCK_PRESCALER_DIV64; /* 8MHz/64 = 125KHz*/
conf_tc1.reload_action = TC_RELOAD_ACTION_GCLK;
conf_tc1.counter_size = TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT;
conf_tc1.count_direction = TC_COUNT_DIRECTION_UP;
conf_tc1.counter_16_bit.value = 0x0000;
/** Rest of the settings are used as defaults **/
while (tc_init(&tc_inst1, TC1, &conf_tc1) != STATUS_OK){
tc_set_top_value(&tc_inst1, 12500); /* Set counter compare top value */
/* Enable interrupt & Set Priority */
tc_hw1 = &(tc_inst1.hw->COUNT16); /* Initialize pointer to TC1 hardware register */
tc_hw1->INTENSET.reg |= TC_INTFLAG_OVF; /* Enable Overflow Interrupt */
NVIC_SetPriority(TC1_IRQn, 2);
tc_enable(&tc_inst1); /*Start The TIMER*/
void TC1_Handler(void)
if((tc_hw1->INTFLAG.reg) & (TC_INTFLAG_OVF))
Debugger Information: I can see that the timer register is configured correctly but the COUNT register is not incrementing itself every time I pause to capture the debug info it shows only 0x0000 values.
Please help. Thanks!
I resolved the issue actually it's kind of mandatory to clear the timer OVF bit in the INTFLAG register. So the interrupt handler should've been like this:
void TC1_Handler(void)
if((tc_hw1->INTFLAG.reg) & (TC_INTFLAG_OVF))
tc_hw1->INTFLAG.reg = TC_INTFLAG_OVF; /*Clears the flag by writing 1 to it*/
system_interrupt_clear_pending(SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_MODULE_TC1); /*Not necessarily needed*/

how can I make multiple ultrasonic sensors work at the same time using atmega32

I am working on an auto-parking car robot and I am using 8 (hc-sr04) ultrasonic sensors (2 at each side) but the problem is that I am using atmega32 which has limited resources only 3 external interrupts and 3 timers (and even if using interrupts somehow works I might run into risk to have two interrupts triggered at the same time).
I am using this sensor :
I've tried using digital I/O pins with polling procedure but it didn't work.
here is the code for polling procedure:
unsigned int read_sonar(){
int dist_in_cm = 0;
init_sonar(); // Setup pins and ports
trigger_sonar(); // send a 10us high pulse
while(!(ECHO_PIN & (1<<ECHO_BIT))){ // while echo pin is still low
USART_Message("echo pin low\r\n");
uint32_t max_response_time = SONAR_TIMEOUT;
if (trig_counter > max_response_time){ // SONAR_TIMEOUT
return TRIG_ERROR;
TCNT1=0; // reset timer
TCCR1B |= (1<<CS10); // start 16 bit timer with no prescaler
TIMSK |= (1<<TOIE1); // enable overflow interrupt on timer1
overFlowCounter=0; // reset overflow counter
sei(); // enable global interrupts
while((ECHO_PIN & (1<<ECHO_BIT))){ // while echo pin is still high
USART_Message("echo pin high\r\n");
if (((overFlowCounter*TIMER_MAX)+TCNT1) > SONAR_TIMEOUT){
return ECHO_ERROR; // No echo within sonar range
TCCR1B = 0x00; // stop 16 bit timer with no prescaler
cli(); // disable global interrupts
no_of_ticks = ((overFlowCounter*TIMER_MAX)+TCNT1); // counter count
dist_in_cm = (no_of_ticks/(CONVERT_TO_CM*CYCLES_PER_US)); // distance in cm
return (dist_in_cm );}
This method doesn't work if I want to read all sensors at the same time, because it gets stuck in the loop for a while.
I also tried using freeRTOS to build a task that checks the state of pins like every 1msec but this won't be a time accurate.
any help?
Assuming that You use internal clock which is 8MHz I would try to handle this inside timer overflow interrupt and would use whole port to connect the sensors.
Use Timer in normal mode or CTC mode (which I find quite intuitive) to ensure periodical interrupts. Set the appropriate period. Remember that the clock has pretty low frequency so don't exaggerate (I think that 0,25 ms will fit).
Connect the sensors to one port, e.g. PORTB. This is a nice situation because ATmega32 has 4 ports with pins numbered from 0-7 and you use 8 sensors so the register for the specific port can cover all of the pins and You can use one read to get states of all of the pins.
Implement the logic:
volatile uint8_t sensors_states;
volatile uint8_t read_flag = 0;
sensors_states = PORTB;
read_flag = 1;
int main()
// Initialize peripherals ...
// You must assume on your own how much time could the pin be held
// in the same state. This is important because the number must not
// be bigger than max value for the type of the array
uint8_t states_time[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
uint8_t prev_sensors_states = PORTB;
// Wait until the flag will be set in the ISR
for(uint8_t i = 0, mask = 0x80 ; i < 8 ; i ++, mask >>= 1)
// Compare the previous state and present state on each pin
uint8_t state = mask & sensors_states;
if((mask & prev_sensors_states) != state)
// Here you can use the state of the pin and the duration of that state.
// Remember that when 'state' is > 0 it means that previous state of the
// pin was '0' and if if 'state' is == 0 then the previous pin state
// was '1' (negation).
do_something_with_pin_change(states_time[i], state);
states_time[i] = 0;
// Save the previous states of the pins
prev_sensors_states = sensors_states;
// Clear the flag to await next data update
read_flag = 0;
If You will try to use FreeRTOS You could use ulTaskNotifyTake and vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR, instead of using read_flag, to implement a simple mechanism which will notify a task from the interrupt that the port has been read. The processor will go into idle state for a while and you could then invoke a sleep function to minimize power consumption.
I don't know what You want to do with this data so I've invoked do_something_with_pin_change function to indicate the point where You can use the data.
To sum up for this solution You would only use one interrupt and of course 8 pins.

AVR C how to stop interrupt

I am programming a AVR MCU.
It has a POT that reads off an analogue pin. It seems that the interrupt is constantly called, and it must be called during a LCD_display method as it is messing with my LCD.
Is there a way to STOP the inturrupts until after the block is run?
int main(void)
/*Turn on ADC Interrupt */
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE);
/*Turn On GLobal Interrupts*/
/* Intalise LCD */
lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); /* initialize display, cursor off */
DDRB &= ~(1 << PINB5); //set input direction
ADC_Init(128, 0); //initalize ADC
while (1)
if (!bit_is_clear(PINB, 5))
if (!pressed)
lcd_puts("test"); //Doesnt work unless I dont comment out the last line of interrupt
pressed = 1;
char adcResult[4];
uint8_t theLowADC = ADCL;
uint16_t theTenBitResults = ADCH<<8 | theLowADC;
itoa(theTenBitResults, adcResult, 10);
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); //next conversion *if i comment out this line it works*
If the interrupt handler behaves bad with your code, the reason could be you spend too much time in the interrupt handler. You should only do critical work in the interrupt handler and defer the less critical work in the application code; use a volatile flag shared between the handler and the application code to let the application code know if it has work to do. In your example, you should defer the itoa call in the application code.
Use cli(); to disable interrupts and sei(); to enable them again after you finished the display routine.
Which MCU are you using? You should propably use a timer instead of a delay of 500ms.
I believe, I am little late but still I had the same issue I solved it using the following method,
Interrupts are enabled using two flags
1.A global interrupt flag
2.A module related interrupt flag (in your case ADC)
You can have control over module related flag, in your case in the ADCSRA control register there is a flag named ADIE- ADC Interrupt Enable flag you can use that to control the Interrupts.
For example,
In main function you can enable the flag and in ISR disable the flag.
//enable global flag and ADC flag
//your logic
// enable ADC flag
//disable the ADC flag
I hope this solves the issue you are having.

set interrupt flag

Can a interrupt flag be set by the code as in the example below or is that line just an error of thinking? This is just the main function. Below this code snipet are the interrupt it self, is it correct and nessasary to clear the interrupt flag in the end of the code?
if(duty != (uint8_t) (SOFT_PWM_PERIOD - 1))
// Request an immediate interrupt if the timer counter has
// already the initial period. This helps minimize glitches
// when changing duty cycles
if(duty < TMR4)
PIR3bits.TMR4IF = 1;
// Finally (re-)start the timer
0 << 3 | // 1x post-scaler
1 << 2 | // Active
2 /* << 0 */; // 16x pre-scaler
IPR3bits.TMR4IP = 1; // TMR4 Overflow Interrupt Priority bit High
PIE3bits.TMR4IE = 1; // TMR4 Overflow Interrupt Enable bit
The Intrrupt code ->
// Deal with PWM timer interrupts. Add this to the high-priority interrupt handler.
void SoftPWM_Interrupt(void)
volatile uint8_t _SoftPWM_Toggle; // Is this variable really accessed by both the ISR and mainline functions? (C.G)
/* Has a flank been reached yet? */
/* Alternate between the low and high periods */
PR4 ^= _SoftPWM_Toggle;
/* Try to deal gracefully with the new period already having been reached. */
/* The hardware timer works by checking if TMR4 = PR4 when it is time to increase */
/* counter, in which case TMR4 is reset instead. Thus if is already TMR4 > PR4 due to */
/* interrupt latency then we've missed the period and an extra interrupt is needed. */
/* First acknowledging the flag and then conditionally setting it is necessary to */
/* avoid a race between reading TMR4 and changing the flag. */
/* Finally the the TMR4 > PR4 test is actually implemented as skip if TMR4 < PR4 + 1 */
/* but the increment cannot overflow since the interrupt won't be used for 0% or 100% */
/* duty cycles */
PIR3bits.TMR4IF = 0;
/* if(TMR4 > PR4) */
PIR3bits.TMR4IF = 1; // Cant only the harware set this flag? (C.G)
/* Finally toggle the output pin */
PIR3bits.TMR4IF = 0;
Yes you can set an interrupt flag by soft. But IMO it is not really a good practice to do it...
If you really want the behavior of your ISR to be executed in the normal context, why don't you externalize your ISR code in a function that you can call in your main function?
About the interrupt flag, if you don't clear it, the ISR will be executed in loop and you will never go back to your main program.
