Can I query a new handler not in solr config? - solr

I am using solr 5.4.0.
I want to create a new handler in solr say "X". This handler is not defined in solr config, but can I define this on run time and include it in query using the qt field?
The same way how we can replace the bq, qf etc fields for an already existing handler in solr config, is there a support for creating a new handler while issuing the solr query as well

I do not remember being able to create additional request handlers via API in Solr 5.4. You may be able to modify or XInclude a file on a filesystem and reload core. But that's a bit hacky.
In the latest versions of Solr, you do have
configuration API to override solrconfig.xml
request parameters API, that allow you to define parameter sets, which you can apply with useParams configuration or as a query parameter in the URL.


How to retrieve custom properties of Solr cores

I'm bit new with Solr 7.0.
With Solr CoreAdmin APIs it is possible to create new cores with custom properties:
The command above creates a new core with a file containing the specified custom property "version" with value "1.2.3"
The defined custom properites may be used as replacement in Solr configuration files, but I could not be able to retrieve (and eventually update) a specific custom property using the Solr CoreAdmin APIs.
How is it possible to retrive or update a specific core custom property?
Thanks a lot
To create user defined property, you can use below command.
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/<core-name>/config -H'Content-type:application/json' -d '{
"set-user-property" : {"custom_property":"some_value"}}'
And, to retrieve it.
curl http://localhost:8983/solr//config/overlay?omitHeader=true
Though, these properties will be removed, once you have restarted the server. So I would suggest you to add these properties in file.
For more information :-

How to set Data Import Handler and Scheduler using solrJ Client

I am new to solr search, i have completed a simple search.
Now I want to index documents directly from Database and want set scheduler or trigger for updating index when there is any change in DB.
I know that I can do it with DataImportHandler but can't understand its flow.
can you help me that from which steps I should have to start this process?
or can anyone just give me pointers to do this ??
I want to do this all things using SolrJ client.
This task requires many parts to work together. Work through
DataImportHandler is a Solr component, which means that it runs inside the Solr instance. All you have to do is configure Solr and than run the DHI through the Dataimport Screen.
On the other hand SolrJ is an API that makes it easy for Java applications to talk to Solr. So you can write your own applications that create, modify, search and delete documents to Solr.
try to do simple edit and delete function on button click event and
send the id with that url in servlet and do your jdbc opertaion
after that successfully commited, call your data import command from solrj and redirect it to your index page
thats it.

Solr-Collection or Core not reloading schema.xml

I am using Solar 4.6 and changed something inside schema.xml. In order to update schema.xml inside my core I used zkcli. Which works fine and I am able to see the modified schema.xml inside the Solr Admin GUI under cloud\tree\config\foobar\schema.xml.
But after calling
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=RELOAD&name=foobar and
the old schema.xml was still in the core named foobar.
Your 2nd HTTP request to the Core API is wrong. Change name to core:
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD&name=foobar should be
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD&core=foobar. (page 277)
The RELOAD action loads a new core from the configuration of an existing, registered Solr core. While the new core is initializing, the existing one
will continue to handle requests. When the new Solr core is ready, it takes over and the old core is unloaded.
This is useful when you've made changes to a Solr core's configuration on disk, such as adding new field definitions. Calling the RELOAD action
lets you apply the new configuration without having to restart the Web container. However the Core Container does not persist the SolrCloud
solr.xml parameters, such as solr/#zkHost and solr/cores/#hostPort, which are ignored.
The RELOAD action accepts a single parameter, core, which is the name of the core to be reloaded.
see also
You have to reload your cores after giving it a new schema.
Replace name with core in your query as:
For example

Solr Cluster + DataImportHandler: can I have autogenerated id?

I'm using Solr 4.3. I've created 4 shards. I configured UniqueKey autogenerated field as described here:
It works fine if I use the actual update handler to insert documents (i.e. if I make a HTTP POST to /update with some JSON data, the unique key is autogenerated for each document).
If however I use the DataImportHandler to pull some documents from database, they are not added to the index, instead I see a warning in the Solr log saying that "mandatory id field is missing".
I know the DataImportHandler doesn't go through the UpdateHandler to add documents, but I was hoping this feature would work for DIH as well...
So my question is: does anybody know how to make work the id autogeneration for a Solr 4.3 cluster when using the DataImportHandler to insert documents?
Well, the solution I ended up using was this
created a custom transformer in Java (actually I was already using one - I find it's faster than doing them in JS - the other option Solr offers)
Inside the transformer I pretty much do what the UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory does: add
public Object transformRow(Map<String, Object> row, Context context) {
row.put("id", UUID.randomUUID());
I then removed the <updateRequestProcessorChain name="uuid"> tag from my solrconfig.xml, and only left the schema.xml configuration as per the link in the question

How to access Aache SOLR custom request handler /suggest from solrj or spring data for solr?

I'm new to Solr. I'm implementing auto complete functionality for my application. I have configured the required fields in solr and created a custom request handler /suggest. I'm finding it tricky to access it via solr java client solrj. I'm even fine with the spring data for solr. Please somebody help to access my custom request handler from solr java client.
With spring-data-solr you might add #Query(requestHandler = "/suggest") or use query.setRequestHandler("/suggest").
In case you're doing autocomplete you might also give /terms and the SimpleTermsQuery a try.
SolrJ supports this through the use of the setRequestHandler method on the SolrQuery class.
