I have a class containing 3 integers: r,g,b. I make table of 50 objects to that class. How to find most frequent triplet?
I made arrays of every value r,g,b. Then I sorted them and found most frequent value of each array.
Sort all your objects by RGB. Then just start at the beginning and count the duplicates.
First of all, I apologize for the confusing title, the task which I'm trying to accomplish is itself still confusing to me, hence why I'm finding it hard to do it. I'll try to be as clear as I can from now on.
I have 100 500x500 arrays, the values inside range from 0 to 1. What I would like to do is write a code that gives me 10 arrays, these arrays will be a sort of composite of the minimum values between them.
The first array is made of the absolute minimum values, the second array with the 2nd order minimum values....and so on. So the 10 arrays will be a composite of sorted ascending values.
I managed to get the absolute minimum with np.minimum() but I have no clue on how to proceed to the next ones.
To reiterate, I don't want to sort the 100 arrays, but loop through them and create new arrays with the lowest values found in each position.
Sorting is the most efficient way.
np.sort([array0,array1,...], 0)
Will yield an array where the first element is an 100x100 array of the smallest element-wise entries of all your arrays, the second the second smallest, etc.
The permutation of the list of integers should also be preserved in the hash -- i.e., lists containing the same numbers in a different order should have different hashes.
One way to do this would be to concatenate the list of integers into a string, but this could be an expensive comparison test if the list is massive.
Context: If I already have 5 large arrays 'analyzed' and hashed away, I would be able to quickly check whether an incoming array is new or not.
"In mathematics, the pigeonhole principle states that if n items are put into m containers, with n > m, then at least one container must contain more than one item"
It is certainly possible to create a unique number, its just that its hilariously huge.
A simple list, but to make sure we have enough holes for our pigeons, we would need to have space for the largest integer in each slot, so assuming 4 bytes per item, we would need a 12 byte integer to store the hash uniquely, or ~3.4028237e+38 different values. And that's only 3 integers.
No, an efficient hash is rarely unique, but a good hash is unlikely to have collisions for similar values.
To answer your question about checking for existence, consider the following:
If you have an array of n items, in order to hash it, you need to take n steps. In order to check for existence, you need, at worst, n steps to check each item in turn.
In either case, you are going to be spending about the same amount time comparing arrays.
An array structure seems to be a perfect choice where the index differentiate between elements, or you can use a list of elements where an element has an index value assigned to just before insertion.
Never use a String as a list structure, because it has it's own properties, like immutability (in the case of Java).
What is the most efficient method I can use to sort an array of integers by selecting one integer at a time and inserting it anywhere in the array? Or, inserting it at the end or the beginning of the array?
I'm looking for an algorithm that can do this in the minimum number of steps, unlike selection sort.
You need to figure out the longest sequence of sorted elements. Then the number of steps is the number of elements that are not in the sequence.
Since the elements that don't belong to the selected sequence are out of order you need to move each of them to the right position. Since each move is a step according to your description, and you already picked the longest sorted sequence, this will give you the least number of steps.
I came across a question while preparing for my interview.
Given an array of integers as input.
We have find a possible subset such that the elements in the array have a common difference.
For example,
Consider the input array to be {1,3,7,10,11}
Then the output should be {3,7,11}.
It is always that the elements in the array are in increasing order.
I thought of finding all the subsets and look for a solution.
But that would cause my program to run slower if the input array size is too large.
can anyone help me to crack this???
From what I understand, you want to extract possible subsets from an array such that each two consecutive numbers have the same difference value increasingly.
Here is my algorithm:
Remove duplicates.
Force arrange ascendingly.
Keep a hashtable with the difference values as keys and lists of lists as values.
Loop through the array, updating/adding a key in the hashtable that equals the difference between the two consecutive numbers at hand, and adding a list to the value (the list of lists) containing the two numbers.
After the loop, create an array. Loop through the hashtable, adding an element each time to the array which is an array itself: The merging of all nested lists in the value at hand. This is the array containing all possible subsets.
Here's a possible implementation in python:
from itertools import chain
def find_subsets (array):
table = dict()
last = array[-1]
for num in sorted (set (array), False)[1:]:
diff = last - num
table[diff].append([num, last])
last = num
return [list(chain(v)) for k, v in table]
Please try this code and correct it if wrong. I wrote this in a hurry.
I have an array containing 43 terms, and I need to find all possible combinations of 5 terms whose sum is within a particular range.
I have looked to previous posts, and have found similar problems, but they all have variations that do not suit my issue.
If your target range is large, then you will have to produce most of the 43 choose 5 = 962,598 5-tuples of 43 elements. On a computer, that usually isn't too bad.
If the range is narrow, you can do better. One improvement is to make a sorted list of the triples of elements, sorted by sum, and a sorted list of the pairs of elements, sorted by sum. For each pair, take the connected sublist of sums of triples that give a total in the correct range, filter to those triples so that all of the indices used in the pairs are greater than all of the indices used in the triples (to avoid duplicated 5-tuples and duplicated elements). If the range is very narrow, this might take roughly c n^3 log n steps for an n element array instead of c n^5.