Should a console program free its resources when closing? [duplicate] - c

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Should you free at the end of a C program [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am creating a console program, which will have some resources like some threads and some sockets.
When the user closes the console program, should I detect this closing event and free those resources, or can I just let the OS handle this?
And do well known console programs (for example: ls, cat, grep in Linux) free their resources when they exit?
My question is not about a single OS (my console program will run on Windows and Linux and macOS).

When the user closes the console program, should I detect this closing event and free those resources, or can I just let the OS handle this?
Good code is re-used. What today is "closes the console program", tomorrow could be "return from a function" called Christopher_console program().
Plan for re-use and close/free allocated resources.

Both other answers (so Luke's one and chux' one) make sense. It is a matter of perspective.
But cleaning up your mess makes debugging easier with valgrind.
If your program is serious enough to need a lot of debugging, you may want to facilitate that. If you choose to avoid cleanup for performance reasons (e.g. Luke's approach), you might however have some rare --cleanup-the-mess program option which forces it (and tries hard to keep valgrind happy) ...
But if you write things conceptually similar in high-view behavior to (Linux programs like:) cron, bash, guile, make, xslt, tidy, indent, convert, etc, so a shell program, or any kind of interactive interpreter which you would run (in most cases) for only a few minutes, you could reasonably decide to take Luke's approach. On the other hand, if you write a program which runs for a long time (some specialized server for example), you definitely want to avoid every memory leak (and you need to use valgrind).

Generally it is not required, and it's faster to let the OS take care of it. From a brief look at GNU coreutils source, many programs will simply call die() when encountering an error which will exit the process immediately.

In some systems there is a common c runtime, meaning that c programs share certain resources so a resource leak in one program can impact other applications. therefore it is essential that all applications release what is not in uses.
There is a good discussion on the CRT here What is the C runtime library?


Exit from an application in an OS without memory separation

I am writing a monolithic OS(It is a joke to call it an OS but it does have very minimal, school level functionalists).
When I say monolithic, I meant, it is compiled as a single binary blob and no support for file system etc. Currently I just have a rudimentary simple user space which is nothing but infinite while loop.
I am planning to make my OS little more useful and want to able to write user apps which can terminate like regular apps on a full blown OS.
I don't have glibc or equivalent. My current library in the user space is code which I have written.
Now my problem is how to add a framework for user space apps, which would let them terminate in a fix point.
I do know how programs get compiled on regular systems and what happens when a program terminates. However, in my case I don't have luxury to compile programs against libraries and if a program terminates then my instruction pointer just goes on a wild detour.
Currently I am making all apps to make to do a "return call" and I am pre-populating the app stack with a fix address(during launch). Is there any better way to handle the problem?
Along with the answer, I would be more than happy to get clarity on some of OS concepts.
I am working on x86 emulator-platform and compiling my binary statically. (I do have virtual memory support)
Hand crafting the first stack frame with a return into whatever process cleanup code you need to run seems like a perfectly reasonable method. If your OS has "syscalls" then user-space process cleanup code (maybe called exit()) probably ends with a call to the _exit() syscall. You still need to handle the case where the program tries to execute code in ''la-la land'' because that can still happen (however doing that before you have a page-protection system might be a hard problem).

Dump call stack on error?

I'm debugging a program written in plain C (no C++, MFC, .NET, etc.) to the WIN32API. It must compile in both VS2005 (to run under Win 2K/XP) and VS2010 (to run under Win7.) I've been unable to duplicate a bug that my customer seems able to duplicate fairly reliably, so I'm looking for ways to have my program "debug itself" as-it-were. It is monitoring all of the key values that are changing, but what I'd really like to see is a stack dump when a value changes. Oh, I cannot run a "true" debug build (using the debug libraries) without installing the compiler on the customer's machine and that is not an option, so this must be built into my release build.
Is there any way to do this other than just adding my own function entry/exit calls to my own stack monitor? I'd especially like to be able to set a hardware breakpoint when a specific memory address changes unexpectedly (so I'd need to be able to disable/enable it around the few EXPECTED change locations.) Is this possible? In a Windows program?
I'd prefer something that doesn't require changing several thousand lines of code, if possible. And yes, I'm very underprivileged when it comes to development tools -- I consider myself lucky to have a pro version of the Visual Studio IDEs.
In addition to the excellent answers provided below, I've found some info about using hardware breakpoints in your own code at I think it was written with the idea of hacking other programs, but it looks like it might work find for my needs, allowing me to create a mini dump when an unexpected location writes to a variable. That would be cool and really useful, especially if I can generalize it. Thanks for the answers, now I'm off to see what I can create using all this new information!
You can use MiniDumpWriteDump function which creates a dump, which can be used for post-mortem debugging. In the case application crashes, you can call MiniDumpWriteDump from unhandled exception handler set by SetUnhandledExceptionFilter. If the bug you are talking about is not crash, you can call MiniDumpWriteDump from any place of the program, when some unexpected situation is detected. More about crash dumps and post-mortem debugging here:
The main idea in this technique is that mini dump files produced on a client site are sent to developer, they can be debugged - threads, stack and variables information is available (with obvious restrictions caused by code optimizations).
There are a bunch of Win32 functions in dbghelp32.dll that can be used to produce a stack trace for a given thread: for an example of this see this code.
You can also look up the StackWalk64() and related functions on MSDN.
To get useful information out, you should turn on PDB file generation in the compiler for your release build: if you set up your installer so that on the customer's computer the PDB files are in the same place as the DLL, then you can get an intelligible stack trace out with function names, etc. Without that, you'll just get DLL names and hex addresses for functions.
I'm not sure how practical it would be to set up hardware breakpoints: you could write some sort of debugger that uses the Win32 debugging API, but that's probably more trouble than its worth.
If you can add limited instrumentation to raise an identifiable exception when the symptom recurs, you can use Process Dumper to generate a full process dump on any instance of that exception.
I find I cite this tool very frequently, it's a real godsend for hard-to-debug production problems but seems little-known.

How can I replay a multithreaded application?

I want to record synchronization operations, such as locks, sempahores, barriers of a multithreaded application, so that I can replay the recorded application later on, for the purpose of debugging.
On way is to supply your own lock, sempaphore, condition variables etc.. functions that also do logging, but I think that is an overkill, because down under they must be using some common synchronization operations.
So my question is which synchronization operations I should log so that I require minimum modifications to my program. In other words, which are the functions or macros in glibc and system calls over which all these synchronization operations are built? So that I only modify those for logging and replaying.
The best I can think of is debugging with gdb in 'record' mode:
Gdb process record/replay execution log
According to this page: GDB Process Record threading support is underway, but it might not be complete yet.
Less strictly answering your question, may I suggest
On other platforms, several other threading checkers exist, but I haven't got much experience with them.
In your case, an effective method of "logging" systems calls on Linux may be to use the LD_PRELOAD trick, and over-ride the actual system calls with your own versions of the calls that will log the use of the call and then forward to the actual system call.
A more extensive example is given here in Linux Journal.
As you can see at these links, the basic gist of the "trick" is that you can make the system load your own dynamic library before any other system libraries, such as pthreads, etc., and then mask the calls to those library functions by placing your own versions of those functions as the precendent. You can then, inside your over-riding function, log the use of the original function, as well as pass on the arguments to the actual call you're attempting to log.
The nice thing about this method is it will catch pretty much any call you can make, both a function that remains entirely in user-land, as well as a function that will make a kernel call.
So GDB record mode doesn't support multithreading, but the RR record/replay system absolutely does: .
For a commercial solution with fewer technical restrictions, there's also UDB: .
I've worked on debuggers for some years now and from what I've seen, the GDB record+replay stuff is really not ready for primetime, for this and other reasons (eg, slowdown & huge memory requirements).
If you can get it to work in your dev environment, record+replay/reversible debugging can be pretty gamechanging for your workflow; I hope you find a way to leverage it.

Coding in C in Linux vs Windows. Any adequate debugging oriented C-centric IDE?

I've run into an issue with writing some code in c. My basic problem is that I am pressed for time and the code I am dealing with has lots of bugs which I have to "erradicate" before tomorrow evening.
The bigger part of the problem is that there is no adequate IDE that can do real time debugging, especially when using threads or spawning processes with fork(). I tried Mono, Eclipse, and finally NetBeans, and have concluded that those are very good but not for coding in C. More over the learning curve to utilize the command line debugger properly is quite steep. (Like I mentioned earlier... I am pressed on time.)
So, since I am a C# developer by profession I was wondering whether I can pull this off in VS2003/VS2005/VS2008/VS2010. If I abstain from using system calls, can I do this?
Of particular interest are FILE* descriptor and fread(), fclose(), fseek() methods. I know they are part of the standard C library, however are they tied to the platform itself? Are the headers the same in Linux vs Windows? What about fork() or shared memory?
Maybe if I use VS2010 to build parts of the component at a time (by mocking inputs and stuff), debug those, and then migrate the working code in the overall Linux project would prove most useful?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
The bigger part of the problem is that there is no adequate IDE that can do real time debugging, especially when using threads or spawning processes with fork().
The Eclipse CDT would probably have the best overall support for C/C++ development and integrated debugging.
Note that multithreaded and multiprocess debugging can be difficult at the best of times. Investing in a good logging framework would be advisable at this point, and probably more useful than relying on a debugger. There are many to choose from - have a look at Log4C++ and so on. Even printf in a pinch can be invaluable.
So, since I am a C# developer by profession I was wondering whether I can pull this off in VS2003/VS2005/VS2008/VS2010. If I abstain from using system calls, can I do this?
If you take care to only use portable calls and not Win32-specific APIs, you should be ok. Also, there are many libraries (for C++ libraries such as Boost++ that provide a rich set of functionality which work the same on Windows, Linux and others.
Of particular interest are FILE* descriptor and fread(), fclose(), fseek() methods. I know they are part of the standard C library, however are they tied to the platform itself? Are the headers the same in Linux vs Windows? What about fork() or shared memory?
Yes, the file I/O functions you mention are in <stdio.h> and part of the portable standard C library. They work essentially the same on both Windows and Linux, and are not tied to a particular platform.
However, fork() and the shared memory functions shmget() are POSIX functions, available on *nix platforms but not natively on Windows. The Cygwin project provides implementations of these functions in a library for ease of porting.
If you are using C++, Boost++ will give you portable versions of all these system-level calls.
Maybe if I use VS2010 to build parts of the component at a time (by mocking inputs and stuff), debug those, and then migrate the working code in the overall Linux project would prove most useful?
You could certainly do that. Just be mindful that Visual Studio has a tendency to lead you down the Win32 path, and you must be vigilant to not start using non-portable functions. Fortunately the library reference on MSDN gives you the compatibility information. In general, using standard C or POSIX calls will be portable. In my experience, it is actually easier to write on *nix and port to Windows, but YMMV.
Looks like I am the first to recommend Emacs here. Here is how Emacs works. When you install it, it is simply a text editor with a lot of extensions(debugger and C font-locking are included by default). As you start using it and install the extensions you miss, it becomes more than just an editor. It grows to become an IDE very soon and easily, then on to something that can eschew the OS under one frame.
Emacs might take long to learn, in the mean time, you could use Visual Slick Edit if you are not pressed on the cost part. I have used it on both platforms and seen it work good with version control, tags, etc.
Perhaps Code::Blocks? I love it and while it says it's for C++ it is, of course, very good for plain C as well.

Under a debugger

How do I detect in my program that it's being run under a debugger? I am aware that this seems to indicate that I try to do something I shouldn't, and that is too messy. I think it is an interesting question tho. Specifically, is there a way to do it in a POSIX environment? For example using sigaction (2) to detect that some handler is installed? Even a worse thought; is there some inline assembly code I could use on an x86 architecture?
As we discuss it -- would it eventually be possible to launch a debugger, such as gdb (1), and break at the place where you perform this possible hack. Thanks for any dirty one-liners or unlikely references to standards related to this.
Does this article (archive link) help?
It suggests, amongst other things:
file descriptors leaking from the parent process
environment variables ($_)
process state (getsid(), etc).
Note that most (if not all) of these rely on the debugger spawning the process that's being debugged. They're not so effective if the debugger is attached to a process that's already running.
There is no reliable way to detect that you are running under a debugger. That's because a debugger may use any number of methods to actually debug your code, some of which will almost certainly not be caught by your method.
My question is, why would you care? Unless you're trying to hide something :-)
