TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Data Flow Task [Union All [303]]: The metadata for "Union
All.Inputs[Union All Input 3].Columns[Title]" does not match the metadata for
the associated output column.
Error at Data Flow Task [Union All [303]]: Failed to set property
"OutputColumnLineageID" on "Union All.Inputs[Union All Input
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204006 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
I keep getting this error when i try to do data conversion and then try to do union... This is because, if you know, the data conversion, will create new columns. SO when i try to do union with them, it will get the bove error.
you have to delete and re-add those connections between sources and union.
I had the same problem once and what I did was as follows:
1)Double click the respected data-conversion which faulty data is passing through
2)Check to see if all the data types for you columns are matching with the data type of same column from your other data-conversion.
3)Fix if there is any difference
And this will fix it for you, as it did for me.
Double click the UNION ALL component to display the output Column Names.
Change Union All Input 1 and the Union All Input 2 to
Rename you column and add a new column with the right name and the right data.
Now you have the right column with the right types,you can delete your old renamed column.
Don't forget to update the derived column and destination compnenent. The will be updated automatically with the unwanted renamed column. Just configure the right column in these component and refresh. all will be right.
I'm writing an SSIS package to load data from a .csv into a db.
There's a column in the csv file that is supposed to have a count, but the records sometimes have text, so I can't just load the data in as an integer. It looks something like this:
I want the data to land in the db destination as an integer instead of a string. I want the transformation to change any text to a 1, any blank value to a 1, and leave all the other numbers as-is.
My attempts have so far included using the Derived Column functionality, which I couldn't get the right expression(s) for it seems, and creating a temp table to run a sql query through the data, which kept breaking my data flow.
There are three approaches you can follow.
(1) Using a derived column
You should add a derived column with the following expression to check if the values are numeric or not:
(DT_I4)[count] == (DT_I4)[count] ? [count] : 1
Then in the derived column editor, go to the error output configuration and set the error handling event to Ignore failure.
Now add another derived column to replace null values with 1 :
You can refer to the following article for a step-by-step guide:
Validate Numeric or Non-Numeric Data in SQL Server Integration Services without the Script Task
(2) Using a script component
If you know C# or Visual Basic.NET, you can add a script component to check if the value is numeric and replace nulls and string values with 1
(3) Update data in SQL
You can stage data in its initial form into the SQL database and use an update query to replace nulls and string values with 1 as follows:
UPDATE [staging_table]
SET [count] = 1
WHERE [count] IS NULL or ISNUMERIC([count]) = 0
I have this calculated field in Google Data Studio:
Field Name: new_users_android_minus
WHEN is_new_user>=1 AND platform="ANDROID" THEN 0
When I try to make a copy of this formula to a new field, or even when I try to update the existing field just adding a white space, I get this error:
Failed to create field. Please try again later.
In other words, the report and the field are working perfectly, but I can't update the existing field or use this formula in a new field. I'm facing this behavior with many fields where I use CASE WHEN inside aggregations MAX() and COUNT_DISTINCT(). Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Is this a bug in Google Data Studio, or am I missing something?
(Opening the following on behalf of a Snowflake client...)
When I try to insert into the table it threw below error:
Numeric value 'abc_0011O00001y31VpQAI' is not recognized
Have check the table DDL and found only 3 columns defined as NUMBER and rest as VARCHAR.
I checked the SELECT query and didnot find any string value in those NUMBER Datatype columns. Also tried searching in all the Varchar columns for the value 'abc_0011O00001y31VpQAI' , I didn't find any
I know one thing Snowflake doesn't always shows correct error. Am I missing anything here? Is there any way to fix it?
'2019-10-03' AS COL1_DATE ,
union all
'2019-10-03' AS COL1_DATE ,
I created a table_D same as original TABLE and tried inserting into it , it worked fine . Then Inserted into Original TABLE from table_D , it worked again .
Deleted those rows from original TABLE and reran the job , it worked fine.
There was no issue with data as all was Number only, I even tried with TRY_TO_NUMBER too. It inserted the data without any changes to the code.
Client is currently waiting on a next day run to re-test to determine if this is either a bug or an issue with their data. In the meantime, we are interested to see if anyone else has run into similar challenges and have a viable recommendation. THANK YOU.
The error typically means you are trying to insert non-numeric data (like 'abc_0011O00001y31VpQAI') into a numeric column. It seems like the customer did everything right in testing and TRY_TO_NUMBER() is a great way to verify numeric data.
Do the SELECT queries run fine separately? If so, then I would check whether there might be a potential mismatch in the datatype of the columns and make sure they are in the right order.
I would also check whether or not the header is being skipped in the file (that may be where the 'abc_0011O00001y31VpQAI' is coming from since the customer did not see it in the data).
SELECT queries work fine, I tried creating a new table with same DDL as original and tried loading into that new table, it worked fine. Not sure why it is not loading into the original table
Friends i am working on jdev12c but i am facing issue i am able to create new record using bc4j tester but when i am trying to change(update) existing data it throws exception Invalid NumberError while selecting entity for CustmerInfo: ORA-01722: invalid number
I have searched for this error but i am not able to get solution just to provide more information I have one master and 2 child tables.In master table i have 2 column which uses DBSequence(seq and trigger from database) and one mandatory date field(timestamp).
I have found out the reason actually the customernumber column is varchar because i am concatenating the sequence with prefix and then storing it.now the problem is as soon as i change entity attribute to DBSEQUENCE it throws invalid number error for updation
DBSequence should only be used if the value you are getting is populated form a DB Sequence - which would be a number.
If you are manually populating that field - then use a regular String type for the field.
Does anyone know exactly why these types of issues happen using a script component that can be “fixed” by deleting and re add the same code to make fix this type of issue? Why would metadata change when you delete and re add code? what happens inside the engine when this happens? What kind of issue could it ever fix to delete and re add a script component, copy the same code and rewire it?
I can reproduce at will with the following steps:
Took a working package with a script component and two output buffers. The script component has additional input columns and output columns setup for the second output buffer that are not being populated yet by the source query (OLE DB source SQL command) yet. Only one column is being populated in the second output buffer from the source query .
Copied in a new source query with additional columns for the second output buffer.
Run the package. Get the error message Column data type DT_DBDATE is not supported by the PipelineBuffer class.
Comment out the two lines for the second output buffer, run the package, the package runs successfully:
RedactedOutputBuffer. RedactedColumnName = Row. RedactedColumnName;
Uncomment the same two lines. The package still works. So the package is now exactly the same as when it did not work.
Well, no, it's not really a bug, it's more like SSIS doesn't try to be clever and fit square pegs in round holes.
I mean the error message is pretty clear, innit? The PipelineBuffer class doesn't have any methods to handle data types of DT_DBDATE. So it throws you a UnsupportedBufferDataTypeException:
The exception that is thrown when assigning a value to a buffer column
that contains the incorrect data type.
Anyway, since you didn't print your full error message stack, it's hard to say exactly but my guess is it tried to call SetDateTime (or GetDateTime ) on your busted column. So when you set your source query, it sets the pipeline buffer's data type as DT_DBDATE, but when you comment it out, let it run, then uncomment it out, it has converted the pipeline buffer's data type to DT_DBTIMESTAMP, which is compatible with SetDateTime or whatever method is being called from the PipelineBuffer class which is throwing your error.
Anyway, this MSDN post should give you a little more flavor on what you're seeing, but the bottom line is make sure that the field coming out of your source query is correctly identified as the field type you want it to be in your destination. If that's a SQL Server datetime field, you either need to cast it as datetime in your source query or use a Data Conversion component to explicitly cast it for your script component.