As one of my last step in a streaming application, I want to sort the out of order events in the system.
To do so I used:
events.keyBy((Event event) ->
.process(new SortFunction())
Where sort function is:
public static class SortFunction extends KeyedProcessFunction<String, Event, Event> {
private ValueState<PriorityQueue<Event>> queueState = null;
public void open(Configuration config) {
ValueStateDescriptor<PriorityQueue<Event>> descriptor = new ValueStateDescriptor<>(
// state name
// type information of state
TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<PriorityQueue<Event>>() {
queueState = getRuntimeContext().getState(descriptor);
public void processElement(Event event, Context context, Collector<Event> out) throws Exception {
TimerService timerService = context.timerService();
if (context.timestamp() > timerService.currentWatermark()) {
PriorityQueue<Event> queue = queueState.value();
if (queue == null) {
queue = new PriorityQueue<>(10);
public void onTimer(long timestamp, OnTimerContext context, Collector<Event> out) throws Exception {
PriorityQueue<Event> queue = queueState.value();
Long watermark = context.timerService().currentWatermark();
Event head = queue.peek();
while (head != null && head.timestamp <= watermark) {
head = queue.peek();
What Im trying to do now is try to paralelize it. My current idea is to do the following:
events.keyBy((Event event) ->
.process(new SortFunction()).setParalelism(3)
.map(new KWayMerge()).setParalelism(1).
If what I understand is correct, what should happend in this case, and correct me if I am wrong, is that a section of each of the Events for a given key (ideally 1/3) will go to each of the parallel instances of SortFunction, in which case, to have a complete sort, I need to create a a map, or another processFunction, that receives sorted Events from the 3 diferent instances and merges them back together.
If this thats the case, is there any way to distinguish the origin of the Event received by the map so that I can perform a 3-way merge on the map? If thats not possible my next idea will be to swap the PriorityQueue for a TreeMap and put everything into a window so that the merge happens at the end of the window once the 3 TreeMaps have been received. Does this other option make sense in case option a is non viable or is there a better solution to do something like this?
First of all, you should be aware that using a PriorityQueue or a TreeMap in Flink ValueState is an okay idea if and only if you are using a heap-based state backend. In the case of RocksDB, this will perform quite badly, as the PriorityQueues will be deserialized on every access, and reserialized on every update. In general we recommend sorting based on MapState, and this is how sorting in implemented in Flink's libraries.
What this code will do
events.keyBy((Event event) ->
.process(new SortFunction())
is to independently sort the stream on a key-by-key basis -- the output will be sorted with respect to each key, but not globally.
On the other hand, this
events.keyBy((Event event) ->
.process(new SortFunction()).setParalelism(3)
won't work, because the result of the rebalance is no longer a KeyedStream, and the SortFunction depends on keyed state.
Moreover, I don't believe that doing 3 sorts of 1/3 of the stream and then merging the results will perform noticeably better than a single global sort. If you need to do a global sort, you might want to consider using the Table API instead. See the answer here for an example.
Hey there I am having a hard time understanding how shared state (ValueState, ListState, ..) work in flink. If multiple instances of a task are running in parallel how does flink prevent race conditions?
in this example from the doc, if the operator is parallelized, how does flink guarantee that there are no race conditions between the read and update of the keyHasBeenSeen value?
public static class Deduplicator extends RichFlatMapFunction<Event, Event> {
ValueState<Boolean> keyHasBeenSeen;
public void open(Configuration conf) {
ValueStateDescriptor<Boolean> desc = new ValueStateDescriptor<>("keyHasBeenSeen", Types.BOOLEAN);
keyHasBeenSeen = getRuntimeContext().getState(desc);
public void flatMap(Event event, Collector<Event> out) throws Exception {
if (keyHasBeenSeen.value() == null) {
There isn't any shared state in Flink. Having shared state would add complexity and impair scalability.
The value and update methods are scoped to the key of the current event. For any given key, all events for that key are processed by the same instance of the operator/function. And all tasks (a task is a chain of operator/function instances) are single threaded.
By keeping things simple like this, there's nothing to worry about.
in aggregation to this question I'm still not having clear why the checkpoints of my Flink job grows and grows over time and at the moment, for about 7 days running, these checkpoints never gets the plateau.
I'm using Flink 1.10 version at the moment, FS State Backend as my job cannot afford the latency costs of using RocksDB.
See the checkpoints evolve over 7 days:
Let's say that I have this configuration for the TTL of the states in all my stateful operators for one hour or maybe more than that and a day in one case:
public static final StateTtlConfig ttlConfig = StateTtlConfig.newBuilder(Time.hours(1))
In my concern all the objects into the states will be cleaned up after the expires time and therefore the checkpoints size should be reduced, and as we expect more or less the same amount of data everyday.
In the other hand we have a traffic curve, which has more incoming data in some hours of the day, but late night the traffic goes down and all the objects into the states that expires should be cleaned up causing that the checkpoint size should be reduced not kept with the same size until the traffic goes up again.
Let's see this code sample of one use case:
DataStream<Event> stream = addSource(source);
KeyedStream<Event, String> keyedStream = stream.filter((FilterFunction<Event>) event ->
apply filters here;))
.name("Events filtered")
.keyBy(k -> k.rType.equals("something") ? k.id1 : k.id2);
keyedStream.flatMap(new MyFlatMapFunction())
public class MyFlatMapFunction extends RichFlatMapFunction<Event, Event>{
private final MapStateDescriptor<String, Event> descriptor = new MapStateDescriptor<>("prev_state", String.class, Event.class);
private MapState<String, Event> previousState;
public void open(Configuration parameters) {
/*ttlConfig described above*/
previousState = getRuntimeContext().getMapState(descriptor);
public void flatMap(Event event, Collector<Event> collector) throws Exception {
final String key = event.rType.equals("something") ? event.id1 : event.id2;
Event previous = previousState.get(key);
if(previous != null){
/*something done here*/
}else /*something done here*/
previousState.put(key, previous);
More or less these is the structure of the use cases, and some others that uses Windows(Time Window or Session Window)
What am I doing wrong here?
Are the states cleaned up when they expires and this scenario which is the same of the rest of the use cases?
What can help me to fix the checkpoint size if they are working wrong?
Is this behaviour normal?
Kind regards!
In this stretch of code it appears that you are simply writing back the state that was already there, which only serves to reset the TTL timer. This might explain why the state isn't being expired.
Event previous = previousState.get(key);
if (previous != null) {
/*something done here*/
} else
previousState.put(key, previous);
It also appears that you should be using ValueState rather than MapState. ValueState effectively provides a sharded key/value store, where the keys are the keys used to partition the stream in the keyBy. MapState gives you a nested map for each key, rather than a single value. But since you are using the same key inside the flatMap that you used to key the stream originally, key-partitioned ValueState would appear to be all that you need.
I am defining certain variables in one java class and i am accessing it with a different class so as to filter the stream for unique elements. Please refer code to understand the issue better.
The problem i am facing is this Filter function doesn't work well and fails to filter unique events. I doubt the variable is shared among different threads and it is the cause!? Please suggest another method if this is not the correct way to do it. Thanks in advance.
public static HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> uniqueMap = new HashMap<>();
public boolean filter(String val) throws Exception {
if(ClassWithVariables.uniqueMap.containsKey(key)) {
Arraylist<String> al = uniqueMap.get(key);
if(al.contains(val) {
return false;
} else {
//Update the hashmap list(uniqueMap)
return true;
} else {
//Add to hashmap list(uniqueMap)
return true;
The correct way to de-duplicate a stream involves partitioning the stream by the key, so that all elements containing the same key will be processed by the same worker, and using flink's managed, keyed state mechanism so that the state is fault-tolerant and re-scalable. Here's a sample implementation:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
env.addSource(new EventSource())
.keyBy(e -> e.key)
.flatMap(new Deduplicate())
public static class Deduplicate extends RichFlatMapFunction<Event, Event> {
ValueState<Boolean> seen;
public void open(Configuration conf) {
ValueStateDescriptor<Boolean> desc = new ValueStateDescriptor<>("seen", Types.BOOLEAN);
seen = getRuntimeContext().getState(desc);
public void flatMap(Event event, Collector<Event> out) throws Exception {
if (seen.value() == null) {
This could also be implemented as a RichFilterFunction, btw. But note that if you have an unbounded key space, the state being used will grow indefinitely until you run out of heap, or space on the disk, depending on which of Flink's state backends you choose. If this is an issue, you might want to set up a state retention policy via State Time-to-Live.
Note also that sharing state between different parts of a Flink pipeline isn't possible. You need to turn things inside-out compared to what might seem normal, and bring the event stream to the state, rather than fetching it.
We are considering flink for a usecase, but not sure whether flink is suitable for it. Here is my usecase. When an event e1 arrives, we need to process it and emit a result. Source and sink are not relevant for this discussion but you can think of a message queue service as source and sink. Entire processing of an event is independent of other events. So while processing event e1, we don't need e2 or any other event. As part of the processing, we need to do step1, step2, step3, step4 as shown in the below diagram. Note that step2 and step3 should be done in parallel.
The processing latency of an event is critical for us. So I need to emit the result as soon as processing is complete for that element instead of waiting for some window timeout. With my limited knowledge in Flink, I could only think of the below approach
DataStream<Map<String, Object>> step1 = env.addSource(...);
DataStream<Map<String, Object>> step2 =;
DataStream<Map<String, Object>> step3 =;
Now, how do I combine the results from step2 and step3 and emit the result? In this simple example I only have two steams to merge, but it can be more than 2 as well. I could do a union of the streams. I can have a unique event id to group the outputs of intermediates steps related to a particular event.
DataStream<Map<String, Object>> mergedStream = step1.union(step2).keyBy(...);
But how to emit the result? Ideally, I would like to say "emit the result as soon as I get output from step2 and step3 for a specific key" instead of "emit the result every 30 millis". The later has two problems: it may emit partial results and it has delay. Is there any way to specify the former?
I'm exploring Flink, but I'm open to consider other alternatives if it solves my usecase.
In step 1, add an event id. Then after the union, key the stream by the event id and use a RichFlatMapFunction to combine the results of steps 2 and 3 back into a single event. If steps 2 and 3 emit events of type EnrichedEvent, then step 4 can be:
static class FanIn extends RichFlatMapFunction<EnrichedEvent, EnrichedEvent> {
private transient ValueState<EnrichedEvent> enrichmentResponseState;
public void flatMap(EnrichedEvent value, Collector<EnrichedEvent> out) throws Exception {
EnrichedEvent response = enrichmentResponseState.value();
if (response != null) {
response = response.combine(value);
} else {
response = value;
if (response.isComplete()) {
} else {
public void open(Configuration config) {
ValueStateDescriptor<EnrichedEvent> fanInStateDescriptor =
new ValueStateDescriptor<>( "enrichmentResponse",
TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<EnrichedEvent>() {})
enrichmentResponseState = getRuntimeContext().getState(fanInStateDescriptor);
After that it's a simple matter to send the merged final result to a sink.
I'm trying to evaluate if apache flink would be usable for a distributed event driven system (only-once). The use case is that a user is signed up for a subscription and wants to change for a different subscription.
There are two separate processes that run asynchronously when the users clicks the submit button. One process cancels the existing subscription whilst another signs up for the new subscription. Once these two events have been triggered, the email notification is sent.
I've managed to create two streams in apache flink using the RabbitMQ connector. When I try joining these streams together using a sliding window, the events are duplicated for each slide in the window. I've tried setting a ValueStateDescriptor on the joined streams but this doesn't seem to expire after the window has passed.
Additionally I need to detect the events that have not been paired in the streams and send this event to a different RabbitMQ sink to cope with situations whereby the event has not be fired due to the process not completing successfully.
Do you have any tips/ideas on how I could achieve the above functionality?
final StreamExecutionEnvironment environment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
final RMQConnectionConfig rmqConnectionConfig = new RMQConnectionConfig.Builder()
final DataStream<String> cancellation = environment
.addSource(new RMQSource<>(rmqConnectionConfig, "scratchpad-cancellation", true, new SimpleStringSchema()))
final DataStream<String> subscription = environment
.addSource(new RMQSource<>(rmqConnectionConfig, "scratchpad-subscription", true, new SimpleStringSchema()))
.where(value -> value).equalTo(value -> value)
.window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(5), Time.seconds(15)))
.apply((left, right) -> left)
.keyBy(value -> value)
.process(new ProcessFunction<String, String>() {
private ValueStateDescriptor<Boolean> descriptor = new ValueStateDescriptor<>("seen", Boolean.class);
private ValueState<Boolean> state;
public void open(Configuration parameters) {
state = this.getRuntimeContext().getState(descriptor);
public void processElement(String value, Context ctx, Collector<String> out) throws Exception {
if (BooleanUtils.isNotTrue(state.value())) {
ctx.timerService().registerEventTimeTimer(ctx.timestamp() + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
public void onTimer(long timestamp, OnTimerContext ctx, Collector<String> out) {
If you have duplicated values on the output of your window, you can add a reduce function into another window after your already defined slide window and that should be engough in most cases. But i think that should be a better solution than this, but we need an example fo your code to work on improvements.
On the other side, if you need to detect non paired events, i think that you need to work with the CoGroup operator, instead of use joins.