How to only obfuscate method name with Dotfuscator? - obfuscation

Due to some reflection actions, I have the need to exclude some methods from Dotfuscator ce obfuscation:
[Obfuscation(Exclude = true)]
internal MyMethod (String input1)
string member1 = "hello"
string member2 = "world"
The Obfuscation attribute does this job, but now also the complete content of the method is not obfuscated any more. How I can achieve that the name MyMethod will not be obfuscated, but the members member1, member2 etc are still obfuscated?

(Note: I work on the Dotfuscator team and am answering in that capacity.)
The names of local variables (what you refer to as "members") are stored with other debugging information in the Program Database (.pdb) file, not the assembly (.dll or .exe file). Dotfuscator renames code items in the assembly, but doesn't rename local variables in the .pdb.
We assume that customers concerned about reverse engineering aren't going to ship the .pdb, as it contains line number and source file information, which would make the reverse engineering process easy, even with an obfuscated assembly.
However, Dotfuscator can still produce .pdb files for internal testing and debugging.
If you'd like Dotfuscator Community (formerly known as Dotfuscator CE) to stop doing so, open your config file in Dotfuscator's user interface, go to Settings -> General and uncheck Emit debugging symbols.


List of function calls in static code analyzer tools

In an embedded C project which is using a SDK's source and header files, I want to have a list of functions, definitions, and variables that a specific source file is using across the project. In other words, a tool that statically analyzes and lists dependencies of a specific source code without the need to execute functions ( not dynamic) of the source file.
I checked static code analysis tools, but they are mostly linters and do not give me a list of dependencies.
I think this type of work is not being explored by the community and any answer will help a lot.
You can try CppDepend and its code query language, here's an example of a cqlinq query to get all methods with their files used by a source file.
from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.SourceDecl.SourceFile.FileName=="test.cpp"
from mc in m.MethodsCalled
select new { m,mc,mc.SourceDecl.SourceFile.FileName}

vi/vim - custom formatting depending on presence of special file or tag inside code

Is there a simple/reliable way to have VIM, on a project/directory specific base, either detect a special file (ie: custom .vimrc with a couple settings), or to change run-time settings based on the presence of a special tag/string/hash in a comment at the beginning of a c source (.c) or header (.h) file? The string/hash must map to a function/setting in the .vimrc file, and must not contain the actual settings themselves.
I have a mutli-developer project where we all have a common set of code style settings for our various editors (emacs and vim, primarily), and we all adhere strictly to these settings, such as newline style (CR versus CR+LF), indentation (length, hard-tabs versus expanded-as-spaces), and so on.
I'm creating a few new projects that, for reasons beyond our control (ie: static code analysis tool we have to use), will require different style settings than ours. There are ways to bypass this in the static code analysis tool, but there's a non-technical/legal requirement that we avoid disabling "features" of this tool.
For each of these new projects, I would like to somehow make vi/vim aware of some special flag, either by the presence of a special file in the root of the project's directory structure, or by a special keyword/tag/hash/etc I could put inside a /* C-style block comment */. When vi/vim is aware of the presence of this "trigger", I would want it to invoke a function to override the style settings for newlines, indentation, etc. If this is possible, is it also possible to have several, mutually exclusive such "triggers" so that everyone has a common .vimrc and the project determines which style to utilize?
Question - redux
Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this?
One solution: modelines (:help modeline) for Vim and file variables for Emacs.
Those are special comments you put in your files that are interpreted by your editor. You can use them to set indent style, file encoding, etc.
In my opinion, modelines are ugly noise.
One solution for Vim: .exrc (:help 'exrc').
You can put your project-specific settings in a .exrc file at the root of your project. The manual claims this solution is insecure but I fail to see how normal functioning adult could be beaten by it. YMMV.
One solution for Vim: directory-specific autocommands.
That's the safer alternative mentioned at the end of :help 'exrc' but it requires each contributor to add stuff to his own vimrc so… not that useful I guess.
The definitive solution: editorconfig.
You put your settings in a .editorconfig at the root of your project and let each contributor's IDE/editor deal with it.
... to change run-time settings based on the presence of a special
tag/string/hash in a comment at the beginning of a c source (.c) or
header (.h) file?
Yes, they're called modelines.
They can appear at the start or end of files.
An example from some C sources of mine:
/* vim:ft=c:expandtab:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4:
See :help modeline in vim for more info.
Central configuration
If it's okay to configure the specific commands / local exceptions centrally, you can put such autocmds into your ~/.vimrc:
:autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile /path/to/dir/* setlocal ts=4 sw=4
It is important to use :setlocal instead of :set, and likewise :map <buffer> ... and :command! -buffer ....
On the other hand, if you want the specific configuration stored with the project (and don't want to embed this in all files via modelines), you have the following two options:
Local config with built-in functionality
If you always start Vim from the project root directory, the built-in
:set exrc
enables the reading of a .vimrc file from the current directory. You can place the :set ts=4 sw=4 commands in there.
Local config through plugin
Otherwise, you need the help of a plugin; there are several on; I can recommend the localrc plugin (especially with my own enhancements), which even allows local filetype-specific configuration.
Note that reading configuration from the file system has security implications; you may want to :set secure.
I've covered the main alternatives in this answer : (Yes, your question is almost a duplicate: different formulation, but same solutions).
Modelines are really limited: you have to use a plugin to set things that are not vim options.
.exrc doesn't look behind the current directory
editorconfig is restricted to very specific options: don't expect to forward plugin specifications like where compilation directories are (this is how I support multiple compilation modes with CMake -- others prefer playing with ccache and tuning the CMakeCache, but this doesn't work well when using g++ and clang++ one after the other), how the linter shall be called, your naming conventions...
autocommand don't scale and cannot be ported easily from one directory to the other.
In the end, the best solutions are plugin based IMO: There a plenty plugin solutions see the non exhaustive list at the end of my local_vimrc plugin's README
Note also that since my previous answer, I've initiated another experiment to simplify project management. For instance, I introduce p:variables which are variables shared among all buffers belonging to a project.

Default extension for message catalog files

I want to localize my application using the catopen()/catgets() family of functions.
As far as I understand, in the absence of NLSPATH variable, message catalogs will be looked up under /usr/share/locale/xx_YY/LC_MESSAGES.
What is the "traditional" file extension for message catalog files? I see some code examples using *.cat while others don't use any extension at all. Is it dependent on a particular UNIX flavour?
On my Linux boxes I see plenty of *.mo files, but those are GNU gettext archives. It seems catgets() can rarely be seen "in the wild" nowadays.
I meant this to be a comment, but it's a bit too long :P
Looking at the doc you've linked to, it seems probably that the code isn't opinionated as to file extension. Since you're not using MIME or anything to automatically find a handler for this file, the only requirement is likely to be that the name is correct. In UNIX, especially in the shell, file extensions often mean nothing to the system - fo example, any file extension can be used on an executable script as long as the executable bit is set and the shebang line at the top of the file specifies an appropriate interpreter.
It's possible the user community, if one still exists for this crufty sounding library, has a standard naming convention that the docs don't describe - but I wouldn't sweat it too much. It's trival to change file names, even if it means a recompile ( command line variables would make the program agnostic as to file name and extension )

Locating data files in C program built with Autotools

I have a C program built using Autotools. In src/, I define a macro with the path to installed data files:
AM_CPPFLAGS = -DAM_INSTALLDIR='"$(pkgdatadir)"'
The problem is that I need to run make install before I can test the binary (since it needs to be able to find the data files).
I can define another macro with the path of the source tree so the data files can be located without installing:
AM_CPPFLAGS = -DAM_INSTALLDIR='"$(pkgdatadir)"' -DAM_TOPDIR='"$(abs_top_srcdir)"'
Now, I would like the following behavior:
If the binary was installed via make install, use AM_INSTALLDIR to fetch data files.
If the binary was not installed, use AM_TOPDIR to fetch data files.
Is this possible? Is there a better approach to this problem?
What I do (in https:// is:
const char *basedir = getenv("CAINTEOIR_DATADIR");
if (!basedir)
basedir = DATADIR "/" PACKAGE; // e.g. /usr/share/cainteoir-engine
and then run it (in tests/ as:
CAINTEOIR_DATADIR=`pwd`/data src/apps/metadata/metadata test_file.epub
This then allows the user to change the location of where to get the data if they wish.
Making the program able to use a run-time configuration as proposed by reece is a good solution. If for some reason you do not want it to be configurable at run-time, a common solution is to build a test binary differently than the installed binary (there are other problems associated with this, in particular ensuring that the program you are testing has behavior that is consistent with the program that is installed.) An easy way to do that is something like:
bin_PROGRAMS = foo
check_PROGRAMS = test-foo
test_foo_SOURCES = $(foo_SOURCES)
AM_CPPFLAGS = -DINSTALLDIR='"$(pkgdatadir)"'
test_foo_CPPFLAGS = -DINSTALLDIR='"$(abs_top_srcdir)"'
Rather than using a binary with a different name, you might want to have a dedicated tests directory and build the program using the same name as the original.
Note that I've changed the name from AM_INSTALLDIR to INSTALLDIR. Automake reserves names
beginning with "AM_" for its own use, and by using that name you are stomping on Automake's
A bit of additional information first: The data files are under active development, and I have various scripts that need to call binaries using local data files, whereas installed binaries should use stable, installed data files.
My original solution made use of an environment variable, as proposed by reece. But I didn't want to manage setting up environment variables in various places, and I didn't want any risk of the wrong data files being picked up due to a mistake.
So the solution I ended up with was to define macros for both locations at build time, and add a flag (-local) to the binaries to force local data files to be used.

Powerflex Database File extensions

I am trying to understand the different file extensions for the pfxplus powerflex database. Could someone please help telling me briefly what each file is for?
Data files:
OK, so .dat is the data file.
.k1 -> .k15 are index files.
These are the critical data files for runtime. (Combined with filelist.cfg or similar to define what files are available overall).
.fd is the file definition, needed for compiling programs
.tag (which you did not mention) is needed only if you need to access field names at run time (such as using a generic report tool)
.def is the file definition in human readable form, and is not needed by any process but is produced so a programmer or user can understand the file structure.
Run time:
The .ptc files are the compiled threads interpreted by the powerflex runtime.
The .prc file is a resource file that is used at runtime in conjunction with the .ptc file - it defines how a character based program is to look in a gui environment in "g-mode". It was the cheap way to upgrade character based programs when windows first started getting popular usage.
.hdr and .pc3 escape me at the moment, but are vaguely familiar - .hdr is probably another data file used with compression or special field types for later versions of pfxplus. .pc3 may in fact be the .ptc files...
