Retrieve executionId inside CommandInterceptor - interceptor

I am implementing my own Activiti command intereceptor like this :
public class ActivitiCommandInterceptor extends AbstractCommandInterceptor {
private RuntimeService runtimeService;
private CommandInterceptor delegate;
public ActivitiSpringTxCommandInterceptor(RuntimeService runtimeService, CommandInterceptor delegate) {
this.runtimeService = runtimeService;
public <T> T execute(CommandConfig config, Command<T> command) {
String myVariable = runtimeService.getVariable(<missingExecutionId>, "myVariableName");
Inside the execute() method I need to retrieve a variable from the execution context related to this command.
To do that, I need to have the executionId, but I can't find a way to retrieve it.
How can I get my variable from this interceptor?

You can create a nativeExecutionQuery
This allows us to use SQL to perform operations directly on DB.
For your case, just find all the execution IDs that contains your variables, and filter them according to your need.


Retrieve Max value from a field using Spring Data and MongoDB

I want to obtain the maximum value of the field code within my User entity, using Spring Data and MongoDB.
I have seen similar examples using as below,
".find({}).sort({"updateTime" : -1}).limit(1)"
But have no idea how to integrate it into my own repository using the #Query annotation.
Any alternative solution, than to return the maximum value of said field is also welcome.
Thank you.
You can write a custom method for your repository.
For example you have:
public interface UserRepository extends MongoRepository<User, String>, UserRepositoryCustom {
Additional methods for repository:
public interface UserRepositoryCustom {
User maxUser();
And then implementation of it:
public class UserRepositoryImpl implements UserRepositoryCustom {
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public User maxUser() {
final Query query = new Query()
.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "updateTime"));
return mongoTemplate.findOne(query, User.class)
You can use the spring data method syntax like:
public User findTopByOrderByUpdateTimeAsc()
A reference can be found here:
Use this code in spring to get the latest updated time from mongodb: (mongoTemplate)
public List getTopPosts() {
Query query = new Query();
query.with(, "postUploadedTime"));
return mongoTemplate.find(query,Post.class);

iBatis unable to read property from Map when using isEqual

I'm seeing a very bizarre issue with iBatis when trying to read a property from a Java map using isEqual, but not with other iBatis operators. For example it is able to read the map properties fine when using isNotNull and iterate. The xml:
<isNotNull property="filterCriteria.account">
<isEqual property="filterCriteria.account.meetsCriteria" compareValue="false">
FROM account
WHERE some other criteria....
The 2 java classes we're using here:
public class SearchProfile {
private Map<String, SearchProfileCriteria> filterCriteria;
public SAOSearchProfile() {
filterCriteria = new HashMap<>();
public Map<String, SAOSearchProfileCriteria> getFilterCriteria() {
return filterCriteria;
public void setFilterCriteria(Map<String, SAOSearchProfileCriteriaBase> filterCriteria) {
this.filterCriteria = filterCriteria;
Above is the container object that is passed to iBatis for the querying, and below is the criteria object that will be the value of the map. In this example it is keyed with the String "account"
public class SearchProfileCriteria {
boolean meetsCriteria;
public String getCriteriaAsString() {
return StringUtils.getStringValueFromBoolean(meetsCriteria);
public boolean isMeetsCriteria() {
return meetsCriteria;
public void setMeetsCriteria(boolean meetsCriteria) {
this.meetsCriteria = meetsCriteria;
public String getSQLString(){
return meetsCriteria ? "" : "NOT";
And the exception:
Cause: com.ibatis.common.beans.ProbeException: There is no READABLE property named 'account' in class 'java.util.Map'; nested exception is com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException:
The getSQLString() method was my half baked attempt at a work around, the String gets escaped in the query and throws a syntax error.
When I remove the <isEqual> block the query executes find, which indicates it is able to read the "account" key when checking the to see if it is null. As I mentioned above, we're also able to use the map keys in <iterate> tags without issue. It seems <isEqual> and <isNotEqual> are the only tags causing issues. Does anyone have experience with this or know what may be going on?
Beware: Using isNotNull, isEqual, iterate is iBatis, they don't exist anymore in Mybatis, so referencing to Mybatis indifferently is confusing.
Reference documentation.
For your issue, how does it behave if replacing Map with a class (property will be known at compile time)?
Or try using <isPropertyAvailable>.
The work around could work with right syntax: $ instead of #: $filterCriteria.account.SQLString$ instead of #filterCriteria.account.SQLString#, then the value is just concatenated instead of bound as parameter.

How to use Dapper's SqlBuilder?

I can't find any documentation or examples I can follow to use the SqlBuilder class.
I need to generate sql queries dynamically and I found this class. Would this be the best option?
the best place to start is to checkout the dapper source code from its github repo and have a look at the SqlBuilder code. The SqlBuilder class is only a 200 lines or so and you should be able to make an informed choice on whether it is right for your needed.
An other option is to build your own. I personally went down this route as it made sense. Dapper maps select querys directly to a class if you name your class properties the same as your database or add an attribute such as displayName to map from you can use reflection to get the property names. Put there names and values into a dictionary and you can genarate sql fairly easy from there.
here is something to get you started:
first an example class that you can pass to your sqlbuilder.
public class Foo
public Foo()
TableName = "Foo";
public string TableName { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
This is fairly basic. Idea behind the DisplayName attribute is you can separate the properties out that you want to include in your auto generation. in this case TableName does not have a DisplayName attribute so will not be picked up by the next class. however you can manually use it when generating your sql to get your table name.
public Dictionary<string, object> GetPropertyDictionary()
var propDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var passedType = this.GetType();
foreach (var propertyInfo in passedType.GetProperties())
var isDef = Attribute.IsDefined(propertyInfo, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute));
if (isDef)
var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(this, null);
if (value != null)
var displayNameAttribute =
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(propertyInfo, typeof(DisplayNameAttribute));
var displayName = displayNameAttribute.DisplayName;
propDictionary.Add(displayName, value);
return propDictionary;
This method looks at the properties for its class and if they are not null and have a displayname attribute will add them to a dictionary with the displayname value as the string component.
This method is designed to work as part of the model class and would need to be modified to work from a separate helper class. Personally I have it and all my other sql generation methods in a Base class that all my models inherit from.
once you have the values in the dictionary you can use this to dynamically generate sql based on the model you pass in. and you can also use it to populate your dapper DynamicParamaters for use with paramiterized sql.
I hope this helps put you on the right path to solving your problems.

How to achieve "Blendability" when using DataServiceCollection in my ViewModel

I'm looking at using oData endpoints in my Silverlight client. Naturally, I'm doing MVVM and I want the project to be nice and "Blendable" (i.e. I must be able to cleanly use static data instead of the oData endpoints when in design mode.)
Now to the problem. I'd like to use the DataServiceCollection in my ViewModels, since it allows for nice bindable collections without having to worry too much with BeginExecute/EndExecute etc.
Now, let's look at some code. My Model interface looks like this:
public interface ITasksModel
IQueryable<Task> Tasks { get; }
The oData endpoint implementation of that interface:
public class TasksModel : ITasksModel
Uri svcUri = new Uri("http://localhost:2404/Services/TasksDataService.svc");
TaskModelContainer _container;
public TasksModel()
_container = new TaskModelContainer(svcUri);
public IQueryable<Task> Tasks
return _container.TaskSet;
And the "Blendable" design-time implementation:
public class DesignModeTasksModel : ITasksModel
private List<Task> _taskCollection = new List<Task>();
public DesignModeTasksModel()
_taskCollection.Add(new Task() { Id = 1, Title = "Task 1" });
_taskCollection.Add(new Task() { Id = 2, Title = "Task 2" });
_taskCollection.Add(new Task() { Id = 3, Title = "Task 3" });
public IQueryable<Task> Tasks
get {
return _taskCollection.AsQueryable();
However, when I try to use this last one in my ViewModel constructor:
public TaskListViewModel(ITasksModel tasksModel)
_tasksModel = tasksModel;
_tasks = new DataServiceCollection<Task>();
I get an exception:
Only a typed DataServiceQuery object can be supplied when calling the LoadAsync method on DataServiceCollection.
First of all, if this is the case, why not make the input parameter of LoadAsync be typed as DataServiceQuery?
Second, what is the "proper" way of doing what I'm trying to accomplish?
The reason LoadAsync requires DataServiceQuery is that just plain IQueryable doesn't define asynchronous way of executing the query. The reason the method takes IQueryable type as its parameter is so that users don't have to cast the query object to DataServiceQuery explicitely (makes the code shorter) and since we assume that users will try to run their code at least once, they would see the error immediately (as you did).
LoadAsync only supports asynchronous operations, so it needs the DataServiceQuery. If you already have the results (without a need to execute async request) you can call the Load method instead. Which is the answer to your second question. Instead of calling LoadAsync for both desing time and run time, you could use Load for design time and LoadAsync for run time. But due to tracking constrains you might need to create the DataServiceCollection in different way.
Something like this:
DataServiceCollection<Task> dsc;
DataServiceQuery<Task> dsq = _tasksModel as DataServiceQuery<Task>;
if (dsq != null)
dsc = new DataServiceCollection<Task>();
dsc = new DataServiceCollection<Task>(myDataServiceContext);
// Invoke the LoadAsyncCompleted handler here
If you pass the DataServiceContext to the constructor before caling Load the entities will be tracked (just like in the LoadAsync case). If you don't need that you can call the constructor which takes IEnumerable and TrackingMode and turn off tracking on it.

Winforms: access class properties throughout application

I know this must be an age-old, tired question, but I cant seem to find anything thru my trusty friend (aka Google).
I have a .net 3.5 c# winforms app, that presents a user with a login form on application startup. After a successful login, I want to run off to the DB, pull in some user-specific data and hold them (in properties) in a class called AppCurrentUser.cs, that can thereafer be accessed across all classes in the assembly - the purpose here being that I can fill some properties with a once-off data read, instead of making a call to the DB everytime I need to. In a web app, I would usually use Session variables, and I know that the concept of that does not exist in WinForms.
The class structure resembles the following:
public class AppCurrentUser {
public AppCurrentUser() { }
public Guid UserName { get; set; }
public List<string> Roles { get; set; }
public string Firstname { get; set; }
public string Lastname { get; set; }
Now, I have some options that I need some expert advice on:
Being a "dumb" class, I should make the properties non-static, instantiate the class and then set the properties...but then I will only be able to access that instance from within the class that it was created in, right?
Logically, I believe that these properties should be static as I will only be using the class once throughout the application (and not creating new instances of it), and it's property values will be "reset" on application close. (If I create an instance of it, I can dispose of it on application close)
How should I structure my class and how do I access its properties across all classes in my assembly? I really would appreciate your honest and valued advice on this!!
Use the singleton pattern here:
public class AppUser
private static _current = null;
public static AppUser Current
get { return = _current; }
public static void Init()
if (_current == null)
_current = new AppUser();
// Load everything from the DB.
// Name = Dd.GetName();
public string Name { get; private set; }
// App startup.
// Now any form / class / whatever can simply do:
var name = AppUser.Current.Name;
Now the "static" things are thread-unsafe. I'll leave it as an exercise of the reader to figure out how to properly use the lock() syntax to make it thread-safe. You should also handle the case if the Current property is accessed before the call to Init.
It depends on how you setup your architecture. If you're doing all your business logic code inside the actual form (e.g. coupling it to the UI), then you probably want to pass user information in as a parameter when you make a form, then keep a reference to it from within that form. In other words, you'd be implementing a Singleton pattern.
You could also use Dependency Injection, so that every time you request the user object, the dependency injection framework (like StructureMap) will provide you with the right object. -- you could probably use it like a session variable since you'll be working in a stateful environment.
The correct place to store this type of information is in a custom implementation of IIdentity. Any information that you need to identify a user or his access rights can be stored in that object, which is then associated with the current thread and can be queried from the current thread whenever needed.
This principal is illustrated in Rocky Lhotka's CLSA books, or google winforms custom identity.
I'm not convinced this is the right way but you could do something like this (seems to be what you're asking for anyway):
public class Sessions
// Variables
private static string _Username;
// properties
public static string Username
return _Username;
_Username = value;
in case the c# is wrong...i'm a developer...
then you'd just use Sessions.USername etc etc
