Magnolia Solr Confguration - solr

We have magnolia cms which works along with solr for search. I am looking for configuration within magnolia cms to specify which all fields should be searched. Basically, I want more control on the query that gets fired from magnolia to solr.
I have tried searching but havent found anything useful yet. If you can provide any info or pointers then that would be very helpful

We have a connector to Solr which you can find the documentation here.


How I integrate NLP with solr for NLP search

I am working on solr 8 version. I want to integrate solr with NLP improve the search relevancy. I am unable to find any solution. please help me to configure and intergrate solr with NLP
Here is a starting point for what you are asking for, for the 8.2 solr version:
Integrating openNLP with solr 8.2
Also, here is another link where you can see some things in action with openNLP and solr with respect to search relevancy:
Named Entity Extraction with OpenNLP
There is a Medium post on how to add embedding to solr. I suggested you to use Sentence-transformers from Huggingface library to build sentence embedding.

To integrate Mahout with already installed solr

I have used solr to index and search pdf files.. it is working fine. Now I am said to use Mahout to my project and was told to integrate it with solr. I am new to this technology so please do help me from scratch. in a basic way....
Do i need to download and inmstall mahout first or will modifications in schema and solrconfig will make it? for integrating tika functionality it was just modification in the config file.
Mahout is a separate project, so you have to download, install, and learn how to use it...will not be a one afternoon thing.
But, you should be aware of this Lucene clasiffication module (Solr is built on top of Lucene). It is not as complete as Mahout, but for not massive projects, with can work really well. The advantage is that it integrates with Lucene/Solr, so you have much less work to do. I have used successfully with Sorl4.6

SolR pagination ISSUE

I am working on java web project based on solr search engine.
I am looking for an alternative pagination way because solr has a known bug using start and rows attributes.
Do you know a solution (solr or java)?
Consider I have a lot of contents from query.
Thanks in advance

Customising cakephp pagination to work with Solr query

I understand that cakephp pagination is tightly tied to sql querying. Is it possible to customised it to work with Solr query instead? I want the pagination to retrieve data from solr search instead of mysql query. Thanks!
I've integrated Solr as a DataSource
You can also find there instructions on how to use it with examples. One of the example is the pagination you're looking for! Good luck.
You'll need to implement a datasource for this DB. You should be able to use the regular CakePHP pagination methods if your model I using this datasource and if it was written correctly. There is but its pretty old but I think you can re-use the code and work based on it.
Update: Now there is for CakePHP 2.x

Using Zend Lucene in Cakephp

I am creating a webapp in Cakephp, and am thinking of implementing a search function in it. I read about Zend Lucene providing the search capabilities for native PHP webapps.
I have my web pages all created without using any kind of database functionality. How will I able to add webpages to the indexes? I don't mean the code, just an idea would help.
I don't know anything about Lucene, but a start, if you're using cake, would be to put the existing pages under the control of the Cake pages controller - read about it in the book or google more information.
After that, I would probably start thinking about using fgetss() or something like that to scrape the pages.
Me? I'd get the existing pages into the database and set up a Article[n]-[m]Word datamodel. Much easier to deal with them then.
