Quick Search do not retrieve "can not find" recently added records - sql-server

I am working on CRM dynamics 2015, recently we became unable to find contacts that are created recently on CRM via "Quick Search", but we manage to find them with "Advanced search".
in the other hand the contacts that existed already existed are still searchable via Quick Find view
The Quick Search view is well configured.
What may be the problem?
Thank you in advance.

This issue is likely a metadata problem with the underlying tables/fields which store the name of the record. A workflow variant of this issue is described by the following article:
I have experienced this issue (specifically on the workflow table) and the fix suggested by the author if this article (renaming the workflow) does work for me. I have also experienced similar issues in the past with contact records modified directly via SQL where the fullname field was not set correctly to reflect the underlying name fields.
Obviously this renaming approach is not particularly friendly for fixing a large number of records, I have some ideas for how to fix records in bulk which I will need to prove out.
Can you provide the following feedback:
- Try re-naming one of the affected contacts to see if this approach also works for the contact case?
- What version of CRM are you on, is it on-premise or online?
- Please test out whether you receive different results within the advanced find if you search based on the fullname field vs the firstname and lastname fields


Tool to export an entire JIRA project in a readable text format quickly

I am the lead developer on a project for a 'difficult' client. I will try not to bore anybody with the details but here is my issue I am facing.
Our client has a team of QA testers that are managing their project through JIRA. We currently have a fixed bid contract with them to supply them the software they requested at a fixed price and any additional features or pre-existing issues will be covered under time and materials.
They have taken the time to raise every defect within the system unrelated to the current fixed bid process and have tried to get them resolved for free and each time we have come to an agreement through JIRA comments that this is a preexisting issue/new feature and you will have to pay for it after the project has been completed which they have agreed to.
The issue is this client has a history of forgetting conversations and email trains that don't benefit them putting a lot of wasted time on our side digging up proof we agreed to handle a situation a specific way.
The project will not complete for several more weeks but as soon as it does I will likely be removed from the JIRA project by their administrator and they will begin asking again for us to complete all this additional work at no cost and I will lose access to the comments on each issue explaining to them it will not be free and them agreeing.
I am currently exporting each ticket after it closes but this is wasting about 30-40 minutes a day and would be interested if there is a tool out there that can export an entire JIRA project to a readable text format that I can run once near the project end.
TL:DR; Is there a tool that will allow me to export an entire JIRA project in a text readable format before I lose access to the project and all information included within that project
Export as CSV doesn't include comments and is limited to 1000 issues be default.
I have used the jira-python library to retrieve all issues, all fields, all comments from a single project. Missed the attachments though.
But what you have is a people problem more than a technical problem. Good luck!
Large exports (e.g. many hundreds of issues) are not recommended.
To change the number of issues that are exported, change the value of the tempMax parameter in the URL.
To export search results to Microsoft Excel:
Choose Issues > Search for Issues.
Refine your search, as described in Searching for Issues, then choose the Export menu.
Choose one of the following from the dropdown menu:
'Excel (All fields)'— this will create a spreadsheet column for every issue field (excluding comments).
Note: This will only show the custom fields that are available for all of the issues in the search results. For example, if a field is only available for one project and multiple projects are in the search results then that field will not appear in the Excel document. The same goes for fields that are only available for certain issue types.
'Excel (Current fields)' — this will create a spreadsheet column for the issue fields that are currently displayed in your Issue Navigator.
A file called - .xls will be created. Edit this file using Microsoft Excel and/or save it as required.

What is the formal model behind Sense/Net ECM?

First, I don't know if this is the right place to discuss idea related to Sense/Net SN evolution & learning process about it!
Anyway, this is my story:
I have tried & tested some SN functionality especially content type definition CTD; It is really elegant!
Sense/Net wiki documentation gives us "Know How" and we may write 200 wiki pages about SN. All included information are true. However, we don't have the complete model in which we can see the whole system model and how all cases derived from it.
I searched SN codeplex.com pages but didn't find how SN evolved to be mature ECM platform.
Also, searched google using the following KWs:
"Document Management System Modeling"
"Role-based access control (RBAC) model"
Please collaborate & help.
It's curious that no one from SenseNet has answered, but I'll give it a shot even though I don't know a lot of the history. I've been working with SenseNet for the last 4+ years, developed the pysensenet extension, communicate with the developers, and am familiar with the source code, so I know a bit about the framework.
The framework has evolved over that last 15+ years and is pretty remarkable. Here are a few facts and highlights:
The data model is at it's core an XML Tree where each tree node has an internal representation as a C# class and can hold any number of properties/Fields. This is referred to as Content, and the database as the Content Repository.
The XML Tree is persisted in a SQL Database and uses Lucene.NET for indexing.
Content / data queries are made in Lucene and not SQL.
At one time the database was arbitrary (SQL), then stored procedures in MS SQL Server locked it into MS SQL, although recently (SenseNet 7) supports blob storage in MongoDB.
Fields can be one of 9 built-in field types, or a custom type that you define.
A node in the XML Tree, aka "Content", can hold a field that references another node somewhere else in the tree, like a linked list inside a tree! OK, a doubly linked list since both nodes can refer to each other. Very cool.
There is no "external model", or as SenseNet says, "Everything is Content".
The permission system is node based and is incredibly granular. For example, you can define permissions such that one role, group or person, can only see the Content at a particular node. And it integrates with Active Directory.
All Content can be versioned and tracked. For example, a Content Type of "Contact" (person) could have versioning on for the person's name. This way if someone changed their name, the Content Repository would have a history of the all name changes.
Hopefully this doesn't come off as a SenseNet marketing piece -- I don't work for them and don't benefit if you purchase a license -- but may help you compare it to other technologies such as SharePoint and Alfresco.

How is ElasticSearch supposed to work in CakePHP 3?

I've been trying my very best not to ask any nosy question here in stackoverflow, but it has been almost one week since I got stuck in this problem and I couldn't find any solution.
I already have my working website built with CakePHP 3.2. What the website basically does is scrape Twitter for tweets containing a given search term, check if it's already in my database, and store it if it doesn't yet exist. Twitter's JSON response has this "tweet_id" property, and I've been using that value to check for whether I should ignore or append a specific tweet to my DB. While this might be okay while my database is small, I suspect it's going to slow things down considerably when my tables grow bigger. Thus my need for ElasticSearch.
My ElasticSearch server is running on my Arch Linux install, and I've configured my app to point to the said server. Also, I have my "Type" object named the same way as my "Tweets" table (I followed the documentation until the overview part http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/elasticsearch.html). This craps out an "Unknown method "alias" error, and following Google searches led me to creating an alternate pagination class since that was what some found to be the cause of the error (https://github.com/lorenzo/audit-stash/issues/4), which still doesn't fix things.
I'm not sure if I got this right. I installed the ElasticSearch plugin with the assumption that all I have to do is name the Types the same name as my tables, since to me the documentation "implies" that this should be done on top of the Blog Tutorial they did to "improve query performance".
TLDR, how is this supposed to work? Is my above assumption right? Do I name the Types differently and index everything myself? I'm not sure if there's just too much automagic, or I'm just poor at these sort of things. And yes, I'm new to frameworks (but not PHP, among other languages)
Thanks in advance!

Need help stringing together database processes

I need some help from those with more knowledge than I posses. I am currently trying to figure out how to get real time data from a database.
I need to be able to find the company info from the most recent licensees. So the search parameter I'm using is 2016-05-10T00:00:00.000
The full string together from the API and the search parameter can be found directly at this link:
So I'm looking to retrieve the most recently added accounts in order to verify 1. the license is active 2. the license number the contractor gives matches what the website says. I would like to figure out how to automate this so that when the newest licenses are added I'll know, and they will be extracted/downloaded into excel.
If anyone can help with this I would appreciate it very much. I also have more questions about using databases if any of you are experts in the field.
Once again, thank you!
Since your goal is to get this data into Excell, have you considered using something like our OData support instead? You could structure your query in Excel PowerBI and it'd automatically refresh the data.
Another option would be to use our CSV output type with an Excel web query. I use the IMPORTDATA(...) function in Google Sheets, which is very similar.

Wordpress: difference between site_id and blog_id?

I'm trying to get some understanding of how Wordpress works and while inspecting the database I found that, in a multisite installation, there is a table called wp_site that seems always holding a single record with a corresponding site_id.
I cannot understand (nor find on internet) what is the use of site_id when actually multisites seem to use wp_blogs and corresponding blog_id for identifying different sites.(http://codex.wordpress.org/Database_Description)
Can someone shed some light on what should be my understanding of site_id?
site is a reference to a network of blogs. There are efforts under way to allow WordPress to support multiple networks in addition to multiple blogs, but right now that's not a stock feature (which is why the wp_site table only contains one value.
The wp_blogs table contains all of the blogs for your entire installation, with each identified by the site it's associated with.
This gives you a clean separation between networks, and (eventually) you'll be able to have different "groups" of blogs on one WordPress installation behave like distinct multisite installations.
