I have an exercise where I have to encode and decode strings at the bit level that are given in by the command line.
The caveat for this is that I have to use a permutation mapping to re-order the bits.
Here's an Example:
The User Inputs The Character To Encode
The Binary for H is
However, that is the regular mapping of the 8 bits, through 0-7.
My program will have to permute the bits to whatever Mapping Patter I use.
For Example, If I use Mapping 64752031
The Bits for the Char 'H'
Turn To
When encoding the char, the 0th bit turns to the 6th bit, the 2nd bit turns to the 4th bit, the 3rd bit turns to the 7th bit, and so on. Whatever is based on for that mapping.
Is there a way that I can manipulate and change the order of bits based on the permutation map given?
Thank you.
If you need to process large strings, it is probably better to use a look-up table that will precompute the translation.
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned char perm[256]; // permutation table
unsigned mapping[8]={6,4,7,5,2,0,3,1};
// assumes 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// => 6 4 7 5 2 0 3 1
void mkperm(unsigned char perm[256]) {
for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
for (int i=0;i<256;i++) {
for (int j=7; j>=0; j--) {
int pos=mapping[7-j]; // at mapping[0] is the new position of bit 7
if (i & (1<<j)) // only considers set bits, the table is previously cleared
perm[i] |= (1<<pos) ;
int main() {
printf("%.2x => %.2x\n",'H',perm['H']);
mkperm() computes the permutation table by scanning the successive bits of every char. If a bit is set in char i, we set at position i in the translation table a bit at one at a logical weight given by the mapping. Setting this one is done by oring the content of cell i with a 1 properly shifted.
Use bitwise operators.
Here's an example of how to move the second bit to the seventh bit:
x |= (x & 1<<1) << 6;
x &= ~(1<<1);
If my bit numbering bothers anybody, I'm sorry. This is just how I read binary numbers.
You can also put this into an inline function:
inline int bit_mode(int *x, int bit1, int bit2)
*x |= *x & (1<<(bit1-1)) << (bit2-1);
*x &= ~(1<<(bit1-1));
return *x;
int a;
bit_mode(&a, 2, 7);
Just shift the bits to proper positions. After some fun, I think I've got this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
* A little helper function
* get the bit number 'as' from the byte 'in'
* and put that bit as the number 'num' in the output
static inline
uint8_t map_get_bit_as(uint8_t in,
uint8_t num, uint8_t as)
return (!!(in & (1 << as))) << num;
uint8_t map(unsigned long mapping, uint8_t in)
// static_assert(CHAR_BIT == 8, "are you insane?");
const int bit0 = mapping / 10000000 % 10;
const int bit1 = mapping / 1000000 % 10;
const int bit2 = mapping / 100000 % 10;
const int bit3 = mapping / 10000 % 10;
const int bit4 = mapping / 1000 % 10;
const int bit5 = mapping / 100 % 10;
const int bit6 = mapping / 10 % 10;
const int bit7 = mapping / 1 % 10;
map_get_bit_as(in, 0, bit0) |
map_get_bit_as(in, 1, bit1) |
map_get_bit_as(in, 2, bit2) |
map_get_bit_as(in, 3, bit3) |
map_get_bit_as(in, 4, bit4) |
map_get_bit_as(in, 5, bit5) |
map_get_bit_as(in, 6, bit6) |
map_get_bit_as(in, 7, bit7);
int main() {
printf("%#02x %#02x\n\n", 'H', map(64752031, 'H'));
will output:
0x48 0x41
tested on repl.
If I have correctly understood the order of bits as you are counting them then the corresponding function can look the following way as it is shown in the demonstrative program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
char encode( char c, uint32_t mask )
unsigned char result = '\0';
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 2 * sizeof( mask ) ; i++ )
uint32_t bit = ( ( ( uint32_t )1 << ( CHAR_BIT - 1 - ( mask & 0xf ) ) ) & c ) != 0;
result |= bit << i;
mask >>= 4;
return ( char )result;
int main( void )
uint32_t mask = 0x64752031;
char c = 'H';
printf( "c = %hhx\n", c );
c = encode( c, mask );
printf( "c = %hhx\n", c );
The program output is
c = 48
c = 41
I have a byte array represented as
char * bytes = getbytes(object); //some api function
I want to check whether the bit at some position x is set.
I've been trying this
int mask = 1 << x % 8;
y= bytes[x>>3] & mask;
However y returns as all zeros? What am I doing incorrectly and is there an easier way to check if a bit is set?
I did run this as well. It didn't return with the expected result either.
int k = x >> 3;
int mask = x % 8;
unsigned char byte = bytes[k];
return (byte & mask);
it failed an assert true ctest I ran. Byte and Mask at this time where "0002" and 2 respectively when printed from gdb.
edit 2: This is how I set the bits in the first place. I'm just trying to write a test to verify they are set.
unsigned long x = somehash(void* a);
unsigned int mask = 1 << (x % 8);
unsigned int location = x >> 3;
char* filter = getData(ref);
filter[location] |= mask;
This would be one (crude perhaps) way from the top of my head:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
// this function *changes* the byte array
int getBit(char *b, int bit)
int bitToCheck = bit % 8;
b = b + (bitToCheck ? (bit / 8) : (bit / 8 - 1));
if (bitToCheck)
*b = (*b) >> (8 - bitToCheck);
return (*b) & 1;
int main(void)
char *bytes = calloc(2, 1);
*(bytes + 1)= 5; // writing to the appropiate bits
printf("%d\n", getBit(bytes, 16)); // checking the 16th bit from the left
return 0;
A byte is represented as:
| 2^7 | 2^6 | 2^5 | 2^4 | 2^3 |... |
The left most bit is considered bit number 1 and the right most bit is considered the max. numbered bit (16th bit in a 2 byte object).
It's OK to overwrite the actual byte object (if this is not wanted, use memcpy).
Suppose you have an integer a = 0x12345678 & a short b = 0xabcd
What i wanna do is replace the given nibbles in integer a with nibbles from short b
Eg: Replace 0,2,5,7th nibbles in a = 0x12345678 (where 8 = 0th nibble, 7=1st nibble, 6=2nd nibble and so on...) with nibbles from b = 0xabcd (where d = 0th nibble, c=1st nibble, b=2nd nibble & so on...)
My approach is -
Clear the bits we're going to replace from a.
like a = 0x02045070
Create the mask from the short b like mask = 0xa0b00c0d
bitwise OR them to get the result. result = a| mask i.e result = 0xa2b45c7d hence nibbles replaced.
My problem is I don't know any efficient way to create the desired mask (like in step 2) from the given short b
If you can give me an efficient way of doing so, it would be a great help to me and I thank you for that in advance ;)
Please ask if more info needed.
My code to solve the problem (not good enough though)
Any improvement is highly appreciated.
int index[4] = {0,1,5,7}; // Given nibbles to be replaced in integer
int s = 0x01024300; // integer mask i.e. cleared nibbles
int r = 0x0000abcd; // short (converted to int )
r = ((r & 0x0000000f) << 4*(index[0]-0)) |
((r & 0x000000f0) << 4*(index[1]-1)) |
((r & 0x00000f00) << 4*(index[2]-2)) |
((r & 0x0000f000) << 4*(index[3]-3));
s = s|r;
Nibble has 4 bits, and according to your indexing scheme, the zeroth nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 0-3, the first nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 4-7, and so on.
Simply shift the values the necessary amount. This will set the nibble at position set by the variable index:
size_t index = 5; //6th nibble is at index 5
size_t shift = 4 * index; //6th nibble is represented by bits 20-23
unsigned long nibble = 0xC;
unsigned long result = 0x12345678;
result = result & ~( 0xFu << shift ); //clear the 6th nibble
result = result | ( nibble << shift ); //set the 6th nibble
If you want to set more than one value, put this code in a loop. The variable index should be changed to an array of values, and variable nibble could also be an array of values, or it could contain more than one nibble, in which case you extract them one by one by shifting values to the right.
A lot depends on how your flexible you are in accepting the "nibble list" index[4] in your case.
You mentioned that you can replace anywhere from 0 to 8 nibbles. If you take your nibble bits as an 8-bit bitmap, rather than as a list, you can use the bitmap as a lookup in a 256-entry table, which maps from bitmap to a (fixed) mask with 1s in the nibble positions. For example, for the nibble list {1, 3}, you'd have the bitmap 0b00001010 which would map to the mask 0x0000F0F0.
Then you can use pdep which has intrinsics on gcc, clang, icc and MSVC on x86 to expand the bits in your short to the right position. E.g., for b == 0xab you'd have _pdep_u32(b, mask) == 0x0000a0b0.
If you aren't on a platform with pdep, you can accomplish the same thing with multiplication.
To be able to change easy the nibbles assignment, a bit-field union structure could be used:
Step 1 - create a union allowing to have nibbles access
typedef union u_nibble {
uint32_t dwValue;
uint16_t wValue;
struct sNibble {
uint32_t nib0: 4;
uint32_t nib1: 4;
uint32_t nib2: 4;
uint32_t nib3: 4;
uint32_t nib4: 4;
uint32_t nib5: 4;
uint32_t nib6: 4;
uint32_t nib7: 4;
} uNibble;
Step 2 - assign two NIBBLE items with your integer a and short b
NIBBLE myNibbles[2];
uint32_t a = 0x12345678;
uint16_t b = 0xabcd;
myNibbles[0].dwValue = a;
myNibbles[1].wValue = b;
Step 3 - initialize nibbles of a by nibbles of b
printf("a = %08x\n",myNibbles[0].dwValue);
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib0 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib0;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib2 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib1;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib5 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib2;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib7 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib3;
printf("a = %08x\n",myNibbles[0].dwValue);
Output will be:
a = 12345678
a = a2b45c7d
If I understand your goal, the fun you are having comes from the reversal of the order of your fill from the upper half to the lower half of your final number. (instead of 0, 2, 4, 6, you want 0, 2, 5, 7) It isn't any more difficult, but it does make you count where the holes are in the final number. If I understood, then you could mask with 0x0f0ff0f0 and then fill in the zeros with shifts of 16, 12, 4 and 0. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void) {
unsigned a = 0x12345678, c = 0, mask = 0x0f0ff0f0;
unsigned short b = 0xabcd;
/* mask a, fill in the holes with the bits from b */
c = (a & mask) | (((unsigned)b & 0xf000) << 16);
c |= (((unsigned)b & 0x0f00) << 12);
c |= (((unsigned)b & 0x00f0) << 4);
c |= (unsigned)b & 0x000f;
printf (" a : 0x%08x\n b : 0x%0hx\n c : 0x%08x\n", a, b, c);
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/bit_swap_nibble
a : 0x12345678
b : 0xabcd
c : 0xa2b45c7d
Let me know if I misunderstood, I'm happy to help further.
With nibble = 4 bits and unsigned int = 32 bits, a nibble inside a unsigned int can be found as follows:
x = 0x00a0b000, find 3rd nibble in x i.e locate 'b'. Note nibble index starts with 0.
Now 3rd nibble is from 12th bit to 15th bit.
3rd_nibble can be selected with n = 2^16 - 2^12. So, in n all the bits in 3rd nibble will be 1 and all the bits in other nibbles will be 0. That is, n=0x00001000
In general, suppose if you want to find a continuous sequence of 1 in binary representation in which sequence starts from Xth bit to Yth bit then formula is 2^(Y+1) - 2^X.
#include <stdio.h>
#define BUF_SIZE 33
char *int2bin(int a, char *buffer, int buf_size)
int i;
buffer[BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
buffer += (buf_size - 1);
for(i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
*buffer-- = (a & 1) + '0';
a >>= 1;
return buffer;
int main()
unsigned int a = 0;
unsigned int b = 65535;
unsigned int b_nibble;
unsigned int b_at_a;
unsigned int a_nibble_clear;
char replace_with[8];
unsigned int ai;
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
memset(replace_with, -1, sizeof(replace_with));
replace_with[0] = 0; //replace 0th nibble of a with 0th nibble of b
replace_with[2] = 1; //replace 2nd nibble of a with 1st nibble of b
replace_with[5] = 2; //replace 5th nibble of a with 2nd nibble of b
replace_with[7] = 3; //replace 7th nibble of a with 3rd nibble of b
int2bin(a, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("a = %s, %08x\n", buffer, a);
int2bin(b, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("b = %s, %08x\n", buffer, b);
for(ai = 0; ai < 8; ++ai)
if(replace_with[ai] != -1)
b_nibble = (b & (1LL << ((replace_with[ai] + 1)*4)) - (1LL << (replace_with[ai]*4))) >> (replace_with[ai]*4);
b_at_a = b_nibble << (ai * 4);
a_nibble_clear = (a & ~(a & (1LL << ((ai + 1) * 4)) - (1LL << (ai * 4))));
a = a_nibble_clear | b_at_a;
int2bin(a, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("a = %s, %08x\n", buffer, a);
return 0;
a = 00000000000000000000000000000000, 00000000
b = 00000000000000001111111111111111, 0000ffff
a = 11110000111100000000111100001111, f0f00f0f
This is about ANSI-C (C90). This is what I know:
I can directly tell the compiler how many bits I want for a specific variable.
If I want 1 bit which can have the values zero or one.
or 2 bits for the values 0,1,2,3, and so on...;
I'm familiar with the syntax.
I have problem concerning bitfields:
I want to define a SET structure.
It can have maximum 1024 elements (it can have less, but the maximum is 1024 elements).
The domain of the set is from 1 to 1024. So an element could have any value 1-1024.
I'm trying to create a structure for a SET, and it must be efficient as possible for the memory part.
I tried:
typedef struct set
unsigned int var: 1;
} SET;
//now define an array of SETS
SET array_of_sets[MAX_SIZE] //didn't define MAX_SIZE, but no more than 1024 elements in each set.
I know this isn't efficient; maybe it's even not good for what I want. That's why I'm looking for help.
As noted in extensive comments, using a bit field is not the way to go. You can use just 128 bytes of storage for your set containing values 1..1024. You will need to map the value N to bit N-1 (so you have bits 0..1023 to work with). You also need to decide on the operations you need for your set. This code supports 'create', 'destroy', 'insert', 'delete' and 'in_set'. It does not support iteration over the elements in the set; that can be added if you want it.
typedef struct Set Set;
enum { MAX_ELEMENTS = 1024 };
extern Set *create(void);
extern void destroy(Set *set);
extern void insert(Set *set, int value);
extern void delete(Set *set, int value);
extern int in_set(Set *set, int value);
#endif /* SETS_H_INCLUDED */
#include "sets.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned long Bits;
#define BITS_C(n) ((Bits)(n))
enum { ARRAY_SIZE = MAX_ELEMENTS / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT) };
struct Set
Bits set[ARRAY_SIZE];
Set *create(void)
Set *set = malloc(sizeof(*set));
if (set != 0)
memset(set, 0, sizeof(*set));
return set;
void destroy(Set *set)
void insert(Set *set, int value)
assert(value >= 1 && value <= MAX_ELEMENTS);
value--; /* 0..1023 */
int index = value / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
int bitnum = value % (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
Bits mask = BITS_C(1) << bitnum;
/* printf("I: %d (%d:%d:0x%.2lX)\n", value+1, index, bitnum, mask); */
set->set[index] |= mask;
void delete(Set *set, int value)
assert(value >= 1 && value <= MAX_ELEMENTS);
value--; /* 0..1023 */
int index = value / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
int bitnum = value % (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
Bits mask = BITS_C(1) << bitnum;
/* printf("D: %d (%d:%d:0x%.2lX)\n", value+1, index, bitnum, mask); */
set->set[index] &= ~mask;
/* C90 does not support <stdbool.h> */
int in_set(Set *set, int value)
assert(value >= 1 && value <= MAX_ELEMENTS);
value--; /* 0..1023 */
int index = value / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
int bitnum = value % (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
Bits mask = BITS_C(1) << bitnum;
/* printf("T: %d (%d:%d:0x%.2lX) = %d\n", value+1, index, bitnum, mask,
(set->set[index] & mask) != 0); */
return (set->set[index] & mask) != 0;
#include <stdio.h>
enum { NUMBERS_PER_LINE = 15 };
int main(void)
Set *set = create();
if (set != 0)
int i;
int n = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_ELEMENTS; i += 4)
insert(set, i);
for (i = 3; i <= MAX_ELEMENTS; i += 6)
delete(set, i);
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_ELEMENTS; i++)
if (in_set(set, i))
printf(" %4d", i);
if (++n % NUMBERS_PER_LINE == 0)
n = 0;
if (n % NUMBERS_PER_LINE != 0)
return 0;
The functions should really be given a systematic prefix, such as set_. The BITS_C macro is based on the INT64_C macro (and the other related macros) defined in <stdint.h> in C99 and later, which is also not a part of C90.
As per my previous comments, here is an example of how you can pack eight 1-bit elements into one char physical element.
I have only implemented the function to get the value of a 1-bit element, I leave the function to set it to you (it's easy to do).
Note: you can easily change the type of the array element (unsigned char) and experiment with types which can hold more bits (e.g unsigned int) and test if they perform better in terms of speed.
You can also modify the code to make it handle elements bigger than one bit.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
unsigned int get_el(unsigned char* array, unsigned int index)
unsigned int bits_per_arr_el = sizeof(unsigned char)*CHAR_BIT;
unsigned int arr_index = index / bits_per_arr_el;
unsigned int bit_offset = index % bits_per_arr_el;
unsigned int bitmask = 1 << bit_offset;
unsigned int retval;
// printf("index=%u\n", index);
// printf("bits_per_arr_el=%u\n", bits_per_arr_el);
// printf("arr_index=%u\n", arr_index);
// printf("bit_offset=%u\n", bit_offset);
retval = array[arr_index] & bitmask ? 1 : 0; // can be simpler if only True/False is needed
#define MAX_SIZE 10
unsigned char bitarray[MAX_SIZE];
int main()
bitarray[1] = 3; // 00000011
printf("array[7]=%u, array[8]=%u, array[9]=%u, array[10]=%u\n",
get_el(bitarray, 7),
get_el(bitarray, 8),
get_el(bitarray, 9),
return 0;
array[7]=0, array[8]=1, array[9]=1, array[10]=0
typedef struct set
unsigned short var:10; // uint var:1 will be padded to 32 bits
} SET; // ushort var:10 (which is max<=1024) padded to 16 bits
As was commented by #Jonathan Leffler use array(unsigned short[])
and define bitmasks
#define bitZer 0x00 //(unsigned)(0 == 0)? true:true;
#define bitOne 0x10 // so from (both inclusive)0-1023 = 1024
... // added for clarification
#define bitTen 0x0A
to look into the bits of each element.
http://www.catb.org/esr/structure-packing/ detailed
To store a value from 0 to 1023 (or from 1 to 1024, which is essentially the same and only involves adding/subtracting 1) you need a minimum of 10 bits.
This means that for 32-bit (unsigned) integers, you can pack 3 values into 30 bits, which gives 2 bits of useless padding.
%define ELEMENTS 100
uint32_t myArray[ (ELEMENTS + 2) / 3 ];
void setValue(int n, int value) {
uint32_t temp;
uint32_t mask = (1 << 10) - 1;
if(n >= ELEMENTS) return;
value--; // Convert "1 to 1024" into "0 to 1023"
temp = myArray[n / 3];
mask = mask << (n % 3)*10;
temp = (temp & ~mask) | (value << (n % 3)*10);
myArray[n / 3] = temp;
int getValue(int n) {
uint32_t temp;
uint32_t mask = (1 << 10) - 1;
if(n >= ELEMENTS) return 0;
temp = myArray[n / 3];
temp >>= (n % 3)*10;
return (temp & ~mask) + 1;
You can do this with bitfields instead, but the code to get/set individual values will end up using branches (e.g. switch( n%3 )) which will be slower in practice.
Removing those 2 bits of padding will cost a little more complexity and a little more overhead. For example:
%define ELEMENTS 100
uint32_t myArray[ (ELEMENTS*10 + 31) / 32 ];
int getValue(int n) {
uint64_t temp;
uint64_t mask = (1 << 10) - 1;
if(n >= ELEMENTS) return 0;
temp = myArray[n*10/32 + 1];
temp = (temp << 32) | myArray[n*10/32];
temp >>= (n*10 % 32);
return (temp & ~mask) + 1;
This can't be done with bitfields. This is the most space efficient way to store an array of values that range from 1 to 1024.
If you are storing an "array of booleans" or setting flags, it can be useful. For instance, you can initialize or compare up to 64 values at a time.
These macros will work for unsigned char, short, int, long long ... but simplifies significantly if you just pick a type (so you can use a safer static inline function)
#define getbit(x,n) x[n/(sizeof(*x)*8)] & (typeof(*x))1 << (n&((sizeof(*x)*8)-1))
#define setbit(x,n) x[n/(sizeof(*x)*8)] |= (typeof(*x))1 << (n&((sizeof(*x)*8)-1))
#define flpbit(x,n) x[n/(sizeof(*x)*8)] ^= (typeof(*x))1 << (n&((sizeof(*x)*8)-1))
#define clrbit(x,n) x[n/(sizeof(*x)*8)] &= ~( (typeof(*x))1 << (n&((sizeof(*x)*8)-1)) )
to initialize a large array of booleans all you need to do is: char cbits[]={0,0xF,0,0xFF};
or for all zeroes char cbits[4]={0};
or an int example: int ibits[]={0xF0F0F0F0,~0};
If you will only be accessing 1 type of array, it may be better to make the macros into proper functions like:
static inline unsigned char getbit(unsigned char *x, unsigned n){
return x[n>>3] & 1 << (n&7);
//etc... similar for other types and functions from macros above
You can also compare multiple flags at a time by '|'ing the flags together and using '&'ed masks; however, it does get a bit more complex when you exceed the native types
For your particular instance you can initialize to all zeroes by:
unsigned char flags[128]={0};
or all 1's by:
uint64_t flags[128] = {~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0,~0};
You can even use enums to name your flags
WHITE, //0
RED, //1
BLUE, //2
GREEN, //3
BLACK //1023
if (getbit(flags,WHITE) && getbit(flags,RED) && getbit(flags,BLUE))
printf("red, white and blue\n");
1) The proper solution for this question is to use Bit Array
The question provided the solution with Bit Fields with Struct. There are two typical ways to save memory space for bits related problem, another is to use Bit Array. For this specific case in the question, the better way is to use Bit Array (demoed as follows).
If it is the case like purely independent bit flags here, go
for the Bit Array
If there is a group of relevant bits , such as the IP address or Control Word definition, then it's better to combine them with a struct, that is to use Bit Fields with Sturct
2) Sample code just for demo Bit Array
#define BITS_OF_INT (sizeof(int)*CHAR_BIT)
void SetBit(int A[], int k)
//Set the bit at the k-th position
A[k/BITS_OF_INT] |= 1 <<(k%BITS_OF_INT);
void ClearBit(int A[], int k)
//RESET the bit at the k-th position
A[k/BITS_OF_INT] &= ~(1 <<(k%BITS_OF_INT)) ;
int TestBit(int A[], int k)
// Return TRUE if bit set
return ((A[k/BITS_OF_INT] & (1 <<(k%BITS_OF_INT)))!= 0) ;
#define MAX_SIZE 1024
int main()
int i;
int pos = 100; // position
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE/BITS_OF_INT; i++)
A[i] = 0;
SetBit(A, pos);
if (TestBit(A, pos)){//do something}
ClearBit(A, pos);
3) Furthermore, a worthwhile discussing point from this question is,
How to choose a proper solution between "Bit Array" and "Bit fields with struct"?
Here are some references about this topic.
When to use bit-fields in C?
Readable and Maintainable Bitfields in C
I'm stuck understanding bit operations on integers in C.
Suppose I have the number 13. Its binary representation is 1101. How can I set the bit at its second position? How can I clear the bit?
Here is the function I wrote so far for setting the bit:
int setBit(int data, int pos, int val)
if (val==1)
data |= (1U << (pos - 1));
data ^= (1U << (pos-1));
return data;
Will this work correctly?
n = n & (~(1U <<x)) will reset the bit in position x.
Actually what we are doing suppose n=1101
We want to reset 3rd bit.
How does it work?
So 1U <<3=000....1000
~( 1U <<3)=111....0111
& 111..0111
Result is 000..0101.
For inserting a bit y at position x:(position starts from 0)
Giving the example for position 2.
num= FFFF FFFF (in hex)(all 1's) //1111......1111
number=N // in which you will insert bit
num1=num<<x; //for x=2 as in this case
num2=~(num1); //num2=0000.....0011
lowbits=N & num2; // =0000.....0001 (N=1101)
highbits= N &num1;// =0000.....1100
highbits<<=1; // =0000....11000
N= highbits | lowbits;//=0000....11001
Now set the x-th bit(here x=2) as you required using the method described below
Note: More generally changing the kth bit of number n to y (maybe 0 or 1) can be done this way
n^=(-y ^ n) & (1U <<k); (&- logical and)
Deletion of a bit is similar to insertion. Step by step perform the operation and you will get it.
EDIT: I have changed the use of 1 to 1U because in first case when using only 1 without any modifiers is defined to be an signed int. From K&R the right shifts of signed values are implementation defined. Also if you left-shift a signed number so that the sign bit is affected, the result is undefined.
These operations on unsigned value have well define behaviour: Vacated fields are filled with zeroes.
Setting, clearing and toggling the state of a bit is straightforward:
inline void bit_set (unsigned long *bf, unsigned char n)
{ *bf |= (1 << n); }
inline void bit_clear (unsigned long *bf, unsigned char n)
{ *bf &= ~(1 << n); }
inline void bit_toggle (unsigned long *bf, unsigned char n)
{ *bf ^= (1 << n); }
Note: bitfields, and the functions above, are zero based (i.e. the least significant bit is bit 0 not bit 1) So if you want to clear, set or toggle the second bit from the right (bit index 1, the 2's bit (binary), or bit 2 counting right-to-left), you pass a bit index of 1. n in the functions above is the bit index. The following is a quick reference:
bit index | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
binary | 128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
Here is a quick example of the use operating on bit 1, (the 2's bit in binary):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define WDSZ 64
/* bit functions */
inline void bit_set (unsigned long *bf, unsigned char n) { *bf |= (1 << n); }
inline void bit_clear (unsigned long *bf, unsigned char n) { *bf &= ~(1 << n); }
inline void bit_toggle (unsigned long *bf, unsigned char n) { *bf ^= (1 << n); }
/* simple return of binary string */
char *binstr (unsigned long n);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
unsigned long bf = (argc > 1) ? strtoul (argv[1], NULL, 10) : 13;
printf ("\n original value : %3lu (%s)\n", bf, binstr (bf));
bit_set (&bf, 1);
printf (" set bit 1 : %3lu (%s)\n", bf, binstr (bf));
bit_clear (&bf, 1);
printf (" clear bit 1 : %3lu (%s)\n", bf, binstr (bf));
bit_toggle (&bf, 1);
printf (" toggle bit 1 : %3lu (%s)\n\n", bf, binstr (bf));
return 0;
/* simple return of binary string */
char *binstr (unsigned long n) {
static char s[WDSZ + 1] = {0};
char *p = s + WDSZ;
while (n) {
*p = (n & 1) ? '1' : '0';
n >>= 1;
return p;
$ ./bin/bitsetcleartoggle
original value : 13 (1101)
set bit 1 : 15 (1111)
clear bit 1 : 13 (1101)
toggle bit 1 : 15 (1111)
Here is a simple answer for what I understand your problem to be:
int setBit(int data, int pos, int val) {
if (val)
return data | (1U << (pos - 1));
return data & ~(1U << (pos - 1));
But I think numbering the bits starting at 1 is not a good idea. The more common usage is to number the bits from 0 to sizeof(type) * CHAR_BIT - 1
whenever I have a problem like this I will break it down into smaller parts...
suppose i have no 13 binary of 13 is 1101
now how can i add extra bit at second position?
ok that is pretty straight forward... first let make a number with a bit in the second position, zero's everywhere else... we will use an int for convenience...
int mask = 2; // or 0x2 if you rather or 0b10 if your compiler supports that ...
well that isn't very special, I can't reuse that machinery as it were... so let try a different way...
int mask = 1 << 1; // 1 in the fist position moved one to the left...
ok now we have part, now there are 2 intuitive ways to set that on our 13...
int answer = 13 | mask; // binary OR
int answer = 13 + mask;
these 2 are the same for 13... but will give you different answers for 14... because + always adds the value, and | will only change the bits that aren't set on the left side... so you need to pick the semantics that are correct for you...
now your second question is a little trickier ... first we will pick the same mask...
//pick nth bit
int mask = 1 < n;
// now to toggle that on a number... XOR
int answer = q ^ mask;
I like using the n'th vs position because it makes more sense in the 0 case...
//For Inserting Bit
int insertbit(int data,int pos,int val)
int no1,no2;
no1=no1 | no2;
return no1;
//Setting Bits
int setbit(int data,int pos,int val)
int no=1;
return data;
I Coded This Way But I Need Some Shortcut for code insert function
I wan't to set the last n bits of any given number to 1. I have a number (which is variable in it's lenght) and a variable n.
12 (dec) set last 2 bits
Output: 15
Now the basic operation should be something like:
return 0b11 | 12;
But how can I make 0b11 variable in length?
Thank you!
Try this:
int SetLastBits(int value,int numOfBits)
return value | ((1<<numOfBits)-1);
You can set the last n bits of a number to 1 in the following manner:
int num = 5; // number of bits to set to 1
int val = <some_value>;
val |= (1 << num) - 1;
You can do it like this:
uint32_t set_last_n_bits(uint32_t x, uint32_t bits)
return x | ((1U << bits) - 1U);
This is also a relatively rare case where a macro might be justifiable, on the grounds that it would work with different integer types.
As all others have showed the same approach I will show one more approach
int value;
value |= ~( ~0u << n );
Here is a demonstrative program
#include <stdio.h>
int set_bits( int x, size_t n )
return x | ~( ~0u << n );
int main(void)
int x = 12;
printf( "%d\t%d\n", x, set_bits( x, 2 ) );
return 0;
The output is
12 15