Field 'name' on type 'RemoteDependencyData' is too long - reactjs

I've just added Application Insights to my React application. When it attempts to contact the Application Insights server to notify it about Google Adverts loading, I get a 400 error which says: "Field 'name' on type 'RemoteDependencyData' is too long"
I've looked through the config for ApplicationInsights and don't find a way to shorten the name or to ignore certain fetches.
Here is my configuration of the plugin:
initialize(reactPluginConfig) {
const instrumentationKey = publicRuntimeConfig.AppInsights.InstrumentKey
this.appInsights = new ApplicationInsights({
config: {
maxBatchInterval: 0,
disableFetchTracking: false,
extensions: [this.reactPlugin],
extensionConfig: {
[this.reactPlugin.identifier]: reactPluginConfig
Here's the kind of value I'm seeing being passed:
name: "GET"

You can add this telemetry initializer below your call to loadAppInsights to modify your telemetry items on the fly. In this case, it will truncate the RemoteDependencyData name field.
appInsights.addTelemetryInitializer(item => {
if (item.baseType === 'RemoteDependencyData') {
if ( > 1024) { =, 1024);


Self reference type in GraphQL [duplicate]

Hi I am trying to learn GraphQL language. I have below snippet of code.
// Welcome to Launchpad!
// Log in to edit and save pads, run queries in GraphiQL on the right.
// Click "Download" above to get a zip with a standalone Node.js server.
// See docs and examples at
// graphql-tools combines a schema string with resolvers.
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
// Construct a schema, using GraphQL schema language
const typeDefs = `
type User {
name: String!
age: Int!
type Query {
me: User
const user = { name: 'Williams', age: 26};
// Provide resolver functions for your schema fields
const resolvers = {
Query: {
me: (root, args, context) => {
return user;
// Required: Export the GraphQL.js schema object as "schema"
export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
// Optional: Export a function to get context from the request. It accepts two
// parameters - headers (lowercased http headers) and secrets (secrets defined
// in secrets section). It must return an object (or a promise resolving to it).
export function context(headers, secrets) {
return {
// Optional: Export a root value to be passed during execution
// export const rootValue = {};
// Optional: Export a root function, that returns root to be passed
// during execution, accepting headers and secrets. It can return a
// promise. rootFunction takes precedence over rootValue.
// export function rootFunction(headers, secrets) {
// return {
// headers,
// secrets,
// };
// };
"errors": [
"message": "Field \"me\" of type \"User\" must have a selection of subfields. Did you mean \"me { ... }\"?",
"locations": [
"line": 4,
"column": 3
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong ? How to fix it ?
From the docs:
A GraphQL object type has a name and fields, but at some point those
fields have to resolve to some concrete data. That's where the scalar
types come in: they represent the leaves of the query.
GraphQL requires that you construct your queries in a way that only returns concrete data. Each field has to ultimately resolve to one or more scalars (or enums). That means you cannot just request a field that resolves to a type without also indicating which fields of that type you want to get back.
That's what the error message you received is telling you -- you requested a User type, but you didn't tell GraphQL at least one field to get back from that type.
To fix it, just change your request to include name like this:
me {
... or age. Or both. You cannot, however, request a specific type and expect GraphQL to provide all the fields for it -- you will always have to provide a selection (one or more) of fields for that type.

react-native-gifted-chat showing same message multiple time

I'm using react-native-gifted-chat in my react-native app. As I shown in this image, there is same message displayed multiple time and message: Yes getting new msg 's place is also varied from it's actual position.
My issue is same as this. Can anyone please help me to solve this.
Thank you in advance.
I got a solution of my question. #Ron you are right but in my case the issue is different. I solved it by change my format of parameters. It took different format and I passed different so they conflicted each other. Here is the solution it may useful to others.
parse = snapshot => {
const { timestamp: numberStamp, text } = snapshot.val();
const { key: _id } = snapshot;
const createdAt = moment(snapshot.val().createdAt, "DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss");
const user = { };
var temp_data = snapshot.val()
if(snapshot.val().name == this.state.temp_logged_name) {
user._id = 1; =;
user.avatar = temp_data.avatar;
const message = {
return message;
I had encountered this issue as well. I had set up react-native-gifted-chat on my mobile app. And at the other end I had set up a simple HTML page with a script to initialise the Websocket connection and send messages on the onsend event. What I had realised later that while the unique id was getting generated at the app end (because the id was being generated by the library itself), nothing of such sort existed at the other end.
Basically, this weird behaviour crops up when a unique id _id is missing for a message. Each message must have at least the following properties while executing GiftedChat.append(previousMessages, messages).
_id: 1,
text: 'Hello developer',
createdAt: new Date(),
user: {
_id: 2
There could be two reasons behind it,
1) Each message should be passed a unique id, so just use uuidv4 npm package and append it to _id prop of the object.
messages: GiftedChat.append(previousState.messages, {
_id: uuidv4(), // or use Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000)
text: text,
createdAt: new Date(),
user: {
_id: 2,
name: "React Native",
avatar: ""
image: attachment
2) Second possibility could be on the gateway you are using to initiate the chat between users. So, some gateways have known issues to repeat the message multiple times. You could to string comparison each time a new message is received and pushed to the chat screen, however it is not advised to do this.
I figured this out by simply applying the filter to the incoming message in useLayout Effect:
useLayoutEffect(() => {
db.collection('Chats').doc(docID).collection('messages').orderBy("createdAt", "desc").onSnapshot(snapshot => {
prev =>
.filter((ftr,index,self) => ftr?.user?._id !== loginUser?.id) //login user id is the current user's id you can do the same for recieved messages
( =>{
_id: doc?.id,
createdAt:new Date(,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

configParams undefined in getData() call

I'm in the process of building a community connector and am scratching my head; the documentation states:
Returns the tabular data for the given request.
#param {Object} request A JavaScript object containing the data
request parameters.
The request parameter contains user provided values and additional
information that can be used to complete the data request. It has the
following structure:
{ "configParams": object, "scriptParams": {
"sampleExtraction": boolean,
"lastRefresh": string }, "dateRange": {
"startDate": string,
"endDate": string }, "fields": [
} ] }
I've correctly setup getConfig() (at least, my configurations are requested from the user), but my getData function is not being passed a configParams object. Here's my code.
function getConfig(request) {
var Harvest = HarvestService({
token: getHarvestAuthService().getAccessToken()
var accounts = Harvest.accounts.list();
var options = {
return {
var config = {
configParams: [
name: 'harvestAccountId',
displayName: 'Harvest Account ID',
helpText: 'The ID of the Harvest Account to pull data from.',
options: options
dateRangeRequired: true
return config;
function getData(request) {
var startDate = request.dateRange.startDate;
var endDate = request.dateRange.endDate;
var accountId = request.configParams.harvestAccountId;
var harvestAuthService = getHarvestAuthService();
var Harvest = HarvestService({
token: harvestAuthService.getAccessToken(),
account: accountId
var fieldKeys = { return; });
var entries = Harvest.entries.list({
startDate: new Date(startDate),
endDate: new Date(endDate)
var rows =;
return {
schema: request.fields,
rows: rows,
cachedData: false
When I test/debug, I can select an Account at the config step, the schema is correctly returned, but I get the following exception when I try and add a widget to the report:
Script error message:
TypeError: Cannot read property "harvestAccountId" from undefined.
Script error cause: USER Script
error stacktrace: getData:244
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Found out the problem - the issue was that the value attribute of the option was a number, but it MUST be a string:
Leaving this here in case anyone else gets stuck on this. Your config select options for your Data Studio Community Connector must have strings for both the label and the value, and nobody will coerce them for you. Fix was this:
var options = {
return {
value: + ''
Usually, request.configParams is undefined when there are no configuration values passed from the user config.
When testing the connector, are you selecting a value in the dropdown for harvestAccountId?
If you plan to share this connector with other users, it might be a good idea to have a default value for harvestAccountId in case the user does not select an option.
You can use Apps Script logging to see the response for getConfig() to ensure that right values are getting passed for options. Then you can also log the request for getData() to have a better understanding of what exactly is getting passed in the request.
Leaving this in case it helps anyone, note that the config params in the UI although they have a placeholder value need to be physically populated to appear in the request. Indeed, if none of these are filled in the configParams value does not appear in the request object.

Meteor Publish & Subscribe Not returning results using selector

I have the following code:
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Items } from './collection';
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('items', function(options, owner) {
let selector = {
$and: [{ ownerId: owner}]
return Items.find(selector, options);
And on the client side I have:
this.subscribe('items', () => [{
limit: this.getReactively('querylimit'),
sort: {dateTime: -1}
The above does not return any results. However, when I change the return statement to the following, it works!
return Items.find({ ownerId: '7QcWm55wGw69hpuy2' }, options); //works !!!
I'm not very familiar with Mongo/Meteor query selectors. Passing the query as a variable to Items.find() seems to be messing something up. Can someone please help me figure this out!
You are trying to pass a function as the selector, which won't work. Functions can't be serialized and sent from the client to the server. Instead you need to evaluate the options and the owner separately. Here's an example:
var owner = this.getReactively('ownerId');
var options = {
limit: this.getReactively('querylimit'),
sort: {dateTime: -1}
this.subscribe('items', options, owner);
Note that the published documents will not arrive in sorted order, so unless you are using a limit, the sort doesn't help here.
Also note that if you need the subscription to rerun after the owner or query limit change, you'll need to subscribe inside of an autorun.
Here's a start on an improved implementation:
Meteor.publish('items', function(options, owner) {
// DANGER! Actually check this against something safe!
check(options, Object);
// DANGER! Should any user subscribe for any owner's items?
check(owner, Match.Maybe(String));
// Publish the current user's items by default.
if (!owner) {
owner = this.userId;
return Items.find({ ownerId: owner }, options);

RelayJS Invariant Violation with integer query parameter

I'm relatively new to Relay, so this may be an easy mistake I've made but I've been looking for some time already and I haven't found any information about the problem I'm having.
This is the error that I get from my application:
Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: GraphQLFragmentPointer: Value for the argument to story on query Route should be a string, but it was set to 10. Check that the value is a string.
The problem is I actually want it to be 10 and don't want it to be string. Have I configured something incorrectly?
This is my GraphQL Schema:
var queryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: () => ({
node: nodeField,
story: {
type: storyType,
args: {
storyID: {
description: 'Story ID',
type: GraphQLInt
resolve: (root, {storyID}) => {
if (storyID) {
return Story.get(storyID)
} else {
return Story.get(10)
This is the relay route I've defined:
export default class extends Relay.Route {
static queries = {
story: () => Relay.QL`
query {
story(storyID: $storyID)
static paramDefinitions = {
storyID: {
required: false
static routeName = 'StoryRoute';
And this is how I instantiate it:
let route = new Route({storyID: 10})
Ok, it looks like I've figured it out finally.
It appears that root fields are severely limited and can currently only have no parameters, a single string parameter or a multiple string parameters, connected straight with IDs of objects fetched.
Look for more information here:
and here:
