How to update Visual Studio code to latest version - version

I am not able to install angular-console with VSC due to version mismatch and I am not getting option anywhere as to how to update VSC

Here you can update / install the latest version of Visual Studio Code.


Error creating a project using HSPI template

I followed "Project templates for Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017", but when I create a project using the template, I get following error:
Package Installation Error
The preinstalled packages have a reference to a missing Extension.
Could not find an Extension with ID 'HomeSeerTemplates.Alex Dresko.82028f47-9623-4359-a6bf-244390c19608'.
Long story short, try uninstalling the extension and reinstall it. I apologize for the inconvenience, but you shouldn't have to do that again. I goofed a couple weeks ago and messed some things up. Let me know if the new version of the extension works.

Upgrade GoogleTest to Visual Studio 2013 with command line

I've been attempting to automate the cloning and building of google test by using a batch script. However I can't seem to get visual studio to upgrade the solution.
I tried using the devenv "path" /upgrade command however it fails to upgrade the projects. The error I am getting for each of the projects is:
gtest_main-md.vcproj: The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information:
Which just defaults to the VS2015 C++ projects page. The solution also states that it does not need to be upgraded. If I open the solution in visual studio I can simply perform the one time upgrade on each project with no issue.
Is there a way to do this without having to open visual studio?

Visual Studio 2015 not recognizing Ionic and angularjs parameters

After 4 days searching intensely about why my Visual Studio is not recognizing the ionic html tags and AngularJS parameters, I came here to find the answer and can help others too.
Installed Visual Studio Community 2015 - Update 3
Installed Apache Cordova tools for Visual Studio
Installed Node.js 64 Bits (v6.3.1)
Installed Ionic on npm: "npm install -g cordova ionic"
Created a Ionic project on console: "ionic start myProjectName"
Converted in a Visual Studio Solution (Project from existing code).
First build downloaded rest of the things.
Opened a ionic html and:
Project structure:
P.S: I don't use Resharper, and I installed the Ionic Pack from Extensions and nothing happened.
Worked for me:
Delete the Visual Studio folder from app data
C:\Users\ (yourusername)\AppData\Roaming\Visual Studio
This will reset your Visual Studio style, configs and caches.

Mean-cli configuration issue

I am new to mean based app development .I am following the here to configure the app i have installed all the prerequisites as mentioned in the link but getting error while executing the working on windows 7
npm install -g mean-cli
I have installed and updated the Visual Studio C++ template which got the issue fixed

angularjs definitely typed visual studio 2015

I'm trying to get my first angularjs project to work within Visual Studio 2015. Worked fine until I tried to move to Typescript. Installed the DefinitelyTyped projects and get lots of error messages.
Here is how to reproduce it:
Create an empty ASP.NET 4.5.2 application
Nuget AngularJS Core 1.4.4
Nuget AngularJS.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped 4.1.1 (includes jQuery 0.0.1)
Add an empty TypeScript file
/// <reference path="typings/angularjs/angular.d.ts" />
to that file.
that's when I get 444 errors, starting with
Error TS2411 Property 'find' of type '{ (selector: string):
IAugmentedJQuery; (element: any): IAugmentedJQuery; (obj: JQuery):
IAugment...' is not assignable to string index type 'HTMLElement'.
TypeScript Virtual Projects l:\M\eigene dateien\visual studio
Any idea what I'm doing wrong or how to work around it?
I checked this package and most of the errors seem to come from the jquery.d.ts file, which just looks old. That file still uses "bool" instead of "boolean", which was a breaking change made long ago.
I fixed it by adding "jQuery.Typescript.DefinitelyTyped" to the project, which upgraded the jQuery.d.ts file to a version that parsed properly. As soon as I did that, all of the compiler errors went away.
This seems like a bug in the nuget package authoring. I'll look into opening an issue on github.
Hope that works for you.
UPDATE: I opened this issue in GitHub
I had the same issue, but the above solution didn't work out for me.
jQuery.Typescript.DefinitelyTyped was already installed as it is required by angularjs.TypeScript.DefinetlyTyped package.
I fixed it by:
uninstall angularjs package.
uninstall angularjs.TypeScript.DefinetlyTyped package.
uninstall jQuery.Typescript.DefinitelyTyped
install jQuery.Typescript.DefinitelyTyped
install angularjs.TypeScript.DefinetlyTyped package.
install angularjs package.
Thanks Michael for supplying the hint.
The issue is caused by NuGet in VS 2015, because it defaults to installing the oldest version of its dependencies which in this case installs ancient jQuery DT package for the AngularJS DT package, as explained here.
I fixed this even simpler by just doing these:
Manage NuGet packages for project
Show only installed packages
Select jquery.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped
