Trying to trigger a WheelEvent programmatically with Hammerjs - reactjs

I am using a library ( that scrolls on use of the mousewheel, and I want to use this functionality when swiping left or right.
I am using hammerjs to replicate swipeleft and swiperight behavior, and this is working.
However, creating a WheelEvent does not seem to trigger the functionality dependent on the WheelEvent.
I am using componentDidUpdate for now as my react lifecycle method because for some reason this.containerRef.current is always null in componentDidMount, but once I figure out the reason behind that, I'll probably move it.
Anyway, here's my code:
componentDidUpdate() {
if(this.containerRef.current !== null) {
this.hammer = Hammer(this.containerRef.current)
this.hammer.on('swiperight', () => alert("swipe right"));
var wheelevent = new WheelEvent("wheel", {deltaX: 500, deltaY: 500});
this.hammer.on('swiperight', () => window.dispatchEvent(wheelevent));
Now I want to point out, the alert for swipe right DOES happen, so the behavior is definitely triggering, however my WheelEvent is not being caught by the scroll library.
How should I trigger a WheelEvent programmatically?
EDIT - I made a codepen about it:

My hunch is that issue is related to Dragging being disabled and the event is canceled.
So you need to send the event down the chain a bit. I have updated the codesandbox below which works
The updated code part is below
var elem = document.getElementsByClassName("menu-wrapper")[0];
this.hammer.on("swiperight", () => elem.dispatchEvent(wheeleventRight));
this.hammer.on("swipeleft", () => elem.dispatchEvent(wheeleventLeft));
You may want to better the approach though in a more reactive fashion later. But this does show that once you sent the event in lower order elements the wheeling does work well


Rendering issue with custom map component inside tabbed form of react-admin

I am using React-admin for a project where for some resources, I use the tabbed form to better organize the fields and inputs. I created a fairly simple custom map component based on react-leaflet, which I am using in these tabbed forms.
I am facing a weird issue where when the map is on other than the first tab, its contents do not display correctly. It appears as though the map "thinks" the viewport is much smaller than it actually is. Reloading the page (or even just opening developer tools in Chrome) forces re-render of the page and causes the map to start behaving correctly.
To better demonstrate, I created this simple Codesandbox project. It has a user resource from the RA tutorial with two tabs. Both contain an instance of the map component, but while the map on the first tab works correctly right away, the one on the second tab renders incorrectly.
I confess I am still kind of a noob at these things so I may well be doing something wrong, but I've been scratching my head for quite a few hours over this and I'd like to start eliminating possible culprits.
Any insight would be most welcome.
Thanks very much in advance for your time.
This issue has been discussed a lot in SO. If you search a bit you can find the reason. What you actually need to do is two things:
use setInterval in combination with map's invalidateSize method when switching a tab and then clean it on component unmount
use useEffect to change mapZoom and view since they are immutable.
SO since you use react-leaflet version 2.7.x you need to take the map instance using a ref:
const mapRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
if (!mapRef.current) return;
const map = mapRef.current.leafletElement;
const mapZoom = zoom || defaultZoom;
let intervalInstance;
if (!center && marker) {
map.setView(marker, mapZoom);
intervalInstance = setInterval(() => map.invalidateSize(), 100);
} else if (!center) {
map.setView([0.0, 0.0], mapZoom);
return () => clearInterval(intervalInstance);
}, []);

Window events still alive even it is deleted

I've using "billboard.js": "^1.10.2", and react.js
I had searched billboard.js's documentation and found that onresize(), onresized() is attached on window and when I call
chart.destroy() then It removes every events being attached on window that being related with this library.
So I tested it without state update on onresize(), onresized() it successfully deleted all events, but when I did it with state update on onreszie(), onresized() events were still attached on window. As a result of this I think this issue happens not because of billboardjs, but reactjs.
Why is it? Any ideas?
const [isResize, setIsResize] = useState(false);
const options = {
onresize(ctx) {
// "resize" keep prints even chart.destory() is called.
onresized(ctx) {
const options = {
onresize(ctx) {
// "resize" is no longer prints when chart.destory() is called.
onresized(ctx) {
I believe you are attaching multiple event listeners. Each time the Page1 component re-renders, it attaches a new set of event listeners without cleaning up the old ones. What causes a re-render? State changes. That's why you are only seeing the issue once you add useState and setState.
You can verify this by checking the logs and noticing this not so helpful error:
Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component.
This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application.
To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect
cleanup function.
in Page1 (at App.js:13)
You'll need to modify the code related to attaching/detaching event listeners to avoid this. I'm not familiar with Billboard so I can only tell you where the problem is, not the exact spot to fix it.
My gut says its the Chart.jsx here:
renderChart = () => {
console.log('render chart');
const { current } = this.chartRef;
if (current !== null) {
this.chartInstance = bb.generate({
bindto: this.chartRef.current
Updated with full solution
I was correct in that the Chart.jsx is where the problem lies.
Listeners should be attached when the DOM is created and removed with the DOM is destroyed. You were not wrong when you first thought to use the React Lifecycles for this chore, however I find the Callback References to be more useful, especially when some of the DOM may be destroyed or created during update cycles (you do not have this problem).
Callback References can be tricky, do not use functions that get recreated each render (trust me its a headache). Callback References are called for two reasons. First, the DOM has been created and to hand you a reference to the element. Second, the DOM has been destroyed, so time to clean up. If React senses a change in the Callback Reference (i.e. you give it a new one) it will tell the first Callback Reference to clean up, and the second Callback Reference to initialize (this is the headache I mentioned). You can avoid this by using an instance method.
// Bind to 'this' otherwise 'this' is lost
setChartRef = (ref) => {
// Remove listeners
if (!ref) {
console.log('no reference');
this.chartRef.current = null;
// Add listeners
else {
console.log('new reference');
this.chartRef.current = ref;
Next piece of the puzzle, you only want to call bb.generate one time. This was causing multiple listeners to be created. So I've simplified and renamed your renderChart to createChart
createChart = () => {
this.chartInstance = bb.generate({
bindto: this.chartRef.current
Finally, none of the lifecycle methods are necessary because Callback Reference tell us exactly when to create the chart and when to destroy it. You may be wondering what about resizing the chart? Seems like that is taken care of automatically? I could be missing something here, but in the event you need to update the chart, use this.chartInstance in an update lifecycle method.
My full modifications here:
onresize is actually a DOM event, it's not part of billboard or React.
You'll need to cancel your function somehow, like making it run conditionally or defining it in a component that will be unmounted.

How to create my own onChangeComplete function for input type color on React

With react-color .
I can use ready-made onChangeComplete function from react-color.
But I wonder how can I create that onChangeComplete by using input type color tag.
I tried onBlur but the color won't change until user clicks or presses tab
On the other hand, using onChange keep firing updates.
Because currently I'm using redux state, so dispatching update continuously when I drag and choose color isn't a good way.
Any ideas how to create onChangeComplete?
It depends on how you'd like to define a change. To prevent continuous updates every time the mouse moves, you'll probably want to update Redux state only when the mouse stops moving. (This seems to be the behaviour on the page you linked to).
You could use the following JavaScript to detect when the mouse stops moving:
let timer;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) {
console.log('Mouse moving');
timer = setTimeout(() => console.log('Mouse stopped'), 300);
Then, try putting the above code inside your ComponentDidMount() method and replace console.log('Mouse stopped') with whatever Redux action you want to dispatch!
300 is the number of milliseconds without movement that will trigger the action, which could be changed depending on how sensitive you want your app to feel.
Lastly, remember to remove the event listener in your ComponentWillUnmount() method.
Here is the code that how react-color implemented onChangeComplete.
It is hard coded using debounce.
I put the link there for anyone interested in using that solution

Force React to rerender quickly on some visually important state changes

I need to propagate state changes to user screen as quickly as possible for some important UI elements, defer other element renderring a bit.
I know about setState's callback, it doesn't help me here.
I think fiber priorities could help me, but I don't know how to use them.
I have a button that must be disabled immediately after click.
I also have many other slow components that change on that button click.
React batches rendering of the disabled button and other slow components together so the button does not get disabled immediately.
Current workaround is to delay other state changes, to make React immediately disable the button, and only then start to modify other components:
this.setState({ enabled: false }, () => {
this.debounce = setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
Is there some explicit way to tell React to be fast to render in some important state changes, without batching them?
(The problem is not only with buttons, but with immediate closing of the modal dialogs as well)
You can use callback function of the setstate, something like this, which will ensures the rendering of the first change. so, your button will get the disabled first and then you can update your state with different operations. using timeout will not be accurate as there is fixed timing which will cause the inaccurate results.
Here is what I did:
this.setState({ enabled1: false },function(){
this.setState(prevState => ({ data: + 1 }));

Binding to event handler that calls setState in ComponentDidMount produces warning

I'm using jQuery to create event bindings in a ReactJS component's componentDidMount function, which seems like the right place to do this.
$('body').on('defaultSearchContext.registerQueryEditor', (function(_this) {
return function(event, component) {
queryEditors: _this.state.queryEditors.concat([component])
This code isn't actually run on componentDidMount, it's simply setting up the binding that later calls setState when the event fires. However, this generates the following warning every time this event triggers, which pollutes my console with dozens of warnings:
Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within render). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state.
I have tried moving the setState code to a separate function like onEvent and calling that from the binding in componentDidMount but the warning is still produced.
Ideally, I'd like to create the binding in the proper place, indeed, there is some issue with doing it in componentDidMount. If not, I'd like to know if it's possible to silence the warning, or whether I should perhaps file a bug for ReactJS itself. If it helps, I'm using ReactJS 0.14.3 (latest at this time).
This is similar to, but not the same as React Js onClick inside render. In that case, the solution is to return an anonymous function to onClick, but that doesn't seem applicable to my situation.
You are trying to coordinate events between independent components. This is a fairly standard thing to do, and it doesn't require DOM events. The standard practice for doing this in React is to use a store/dispatcher pattern like Redux or Flux (I personally prefer redux). However, if this is part of a larger, not-completely-React application, then this may not be possible. If it is just for a small piece of an React app, it may still be overkill.
All you need is an object to coordinate events. An event is just a collection of callbacks, possibly typed or keyed. This requires nothing more than an object shared between two places. DOM Events are overkill; jQuery is overkill. You just need to trigger a callback.
This is a VERY SIMPLE event coordinator.
let simpleEventCoordinator = {
callbacks: new Map(),
getHandler(eventKey) {
let handler = this.callbacks.get(eventKey);
if (!handler) {
handler = new Set();
this.callbacks.set(eventKey, handler);
return handler;
registerCallback(eventKey, callback) {
removeCallback(eventKey, callback) {
trigger(eventKey, data) {
this.getHandler(eventKey).forEach(c => c(data));
Keep a map of callbacks, which will be nameOfEvent => callback(). Call them when asked. Pretty straightforward.
I know nothing about how your components are structured, but you said they are independent. Let's say they look like this:
<QueryManager />
<button onClick={() => simpleEvent.trigger('event')}>{'Update'}</button>
), document.body);
This is all your component needs to handle this event
componentDidMount() {
simpleEvent.registerCallback('event', this.update);
componentWillUnmount() {
simpleEvent.removeCallback('event', this.update);
update() {
//do some stuff
I've put together a very simple codepen demonstrating this.
Looking at the source code of where that warning is coming from, it appears that if some reference is maintained before an update is about to happen, it throws that warning. So maybe the way your mixing the jQuery events and react is creating a memory leak? Its hard to say exactly because of the lack of surrounding code to your snippet what else could be going on.
