User Defined Function with a sub query - sql-server

Create a user defined function named XXRepeatCustomer (where the XX are your initials). The function is to have one input parameter. Use the INT datatype for the input parameter. When the function is executed it is to return a three column table (CustFirstName, CustLastName, and Phone) for customers that placed a number of orders greater than or equal to the number passed in via the input parameter.
In order to receive a total number of orders placed I have joined together the Customer, and CustOrder tables. The problem only wants me to show the first, last, and phone of each customer but not the total of orders. I'm struggling with assigning the #orders parameter, and counting the total amount of orders in the sub query.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.JERepeatCustomer
(#orders INT)
RETURN (SELECT CustFirstName, CustLastName, Phone
FROM Customer C JOIN CustOrder CO
ON C.CustomerID = CO.CustomerID
WHERE #orders <= OrderID AND OrderID = (SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT OrderID) FROM CustOrder)
GROUP BY CustFirstName, CustLastName, Phone)
I expect the user to enter a 7, or any number, and the results show only the customers who have ordered 7, or more.

The keyword you need is HAVING. HAVING is similar to WHERE. WHERE will filter returned rows based on a specific value in that column, while HAVING will filter rows based on an aggregated value in the column.
For example, you have a customer table, and in your orders table, you have all the orders for each customer.
DECLARE #input INT = 7
SELECT ct.customer,, COUNT(ot.orderID)
FROM customertable ct
INNER JOIN ordertable ot
ON ct.customerID = ot.customerID
GROUP BY ct.customer,
HAVING COUNT(ot.OrderID) >= #input

SELECT CustFirstName, CustLastName, Phone
FROM Customer C
FROM CustOrder CO
WHERE C.CustomerID = CO.CustomerID) CustomerOrders
Where CustomerOrders.Orders >= #orders


How can I access a specific field in a named subquery when the field name might not be unique?

I am trying to create a routine that can accept an SQL query as a string and the [table].[primaryKey] of the primary record in the returned dataset, then wrap that original query to implement pagination (return records 40-49 when requesting page 4 and 10 records per page).
The dataset returned by the original queries will frequently contain multiple instances of the primary record, one for each occurrence of supporting records. For the example provided, if a customer has three phone numbers on record the results for that customer in the original query would look like:
{5; John Smith; 205 W. Fort St; 17; Home; 123-123-4587}
{5; John Smith; 205 W. Fort St; 18; Work; 123-123-8547}
{5; John Smith; 205 W. Fort St; 19; Mobile; 123-123-1147}
I'm almost there, I think, with the following query:
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 4;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT [Customer].[Id],
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
SELECT [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber], [OriginalQuery].* FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT [OriginalQuery].[{Customer.Id}] [PrimaryKey]
FROM [OriginalQuery]
) [RuwNumberQuery]
) [WrappedQuery]
INNER JOIN [OriginalQuery] ON [WrappedQuery].[PrimaryKey] = [OriginalQuery].[{Customer.Id}]
WHERE [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] >= #PageNumber
AND [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] < #PageNumber + #RecordsPerPage
This solution performs a SELECT DISTINCT on the primary key for the Primary (Customer) record and uses the SQL routine Row_Number() then joins the result with the results of the original query such that each unique primary (customer) record is numbered 1 - {end of file}, and I can pull only the RowNumber counts that I want.
But because OriginalQuery may have multiple fields named Id (from different tables), I can't figure out how to properly access [Customer].[Id] in my SELECT DISTINCT clause of [RowNumberQuery] or in the INNER JOIN.
Is there a better way to implement pagination at the SQL level, or a more direct method of accessing the field I need from within the subquery based on the table to which it belongs?
I've caused confusion in the pagination I am looking for. I am using Dapper in C# to compile the resulting dataset into individual complex objects, so the goal in the example would be to retrieve customers 31-40 in the list regardless of how many individual records exist for each customer. If Customer 31 had five phone records, Customer 32 had three phone records, Customer 33 had 1 phone record, and the remaining seven customers had two phone records each, I would expect the resulting dataset to contain 23 records total, but only 10 distinct customers.
Thank you for all of the assistance, and I apologize for those areas I should have clarified sooner. I am creating a toolset that will allow C# Data Access Libraries to implement a set of standard parameters. If I have an option to implement the pagination in an internal function that can accept the SQL statement, I can defer to the toolset and not have to remember (or count on others to remember) to add the appropriate text each time. I'll set it up to return the finished objects, but if I were going to just modify the original query string it would look like:
public static string AddPagination(string sql, string primaryKey, Parameter requestParameters)
return $"WITH OriginalQuery AS ({sql.Replace("SELECT ", $"SELECT DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY {primaryKey}) AS PrimaryRecordCount, ",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)}) " +
$"SELECT TOP ({requestParameters.MaxRecords}) * " +
$"FROM OriginalQuery " +
$"WHERE PrimaryRecordCount >= 1 + (({requestParameters.PageNumber - 1}) * {requestParameters.RecordsPerPage})" +
$" AND PrimaryRecordCount <= {requestParameters.Page} * {requestParameters.Limit}";
Just give your columns a different alias in your original query, e.g. [Customer].[Id] AS CustomerId, [Phone].[Id] AS PhoneId..., then you can reference OriginalQuery.CustomerId, or OriginalQuery.PhoneId
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 4;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT [Customer].[Id] AS CustomerId,
[Phone].[Id] AS PhoneId,
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
SELECT [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber], [OriginalQuery].* FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT [OriginalQuery].[{Customer.Id}] [PrimaryKey]
FROM [OriginalQuery]
) [RuwNumberQuery]
) [WrappedQuery]
INNER JOIN [OriginalQuery] ON [WrappedQuery].[PrimaryKey] = [OriginalQuery].[CustomerId]
WHERE [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] >= #PageNumber
AND [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] < #PageNumber + #RecordsPerPage
It's worth noting that your paging logic is wrong too. Currently you are adding page number to the number of pages so you are searching for:
Page 1: Customers 1 - 10
Page 2: Customers 2 - 11
Page 3: Customers 3 - 12
Your logic should be:
WHERE [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] >= 1 + ((#PageNumber - 1) * #RecordsPerPage)
AND [WrappedQuery].[RowNumber] <= (#PageNumber * #RecordsPerPage)
Page 1: Customers 1 - 10
Page 2: Customers 11 - 20
Page 3: Customers 21 - 30
With that being said, you could just use DENSE_RANK() Rather than ROW_NUMBER which would simplify everything. I think this would give you the same result:
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 4;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT c.Id AS CustomerId,
p.Id AS PhoneId,
FROM Customer AS c INNER JOIN Phone AS p ON c.Id = p.CustomerId
SELECT oq.CustomerId, oq.Name, oq.Address, oq.PhoneId, oq.Type, oq.Number
FROM OriginalQuery AS oq
WHERE oq.RowNumber >= 1 +((#PageNumber - 1) * #RecordsPerPage)
AND oq.RowNumber <= (#PageNumber * #RecordsPerPage);
I've added table aliases to try and make the code a bit cleaner, and also removed all the unnecessary square brackets. This is not necessary, but I personally find them quite hard on the eye, and only use them to escape key words.
Another difference is that in adding ORDER BY c.CustomerId you ensure consistent results for your paging. Using ORDER BY (SELECT NULL) implies that you don't care about the order, but you should if you using it for paging.
There are many concerns with what you are trying to do and you might be better off explaining why you are trying to make this process.
SQL query as a string
You are receiving a SQL query as a string, how are you parsing that string into the OriginalQuery CTE? This has both concerns about sql injection and concerns about global temp tables if you are using those.
Secondly, your example isn't doing pagination as it is commonly understood. If someone were to request page 1, 10 records per page, the calling application would expect to receive the first 10 records of the result set but your example will returns all records for the first 10 customers. Meaning the result could be 40+ if they each had 4 phone numbers as in your example data.
You should take a look at OFFSET and FETCH NEXT, as well as why this requirement to parse an arbitrary SQL string. There is probably a better way to do that.
Here is a rough example using OFFSET and FETCH NEXT from a static query, and returning only #RecordsPerPage number of records.
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 1;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
SELECT [Customer].[Id],
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
ORDER BY [Customer].[Id]
OFFSET (#PageNumber-1)*#RecordsPerPage rows
If you wanted to return all records for the the RecordsPerPage number of entries which have a corresponding phone number, then it would be something like...
DECLARE #PageNumber int = 1;
DECLARE #RecordsPerPage int = 10;
SELECT [Customer].[Id],
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
WHERE Customer.ID IN (
SELECT DISTINCT Customer.ID FROM Customer INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
ORDER BY [Customer].[Id]
OFFSET (#PageNumber-1)*#RecordsPerPage rows
This does leave a question, what is the point of this query when the calling application can just use their own OFFSET and FETCH NEXT? They already have the SQL to generate the initial dataset, all they need to do is add OFFSET / FETCH NEXT to the end of it and they have their own pagination without trying to wrap it in a procedure of some sort.
To create a comparison, would you create a stored procedure that accepts a SQL string and then filters specific fields by specific values? Or would the people calling that stored procedure just add a Where clause to their own queries instead?
You can use alias name for the cuplicated column.
For example:
WITH OriginalQuery AS (
SELECT [Customer].[Id] as CustomerID,
[Phone].[Id] as PhoneID,
FROM [Customer] INNER JOIN [Phone] ON [Customer].[Id] = [Phone].[CustomerId]
now you can use the 2 ids whit the alias name for the next query.

Invalid left join on SQL Server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Reason for Column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause [duplicate]
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I´m trying to excecute a simple left join on SQL Server but it keeps getting me the same message.
Select * from customers left join orders on = orders.customer_id group by order by amount;
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 39 Column 'customers.first_name' is
invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an
aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
I´m not sure what else to do.
If it helps, here there are my tables:
CREATE TABLE customers(id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(100), last_name VARCHAR(100), email VARCHAR(100));
CREATE TABLE orders(id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, order_date DATE, amount DECIMAL(8,2), customer_id INT, FOREIGN KEY(customer_id) REFERENCES customers(id));
Once you create an aggregate using GROUP BY, you can only SELECT what you have grouped by and the aggregate functions (e.g., MAX, MIN, SUM, COUNT, etc.). For your query:
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders on = orders.customer_id
ORDER BY amount;
Since you GROUP BY, the only things that can appear in your SELECT list is and aggregate functions. You are getting the error because the * means all columns, but you are only allowed to use and the aggregate function. For example, this would work:
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders on = orders.customer_id
ORDER BY amount;
As far as what you want to see, I cannot tell from this query. If you wanted to see the smallest order for each customer id, you could do that with:
SELECT, MIN(orders.amount) AS [SmallestOrder]
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders on = orders.customer_id
ORDER BY amount;
So the cause of the error is hopefully clear now, but what data you want to find isn't.

TSQL - De-duplication report - grouping

So I'm trying to create a report that ranks a duplicate record, the idea behind this is that the customer wants to merge a whole lot of duplicate records that came about from a migration.
I need the ranking so that my report can show which record should be the "main" record, i.e. the record that will have missing data pulled into it.
The duplicate definition is pretty simple:
If the email addresses are the same then it is always a duplicate, if
the emails do not match, then the first name, surname, and mobile must
The ranking will be based on a whole bunch of columns in the table, so:
email address isn't NULL = 50
phone number isn't NULL = 20
etc.. whichever gets the highest number in the duplicate group becomes the main record. This is where I am having issues, I can't seem to find a way to get an incremental number for each duplicate set. This is some of the code I have so far:
( I took out some of the rank columns in the temp table and CTE expression to shorten it )
DECLARE #tmp_Duplicates TABLE (
tmp_personID INT
, tmp_Firstname NVARCHAR(100)
, tmp_Surname NVARCHAR(100)
, tmp_HomeEmail NVARCHAR(300)
, tmp_MobileNumber NVARCHAR(100)
--- Ratings
, tmp_HomeEmail_Rating INT
--- Groupings
, tmp_GroupNumber INT
;WITH cteDupes AS
p.personID, p.PersonFirstName, p.PersonSurname, p.PersonHomeEMail
, personMobileTelephone
FROM tblCandidate c INNER JOIN tblPerson p ON c.candidateID = p.personID
INSERT INTO #tmp_Duplicates
SELECT PersonID, PersonFirstName, PersonSurname, PersonHomeEMail, personMobileTelephone
, 10, RND
FROM cteDupes
ORDER BY personID, PersonFirstName, PersonSurname
SELECT * FROM #tmp_Duplicates
This gives me the results I want, but the group number isn't showing how I need it:
What I need is for each group to be an incremental value:

SELECT from multiple queries

I have this tables:
diving_number int primary key
diving_club int
date_of_diving date)
number int primary key not null check (number>0),
name char(30),
country char(30))
diver_number int
club_number int
end_working_date date)
name char(30) not null primary key)
I need to write a query to return a name of a country and the number of "Super club" in it.
a Super club is a club which have more than 25 working divers (tblWorks_for.end_working_date is null) or had more than 100 diving's in it(tblDiving) in the last year.
after I get the country and number of super club, I need to show only the country's that contains more than 2 super club.
I wrote this 2 queries:
select,count(distinct tblWorks_for.diver_number) as number_of_guids
from tblWorks_for
inner join tblDivingClub on tblDivingClub.number = tblWorks_for.club_number,tblDiving
where tblWorks_for.end_working_date is null
group by
select, count(distinct tblDiving.diving_number) as number_of_divings
from tblDivingClub
inner join tblDiving on tblDivingClub.number = tblDiving.diving_club
WHERE tblDiving.date_of_diving <= DATEADD(year,-1, GETDATE())
group by
But I don't know how do I continue.
Every query works separately, but how do I combine them and select from them?
It's university assignment and I'm not allowed to use views or temporary tables.
It's my first program so I'm not really sure what I'm doing:)
select,count(distinct tblWorks_for.diver_number) as diving_number
from tblWorks_for
inner join tblDivingClub on tblDivingClub.number = tblWorks_for.club_number,tblDiving
where tblWorks_for.end_working_date is null
group by
select, count(distinct tblDiving.diving_number) as diving_number
from tblDivingClub
inner join tblDiving on tblDivingClub.number = tblDiving.diving_club
WHERE tblDiving.date_of_diving <= DATEADD(year,-1, GETDATE())
group by
You can combine the queries using a UNION ALL as long as there are the same number of columns in each query. You can then roll them into a Common Table Expression (CTE) and do a select from that.

Check for applicable Group query for shopping cart

I have problem for one of discount check condition. I have tables structure as below:
Cart table (id, customerid, productid)
Group table (groupid, groupname, discountamount)
Group Products table (groupproductid, groupid, productid)
While placing an order, there will be multiple items in cart, I want to check those items with top most group if that group consists of all product shopping cart have?
If group 1 consists 2 products and those two products exists in cart table then group 1 discount should be returned.
please help
It's tricky, without having real table definitions nor sample data. So I've made some up:
create table Carts(
id int,
customerid int,
productid int
create table Groups(
groupid int,
groupname int,
discountamount int
create table GroupProducts(
groupproductid int,
groupid int,
productid int
insert into Carts (id,customerid,productid) values
insert into Groups (groupid,groupname,discountamount) values
insert into GroupProducts (groupproductid,groupid,productid) values
;With MatchedProducts as (
c.customerid,gp.groupid,COUNT(*) as Cnt
Carts c
inner join
GroupProducts gp
c.productid = gp.productid
group by
), GroupSizes as (
select groupid,COUNT(*) as Cnt from GroupProducts group by groupid
), MatchingGroups as (
MatchedProducts mp
inner join
GroupSizes gs
mp.groupid = gs.groupid and
mp.Cnt = gs.Cnt
select * from MatchingGroups
Which produces this result:
customerid groupid Cnt
----------- ----------- -----------
1 2 2
2 3 2
What we're doing here is called "relational division" - if you want to search elsewhere for that term. In my current results, each customer only matches one group - if there are multiple matches, we need some tie-breaking conditions to determine which group to report. I prompted with two suggestions in comments (lowest groupid or highest discountamount). Your response of "added earlier" doesn't help - we don't have a column which contains the addition dates of groups. Rows have no inherent ordering in SQL.
We would do the tie-breaking in the definition of MatchingGroups and the final select:
MatchingGroups as (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY mp.customerid ORDER BY /*Tie break criteria here */) as rn
MatchedProducts mp
inner join
GroupSizes gs
mp.groupid = gs.groupid and
mp.Cnt = gs.Cnt
select * from MatchingGroups where rn = 1
