Wordpress site protection with unique password for every user - database

How can we develop a voting website based on Wordpress where the landing page is login and password protected and logins and passwords are based on a preloaded database of users. The idea is to create a page for employees where they can enter after they provide the individual credentials. It cannot be based on a system where they register - their data should already be in a database.

I am assuming that you do not want different user roles for different users. If that is the case then you will need to create a function in your theme's functions.php file that will check if user is logged in using is_user_logged_in() and if not, redirect them to login page. In order to work around the problem of every user registering on site by themselves, you can create another piece of code that will iterate user details from a csv file, register them and set each user's password.
The reason for this suggestion/approach:
All the users are registered in your WP Users list so your passwords are not easily stolen.
You can assign custom user roles and capabilities later down the line if you wish.
You can do single or bulk addition of user down the line without redoing the same amount of efforts every time you need to add users.
You do not risk breaking the database structure in WP which is decently optimized.
Now do understand that you will need to leverage object caching and work using pre_get_posts to manage the large size of site.
Good Luck!!


Best way to implement one-time feature after signup?

Note: This is likely a duplicate question but I couldn't search for a solution/suggestion for my use case, so if anyone can re-direct me, that would be appreciated.
Problem: I have a NextJS application that runs on Prisma ORM and MySQL database. I am using NextAuth for OAuth authentication for sign up and log in.
So far the application works just fine but I want to check whether a user is logging in for the first time and redirect them to a set up page whether they would input personal details in order to populate a table on the database, so that the app can form a dynamic page based on their newly added information.
On the database, there are the user table (populated by NextAuth immediately at login) and the profile table.
Under NextAuth, the user table is populated automatically with the account's user name and email etc. However, that is not a unique entry and NextJS getStaticPath requires a unique entry to generate a dynamic page. That's why I have created the profile table to allow users to add their custom username where the dynamic URL will be generated (e.g. localhost:3000/u/[slug])
Here's my question - I want to check that the user is first time logging in and send a form for them to fill out the necessary information to input data onto the profile table, otherwise they would go straight to their profile homepage. What is the best way to check that and to redirect them to that form page?
Do I do it at server side with getServerSideProps by checking that the id from user table is missing from the profile table and do a redirect? Or is there some method that's customarily used to implement this "initial set-up" procedure?

To stop the user from opening multiple tabs of same website in react JS

I am using localstorage for a user details for my website but when there are multiple tabs opens with different user then it mismatch the details of users. So I want to restrict the user by allowing only one instance of the website at a time.
I would suggest going about this in a different way. Store your user details in localstorage behind a unique identifier derived from the logged in user. Perhaps the (hash of) the id, or if unique the username. That way you can always retrieve the relevant credentials of the logged in user.

Social account and normal account db model

In my application, a user can signup by completing a form or by using a provider (facebook, google, etc.). The main difference is that the user signing up by form will have a password, while the one using a social account will not.
I am not sure how to deal with the user model in the db. Should there be 2 separate tables, for each type of signup?
There is also the case of linking a normal account to a social account.
No a single table will suffice.
When the user signs up with the form, You save his info with the password he registered, And when he signs with the provider, You only save what the user allows you to save (email,profile picture, etc..).
And regarding the linking problem you can just make an option to merge accounts like here in stackoverflow.

What's the best way to save user data that's login from plugin(facebook or google)?

I have my own login form for my website. In addition I have also added google and facebook login.
My question is should I add those user data that's login from (fb or google) into my own userdata table or create a different one each for google and facebook.
1) If I add to my existing one, the password column would be left blank(as fb do not provide one) and anyone who knows the email will be able to access it easily.
2) And if I make different table then I think it will become little complicated or slower when trying to access a user data from across the different table.
What's the best choice of doing it or any other method that's better than this?
Make sure users have to enter a password when they login with Facebook/Google, or make sure regular users do not use a blank password - users without a password can only login with the Facebook/Google API.
DonĀ“t create a separate table, it will only get more complicated. Extend the existing one with IDs (from Facebook and Google).

cakephp auth session regeneration

We are using Cakephp framework version 2.0.6
The site is "supposed" to allow an anonymous user to "add to cart."
We are using the session id (using cake's native session class) to store the anonymous user's information in a db table.
When the user goes to checkout, then we want to ask "are you a current member? If so, click yes to login or no to create an account."
Regardless of what they choose, the user either then has to login, or create a new user/pass (and then login) which is causing cakephp to regenerate a session ID. This is making it impossible in the new session to grab what that user added to the cart when they were anonymous just 5 minutes prior. In other words, the anonymous user's session id changes between when they are anonymous and after they login/create-user, making it impossible to identify their cart post-login.
Is there a way to prevent cakephp from regenerating a session in this scenario, or a better way to accomplish what we are trying to do while still keeping our order flow (ie: anonymous being allow to add to cart, before login/create)?
It is this reason that shopping carts are more often than not stored in Cookies. That way you can easily retrieve the saved information post-authentication.
If you insist on using Sessions to store this data, consider setting your Security.level setting to 'low'. That should prevent CakePHP from regenerating the session ID.
