Why is setState being reset? - reactjs

I'm working on a community site where users can share and comment on websites (here it is)[https://beta.getkelvin.com/]. Websites can be filtered by category, but when a user goes into a specific page then backs out, the filter is removed.
Here's the process in steps:
User selects filter from drop down list, and this.state.topicSelected reflects the new value
User clicks a link to see a show page of an instance (a summary of a website), this.state.topicSelected reflects the correct value
User goes back to main page, and this.state.topicSelected is reverted back to 0
Instead of reverting back to 0, I want the value to still apply so the filter remains on the same category that the user selected before.
The problem seems to be that getInitialState is resetting the value of this.state.topicSelected back to 0 (as it's written in the code). When I try to put a dynamic value in 0's place, I get an undefined error.
Here's the getInitialState code:
var SitesArea = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
sortSelected: "most-recent",
topicSelected: 0 // need to overwrite with value of this.state.topicSelected when user selects filter
// I removed other attributes to clean it up for your sake
On here's the event:
onTopicClick: function (e) {
this.setState({topicSelected: Number(e.target.value)});
if (Number(e.target.value) == 0) {
if (this.state.sortSelected == 'highest-score') {
this.setState({sites: []}, function () {
this.setState({sites: this.state.score});
} else if (this.state.sortSelected == 'most-remarked') {
this.setState({sites: []}, function () {
this.setState({sites: this.state.remarkable});
} else if (this.state.sortSelected == 'most-visited') {
this.setState({sites: []}, function () {
this.setState({sites: this.state.visited});
} else if (this.state.sortSelected == 'most-recent') {
this.setState({sites: []}, function () {
this.setState({sites: this.state.recent});
} else {
this.getSites(this.state.sortSelected, Number(e.target.value));
this.setState({sites: []}, function () {
this.setState({sites: this.state.filter_sites});
And lastly, the dropdown menu:
// Add this option in the .then() when populating siteCategories()
[<option key='0'value='0'>Topics</option>].concat(
this.state.topics.map(function (topic) {
return (<option
How do I get it so that this.state.topicSelected doesn't get reset when a user goes back to the main page?

I think your main page is getting unmounted (destroyed) when the user navigates from the main page to the summary page. React creates a brand new instance of the main page component when they return. That reconstruction initializes the selected topic back to 0.
Here is a codepen that shows what might be happening. Foo == your main page, Bar == summary page. Click Increment topic a couple times, then navigate from Foo to Bar and back again. Console logs show that the Foo component gets unmounted when you navigate away, and reconstructed on return.
Note You seem to be using an older version of react, as evidenced by the presence of getInitialState and React.createClass. My pen follows the more modern approach of initializing state in the class constructor.
To solve the problem, you have to save that state outside the main component in something that isn't getting deleted and re-created as they navigate. Here are some choices for doing that
Expose an onTopicSelected event from your main page. The parent of the main page would pass in a function handler as a prop to hook that event. The handler should save the selected topic in the component state of the parent. This is kind of messy solution because the parent usually should not know or care about the internal state of its children
Stuff the selected topic into something that isn't react, like window.props. This is an ugly idea as well.
Learn about redux and plug it into your app.
Redux is the cleanest way to store this state, but it would require a bit of learning. I have implemented the first solution in this codepen if you want to see what it would look like.
The original codepen showing the problem is pasted below as a snippet. Switch to Full page mode if you try to run it here.
//jshint esnext:true
const Header = (props) => {
const {selectedPage, onNavigationChange} = props;
const disableFoo = selectedPage == 'foo'
const disableBar = selectedPage == 'bar';
return (
<h1>Header Component : {selectedPage}</h1>
<button disabled={disableFoo} onClick={() => onNavigationChange('foo')}>Foo page</button>
<button disabled={disableBar} onClick={() => onNavigationChange('bar')}>Bar page</button>
class Foo extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
console.log('Foo constructor');
this.state = {
topicSelected: 0
this.incrementTopic = this.incrementTopic.bind(this);
incrementTopic() {
const {topicSelected} = this.state
const newTopic = topicSelected + 1
console.log(`incrementing topic: old=${topicSelected} new=${newTopic}`)
topicSelected: newTopic
render() {
return (<div>
<h2>The Foo content page : topicSelected={this.state.topicSelected}</h2>
<button onClick={this.incrementTopic}>Increment topic</button>
componentWillMount() {
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
componentWillUpdate() {
componentDidUpdate() {
const Bar = (props) => {
return <h2>The Bar content page</h2>
const Body = (props) => {
const {selectedPage} = props;
if (selectedPage == 'foo') {
return <Foo/>;
} else if (selectedPage == 'bar') {
return <Bar/>
class Application extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedPage: 'foo'
render() {
const {selectedPage} = this.state;
const navigationChange = (nextPage) => {
selectedPage: nextPage
return (
<Header selectedPage={selectedPage} onNavigationChange={navigationChange}/>
<Body selectedPage={selectedPage}/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<div id="main"></div>


Changing state in React JS is not re-rendering parent

My react app is a multi-page form. It goes to next page after clicking 'Next'. Currently I have some text that should have a css class when current page is page 1, and when user goes to next page, the css class should be removed for that text (the text is still displayed for all pages).
My actual code is much larger so I'm only posting all the important parts(I think) that are required for this questions.
import ChildComponent from '....';
class Parent extends React.Component {
state = {
page: 1, //default start page
currentPageis1: true,
currentPageis2: false,
currentPageis3: false,
change = () => {
const = {page, currentPageis1} = this.state;
page: page + 1 //to go to next page
currentPageis1: !currentPageis1
showPage = () =>{
const {page, currentPageis1} = this.state;
if(page === 1)
return (<ChildComponent
return (
<p className={this.currentPageis1 ? '': 'some-css-class'}>Some Text</p>
class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
someFunction = e =>{
return (
<Button onClick={this.someFunction}>Next</Button>
Currently, when I click Next button, the currentPageis1 updates to false. I checked it using Firefox React extension. But it does not re-render the page. Which means "Some Text" still has the CSS class.
My guess is className={this.currentPageis1 ? '': 'css-class'} in Parent class is only being run once (when the page is first loaded). Do I have to use lifecycle method? How do I make react re-render everytime currentPageis1 is changed?
You are doing <p className={this.currentPageis1 ? '': 'some-css-class'}>Some Text</p>. In order to apply styles to only page 1, you should revert the values in your condition. When currentPageis1 is false '' value is picked up.
Also this.currentPageis1 is wrong. You should use state i.e. this.state.currentPageis1
Working demo
Like this
<p className={this.state.currentPageis1 ? "some-css-class" : ""}>
Some Text
To get your style to render, you'll need to add the props keyword.
Return Child component inside of Parent and pass the change method as
a prop
Also, updated your setState so you only call it once instead of twice
in the change method
class Parent extends React.Component {
state = {
page: 1, //default start page
currentPageis1: true,
currentPageis2: false,
currentPageis3: false,
change = () => {
const = {page, currentPageis1} = this.state;
page: page + 1,
currentPageis1: !currentPageis1
return (
<p className={this.props.currentPageis1 ? '': 'some-css-class'}>Some Text</p>
<Child change={this.change} />

How to change a component's state correctly from another component as a login method executes?

I have two components - a sign in form component that holds the form and handles login logic, and a progress bar similar to the one on top here in SO. I want to be able to show my progress bar fill up as the login logic executes if that makes sense, so as something is happening show the user an indication of loading. I've got the styling sorted I just need to understand how to correctly trigger the functions.
I'm new to React so my first thought was to define handleFillerStateMax() and handleFillerStateMin() within my ProgressBarComponent to perform the state changes. As the state changes it basically changes the width of the progress bar, it all works fine. But how do I call the functions from ProgressBarComponent as my Login component onSubmit logic executes? I've commented my ideas but they obviously don't work..
class ProgressBarComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
percentage: 0
// the functions to change state
handleFillerStateMax = () => {
this.setState ({percentage: 100})
handleFillerStateMin = () => {
this.setState ({percentage: 0})
render () {
return (
<ProgressBar percentage={this.state.percentage}/>
Login component:
class SignInFormBase extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {...INITIAL_STATE};
onSubmit = event => {
const {email, password} = this.state;
// ProgressBarComponent.handleFillerMax()????
.then(()=> {
.catch(error => {
Rephrase what you're doing. Not "setting the progress bar's progress" but "modifying the applications state such that the progress bar will re-render with new data".
Keep the current progress in the state of the parent of SignInFormBase and ProgressBarComponent, and pass it to ProgressBarComponent as a prop so it just renders what it is told. Unless there is some internal logic omitted from ProgressBar that handles its own progress update; is there?
Pass in a callback to SignInFormBase that it can call when it has new information to report: that is, replace ProgressBarComponent.handleFillerMax() with this.props.reportProgress(100) or some such thing. The callback should setState({progress: value}).
Now, when the SignInFormBase calls the reportProgress callback, it sets the state in the parent components. This state is passed in to ProgressBarComponent as a prop, so the fact that it changed will cause he progress bar to re-render.
Requested example for #2, something like the following untested code:
class App extends Component {
handleProgressUpdate(progress) {
this.setState({progress: progress});
render() {
return (
<ProgressBar progress={this.state.progress} />
<LoginForm onProgressUpudate={(progress) => this.handleProgressUpdate(progress)} />
The simply call this.props.onProgressUpdate(value) from LoginForm whenever it has new information that should change the value.
In basic terms, this is the sort of structure to go for (using useState for brevity but it could of course be a class-based stateful component if you prefer):
const App = ()=> {
const [isLoggingIn, setIsLoggingIn] = useState(false)
const handleOnLoginStart = () => {
const handleOnLoginSuccess = () => {
<ProgressBar percentage={isLoggingIn?0:100}/>
<LoginForm onLoginStart={handleOnLogin} onLoginSuccess={handleOnLoginSuccess}/>
In your LoginForm you would have:
onSubmit = event => {
const {email, password} = this.state;
this.props.onLoginStart() // <-- call the callback
.then(()=> {
this.props.onLoginSuccess() // <-- call the callback
.catch(error => {

React Redux - how to load details if the array is not yet obtained?

I have an app with redux and router where on the first load, all users are loaded. To this end, I've implemented a main component that loads the user when the component is mounted:
class Content extends Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return this.props.children;
The afterwards, if the user chooses to load the details of one user, the details are also obtained through the same lifehook:
class Details extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const { user: userObject } = this.props;
const { user } = userObject;
if (user) {
return (
<Link to="/">Go back</Link>
return (
<Link to="/">Go back</Link>
Now this works well if the user lands on the main page. However, if you get directly to the link (i.e. https://43r1592l0.codesandbox.io/gal-gadot) it doesn't because the users aren't loaded yet.
I made a simple example to demonstrate my issues. https://codesandbox.io/s/43r1592l0 if you click a link, it works. If you get directly to the link (https://43r1592l0.codesandbox.io/gal-gadot) it doesn't.
How would I solve this issue?
Summary of our chat on reactiflux:
To answer your question: how would you solve this? -> High Order Components
your question comes down to "re-using the fetching all users before loading a component" part.
Let's say you want to show a Component after your users are loaded, otherwise you show the loading div: (Simple version)
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
const withUser = connect(
state => ({
users: state.users // <-- change this to get the users from the state
dispatch => ({
loadUsers: () => dispatch({type: 'LOAD_USERS'}) // <-- change this to the proper dispatch
now you can re-use withUsers for both your components, which will look like:
class Content extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
if (! this.props.users || ! this.props.users.length) {
// ... etc
const ContentWithUsers = withUsers(Content) // <-- you will use that class
class Details extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
if (! this.props.users || ! this.props.users.length) {
const DetailsWithUsers = withUsers(Details) // <-- same thing applies
we now created a re-usable HOC from connect. you can wrap your components with withUsers and you can then re-use it but as you can see, you are also re-writing the componentDidMount() part twice
let's take the actual load if we haven't loaded it part out of your Component and put it in a wrapper
const withUsers = WrappedComponent => { // notice the WrappedComponent
class WithUsersHOC extends Component {
componentDidMount () {
if (!this.props.users || !this.props.users.length) {
render () {
if (! this.props.users) { // let's show a simple loading div while we haven't loaded yet
return (<div>Loading...</div>)
return (<WrappedComponent {...this.props} />) // We render the actual component here
// the connect from the "simple version" re-used
return connect(
state => ({
users: state.users
dispatch => ({
loadUsers: () => dispatch({ type: 'LOAD_USERS' })
Now you can just do:
class Content extends Component {
render() {
// ......
const ContentWithUsers = withUsers(Content)
No need to implement loading the users anymore, since WithUsersHOC takes care of that
You can now wrap both Content and Details with the same HOC (High Order Component)
Until the Users are loaded, it won't show the actual component yet.
Once the users are loaded, your components render correctly.
Need another page where you need to load the users before displaying? Wrap it in your HOC as well
now, one more thing to inspire a bit more re-usability
What if you don't want your withLoading component to just be able to handle the users?
const withLoading = compareFunction = Component =>
class extends React.Component {
render() {
if (! compareFunction(this.props)) {
return <Component {...this.props} />;
else return <div>Loading...</div>;
now you can re-use it:
const withUsersLoading = withLoading(props => !props.users || ! props.users.length)
const ContentWithUsersAndLoading = withUsers(withUsersLoading(Content)) // sorry for the long name
or, written as a bit more clean compose:
export default compose(
withLoading(props => !props.users || !props.users.length)
now you have both withUsers and withLoading reusable throughout your app

React onClick doesn't stop browser from setting anchor tag

I'm a React newbie and ran into a problem with paging controls using link tags. My basic paging control renders as something like this:
The JSX definition that renders it looks like this:
<a href={"#page"+(this.props.pageIndex+1)} onClick={this.handleClick}>
The problem is that when you click on the Next link to go to Page 2, the browser ends up showing #page3 in the URL bar, even though the code properly renders page 2. (The code does nothing to modify the URL.) Tracing following the JavaScript in the debugger, I see that window.location.href stays at #page1, then jumps to #page3.
I believe what is happening is that React is intercepting the click event, and re-renders the page properly, then the browser's default link handling fires after the Next link has changed to point to #page3 instead of #page2.
Is my analysis correct? If so, what is the proper way to make this work so the browser shows #page2 in the URL bar?
EDIT: Here is the simplified code in context:
class RecordList extends React.Component {
changePage(pageIndex) {
console.log("change page selected: "+pageIndex);
return false;
render() {
nextLink = (<PagingLink name=" Next> "pageIndex={this.props.pageIndex+1} handleClick={() =>
return (
<div className="paging-control">
<span>Page {this.props.pageIndex+1}</span>
class PagingLink extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
render() {
return (
<span className="pageLink">
<a href={"#page"+(this.props.pageIndex+1)} onClick={this.handleClick}>
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
pageSize: 20,
pageIndex: 0,
componentDidMount() {
var pageIndex = this.state.pageIndex;
if (window.location.hash.indexOf("#page") === 0) {
pageIndex = Number(window.location.hash.substring(5))-1;
this.setState((prevState) => {
return { pageIndex: pageIndex };
}, () => {
else {
fetchRecords(pageIndex) {
changePage(pageIndex) {
console.log("change page selected: "+pageIndex);
this.setState({pageIndex: pageIndex});
render() {
var content = (
changePage={(pageIndex) => this.changePage(pageIndex)}
return (
<div className="App">
prevent the default event on the anchor :
handleClick(event) {
I could not get this working reliably with my own event handling and url rewriting, so I decided to simply rebuild it using React Router V4. When the going gets tough, it's always a good idea to not reinvent the wheel and let somebody else do the hard work for you.

react waypoint onEnter call supress after first time

In my OnEnter callback, I am making an api call to fetch more data. The data fetched is added to the array of elements I have. When I scroll back up, the api call is triggered again as the component is back in the viewport.
Is there a way to get around this?
react waypoint
code sample:
Okay, let me clean that up a little bit: #jmeas
fetchData(props){ function to call the api with server side pagination
if(props.previousPosition != 'above') { //an attempt to check if we passed that waypoint, do not call the api again
this.setState({page: this.state.page + 1}, function () { //increment the page number
this.getCatalogItems(this.state.categoryId, this.state.page) //make api call with incremented page number
.then((res) => {
console.log("fetched more data with scroll", res) //results
console.log("not calling fetch data")
This is how I am calling the waypoint:
class ProductContainer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
console.log("catalog product container initialized", this.props);
render() {
const {catalogProducts, getCatalogItems, renderWaypoint} = this.props;
console.log("props in roduct container", this.props)
return (
<div className="products-container">
catalogProducts && catalogProducts['products'] ?
catalogProducts['products'].map((product) => {
return (
<CatalogProduct product={product}/>
########################################################################### way point here ################################################
ProductContainer.propTypes = {
catalogProducts: React.PropTypes.any.isRequired,
getCatalogItems: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
renderWaypoint: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
export default ProductContainer;
What I want to do:
I have an infinite scroll catalog page. I wish to make the api call when user has scrolled down to the waypoint which as in the component above is after we have rendered the products returned from first api call and would like to make another round trip to the server and render
Without reviewing any code of your code... It seems as though you could just create flag and set it to true once the data has been loaded, then just check that flag before you load the data. Perhaps not the most elegant way, but it'll work.
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.data = [];
this.fetched = [];
this._loadPageContent = this._loadPageContent.bind(this);
return (
_loadPageContent(i) {
if(this.fetched.indexOf(i) <= -1){
//go get the data
export default SomeClass;
