Mapping over function that sets state in react - reactjs

I use the function changeCheck to check and uncheck specific components.
When I use the function, it works correctly. is a list of all of the teams.
The goal of changeAllTeams is to be able to check and uncheck all of the teams that have a specific league.
In this example I want to change all of the teams that have a league acronym of NFL:
this.state = {
checked: [],
checkedTeams: [],
teamObject: [],
queryString: [],
accordionStatus: [true, true, true]
changeAllTeams = (leagueType) => {
(v, i) => {
if(v.league.acronym === 'NFL'){
this.changeCheck(i, v.team_name, v)
console.log('checked', this.state.checked)
console.log('team object', this.state.teamObject)
console.log('props team object', this.props.teamObject)
this.props.changeLeagues(this.props.league, this.props.checkedLeagues, this.state.checkedTeams, this.state.queryString, this.state.teamObject, this.state.checked)
changeCheck = (index, name, teamObject) => {
//updates checked team state
this.state.checkedTeams[this.state.checkedTeams.length] = name
this.setState({ checkedTeams: [...this.state.checkedTeams] })
//sets team object with new team object
this.state.teamObject[this.state.teamObject.length] = teamObject
this.setState({ teamObject: this.state.teamObject })
} else {
newChecked = this.state.checkedTeams.filter(v => { return v !== name})
this.setState({ checkedTeams: newChecked })
//removes team object and sets new state
newObjectChecked = this.state.teamObject.filter(v => { return v.team_name !== teamObject.team_name})
this.setState({ teamObject: newObjectChecked })
//updates checkbox for specific space
this.state.checked[index] = !this.state.checked[index]
this.setState({ checked: this.state.checked })
When I map over the array in changeAllTeams, only the last object in the array takes effect.
The state for checked updates for everything, but the state for checkedTeams and teamObject does not.
This video may help to understand further:
This is the structure of the objects in

I don't have your code but I'm pretty sure that the problem is that you didn't provide a unique id for each item (remember that it's most of the time a bad idea to use map index for your items). The thing that you should do is to give each item a unique key and call the function based on that id.

There are a few places where you mutate the contents of this.state. That could cause React to be unable to detect changes in the state because the new and old state are referencing the same object. I would recommend that you don't mutate any state and instead create clones of the data object before passing the new data to setState()


State is not updating after delete row in react-bootstrap-table.What the problem?

I am trying to delete a row and then load the state into localstorage.
But the state is not updated. There is no information on this in the documentation.
Google didn't help.
Options table
const options = {
page: 1,
prePage: "⟵",
nextPage: "⟶",
firstPage: "⟸",
lastPage: "⟹",
afterInsertRow: this.onInsertRow,
afterDeleteRow: this.onDeleteRow,
this.setState({ "items": JSON.stringify(this.state.items) })
I noticed that when you delete the state, in principle, does not change. The element only disappears from the table.
Constructor has
this.onDeleteRow= this.onDeleteRow.bind(this);
It was necessary to get the line number, and then filter the array in the state, thereby getting a new one.**
onDeleteRow(rowKeys) {
for(let i = 0; i != rowKeys.length; i++){
this.state.items = this.state.items.filter((item) => {return !==
localStorage.setItem("items", JSON.stringify(this.state.items))

ES6 Add new elements to an array in state

createNewList = (id, input) => {
const foundCard = { => id ===};
this.setState(foundCard.list = [...foundCard.list, input]);
Hello everyone
There is an array of data (list), which is stored in the state for each object (card).
Problem: I can’t seem to add a new element to this array.
The way it is set up creates only one element and change it every time. But I need to create a new one every time. I tried to create a separate array, add to it using newArray.push (input) and then do this.setState (foundCard.list = [... foundCard.list, ... newArray])`, but have the same result.
I don’t use Redux, because I just started to learn React and I store everything in state yet.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
createNewList = (id, input) => {
const newCards = => {
if ( === id) card.list = [...card.list, input];
return card;
cards: newCards

How do i save my to-do app's list in local storage?

This is what I have so far:
So when I add items to the list then when I refresh the browser, I want it to still save. I want to do it with JSON but don't know how. Can anyone help me?
Yes you can achieve it by using local storage, so whenever you push something to your to Todo list, save the updated list in local storage and then when you are rendering in the UI use the data that is stored in local storage. Here is a small example to achieve this -->
Hope this solved your problem.
Hi storing objects in LocalStorage is a bit tricky because LocalStorage accepts strings, but JSON.stringify() comes to the rescue! In you function addToList:
addToList = input => {
let listArray = this.state.lists;
list: listArray,
userInput: ""
You want to add a LocalStorage call that saves the list from this.state into LocalStorage, like this:
addToList = input => {
let listArray = this.state.lists;
lists: listArray,
userInput: ""
}, () => {
window.localStorage.setItem('savedList', JSON.stringify(this.state.lists));
And to retrieve it, you need to parse it back into an array/object, like this:
componentDidMount() {
const list = window.localStorage.getItem('savedList');
const parsedList = JSON.parse(list);
lists: parsedList,
Now every new item you add is saved to localStorage and is retrieved on refresh, all that is left is to apply the same logic to removing items, like this:
listOnClick = index => {
var arr = this.state.lists;
arr.splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ lists: arr }, () => {
window.localStorage.setItem('savedList', JSON.stringify(this.state.lists));
You also had a typo in addToList, you were assigning to this.state.list instead of this.state.lists

How to update an object in an array inside store? [duplicate]

I have a todo list and want to set the state of that item in the array to "complete" if the user clicks on "complete".
Here is my action:
export function completeTodo(id) {
return {
completed: true,
Here is my reducer:
return {...state,
todos: [{
completed: action.completed
The problem I'm having is the new state does no longer have the text associated of that todo item on the selected item and the ID is no longer there. Is this because I am overwriting the state and ignoring the previous properties? My object item onload looks like this:
Objecttodos: Array[1]
0: Object
completed: false
id: 0
text: "Initial todo"
__proto__: Object
length: 1
__proto__: Array[0]
__proto__: Object
As you can see, all I want to do is set the completed value to true.
You need to transform your todos array to have the appropriate item updated. is the simplest way to do this:
return {
todos: => === ?
// transform the one with a matching id
{ ...todo, completed: action.completed } :
// otherwise return original todo
There are libraries to help you with this kind of deep state update. You can find a list of such libraries here:
Personally, I use ImmutableJS ( which solves the issue with its updateIn and setIn methods (which are more efficient than normal objects and arrays for large objects with lots of keys and for arrays, but slower for small ones).
New state does no longer have the text associated of that todo item on
the selected item and the ID is no longer there, Is this because I am
overwriting the state and ignoring the previous properties?
Yes, because during each update you are assigning a new array with only one key completed, and that array doesn't contain any previous values. So after update array will have no previous data. That's why text and id's are not there after update.
1- Use to find the correct element then update the value, Like this:
return {
todos: => === ? { ...todo, completed: action.completed } : todo
2- Use array.findIndex to find the index of that particular object then update that, Like this:
let index = state.todos.findIndex(todo => ===;
let todos = [...state.todos];
todos[index] = {...todos[index], completed: action.completed};
return {...state, todos}
Check this snippet you will get a better idea about the mistake you are doing:
let state = {
a: 1,
arr: [
{text:1, id:1, completed: true},
{text:2, id:2, completed: false}
console.log('old values', JSON.stringify(state));
// updating the values
let newState = {
arr: [{completed: true}]
console.log('new state = ', newState);
One of the seminal design principles in React is "Don't mutate state." If you want to change data in an array, you want to create a new array with the changed value(s).
For example, I have an array of results in state. Initially I'm just setting values to 0 for each index in my constructor.
this.state = {
question: this.props.test[0].questions[0],
complete: false
Later on, I want to update a value in the array. But I'm not changing it in the state object. With ES6, we can use the spread operator. The array slice method returns a new array, it will not change the existing array.
updateArray = (list, index,score) => {
// updates the results array without mutating it
return [
...list.slice(0, index),
list[index][1] = score,
...list.slice(index + 1)
When I want to update an item in the array, I call updateArray and set the state in one go:
results:this.updateArray(this.state.results, index, score)

Update nth item in array in state in parent from child in React?

In my top level component I have a function to update state. I pass this down to different child elements so that they can update my main state.
In my top level component:
updateValue(item, value) {
this.setState({[item]: parseInt(value)});
This has worked so far however now I need to update the nth item in an array.
My top level state is like this:
this.state = {
chosenExercises: [
'Bench press',
'Pull up'
And in my child component Im trying to do something like:
this.props.updateValue('chosenExercises'[1], 'New exercise');
So that my state would then be:
this.state = {
chosenExercises: [
'Bench press',
'New exercise',
'Pull up'
Am I going about this the correct way? Or should my state be key value pairs?
this.state = {
chosenExercises: {
0: 'Bench press',
1: 'New exercise',
2: 'Pull up'
This would potentially solve some of my problems of making the exercises easier to target but Im not sure which is best practice.
Since the chosenExercises can be multiple it makes sense to make it as an array, however you need to update your state differently. Instead of passing the index of the array element to update, you should actually make a copy of the array, update it in the child element and then send the updated array to the parent.
You could do something like:
In Child:
updateValue = (item, index, value) => {
let newValue = [...this.props[item].slice(0, index), value, ...this.props[item].slice(index + 1)];
this.props.updateValue(item, newValue);
The thing with this is that your state has to remain immutable so you have to provide a new Array to update in your state. So you'll end up with something like:
this.updateValue('chosenExercises', 1, 'New exercise');
updateValue(item, index, value) {
const newArray = this.state[item].slice();
newArray[index] = value;
this.setState({ [item]: newArray });
The array.slice() function creates a new Array, in which you update the value by its index. Afterwards you update your component state with the new array.
If you happen to do this more often, React created an immutability helper for these things. You can read more about it here. This would let you do something like:
import update from 'react-addons-update';
[item]: update(this.state[item], {[index]: {$set: value } })
It can be done with this in the top level component:
updateValue(item, value, options) {
if (options.isChosenExercises === true) {
this.setState((prevState) => {
let newchosenExercises = prevState.chosenExercises.slice();
newchosenExercises[item] = value;
return {chosenExercises: newchosenExercises};
} else {
this.setState({[item]: parseInt(value)});
For normal uses pass an empty object as the last parameter:
this.props.updateValue('setLength',, {})}
But when you want to update the exercise array pass an object with isExercises set to true.
chooseThisExercise() {
this.props.updateValue(numberInTheArrayToChange, newExercise, {isChosenExercises: true});
