replace page of array with another using paste() R - arrays

I have a 3d array with lots of pages (or whatever you call 3rd dimension). I am trying to stick that array into a loop, and loop through the pages to fill in values.
In my real dataset, I'm manipulating values with a handful of custom functions, so the way it works best to minimize the amount of retyping I would need to do when changing variables is to create a new array inside the loop, make changes to that new array, then replace the new page in its spot in the original array. However, I'm having a hard time plugging the new page back into the original array. Example follows.
code="A" # I'll be running this loop with various name codes
# creates array "testarrayA" . I'm using assign(paste()) because I will
# do this with many different array codes, and I want to only change
# the code value each time for ease
testarrayA[,,1] <- runif(25,3,20) #fill first page
Then I want to run this array through a loop to change the values on each page. In the real code, the changes are made with somewhat complex custom functions, so again, for ease, I start by making a smaller array, changing that, then trying to plug back into the array from above. See following.
# this loop doesn't work at the moment, so just run lines
# inside the loop individually to attempt. set "page" object as 1
for(page in 1:dim(get(paste0("testarray",code)))[3] ){
# for pages 1-end of third dimension (20)
temparray <- get(paste0("testarray",code))[,,page:(page+1)]
# create smaller array of only current and (blank) next page of original array
temparray[,,2] <- temparray[,,1]*2
# do functions to change the values on the next page of temporary array.
# (just multiplying values by 2 for this example)
# try to plug in temporary array[2] as original array[page+1].
# both of these codes give me errors at the moment, but these are
# the options I have tried so far.
# trial 1:
get(paste0("testarray",code))[,,page+1] <- temparray[,,2]
# trial 2:
I believe the problem comes from not being able to use paste() in the receiving end of an assign command. The first trial listed above returns error "target of assignment expands to non-language object," which I'm not quite sure how to interpret, and the second, "incorrect number of dimensions," which shouldn't be the case. When I highlight and run each object individually, they have the same dimensions, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Basically, I need to know how to use paste() on the receiving end of an assign function such as <- or assign(), or if there's a reasonable workaround for the errors I'm getting. I know I could just omit the creation of the smaller temporary array, but in my actual code, that would make a lot more work by requiring me to change names a bunch of times in each command inside the loop when I run on a new dataset. I'd rather just change the "code" if possible. Thanks!


Swift - adding named objects to an array using a variable and a loop

Possibly very stupid question I cannot seem to find an answer for (I am beginning with code)
I want to create a simple loop which appends myArray with three objects, which are members of a custom class MyClass. The objects have the following names: "object1", "object2", "object3".
When I write the following code, there is no issue:
But I want to write a loop to add all three. Again, very dumb, but I can't figure out how to insert the number in the name of the object as a variable. E.g., here was something I tried
let x = 3
for i in 1...x {
This gives an error. The reason I want to do it using a loop, and not simply write in the three objects manually, is that I won't always loop three times. Sometimes I'll just want the first two objects, sometimes just the first.
I assume there's some easy way to do this, but when I search it tends to turn up more complex questions

How do I replace an array element in LabView? (2d array of pictures)

so I have a final project for a class where I need to make a video game in LabView. The issue I'm having at the moment is that I can't figure out the 'right' way to put 'yourShip.png' into the 2d array of 2d pictures at [0,0]. Every tutorial I can find basically has exactly what I have down below in the screenshot, and it makes sense to me. However, running the program quickly shows that it does nothing.
To describe the code, I have a path constant that leads to the picture, which feeds to a draw flattened pixelmap function. Up to this point I know the code works, since creating a test indicator reveals as such. However, next I try to use the replace array subset function to replace the (default blank) 2d picture at [0,0] with yourShip.png. 'screen' is a 5x5 2d array of 2d pictures. The local variable of the same name being outputted to is indeed the very same array.
My main guess with why my code doesn't work is because of the way I'm taking screen as the input variable and then outputting to it via a local variable. However, if this is wrong, I'm confused with how I should do it. All I want to do is 'spawn' the image at the correct index.
The replace array subset works quite literally, i.e. it can only replace existing elements.
If there is no element at the specified index because the array is smaller, the function will do just nothing.
I guess your array is empty, so, initialize your screen array first to a size of at least 1x1.

Array constant in a formula with non-adjacent cell references

I need to add an array of non-adjacent cells to my array formula. I have tried all of the following array constant-like ways and they all give me a "There is a problem with this formula error".
'Chart Data'!{A12:A14,D3:D11}
{'Chart Data'!A12:A14,'Chart Data'!D3:D11}
'Chart Data'!{A12,A13,A14,D3:D11}
{'Chart Data'!A12,'Chart Data'!A13,'Chart Data'!A14,'Chart Data'!D3:D11}
'Chart Data'!{A12,A13,A14,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10,D11}
{'Chart Data'!A12,'Chart Data'!A13,'Chart Data'!A14,'Chart Data'!D3,'Chart Data'!D4,'Chart Data'!D5,'Chart Data'!D6,'Chart Data'!D7,'Chart Data'!D8,'Chart Data'!D9,'Chart Data'!D10,'Chart Data'!D11}
Entire formula (the array constant goes where the {#####} is):
{=SUM(((1-References!M1:M12)*({#####}*(G3:G14+F3:F14-0.11)))+((References!M1:M12)*('Chart Data'!A12:A23*(G3:G14+F3:F14-0.11)))+((H2:H13*X3:X14)+(H3:H14*Y3:Y14)+(I2:I13*(V3:V14-X3:X14))+(I3:I14*(W3:W14-Y3:Y14))))}
I am 100% positive that it is this particular array constant that is causing the problem. I can't move the cells I'm referencing to put them in line. Is it even possible to reference a non-adjacent range in an array formula? If it's possible, what am I doing wrong?
There are several ways to do this. The following is very simple and pretty direct so my favorite.
EITHER choose a cell to build your string for your non-contiguous array in OR create a Named Range to do it. I'll show the first as it seems nicest for being able to use the mouse freely, but in both of them you can actually be creative using about how you build the string that will become your array. The main advantage of creating it in a Named Range is no helper cell lying about anywhere.
So, you create that string and then make it an array. Say you have a non-contiguous array needed using cells A12:A14 and C3:C11. You use joining and TEXTJOIN() like so:
to create a text string of the values in those cells wrapped with the curly braces ({}) just as if you'd typed it in ("hardcoded it"). It will look like this with the right values in those cells:
but is ain't an array yet.
Now the magic in THIS method. Create a Named Range, perhaps called String2Array, and give it a formula of:
(or whatever cell you used for the above formula creating the text string that you want to be an array). Make the reference absolute. ($A$1... which it will do for you, just don't edit it to be relative. If you use this for similar work, but need it relative, that will work fine, but it just isn't what is needed here.)
Now replace your placeholder in the formula with the Named Range's name (perhaps you DID use String2Array). And you're done.
A couple other methods use INDEX() or CHOOSE() and you can force things to be arrays using the functions DOLLARDE() and IMREAL() (I found on a helpsite in a 2014 post) and some others do the same kind of thing. In those days, one had to use {CSE} too, but SPILL takes care of that now (with those two weird-seeming friendlies and at least two others). The poster was someone I've seen on this site, EXCELXOR was the name for the site, XOR LX was the name of the member here though the functions were mentioned in a comment by a Lori. Since he covers, it seems, aspects not usually covered in helpsites, looking up some of his work here, or elsewhere too, might be worthwhile to some folks.
But this method is very direct and therefore easy to maintain. And personally, I love the idea that EVALUATE() (must be used IN the Named Range functionality, not cell-side) is the gift that keeps on giving, one wonderfully helpful thing after another.
So many ways. You could even literally build the array in a helper column/row somewhere and reference THAT instead of the non-contiguous addresses. I like the joining+TEXTJOIN() approach best because I can use the mouse to easily get all the blocks into the formula since it is a LIVE formula. But you can type out a string fairly easily too and add the {}'s. Or perhaps a user would type a string of addresses and you'd add them like the formula does above. And you can insert actual values (constants) into the string you are building as well if that is appropriate. And you could build it formulaicly... I wouldn't pick that workload first thing off the pile of choices, but if you were going to do it anyway already, then... or if it's a small build.

Array (class) filled with non nil values stays empty

I am currently having trouble filling up an array of customClass.
I try to fill it with a jsonFile. During my json parsing (using swiftyJSON) i loop and fill my array.
The problem is, at the end of my loop, it is still empty. I tested it in different ways, and here is my code:
That's the file where the problem is. In my loop I fill an Annotation, that I add with append to my array. The problem is what my print return. Here is a part of it:
It's just a small part of a huge jsonfile. And, my is correctly printed every iteration. But when it comes to my Array, nothing.
So I'm completly lost and hope you could help me ^^
(And for the information, here is my custom class) :
And btw, I tried to print my array.count, and it's nil too
Im so sorry if the question has been posted. I couldn't find it in the entire website.
Change your JSONAnnotationList declaration to be an non-optional and assign it an empty array
var JSONAnnotationList: [UGOAnnotation] = []
You see, you have never created an array so there was nothing to be printed.
The whole point of optionals is to use them sparingly, not everywhere.

VBA Array - addressing to it by its name

this is a general VBA Array issue, it is not for MS Office apps (no tables involved).
I'm looking to find out how to create multiple one-dimension arrays at runtime (maybe even public ones), using data from a .csv file.
I can explain. This is an example of how the csv file would look:
------- CSV FILE ----------------------------
Colors,white,red,blue,green (... and so on)
Animals,cat,dog,wolf,bear (...and so on)
Food,cake,bread,garlic (...and so on)
...and so on, more rows
The opening part is solved,
even the part where each row is assigned to a temporary variable,
and more - the row is split into values and assigned to a temporary array.
So, I have:
tempArray1, containing ("Colors", "white", "red" ...etc)
tempArray2, containing ("Animals", "cat", "dog" ...etc)
The goal is to create (or to address to) an (existing) array
NAMED after the first value of each row and then assign the rest of the values from row to that array.
Please do not ask me why am I not using a multi-dimensional array.
I have my reasons.
A similar question related to this case is:
if I already have a one-dimension public array, defined, named and populated - let's say it is Colors() - how can I address to it using the value "Colors"?
Not only to address, but also to erase, redim or change values in it?
When I say "Colors" I mean a string value, not 'hard-coded' Colors() into the sub or function.
With respect to your "a similar question related to this case", you can do the following:
Create a public class module containing your array Colors()
Then, add a "Microsoft Script Control" ActiveX control (possibly to your form), and keep it hidden
Add code (as string) dynamically to your ScriptControl, and execute it. Now, if this code contains (as a string), say " Colors(1)="red" " , then it will actually modify the Colors array in your class-module.
Note: However, there's a catch. Since it is a class module, and not a
normal module, it will only modify the object created inside the
script-control. So, you might have to do all the rest of the coding
too in that script-control (by dynamically adding code to it and
executing it), otherwise, all changes would be lost as the scope of
that object would be limited to that code contained inside the
