Text qualifier appears in data when using flat file - sql-server

I have a flat file connection manager that reads data from a file that I have constructed with a Powershell script. The fields in the file are delimited with a vertical bar (|) and each field is qualified with the ¬ character (mainly because some fields contain either vertical bar or double quotes).
I have set up my flat file connection manager with the text qualifier specified like so:
Clicking on preview I can view the data just fine, everything appears to be working.
I then add a flat file source, hook it up to my flat file connection manager, hit the Preview button and that all looks great:
Yet, when I run the data flow, the text qualifier character (¬) is appearing in each field, like this:
Can someone please explain to me what is going on here? Because I cannot figure out why this is happening.
I tried the suggestions mentioned in the question below with no luck:
SSIS Flat File Source Text Qualifier being ignored


How to format HTML in .csv for import into Enhance Dynamic Content - SFMC

with Enhanced Dynamic Content - you have to upload a .csv file and each column will turn into an EDC Map Content Block. I then create the email and drag in the Enhanced Dynamic Content Block. Each cell has to contain the proper HTML formatting as you cannot do that once it's been uploaded. I can get everything to work except muli-line text - or text with line breaks in it. I'm not sure if I'm formatting the HTML incorrectly - or if EDC does not support line breaks. In which case I would have to create a copy column for each paragraph - and that does not sound right.
Too much. I've tried adding between sentences. I've tried inserting line breaks in an Excel version of the document - then saving as .csv - this is supposed to insert some double quotes somewhere but does not.
"""""At The Hanover, we’re excited to make our latest move into the state of %%BillingState%%.
As a New England-based company with national reach, we value local, independent agents and all you do to help ensure your customers have the right protections in place.
We look forward to launching our personal lines products and services in %%BillingState%% in partnership with select independent agents."""""
The custom text for the cell above does not display - rather it displays one line text from the default row.
I ran into the same issue.
What I found worked in my instance was to add <p> Your text </P>, so that when you import it, it should respect the line breaks.

BIRT xlsx export doesn't wrap cell contents

I'm working with BIRT reports (version 4.6.x) within Eclipse and I'm trying to export whole report into .xlsx. Rerport contains header with some data, image and table with results.
When I try SPUDSOFT xls or xlsx, I still encounter the same error.
Data in the table are correctly wrapped (if the column is too narrow, height of the line is increased and so on), however the table header (with column lablels) remains single line and you can't correctly read its contents.
I use whitespace wrapping Normal and I've tried to use dynamic text instead of standard label with wrap function (as it's used in datasets).
But the header row is still with no wrapping. It looks good on the web, but doesn't work in excel.
Have you encountered the same problem? How do I wrap the header line?
See attached report - it's only a draft, but how do I set the lines to wrap their content? Try exporting it to xlsx.
Test rptdesign sample

imported Csv not utf 8 in Phpmyadmin

I imported a .csv file with utf-8 to my phpmyadmin.
I set the Character encoding of the file to
the seperator to
and the rest to default.
The import worked successfully, but then I switched to the view of the "created database" and saw that all (German) Accents like:
Ü, Ö, Ä, ß..
Are replaced with
I guess something with the phpmyadmin unicode is wrong,
because my imported csv can show those accents.
Does anyone how a few tips or a solution?
I looked through the my.ini to check for the default character settings,
but they seem to be fine.
The Structur (next to view) in phpmyadmin also shows
Importing a CSV file with special characters require the file be saved in a UTF-8 format. Please follow the steps below
Open the CSV file using text editor like Notepad(recommended).
Click File > Save As, enter a file name and change the encoding to UTF-8. Then click the Save button.
Now, import the file again and all the special characters should be properly imported.

Filter text copied from PDF

I'm having a problem while copying text from a pdf to MS SQL Server. This pdf contains a query, which I'd like to copy to my MS SQL Server but when I do this he copies the text including some invisible symbols.
Here the first part of the query, copied from my PDF viewer:
CREATE​T​RIGGER​trgAantalIUO​N​bezettingsregel AFTER​U​PDATE
When I view this copied query in SQL Server it doesn't get the correct syntax highlighting and I discovered that there is an invisible symbol between the 'B' and the 'E' (it requires two backspaces to delete the B while the cursor was in front of the 'E', is why I know this).
My question is: how can I delete those invisible symbols? I cant find an option in MS SQL Server to do this for me.
I'm using OS X 10.11, and the included 'preview' app as pdf-viewer. MS SQL is running in a VM (Parallels Desktop, latest version).
There are a few things you can do to remove all the weird characters.
By far the easiest way to get rid of all these invisible characters is by using another application to paste text into without the actual formatting.
On Mac OS X you can use any text editor and paste the copied part into it with Shift-Option-Cmd + v to remove formatting.
If you are on windows you can copy/paste the code into notepad and it will lose all it's formatting (same thing works with mousepad, or leafpad) under Linux.
For Windows there is also an application which you can use known as "PureText".
A short description about puretext:
PureText only removes rich formatting from text. This includes the font face, font style (bold, italics, etc.), font color, paragraph styles (left/right/center aligned), margins, character spacing, bullets, subscript, superscript, tables, charts, pictures, embedded objects, etc. However, it does not modify the actual text. It will not remove or fix new-lines, carriage returns, tabs, or other white-space. It will not fix word-wrap or clean up your paragraphs. If you copy the source code of a web page to the clipboard, it is not going to remove all the HTML tags. If you copy text from an actual web page (not the source of the page), it will remove the formatting.

Can you concatenate RTF in a Crystal Reports formula Field

I'm currently building an application that generates a separate letter for each user in the dataset. The letter contents are managed through a vb.net application and their RTF format saved to a database. When the letter is created, all the content is pulled from the database to form the letter using vb.net logic.
Once compiled it was sent as a parameter to Crystal. This worked great, setting the field text interpretation to RTF allowed proper RTF viewing.
The client has decided that they would instead like to make changes to the logic (if statements that compile the text) within Crystal.
So what I did was create a blank dataset with a bunch of columns and filled those columns with the RTF (Ordered by ID so the values will never change unless a paragraph is deleted and there is no option for this). This would allow me to build an RTF string by going {table.1} + {table.2} etc...
This is where the problem is. When building an RTF string in a Formula (Using + or &) it only displays the first RTF entry. If I switch the formula to no interpretation, I can see the RTF for the entries written out with all their content so I know it’s there. I also manually combined the RTF in the formula field and had the same issue.
StringVar output;
output := output & "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs23 this is a first test }";
output := output & "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs23 this is a second test \par\par}";
At this point I am unsure if there is a way around this other than moving all the text to separate Formula fields within crystal itself and then combine. This would mean if they wanted to change text it would have to be done within crystal. I would rather not go this route so I’m looking for opinions and suggestions.
Crystal does support RTF however it needs to be fully formed within the first occurance of an RTF entry. In my question it shows two separate COMPLETE RTF entries. As the entries all have the RTF ID tags this will not be possible. The same issue would occur if you copied the above text into a text editor and saved it as RTF. You would only get the first line. This doesnt explain why it works as a parameter and not a formula but its likely how each are evaluated and the later (parameter could loose support in the future).
To Properly pass RTF to crystal you will need to two Rich text box objects. One being a temp box and the other being the builder box and only selecting the formatted text, not the entire RTF content. An example of this can be found at:
Aside from some hacks such as removing the closing brace from the RTF string or rebuilding the RTF table are also avaliable however removing the brace could lead to an unsupported configuration and rebuilding can get messy really quick.
Hope this helps!!
