I want to use 'cdo' to extract data from a precipitation NetCDF dataset using another NetCDF over South America.
I have tried multiple procedures, but I always get some error (such as grid size not same, Unsupported generic co-ordinates, etc).
The codes I have tried:
cdo mul chirps_2000-2015_annual_SA.nc Extract feature.nc output.nc
# Got grid error
cdo -f nc4 setctomiss,0 -gtc,0 -remapcon,r1440x720 Chirps_2000-2015_annual_SA.nc CHIRPS_era5_pev_2000-2015_annual_SA_masked.nc
# Got unsupported generic error
I am sure you could make/find more elegant solution, but I just combined Python and shell executable cdo to fulfill the task (calling subprocess can be considered as a bad habit sometimes/somewhere).
#!/usr/bin/env ipython
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import subprocess
# -------------------------------------------------
def nc_varget(filein,varname):
return vardata
# -------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------
# Detect the start/end based on gridfile:
kkx=np.where((pinlon>=np.min(poutlon)) & (pinlon<=np.max(poutlon)))
kky=np.where((pinlat>=np.min(poutlat)) & (pinlat<=np.max(poutlat)))
# -------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------
commandstr='cdo selindexbox,'+str(np.min(kkx))+','+str(np.max(kkx))+','+str(np.min(kky))+','+str(np.max(kky))+' '+inputfile+' '+outputfile
The problem in your data is that the file "precipitation_2000-2015_annual_SA.nc" does not specify the grid at the moment - variables lon, lat are generic and hence the grid is generic. Otherwise you could use other operators instead of selindexbox. File extract_feature.nc are more closer to the standard as the variables lon, lat have also the name and unit attributes.
Classic Snowflake Web UI and the new Snowsight are great at importing sql from a file but neither allows you to export sql to a file. Is there a workaround?
You can use an IDE to connect to snowflake and write queries. Then the scripts can be downloaded using IDE features and can sync with git repo as well.
dbeaver is one such IDE which supports snowflake :
The query pane is interactive so the obvious workaround will be:
CTRL + A (select all)
CTRL + C (copy)
CTRL + P (paste)
CTRL + S (save)
This tool can help you while the team develops a native feature to export worksheets:
"Snowflake Snowsight Extensions wrap Snowsight features that do not have API or SQL alternatives, such as manipulating Dashboards and Worksheets, and retrieving Query Profile and step timings."
Further explained on this post:
For example, to save to a file within PowerShell:
PS > $dashboards | foreach {$_.SaveToFolder(“path/to/folder”)}
PS > $dashboards[0].SaveToFile(“path/to/folder/mydashboard.json”)
ETA: I'm adding this edit to the front because this is what actually worked.
Again, BSON was a dead end & punycode is irrelevant. I don't know why punycode is referenced in the metadata file; but my best guess is that they might use punycode to encode the worksheet name itself (though I'm not sure why that would be needed since it shouldn't need to be part of a URL).
After doing terrible things and trying a number of complex ways of dealing with escape character hell, I found that the actual encoding is very simple. It just works as an 8 bit encoding with anything that might cause problems escaped away (null, control codes, double quotes, etc.). To load, treat the file as a text file using an 8-bit encoding; extract the data as a JSON field, then re-encode that extracted data as that same encoding. I just used latin_1 to read; but it may not even matter which encoding you use as long as you are consistent and use the same one to re-encode. The encoded field will then be valid zlib compressed data.
I decided that I wanted to start from scratch so I needed to back the worksheets first and I made a Python script based on my findings above. Be warned that this may return even worksheets that you previously closed for good. After running this and verifying that backups were created, I just ran rm #~/worksheet_data/;, closed the tab & reopened it.
Here's the code (fill in the appropriate base directory location):
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import configparser
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc
from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
import pathlib
import json
import zlib
import string
def format_filename(s: str) -> str: # From https://gist.github.com/seanh/93666
"""Take a string and return a valid filename constructed from the string.
Uses a whitelist approach: any characters not present in valid_chars are
removed. Also spaces are replaced with underscores.
Note: this method may produce invalid filenames such as ``, `.` or `..`
When I use this method I prepend a date string like '2009_01_15_19_46_32_'
and append a file extension like '.txt', so I avoid the potential of using
an invalid filename.
valid_chars = "-_.() %s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
filename = ''.join(c for c in s if c in valid_chars)
# filename = filename.replace(' ','_') # I don't like spaces in filenames.
return filename
def trlng_dash(s: str) -> str:
"""Removes trailing character if present."""
return s[:-1] if s[-1] == '-' else s
sso_authenticate = True
# Assumes CLI config file exists.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
home = pathlib.Path.home()
config_loc = home/'.snowsql/config' # Assumes it's set up from Snowflake CLI.
base_dir = home/r'{your Desired base directory goes here.}'
json_dir = base_dir/'json' # Location for your worksheet stage JSON files.
sql_dir = base_dir/'sql' # Location for your worksheets.
# Assumes CLI config file exists.
# Add connection parameters here (assumes CLI config exists).
# Using sso so only 2 are needed.
# If there's no config file, etc. enter by hand here (or however you want to do it).
connection_params = {
'account': config['connections']['accountname'],
'user': config['connections']['username'],
if sso_authenticate:
connection_params['authenticator'] = 'externalbrowser'
if config['connections'].get('password', None) is not None:
connection_params['password'] = config['connections']['password']
if config['connections'].get('rolename', None) is not None:
connection_params['role'] = config['connections']['rolename']
if locals().get('database', None) is not None:
connection_params['database'] = database
if locals().get('schema', None) is not None:
connection_params['schema'] = schema
sf_engine = create_engine(URL(**connection_params))
if not base_dir.exists():
if not json_dir.exists():
if not (sql_dir).exists():
with sf_engine.connect() as connection:
connection.execute(f'get #~/worksheet_data/ \'file://{str(json_dir.as_posix())}\';')
for file in [path for path in json_dir.glob('*') if path.is_file()]:
if file.suffix != '.json':
file.replace(file.with_suffix(file.suffix + '.json'))
with open(json_dir/'metadata.json', 'r') as metadata_file:
files_meta = json.load(metadata_file)
# List of files from metadata file will contain some empty worksheets.
files_description_orig = OrderedDict((file_key_value['name'], file_key_value) for file_key_value in sorted(files_meta['activeWorksheets'] + list(files_meta['inactiveWorksheets'].values()), key=lambda x: x['name']) if file_key_value['name'])
# files_description will only track non empty worksheets
files_description = files_description_orig.copy()
# Create updated files description filtering out empty worksheets.
for item in files_description_orig:
json_file = json_dir/f"{files_description_orig[item]['name']}.json"
# If a file didn't make it or was deleted by hand, we should
# remove from the filtered description & continue to the next item.
if not (json_file.exists() and json_file.is_file()):
del files_description[item]
with open(json_file, 'r', encoding='latin_1') as f:
json_dat = json.load(f)
# If the file represents a worksheet with a body field, we want it.
if not json_dat['wsContents'].get('body'):
del files_description[item]
## Delete JSON files corresponsing to empty worksheets.
# f.close()
# try:
# (json_dir/f"{files_description_orig[item]['name']}.json").unlink()
# except:
# pass
# Produce a list of normalized filenames (no illegal or awkward characters).
file_names = set(
for item in files_description)
# Add useful information to our files_description OrderedDict
for file_name in file_names:
repeats_cnt = 0
file_name_repeats = (
for item
in files_description
if file_name == format_filename(trlng_dash(files_description[item]['encodedDetails']['scriptName']).strip())
for file_uuid in file_name_repeats:
files_description[file_uuid]['normalizedName'] = file_name
files_description[file_uuid]['stemSuffix'] = '' if repeats_cnt == 0 else f'({repeats_cnt:0>2})'
repeats_cnt += 1
# Now we iterate on non-empty worksheets only.
for item in files_description:
json_file = json_dir/f"{files_description[item]['name']}.json"
with open(json_file, 'r', encoding='latin_1') as f:
json_dat = json.load(f)
body = json_dat['wsContents']['body']
body_bin = body.encode('latin_1')
body_txt = zlib.decompress(body_bin).decode('utf8')
sql_file = sql_dir/f"{files_description[item]['normalizedName']}{files_description[item]['stemSuffix']}.sql"
with open(sql_file, 'w') as sql_f:
creation_stamp = files_description[item]['created']/1000
os.utime(sql_file, (creation_stamp,creation_stamp))
As mentioned at Is there any option in snowflake to save or load worksheets? (and in Snowflake's own documentation), in the Classic UI, the worksheets are saved at the user stage under #~/worksheet_data/.
You can download it with a get command like:
get #~/worksheet_data/<name> file:///<your local location>; (though you might need quoting if running from Windows).
The problem is that I do not know how to access it programmatically. The downloaded files look like JSON but it is not valid JSON. The main key is "wsContents" and contains most of the worksheet information. Its value includes two subkeys, "encoding" and "body".
The "encoding" key denotes that gzip is being used. The "body" key seems to be the actual worksheet data which looks a lot like a straight binary representation of the compressed text data. As such, any JSON reader will choke on it.
If it is anything like that, I do not currently know how to access it programmatically using Python.
I do see that a JSON like format exists, BSON, that is bundled into PyMongo. Trying to use this on these files fails. I even tried bson.is_valid and it returns False so I am assuming that it means that these files in Snowflake are not actually BSON.
Edited to add: Again, BSON is a dead end.
Examining the "body" value as just binary data, the first two bytes of sample files do seem to correspond to default zlib compression (0x789c). However, attempting to run straight zlib.decompress on the slice created from that first byte to the last corresponding to the first & last characters of the "body" value results in the error:
Error - 3 while decompressing data: invalid code lengths set
This makes me think that the bytes there, as is, are at least partly garbage and still need some processing before they can be decompressed.
One clue that I failed to mention earlier is that the metadata file (called "metadata" and which serves as an inventory of the remaining files at the #~/worksheet_data/ location) declares that the files use the punycode encoding. However, I have not known how to use that information. The data in these files doesn't particularly look like what I feel punycode should look like nor does it particularly make sense to me that you would use punycode on binary data that is not meant to ever be used to directly generate text such as zlib compressed data.
I'm very new to TFX, but have an apparently-working ML Pipeline which is to be used via BulkInferrer. That seems to produce output exclusively in Protobuf format, but since I'm running bulk inference I want to pipe the results to a database instead. (DB output seems like it should be the default for bulk inference, since both Bulk Inference & DB access take advantage of parallelization... but Protobuf is a per-record, serialized format.)
I assume I could use something like Parquet-Avro-Protobuf to do the conversion (though that's in Java and the rest of the pipeline's in Python), or I could write something myself to consume all the protobuf messages one-by-one, convert them into JSON, deserialize the JSON into a list of dicts, and load the dict into a Pandas DataFrame, or store it as a bunch of key-value pairs which I treat like a single-use DB... but that sounds like a lot of work and pain involving parallelization and optimization for a very common use case. The top-level Protobuf message definition is Tensorflow's PredictionLog.
This must be a common use case, because TensorFlowModelAnalytics functions like this one consume Pandas DataFrames. I'd rather be able to write directly to a DB (preferably Google BigQuery), or a Parquet file (since Parquet / Spark seems to parallelize better than Pandas), and again, those seem like they should be common use cases, but I haven't found any examples. Maybe I'm using the wrong search terms?
I also looked at the PredictExtractor, since "extracting predictions" sounds close to what I want... but the official documentation appears silent on how that class is supposed to be used. I thought TFTransformOutput sounded like a promising verb, but instead it's a noun.
I'm clearly missing something fundamental here. Is there a reason no one wants to store BulkInferrer results in a database? Is there a configuration option that allows me to write the results to a DB? Maybe I want to add a ParquetIO or BigQueryIO instance to the TFX pipeline? (TFX docs say it uses Beam "under the hood" but that doesn't say much about how I should use them together.) But the syntax in those documents looks sufficiently different from my TFX code that I'm not sure if they're compatible?
(Copied from the related issue for greater visibility)
After some digging, here is an alternative approach, which assumes no knowledge of the feature_spec before-hand. Do the following:
Set the BulkInferrer to write to output_examples rather than inference_result by adding a output_example_spec to the component construction.
Add a StatisticsGen and a SchemaGen component in the main pipeline right after the BulkInferrer to generate a schema for the aforementioned output_examples
Use the artifacts from SchemaGen and BulkInferrer to read the TFRecords and do whatever is neccessary.
bulk_inferrer = BulkInferrer(
output_column='output_label_column_name', )]))]
statistics = StatisticsGen(
schema = SchemaGen(
After that, one can do the following:
import tensorflow as tf
from tfx.utils import io_utils
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import schema_utils
# read schema from SchemaGen
schema_path = '/path/to/schemagen/schema.pbtxt'
schema_proto = io_utils.SchemaReader().read(schema_path)
spec = schema_utils.schema_as_feature_spec(schema_proto).feature_spec
# read inferred results
data_files = ['/path/to/bulkinferrer/output_examples/examples/examples-00000-of-00001.gz']
dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(data_files, compression_type='GZIP')
# parse dataset with spec
def parse(raw_record):
return tf.io.parse_example(raw_record, spec)
dataset = dataset.map(parse)
At this point, the dataset is like any other parsed dataset, so its trivial to write a CSV, or to a BigQuery table or whatever from there. It certainly helped us in ZenML with our BatchInferencePipeline.
Answering my own question here to document what we did, even though I think #Hamza Tahir's answer below is objectively better. This may provide an option for other situations where it's necessary to change the operation of an out-of-the-box TFX component. It's hacky though:
We copied and edited the file tfx/components/bulk_inferrer/executor.py, replacing this transform in the _run_model_inference() method's internal pipeline:
| 'WritePredictionLogs' >> beam.io.WriteToTFRecord(
os.path.join(inference_result.uri, _PREDICTION_LOGS_FILE_NAME),
with this one:
| 'WritePredictionLogsBigquery' >> beam.io.WriteToBigQuery(
(This works because when you import the BulkInferrer component, the per-node work gets farmed out to these executors running on the worker nodes, and TFX copies its own library onto those nodes. It doesn't copy everything from user-space libaries, though, which is why we couldn't just subclass BulkInferrer and import our custom version.)
We had to make sure the table at 'our_project:namespace.TableName' had a schema compatible with the model's output, but didn't have to translate that schema into JSON / AVRO.
In theory, my group would like to make a pull request with TFX built around this, but for now we're hard-coding a couple key parameters, and don't have the time to get this to a real public / production state.
I'm a little late to this party but this is some code I use for this task:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_log_pb2
import pandas as pd
def parse_prediction_logs(inference_filenames: List[Text]): -> pd.DataFrame
inference files: tf.io.gfile.glob(Inferrer artifact uri)
a dataframe of userids, predictions, and features
def parse_log(pbuf):
# parse the protobuf
message = prediction_log_pb2.PredictionLog()
# my model produces scores and classes and I extract the topK classes
predictions = [x.decode() for x in (message
# here I parse the input tf.train.Example proto
inputs = tf.train.Example()
# you can pull out individual features like this
uid = inputs.features.feature["userId"].bytes_list.value[0].decode()
feature1 = [
x.decode() for x in inputs.features.feature["feature1"].bytes_list.value
feature2 = [
x.decode() for x in inputs.features.feature["feature2"].bytes_list.value
return (uid, predictions, feature1, feature2)
return pd.DataFrame(
[parse_log(x) for x in
tf.data.TFRecordDataset(inference_filenames, compression_type="GZIP").as_numpy_iterator()
], columns = ["userId", "predictions", "feature1", "feature2"]
I have a problem that may be obvious for Pythonist, but I just can't google it out.
I want to use x from the for x in my_data_header as part of my variable name. For example instead of hardcoding my_data.selected_column use my_data.x to loop trough all columns.
I want to make boxplot from scientific data imported from the spreadsheet. In one columns are the treatments designation by which I trim dataset. Other are measurements I want to draw boxplots from. I need to loop trough measurement columns and export the boxplots. So the x of the for loop have to be used in:
*selection of the column (within each treatment), titling the boxplot, nameing the export .png file,...
I could perform steps separately, but coudn't compose the loop.
What is recommended approach for looping through spreadsheet columns with complex task where you have to refer to column titles? (I will complete information if needed.)
I am trying to switch from RStudio/Markdown/Knit to Python.
Thank you in advance!
It was the pd.DataFrame issue: my prior used date.read method imported as non-pandas compatible. I past my working code below if someone find it useful. If SO community find it irrelevant just delete all together.
`import numpy as np`
`import pandas as pd
`import seaborn as sns
`data = pd.read_excel('/media/Data/my_file.xlsx', 0)`
`h=data.columns #read headers line`
`d = pd.DataFrame(data)
`print(type(d)) #check that is <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>`
`for x in h:`
` yy=d[x] #forreference to column`
` bp = sns.boxplot(x='Column_with_treatments', y=yy, data=data) #make graphs`
` fig = bp.get_figure() #put created graph in to obeject fig`
` nn=yy.name+'_name_you_want.png' #crate file name string`
` print(nn) # it print in log the column name of present graph`
` fig.savefig(nn) #save graph image`
` #plt.show() # it would show each image, but you need to close it to continue`
` plt.clf() #clear the present graph from memory`
I am working on a project of Information Retrieval. For that I am using Google Colab. I am in the phase where I have computed some features ("input_features") and I have the labels ("labels") by doing a for loop, which took me about 4 hours to finish.
So at the end I have appended the results to an array:
input_features = np.array(input_features)
labels = np.array(labels)
So my question would be:
Is it possible to save those results in order to use them future purposes when using google colab?
I have found 2 options that maybe could be applied but I don't know where these files are created.
1) To save them as csv files. And my code would be:
from numpy import savetxt
# save to csv file
savetxt('input_features.csv', input_features, delimiter=',')
savetxt('labels.csv', labels, delimiter=',')
And in order to load them:
from numpy import loadtxt
# load array
input_features = loadtxt('input_features.csv', delimiter=',')
labels = loadtxt('labels.csv', delimiter=',')
# print the array
But still I don't get something back when I print.
2) Save the results of an array by using pickle where I followed these instructions from here:
from google.colab import files
import pickle
def features_pickeled(input_features, results):
input_features = input_features + '.txt'
pickle.dump(results, open(input_features, 'wb'))
def labels_pickeled(labels, results):
labels = labels + '.txt'
pickle.dump(results, open(labels, 'wb'))
And to load them back:
def load_from_local():
loaded_features = {}
uploaded = files.upload()
for input_features in uploaded.keys():
unpickeled_features = uploaded[input_features]
loaded[input_features] = pickle.load(BytesIO(data))
return loaded_features
def load_from_local():
loaded_labels = {}
uploaded = files.upload()
for labels in uploaded.keys():
unpickeled_labels = uploaded[labels]
loaded[labels] = pickle.load(BytesIO(data))
return loaded_labes
#How do I print the pickled files to see if I have them ready for use???
When using python I would do something like this for pickle:
#Create pickle file
with open("name.pickle", "wb") as pickle_file:
pickle.dump(name, pickle_file)
#Load the pickle file
with open("name.pickle", "rb") as name_pickled:
name_b = pickle.load(name_pickled)
But the thing is that I don't see any files to be created in my google drive.
Is my code correct or do I miss some part of the code?
Long description in order to hopefully have explained in detail what I want to do and what I have done for this issue.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Google Colaboratory notebook instances are never guaranteed to have access to the same resources when you disconnect and reconnect because they are run on virtual machines. Therefore, you can't "save" your data in Colab. Here are a few solutions:
Colab saves your code. If the for loop operation you referenced doesn't take an extreme amount of time to run, just leave the code and run it every time you connect your notebook.
Check out np.save. This function allows you to save an array to a binary file. Then, you could re-upload your binary file when you reconnect your notebook. Better yet, you could store the binary file on Google Drive, mount your drive to your notebook, and reference it like that.
# Mount driver to authenticate yourself to gdrive
from google.colab import drive
# Import necessary libraries
import numpy as np
from numpy import savetxt
import pandas as pd
# Create array
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
# save to csv file
savetxt('arr.csv', arr, delimiter=',') # You will see the results if you press in the File icon (left panel)
And then you can load it again by:
# You can copy the path when you find your file in the file icon
arr = pd.read_csv('/content/arr.csv', sep=',', header=None) # You can also save your result as a txt file
For example consider this dataset:
How does one call such external datasets into scikit-learn to do anything with it?
The only kind of dataset calling that I have seen in scikit-learn is through a command like:
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
digits = load_digits()
You need to learn a little pandas, which is a data frame implementation in python. Then you can do
import pandas
my_data_frame = pandas.read_csv("/path/to/my/data")
To create model matrices from your data frame, I recommend the patsy library, which implements a model specification language, similar to R formulas
import patsy
model_frame = patsy.dmatrix("my_response ~ my_model_fomula", my_data_frame)
then the model frame can be passed in as an X into the various sklearn models.
Simply run the following command and replace the name 'EXTERNALDATASETNAME' with the name of your dataset
import sklearn.datasets
data = sklearn.datasets.fetch_EXTERNALDATASETNAME()