Vectorise circshift array - arrays

I have a for loop that shifts a signal over a certain amount and appends it to an array. How can I vectorize the circshift section so I don't need to use the for loop?
len_of_sig=1; %length of signal in seconds
for aa=1:length(y)
y_new(aa,:)=circshift(y,[1,aa+3]); %shifts signal and appends to array
PS: I'm using Octave 4.2.2 Ubuntu 18.04 64bit

You can use the gallery to create a circular matrix after using circshift for your base shift:
base_shift = 4;
fs_rate = 10;
len_of_sig = 1; # length of signal in seconds
t = linspace (0, len_of_sig, fs_rate*len_of_sig);
y = .5 * sin (2*pi*1*t);
y = gallery ("circul", circshift (y, [1 base_shift]));
Or if you want to know how it was implemented, take a look at its source code type gallery


MATLAB Broadcasting for unifrnd

I am coming back from NumPy to MATLAB and don't quite have the hang of the broadcasting here.
Can someone explain to me why the first one fails and the second (more explicit works)?
After my understanding, x0 and x1 are both 1x2 arrays and it should be possible to extend them to 5x2.
n_a = 5;
n_b = 2;
x0 = [1, 2];
x1 = [11, 22];
% c = unifrnd(x0, x1, [n_a, n_b])
% Error using unifrnd
% Size information is inconsistent.
% c = unifrnd(x0, x1, [n_a, 1]) % also fails
c = unifrnd(ones(n_a, n_b) .* x0, ones(n_a, n_b) .* x1, [n_a, n_b])
% works
There is a size verification within the unifrnd function (you can type open unifrnd in the command line to see the function code). It sends the error if the third input is not coherent with the size of the first 2 inputs:
[err, sizeOut] = internal.stats.statsizechk(2,a,b,varargin{:});
if err > 0
If you skip this part, though (as in if you create a custom function without the size check), both your function calls that fail will actually work, due to implicit expansion. The real question is whether calling the function this way makes sense.
TL;DR : It is not the broadcasting that fails, it is the function that does not allow you these sets of inputs
unifrnd essentially calls rand and applies scaling and shifting to the desired interval. So you can use rand and do the scaling and shifting manually, which allows you to employ broadcasting (singleton expansion):
c = x0 + (x1-x0).*rand(n_a, n_b);

Store audio signal into array using matlab

I recorded an audio signal (.wav) and I need to convert this signal into a matrix or array using matlab, so i can add it to another one.
[x,fs] = wavread('C:\Users\Amira\Desktop\test222.wav');
length(x) = 339968
How can i sample this signal and covert it to matrix of (N,1) where N=40.
If you only want the first 40 samples of your audio signal, you can simply index into x:
[x,fs] = wavread('C:\Users\Amira\Desktop\test222.wav');
first40 = x(1:40);

converting SSE code to AVX - cost of _mm256_and_ps

I'm converting SSE2 sine and cosine functions (from Julien Pommier's sse_mathfun.h; based on the CEPHES sinf function) to use AVX in order to accept 8 float vectors or 4 doubles.
So, Julien's function sin_ps becomes sin_ps8 (for 8 floats) and sin_pd4 for 4 doubles. (The "advanced" editor here fails to accept my code, so please visit to see it.)
Testing with clang 3.3 under Mac OS X 10.6.8 running on a 2011 Core2 i7 # 2.7Ghz, benchmarking results look like this:
sinf .. -> 27.7 millions of vector evaluations/second over 5.56e+07
iters (standard, scalar sinf() function)
sin_ps .. -> 41.0 millions of vector evaluations/second over
8.22e+07 iters
sin_pd4 .. -> 40.2 millions of vector evaluations/second over
8.06e+07 iters
sin_ps8 .. -> 2.5 millions of vector evaluations/second over
5.1e+06 iters
The cost of sin_ps8 is downright frightening, and it seems it is due to the use of _mm256_castsi256_ps . In fact, commenting out the line "poly_mask = _mm256_castsi256_ps(emmm2);" results in a more normal performance.
sin_pd4 uses _mm_castsi128_pd, but it appears that is not (just) the mix of SSE and AVX instructions that is biting me in sin_ps8: when I emulate the _mm256_castsi256_ps calls with 2 calls to _mm_castsi128_ps, performance doesn't improve. emm2 and emm0 are pointers to emmm2 and emmm0, both v8si instances and thus (a priori) correctly aligned to 32 bits boundaries.
See sse_mathfun.h and sse_mathfun_test.c for compilable code.
Is there a(n easy) way to avoid the penalty I'm seeing?
Transferring stuff out of registers into memory isn't usually a good idea. You are doing this every time you store into a pointer.
Instead of this:
{ ALIGN32_BEG v4sf *yy ALIGN32_END = (v4sf*) &y;
emm2[0] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm_cvttps_epi32( yy[0] ), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1),
emm2[1] = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm_cvttps_epi32( yy[1] ), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1);
yy[0] = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2[0]),
yy[1] = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2[1]);
/* get the swap sign flag */
emm0[0] = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[0], _v4si_pi32_4), 29),
emm0[1] = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[1], _v4si_pi32_4), 29);
/* get the polynom selection mask
there is one polynom for 0 <= x <= Pi/4
and another one for Pi/4<x<=Pi/2
Both branches will be computed.
emm2[0] = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[0], _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128()),
emm2[1] = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2[1], _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128());
((v4sf*)&poly_mask)[0] = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm2[0]);
((v4sf*)&poly_mask)[1] = _mm_castsi128_ps(emm2[1]);
swap_sign_bit = _mm256_castsi256_ps(emmm0);
Try something like this:
__m128i emm2a = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm256_castps256_ps128(y), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1);
__m128i emm2b = _mm_and_si128(_mm_add_epi32( _mm256_extractf128_ps(y, 1), _v4si_pi32_1), _v4si_pi32_inv1);
y = _mm256_insertf128_ps(_mm256_castps128_ps256(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2a)), _mm_cvtepi32_ps(emm2b), 1);
/* get the swap sign flag */
__m128i emm0a = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2a, _v4si_pi32_4), 29),
__m128i emm0b = _mm_slli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2b, _v4si_pi32_4), 29);
swap_sign_bit = _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(emm0a), emm0b, 1));
/* get the polynom selection mask
there is one polynom for 0 <= x <= Pi/4
and another one for Pi/4<x<=Pi/2
Both branches will be computed.
emm2a = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2a, _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128()),
emm2b = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_and_si128(emm2b, _v4si_pi32_2), _mm_setzero_si128());
poly_mask = _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(emm2a), emm2b, 1));
As mentioned in comments, cast intrinsics are purely compile-time and emit no instructions.
Maybe you could compare your code to the already working AVX extension of Julien Pommier SSE math functions?
This code works in GCC but not MSVC and only supports floats (float8) but I think you could easily extend it to use doubles (double4) as well. A quick comparison of your sin function shows that they are quite similar except for the SSE2 integer part.

2D Deconvolution using FFT in Matlab Problems

I have convoluted an image I created in matlab with a 2D Gaussian function which I have also defined in matlab and now I am trying to deconvolve the resultant matrix to see if I get the 2D Gaussian function back using the fft2 and ifft2 commands. However the matrix I get as a result is incorrect (to my knowledge). Here is the code for what I have done thus far:
% Code for input image (img) [300x300 array]
N = 100;
t = linspace(0,2*pi,50);
r = (N-10)/2;
circle = poly2mask(r*cos(t)+N/2+0.5, r*sin(t)+N/2+0.5,N,N);
img = repmat(circle,3,3);
% Code for 2D Gaussian Function with c = 0 sig = 1/64 (Z) [300x300 array]
x = linspace(-3,3,300);
y = x';
[X Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = exp(-((X.^2)+(Y.^2))/(2*1/64));
% Code for 2D Convolution of img with Z (C) [599x599 array]
C = conv2(img,Z);
% I have tested that this convolution is correct using cross section profile vectors for img and C and the resulting x-y plots are what i expect from the convolution.
% From my knowledge of convolution, the algorithm works as a multiplier in Fourier space, therefore by dividing the Fourier transform of my output (convoluted image) by my input (img) I should get back the point spread function (Z - 2D Gaussian function) after the inverse Fourier transform is applied to this result by division.
% Code for attempted 2D deconvolution
Fimg = fft2(img,599,599);
% zero padding added to increase result to 599x599 array
FC = fft2(C);
R = FC/Fimg;
% I now get this error prompt: Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 2.551432e-22
iFR = ifft2(R);
I'm expecting iFR to be close to Z but I'm getting something completely different. It may be an approximation of Z with complex values but I can't seem to check it since I don't know how to plot a 3D complex matrix in matlab. So if anyone can tell me whether my answer is correct or incorrect and how to get this deconvolution to work? I'd be much appreciated.
R = FC/Fimg needs to be R = FC./Fimg; You need to do division element-wise.
Here are some Octave (version 3.6.2) plots of that deconvolved Gaussian.
% deconvolve in frequency domain
Fimg = fft2(img,599,599);
FC = fft2(C);
R = FC ./ Fimg;
r = ifft2(R);
% show deconvolved Gaussian
subplot(2,3,1), imshow(img), title('image');
subplot(2,3,2), imshow(Z), title('Gaussian');
subplot(2,3,3), imshow(C), title('image blurred by Gaussian');
subplot(2,3,4), mesh(X,Y,Z), title('initial Gaussian');
subplot(2,3,5), imagesc(real(r(1:300,1:300))), colormap gray, title('deconvolved Gaussian');
subplot(2,3,6), mesh(X,Y,real(r(1:300,1:300))), title('deconvolved Gaussian');
% show difference between Gaussian and deconvolved Gaussian
gdiff = Z - real(r(1:300,1:300));
imagesc(gdiff), colorbar, colormap gray, title('difference between initial Gaussian and deconvolved Guassian');

zero padding a signal in MATLAB

I have an audio signal of length 12769. I'm trying to perform STFT on it by breaking it into small windows of 1024 samples. This gives me with 12 exact windows while there are 481 points remaining. Since i need 543 (1024 - 481) more points to make up 1024 samples, i used the following code to zero pad.
f = [a zeros(1,542)];
where a is the audio file.
However i get an error saying
??? Error using ==> horzcat
CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.
How can I overcome this?
Your vector a is a column vector and cannot be concatenated with row vector zeros(1,542). Use zeros(542,1) instead.
However, it is much easier to just use
f = a;
f(1024*ceil(end/1024)) = 0;
MATLAB will zero pad the vector up to element 1024, and it is independent of the array being column or row.
You can either remove the excess 481 samples using
Total_Samples = length(a);
for i=1 : Total_Samples-481
a_new[i] = a[i];
or you could add an additional 543 Zero samples by using
Total_Samples = length(a);
for i=Total_Samples+1 : Total_Samples+543
a[i] = 0 ;
