Knockout binding for gijgo treeview with checkbox - checkbox

I like the gijgo treeview with checkbox as its clean and neat and it solves the purpose of showing the hierarchy information. Check below link for documentation.
Since knockout.js is preferred for the front end development hence its needed to develop a knockout binding for this particular requirement.
The idea is to populate the hierarchy data from the backend and bind it to the custom knockout binding.
The user selects/un-selects some checkboxes and then hits the save button. the selected/unselected data is again sent back to the server for the save.
The below code is the usage of the control in jquery.
The function tree.getCheckedNodes() returns the array of selected checkboxes.
How would one call the above function from an knockout binding.
ko.bindingHandlers.tree = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
var options = valueAccessor() || {};
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
var tree = $(element).tree(value);

In the init method:
Unwrap the widget's initial data passed by your viewmodel from the valueAccessor
Convert the initial data to the format the tree widget understands
Initialize the widget with the correct settings $(element).tree({ /* ... */ })
Attach an event listener (.on("change", function() { }) to track user-input
In the event listener function, write back the data from the UI to the viewmodel (e.g. valueAccessor() (tree.getCheckedNodes()))
Optional: add custom disposal logic to clean up the widget if knockout removes it from the DOM
In the update method, which is called if your view model's value changes
Implement the logic that updates the widget based on your new settings. Probably something like tree.check(ko.unwrap(valueAccessor())). Make sure the update is "silent", if it would trigger a change event, you'd end up in an infinite loop.


Backbone.Collection.reset() => child view is out of sync with parent

I have a list of items. They are stored in backbone pageable collection.
They are displayed like this
<< 1,2,3...end >>
User can click on individual item to open detail view in a separate page. Detail view has listeners initialized
when it's created. Those listeners are bound to the item model.
Since the detail view is huge, I cache it in the DOM by toggling the visibility.
The subsequent click on the item will toggle the cached view.
------ here is the problem -----
When item list is switched to another page, the collection is reset (by paginator). And all the models previously stored in the collection is dereferenced and
a new set of models is created. So after the page is switched back and forth, the previously opened item has a different copy of itself stored
in the collection. So when I change the name of the item in the detail view (in the view cache), the name in the item list is not changed.
The views are out of sync! because they are referencing to different models.
Not sure if anyone else encounter this before. If you do, please share with me how you solve it.
Thanks very much.
The most straight-forward way to maintain a fresh reference between your list view items and the corresponding detail view, on page change, is to re-render the detail view. But I'm assuming this options is not acceptable within the scope of your project.
What I often do, when I have the task of forming relationships within logically separate views is use listeners. As long as the views share a unique identifier (for example, they both share a model, or at least identical model ids), I can always send a message that will reach the view I'm interested in.
For this you'll need a centralized event hub, which with Backbone is trivially easy to generate. In some appropiately global variable (like, for example, MyApp) we simply do:
MyApp.EventBus = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
Set up the detail view
On the detail view initialize function I would drop this listener,
initialize: function () {
// Listen to a toggle visibility on this view
this.listenTo(MyApp.EventBus, 'detail-view:toggle-view', toggleView);
toggleView: function (id) {
if ( == id) {
// Show this view if I have the passed id
// Notify the parent list item view that its detail view exists
MyApp.EventBus.trigger('detail:view:exists', true);
} else {
// Hide all other views
changeName: function () {
// logic that parses DOM user input to
// local variable name
// We now trigger an event 'detail-view:change:name', and we send as
// parameters our model's id and the new name
MyApp.EventBus.trigger('detail-view:change:name',, name);
Setting up the list item view
The list item view will want to listen to a name change (or any other model property in the detail view that you want the list item to be aware of). So we'll set up a handler for the 'detail-view:change:name' event.
We'll also want to wire our click handler to toggle the visibility of the list item's detail view. The tricky part is to handle the event that a view has not been rendered yet (I'm assuming you're lazy loading the detail view). So we set up a second listener for the detail:view:exists event the detail view triggers when it catches a detail-view:toggle-view event. If we don't hear the detail:view:exists event from the targeted detail view in a timely manner (I'm using 100 ms, but you can play around with that to suit your needs), then we render the view.
initialize: function () {
// Listen to when the detail associated with this list item changes
// the the list item name
this.listenTo(MyApp.EventBus, 'detail-view:change:name', onNameChange);
// Set a property in this view if its detail view exists
this.listenTo(MyApp.EventBus, 'detail:view:exists',
_.bind(function () { this.detailViewExists = true; }, this));
// Create a debounced function that tests whether this view's
// detail view exists
_.debounce(_.bind(this.handleViewState, this), 100);
events {
click: 'toggleDetailView'
toggleDetailView: function (id) {
// Debounced function that will wait 100ms asynchronously for the
// detail view to respond. If the detailViewExists bit is not set to true
// then we assume the view does not exist and we render it
handleViewState: function () {
if (!this.detailViewExists)
// The view does not exist, render and attach the view
// Set the bit to false to allow testing in the event that the detail view
// is destroyed in the future
this.detailViewExists = false;
changeName: function (id, newname) {
if ( == id) {
// Change the name of this list item view
The take-away
Now, the reference between these two disparate views is the shared unique identifier. Since, by design, these two identifiers are unique in their scope, and should not change, and assuming the detail view has been rendered and attached to the DOM, then regardless of the rendering its state the list item view will always be able to communicate with its detail view.

Form controller in marionette

So I have a form that appears on a few pages and contains a number of groups of inputs. Say group a, group b and group c. On some pages they might have a and b and on others the form contains b and c. Each group may require its own client side custom validation maybe executed from the form controller.
What is the best way to achieve this using backbone and marionette?
Conceptually, and i'm fairly new to both, I'd assume I'd need a FormController that is instantiated from a page specific Controller which also instantiates the group controllers that I need for that page. Any advice would be great.
To make this work you would create two objects per input group. One for its custom functions, and one for its events. In the form controller you'd _.extend the function objects of each input group with a base form view to get the custom functions into your new form view. Next you'd pass in your custom events objects into the constructor for the new form view, where a utility function of your basic view would add the new custom events to the basic form view events. Finally, you'd have to ensure that you have a template for that form that contains the correct input groups.
I should also mention that you can accomplish this with Marionette.LayoutViews and dynamic regions, in a possibly cleaner way (you could specify an atomic template for each input group), albeit with a lot more overhead.
The expanded explanation
I've been toying with this idea a bit. I've been thinking a lot lately about using Underscore _.extend() to plug-in stock functionality to different views. Your problem would be ideal for this solution. Here's a sample of how you'd implement it.
Including functionality
Say that your input group A had a validate function that did it's thing,
validateA: function () {
// custom validation routine
and a submit function to handle form submissions,
submitA: function () {
// custom submit routine
The first thing you do is package these functions inside an object:
groupA = {
validateA: function() {...},
submitA: function() {...}
You'd have as many function objects as you have input groups.
You'd also build a generic form view that would house common form functionality, and which would also serve as the basic view you'd use to render your form
var GenericForm = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({...});
In here you'll put all your baseline events and functions common to all forms.
Then, as you mentioned you'd set up a FormController that would plug in the custom functionality, like this,
var formController = function () {
callFormZ: function() {
var genericForm = new GenericForm({ groupEvents: [eventsA, eventsB] });
var formZ = _.extend(genericForm, groupA, groupB);;
By using _.extend on your basic view and your two input groups you end up with a new view, formZ that is a composite of the two input groups. If you'd look inside it would have all the functionality of GenericForm plus
validateA: function () { ... },
submitA: function () { ... },
validateB: function () { ... },
submitB: function () { ... },
At this point, though there is no way to bind any events to your custom functions.
You may have noticed in the callFormZ controller that I passed in an array in a property called groupEvents. These are the custom events for your input groups. They'd normally have the form
eventsA: {
'blur .groupA': 'validateA',
'click #groupA button': 'submitA'
Ideally, we would just use extend to merge your events the way we did your functions. But since we want to end up with just one events property in your view, we run into a problem. _.extend will overwrite all the events properties in your view object with the events property of the last object passed into _.extend. So to get around this problem we have to pass an array of custom events, one for each form group.
First, you'd create a config array of events objects with your custom events for the particular form you're working with,
customEvents = [
eventsA: {
'blur .groupA': 'validateA',
'click #groupA button': 'submitA'
eventsB: {
'blur .groupB': 'validateB',
'click #groupB button': 'submitBA'
You'd pass this array into your constructor, as we did in the callFormZ controller function. The array will now be loaded in your options parameter. In your initialize you can call something like this,
initialize(options) {
where, combinedEvents is
combineEvents: function() {
var extendEvents = [this.eventsA, this.eventB]; // Make an array of the extended groups
_.each(extendEvents, function (extendEvent) {
for (prop in extendEvent)
this.event[prop] = extendEvent[prop];
Also, note that after combining events I called delegateEvents so that we'd rewire the new events.
To make all this work you'll have to provide a template that has the portions of each input group. I'm not aware of how we construct the template programmatically from individual input group templates. Instead, you'd have to have a template with the input groups relevant to the form.
Putting it all together
So, to make this work you would create two objects per input group. One for its custom functions, and one for its events. In the form controller you'd _.extend the function objects of each input group with a base form view to get the custom functions into your new form view. Next you'd pass in your custom events objects into the constructor for the new form view, where a utility function of your basic view would add the new custom events to the basic form view events. Finally, you'd have to ensure that you have a template for that form that contains the correct input groups.

Binding to property of model attribute in Backbone.js

Disclaimer: I'm new to Backbone.js (coming from AngularJS), so I may have an inaccurate mental model of how this is supposed to work.
I have an object, characterNodes, which I'm making an attribute on my model. characterNodes looks something like this:
var characterNodes = {
character_1: {
stories: [// list of Stories]
character_2: {
stories: [// list of Stories]
My Backbone Model looks something like this:
var StoryGraph = joint.dia.Graph.extend({
initialize: function() {
// Call parent constructor
StoryGraph.__super__.initialize.apply(this, []);
this.set('characterNodes', characterNodes);
this.on('change:characterNodes', function() {
Each Story has a property "isUnlocked" which is changed elsewhere in the application. I want to fire an event (ie. that is, the alert 'test' should pop up) whenever this property is changed. With the code as it is above, the event never seems to fire.
I can't get a clear understanding from the Backbone docs whether this is supposed to work - does on('change:characterNodes') fire whenever any property (or sub-property, or sub-sub-property, etc) of characterNodes changes? Or only when the pointer to the object changes, that is, when it's replaced with another object? Or am I doing something else wrong? Thanks!
Backbone doesn't do any magic, basically, the change event is fired only if you set the "characterNodes" to a new object. If you're changing a nested property of that object, Backbone doesn't know it happened. You have three options: a) Change the whole object (e.g. by creating a copy), b) fire the change event manually (m.trigger("change:characterNodes")) whenever you change a nested property, c) Do not use nested objects for this. Have "character1_Stories" as a top level property.
Options c) is preferable. Try to keep properties in your models flat. Option a) is also fine but it has the disadvantage of having to copy the object. Option b) is not recommended. This is because Backbone keeps track of the previous value of the model properties (m.previous("characterNodes")). If you change a nested property, the previous value will have the same reference to the same object as the new value, therefore, it won't reflect its previous state.
Try to call a function instead define the function, and pass the third argument to keep the context call.
Something like this:
this.on('change:characterNodes', this.AlertSomething, this);
Hope it helps.

Backbone with slider

This scenario could apply to a whole bunch of UI widgets, but for a simple example I'll use a slider (E.g. jQuery UI slider).
I have a jQuery slider that notifies the Backbone.Model when it 'slides' as well as when it stops. The Views update in both cases.
I want to add Undo/Redo functionality that will listen for changes in the Model, and create Undo objects for each change, using the previous() values. However, I only want to create Undo objects when the slider STOPs, not on every change during sliding.
So, I need the slider to notify the Model of changes to the slider value in two different ways that can be distinguished by the Undo code.
At the moment, I'm doing Model.trigger('slideValue', [newValue]) while sliding and the Views listen and update on this trigger.
Then when the slider stops, I do Model.set('slideValue', newValue) and the Undo functionality listens for these change events to create a new Undo object and add to the queue.
The reason I'm doing Model.trigger('slideValue', [newValue]) is that this allows me to notify all the Views that the Model is changing (so they can render this change), but when I come to do Model.set('slideValue', newValue) when the slider stops, the previous() value of the Model is available to my Undo functionality (hasn't been changed during the sliding).
But this still feels horribly hacked. Is there a nicer alternative to the Model.trigger()?
Please consider this working example
I used Backbone.Collection to add new undo values on stop event and Backbone.Model to hold/update current slider value on slide event.
// Get reference to the slider div
var sliderDiv = $( "#slider" );
// Get reference to the undo button
var undoButton = $( "#undo" );
// Create new model to save slider value state
var sliderValueStateModel = new (Backbone.Model.extend());
// Create new collection to save slider undo values
var sliderValueUndoCollection = new (Backbone.Collection.extend());
// Initialize silider
// Add initial slider undo value to the collection
sliderValueUndoCollection.add({ value: sliderDiv.slider("value") });
// Listen to the undo button click
undoButton.on("click", function() {
var model, value;
// Do nothing when there is no undo history
if (sliderValueUndoCollection.length < 2) return false;
// Remove the last slider undo model with current value
// Get previous slider undo model
if (sliderValueUndoCollection.length === 1) {
// Keep initial value in collection
model = sliderValueUndoCollection.first();
} else {
// Get and remove the value from collection
model = sliderValueUndoCollection.pop();
// Get slider undo value from the model
value = model.get("value");
// Save new undo value to the collection
sliderValueUndoCollection.add({ value: value });
// Set the new value as previous slider undo value
sliderDiv.slider("option", "value", value);
// Listen to slide event from slider and set value to the model
sliderDiv.on("slide", function( event, ui ) {
// Save new slider value to the model
sliderValueStateModel.set({ value: ui.value });
// Listen to stop event from slider and add undo value to the collection
sliderDiv.on("slidestop", function( event, ui ) {
// Add new slider undo value to the collection
sliderValueUndoCollection.add({ value: ui.value });

How do I design MarionetteJS ItemView to properly show loading message?

First off - I am a MarionetteJS noob.
I am having trouble making an ItemView display a loading message or throbber while it is being fetched. This is especially problematic when this ItemView is being displayed from a deep link in Backbone's history (i.e. the ItemView is the first page of the app being displayed since the user linked directly to it). I want to indicate that the page is loading (fetching), preferably with a simple view, and then show the real templated view with the fetched model.
I have seen other answers on SO like Marionette.async, (which has been deprecated) and changing the template during ItemView.initalize().
Anybody (Derrick?) got any suggestions or best practices here?
I am getting the model from the collection using collection.get(id), not using model.fetch() directly.
After thinking about this, the real question is where should this be implemented:
I could change my controller to see if the model exists in the collection (and if the collection is loaded) and decide which view to show accordingly. this seems like a lot of boilerplate everywhere since this could happen with any ItemView and any controller.
I could change my ItemView initialize to test for existence of the model (and a loaded collection), but same comment here: every ItemView could have this problem.
This is what I ended up with, in case anybody else want this solution:
app.ModelLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
constructor: function(){
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
Backbone.Marionette.Layout.prototype.constructor.apply(this, args);
// we want to know when the collection is loaded or changed significantly
this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset sync", this.resetHandler);
resetHandler: function () {
// whenever the collection is reset/sync'ed, we try to render the selected model
if (this.collection.length) {
// when there is no model, check to see if the collection is loaded and then try to get the
// specified id to render into this view
this.model = this.collection.get(;
getTemplate: function(){
// getTemplate will be called during render() processing.
// return a template based on state of collection, and state of model
if (this.model){
// normal case: we have a valid model, return the normal template
return this.template;
} else if (this.collection && this.collection.isSyncing) {
// collection is still syncing, tell the user that it is Loading
return this.loadingView;
} else {
// we're not syncing and we don't have a model, therefore, not found
return this.emptyView;
And here is how to use it:
// display a single model on a page
app.Access.Layout.CardLayout = app.ModelLayout.extend({
regions: {
template:"CardLayout", // this is the normal template with a loaded model
loadingView:"LoadingView", // this is a template to show while loading the collection
emptyView:"PageNotFoundView", // this is a template to show when the model is not found
onRender : function() { blah ); blah );
For the ItemView
I think you can add a spinner in your initialize function, I really like spin.js because its pretty easy and simple to use, and you can hide the spinner in the onRender function of the Itemview
For The CollectionView
in the CollectionView you could handle it like this....
Take a look at the solution that Derick posted..
I'd suggest using jQuery deferreds:
Start fetching your data, and store the return value (which is a jQuery promise)
Instanciate your content view
Show your loading view
When the promise is done, show the view containing the content
I've talked about implementing this technique on my blog:
The issue with the solution linked by Rayweb_on, is that your loading view will be displayed any time your collection is empty (i.e. not just when it's being fetched). Besides, the ItemView doesn't have an emptyView attribute, so it won't be applicable to your case anyway.
Based on your updated question, you should still be able to apply the concept by dynamically specifying which template to use:
Then, when/if the data has been fetched successfully, trigger a rerender in the view.
