Clearing inputs in React - reactjs

I have a component in which I create a new post. I have a state used to configure and create a form. The main object in the state is called formControls and inside each element looks something like this:
title: {
elementType: "input",
elementConfig: {
type: "text",
placeholder: "Title"
value: "",
validation: {
required: true
valid: false,
isTouched: false
Then I have a submit handler in which I create a new post and I try to clear the inputs. I m using 2 way binding so I try to clear by looping through state, make copies and update the values for each elements in the formControls : title, author and content like this:
for (let key in this.state.formControls) {
const updatedState = { ...this.state.formControls };
const updatedInput = { ...this.state.formControls[key] };
updatedInput.value = "";
updatedState[key] = updatedInput;
formControls: updatedState
The things is that it only clears the last element in the form (textarea). I console logged updatedState and in each iteration it clears the current input but in the next iteration the previous cleared input has again the value before clearing so only the last element is cleared in the end. If i move const updatedState = { ...this.state.formControls };
outside the for loop is behaves as it should. Does this happen because of async operation of setState() and it doesn t give me the right previous state when I try to update in each iteration?
I was hoping that maybe someone could help me understand why is like this. I would post more code but is quite long.

The data available to you in the closure is stale after the first call to setState. All iterations in the for .. in block will be run with the "old" data, so your last iteration is the one which is actually setting the fields to the values as they were when the for .. in loop began.
Try calling setState only once and put all your required changes into that.
const updatedFormControls = { ...this.state.formControls };
for (let key in this.state.formControls) {
const updatedInput = { ...updatedFormControls[key] };
updatedInput.value = "";
updatedFormControls[key] = updatedInput;
formControls: updatedFormControls
Another way to do the same thing might look like this:
this.setState(state => ({
formControls: Object.keys(state.formControls).reduce(
(acc, key) => ({
[key]: { ...state.formControls[key], value: '' }


How to set a state with object in array using loop in reactjs

I'm facing a problem with setting a state with an object in an array using a loop in my project. when I loops the data only set of them.
this is my code
const {role} = usePage().props
const { data, setData, put, processing, errors, reset } = useForm({
name: || '',
permissions: []
const setUncheckPermissions = () => {
const temp = => {
return permission['name']
if(props.permissions.length > role.permissions.length){
for(let i=0; i < temp.length; i++){
setData("permissions", [{name:temp[i],isChecked:false}]); // only set one of them
return console.log('all good')
return console.log('Maybe problems happen')
please give me some clue or hint or better terminology to solve this problem.
thank you in advance
setData("permissions", => ({name: it, isChecked: false})))
You seem to be mapping to every permission object the property isChecked: false
For this you only need to work with your map function once and then set the state for the whole permissions.
No need to map once for taking the name property out and loop through it to set the isChecked property. All can be done in one go.
Furthermore, calling setData in a loop will make your component re-render on every iteration, which is undesired.
Simply do this:
const setUncheckPermissions = () => {
if(props.permissions.length > role.permissions.length){
const uncheckedPermissions = => {
return {name:, isChecked: false};
setData("permissions", uncheckedPermissions);

Change Boolean value based on the previous state value

I have created the toggle function where it will change the Boolean value to false. And I am passing that handler function to button, now I am trying to achieve the same by using previous value, the problem I am facing here is I am having a mock data which will have the following structure {[{}]} inside one object I'll have an array inside that I'll have another objects. I have posted the mock and older implementation by selecting only one value from the mock, could any one guide me how to change the boolean value for the mock which I have. Thanks in advance.
const custDetail = {
customers: [
name: "Abc",
isCreated: true,
name: "bcd",
isCreated: true,
name: "Dec",
isCreated: true,
const [creatingCust, setCreatingCust] = useState([custDetail])
const custData = [...creatingCust]
custData[0].customers[0].isCreated = false
//trying to use prevState but I am getting undefined
const onClick = () => {
setCreatingCust(prevState => ({isCreated:!prevState.customers[0].isCreated}))
Shallow copy the state, and all nested state, that is being updated. I suggest using the customer name property to match the customer element in the customers array that you want to update. Use to create a new array reference.
I suggest also just storing custDetail in the creatingCust state. I don't a reason to nest it in an array.
const [creatingCust, setCreatingCust] = useState(custDetail);
const onClick = (name) => {
setCreatingCust(prevState => ({
customer => === name
? {
isCreated: !customers.isCreated
: customer
If you must have creatingCust be an array the process is similar, but instead of shallow copying into a new object you shallow copy into a new array.
const onClick = (name) => {
setCreatingCust(prevState => [{
customers: prevState[0]
customer => === name
? {
isCreated: !customers.isCreated
: customer

React Hooks - keep arguments reference in state

I created a hook to use a confirm dialog, this hook provides the properties to the component to use them like this:
const { setIsDialogOpen, dialogProps } = useConfirmDialog({
title: "Are you sure you want to delete this group?",
text: "This process is not reversible.",
buttons: {
confirm: {
onPress: onDeleteGroup,
width: "360px",
<ConfirmDialog {...dialogProps} />
This works fine, but also I want to give the option to change these properties whenever is needed without declaring extra states in the component where is used and in order to achieve this what I did was to save these properties in a state inside the hook and this way provide another function to change them if needed before showing the dialog:
interface IState {
isDialogOpen: boolean;
dialogProps: TDialogProps;
export const useConfirmDialog = (props?: TDialogProps) => {
const [state, setState] = useState<IState>({
isDialogOpen: false,
dialogProps: {
const setIsDialogOpen = (isOpen = true) => {
setState((prevState) => ({
isDialogOpen: isOpen,
// Change dialog props optionally before showing it
const showConfirmDialog = (dialogProps?: TDialogProps) => {
if (dialogProps) {
const updatedProps = { ...state.dialogProps, ...dialogProps };
setState((prevState) => ({
dialogProps: updatedProps,
return {
dialogProps: {
isOpen: state.isDialogOpen,
onClose: () => setIsDialogOpen(false),
But the problem here is the following:
Arguments are passed by reference so if I pass a function to the button (i.e onDeleteGroup) i will keep the function updated to its latest state to perform the correct deletion if a group id changes inside of it.
But as I'm saving the properties inside a state the reference is lost and now I only have the function with the state which it was declared at the beginning.
I tried to add an useEffect to update the hook state when arguments change but this is causing an infinite re render:
useEffect(() => {
setState((prevState) => ({
dialogProps: props || {},
}, [props]);
I know I can call showConfirmDialog and pass the function to update the state with the latest function state but I'm looking for a way to just call the hook, declare the props and not touch the dialog props if isn't needed.
Any answer is welcome, thank you for reading.
You should really consider not doing this, this is not a good coding pattern, this unnecessarily complicates your hook and can cause hard to debug problems. Also this goes against the "single source of truth" principle. I mean a situation like the following
const Component = ({title}: {title?: string}) => {
const {showConfirmDialog} = useConfirmDialog({
// ...
useEffect(() => {
// Here you expect the title to be "title"
if(something) showConfirmDialog()
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
// Here you expect the title to be "Foo bar?"
if(somethingElse) showConfirmDialog({title: 'Foo bar?'})
}, [])
// But if the second dialog is opened, then the first, the title will be
// "Foo bar?" in both cases
So please think twice before implementing this, sometimes it's better to write a little more code but it will save you a lot debugging.
As for the answer, I would store the props in a ref and update them on every render somehow like this
/** Assign properties from obj2 to obj1 that are not already equal */
const assignChanged = <T extends Record<string, unknown>>(obj1: T, obj2: Partial<T>, deleteExcess = true): T => {
if(obj1 === obj2) return obj1
const result = {...obj1}
Object.keys(obj2).forEach(key => {
if(obj1[key] !== obj2[key]) {
result[key] = obj2[key]
if(deleteExcess) {
// Remove properties that are not present on obj2 but present on obj1
Object.keys(obj1).forEach(key => {
if(!obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)) delete result[key]
return result
const useConfirmDialog = (props) => {
const localProps = useRef(props)
localProps.current = assignChanged(localProps.current, props)
const showConfirmDialog = (changedProps?: Partial<TDialogProps>) => {
localProps.current = assignChanged(localProps.current, changedProps, false)
// ...
// ...
This is in case you have some optional properties in TDialogProps and you want to accept Partial properties in showConfirmDialog. If this is not the case, you could simplify the logic a little by removing this deleteExcess part.
You see that it greatly complicates your code, and adds a performance overhead (although it's insignificant, considering you only have 4-5 fields in your dialog props), so I really recommend against doing this and just letting the caller of useConfirmDialog have its own state that it can change. Or maybe you could remove props from useConfirmDialog in the first place and force the user to always pass them to showConfirmDialog, although in this case this hook becomes kinda useless. Maybe you don't need this hook at all, if it only contains the logic that you have actually shown in the answer? It seems like pretty much the only thing it does is setting isDialogOpen to true/false. Whatever, it's your choice, but I think it's not the best idea

array declaration in this.state React

**I'm trying to create an array with 5 values which I could use with nameArray[number].
I think that the declaration of the array is wrong but I don't know how I can fix it.
My idea is that: I have 5 buttons, when I click one of this, only one value of the 5 values in the state array change from false to true.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
activeButtons: [false, false, false, false, false]
cliccato = (e) => {
const number = parseInt(;
activeButtons: !this.state.activeButtons[number],
() => {
console.log(" "+ this.state.activeButtons[number]);
You're updating your state's activeButtons with a single boolean value, rather than an updated array.
You need to generate a new array and modify only the relevant element:
const newArray = [...this.state.activeButtons];
newArray[number] = !newArray[number];
activeButtons: newArray,
Declaration of the array is fine. You can make it shorter with Array(5).fill(false).
It's setting state part that needs work. In your current code, you are setting the state to the alternate of a boolean value, instead you need to set it to an array.
this.setState(prevState => ({
activeButtons:, index) => {
if(index === number) {
return !val;
return val;
Also, using the functional set state form here
It's because you're overwriting activeButtons every time with only one element value. You need to preserve the other values each time you want to update an element.
Using an Object would be a more graceful data structure in this case though.
activeButtons: {
[number]: !this.state.activeButtons[number]

What is proper way to call function from onClick so it don't trigger wrong one?

When I click on button then onClick triggers correct function, run half through and jumps to other function which is not related to it and run through half of it and jumps back to first function, runs half trough again and drops error
Uncaught TypeError: _this.state.searchValue.toLowerCase is not a function
Interesting part is that I click other button before which triggers this function with toLowerCase() and there is no errors.
I dont have any idea whats going on here but so far i was trying to remove few lines to see which line cause it because I dont think that line with toLowerCase() realy is the reason. Everything works when I remove lines where is first this.setState.
Here is my function:
( Alerts is used to track where function is at, that how i know
that it run half through only. It never reach alert("DDD").
This function is which is triggered with button onClick like it should be )
onSelect = (e) => {
const data ='data-id');
const itemId ='data-id');
const itemIdState = !this.state['data-id')];
this.setState(state => { // <--- Somehow problem comes from this setState function
const newState = {};
for (const dataId in state) {
newState[dataId] = dataId === data
return newState
this.setState(State => ({
[itemId]: itemIdState,
}), function() {
if(this.state[itemId] === true){
this.setState({isAnySelected: true})
}else if(this.state[itemId] === false){
this.setState({isAnySelected: false})
This is other function which is triggered by mistake and is not related to other. It is just returning component which is displayed and when I press on its button then i have this issue.
filterSearch = (id, title, path) => {
let name = title.toLowerCase()
let filter = this.state.searchValue.toLowerCase()
return <SearchResult key={id} data-id={id} pName={path} onClick={this.onSelect} selected={this.state[id]} />
And here is from where filterSearch is triggered. Behind this.props.searchResult is Redux.
{this.props.searchResult ? =>
this.filterSearch(, category.title, category.path)
) : null
I think I see what the problem is: in your problematic this.setState, you cast everything in your state to a boolean:
this.setState(state => {
const newState = {};
for (const dataId in state) {
newState[dataId] = dataId === data
return newState
Your for() statement ends up comparing searchValue to data (some kind of ID), which I imagine more often than not will not be the case, so searchValue ends up getting set to false.
And what happens when you try to do .toLowerCase() on a Boolean?
To fix this, consider structuring your state like this:
this.state = {
searchValue: '',
ids: {},
Then, replace your problematic this.setState with something like this:
this.setState((state) => {
const newIDs = {
// Create a clone of your current IDs
Object.keys(newIDs).forEach(key => {
newIDs[key] = key === data
return {
// searchValue will remain untouched
// Only update your IDs
ids: newIDs,
What exactly are you wanting to do here?
this.setState(state => {
const newState = {}; // You are initializing an object
for (const dataId in state) {
newState[dataId] = dataId === data // You are putting in an array every property of state that is equal to data
return newState
So irrevocably, your this.state.searchValue property will be changed to something else, which is of boolean type. So toLowerCase being a function for string.prototype, you will get an error.
You should describe what you where aiming to get here.
