I tried to make a function that add list of country. But it's not working at the last input (Những ngôn ngữ dịch. I can't save it into database to. What should I do?
I tried to add as much as possible country on the last input. But it didn't show. Here are my code:
import '../../css/style.css';
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useState, useSelector } from "react";
import { ajaxCallGetUrlDemo, ajaxCallPost } from "../libs/base";
import Select from 'react-select'
import { Const_Libs } from "../libs/Const_Libs";
const ModalAddNgonNgu = (props) => {
const { handleGetLanguage } = props;
const [ngonNgu, setNgonNgu] = useState({
language_name: '',
main_lang: '',
title_lang: '',
describe_lang: '',
author_lang: '',
rate_lang: '',
reviews_lang: '',
// translate_list: []
translate_list: []
function SelectMainLanguage() {
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState({});
const options = [
{ value: 'Vietnamese', label: 'Vietnamese' },
{ value: 'English', label: 'English' },
{ value: 'Chinese', label: 'Chinese' },
{ value: 'Japanese', label: 'Japanese' },
{ value: 'German', label: 'German' },
const handleChangeOption = () => {
return setSelectedOption;
useEffect(() => {
if (selectedOption.value) {
setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, main_lang: selectedOption.value })
}, [selectedOption])
// {console.log(selectedOption)}
return (
<Select className={`col-12 o-languages`}
value={ngonNgu.main_lang ? { value: ngonNgu.main_lang, label: ngonNgu.main_lang } : { value: "Chọn ngôn ngữ chính", label: "Chọn ngôn ngữ chính" }}
options={options} />
function SelectTransLanguage() {
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState({});
const options = [
{ value: "AF", label: "Afghanistan" },
{ value: "AL", label: "Albania" },
{ value: "DZ", label: "Algeria" },
{ value: "AS", label: "American Samoa" },
{ value: "AD", label: "Andorra" },
{ value: "AO", label: "Angola" },
{ value: "AI", label: "Anguilla" },
{ value: "AQ", label: "Antarctica" },
{ value: "AG", label: "Antigua And Barbuda" },
{ value: "AR", label: "Argentina" },
{ value: "AM", label: "Armenia" },
{ value: "AW", label: "Aruba" },
{ value: "AU", label: "Australia" },
{ value: "AT", label: "Austria" },
{ value: "AZ", label: "Azerbaijan" },
{ value: "BS", label: "Bahamas The" },
{ value: "BH", label: "Bahrain" },
{ value: "BD", label: "Bangladesh" },
{ value: "BB", label: "Barbados" },
{ value: "BY", label: "Belarus" },
{ value: "BE", label: "Belgium" },
{ value: "BZ", label: "Belize" },
{ value: "BJ", label: "Benin" },
{ value: "BM", label: "Bermuda" },
{ value: "BT", label: "Bhutan" },
{ value: "BO", label: "Bolivia" },
{ value: "BA", label: "Bosnia and Herzegovina" },
{ value: "BW", label: "Botswana" },
{ value: "BV", label: "Bouvet Island" },
{ value: "BR", label: "Brazil" },
{ value: "IO", label: "British Indian Ocean Territory" },
{ value: "BN", label: "Brunei" },
{ value: "BG", label: "Bulgaria" },
{ value: "BF", label: "Burkina Faso" },
{ value: "BI", label: "Burundi" },
{ value: "KH", label: "Cambodia" },
{ value: "CM", label: "Cameroon" },
{ value: "CA", label: "Canada" },
{ value: "CV", label: "Cape Verde" },
{ value: "KY", label: "Cayman Islands" },
{ value: "CF", label: "Central African Republic" },
{ value: "TD", label: "Chad" },
{ value: "CL", label: "Chile" },
{ value: "CN", label: "China" },
{ value: "CX", label: "Christmas Island" },
{ value: "CC", label: "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" },
{ value: "CO", label: "Colombia" },
{ value: "KM", label: "Comoros" },
{ value: "CG", label: "Congo" },
{ value: "CD", label: "Congo The Democratic Republic Of The" },
{ value: "CK", label: "Cook Islands" },
{ value: "CR", label: "Costa Rica" },
{ value: "CI", label: "Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)" },
{ value: "HR", label: "Croatia (Hrvatska)" },
{ value: "CU", label: "Cuba" },
{ value: "CY", label: "Cyprus" },
{ value: "CZ", label: "Czech Republic" },
{ value: "DK", label: "Denmark" },
{ value: "DJ", label: "Djibouti" },
{ value: "DM", label: "Dominica" },
{ value: "DO", label: "Dominican Republic" },
{ value: "TP", label: "East Timor" },
{ value: "EC", label: "Ecuador" },
{ value: "EG", label: "Egypt" },
{ value: "SV", label: "El Salvador" },
{ value: "GQ", label: "Equatorial Guinea" },
{ value: "ER", label: "Eritrea" },
{ value: "EE", label: "Estonia" },
{ value: "ET", label: "Ethiopia" },
{ value: "XA", label: "External Territories of Australia" },
{ value: "FK", label: "Falkland Islands" },
{ value: "FO", label: "Faroe Islands" },
{ value: "FJ", label: "Fiji Islands" },
{ value: "FI", label: "Finland" },
{ value: "FR", label: "France" },
{ value: "GF", label: "French Guiana" },
{ value: "PF", label: "French Polynesia" },
{ value: "TF", label: "French Southern Territories" },
{ value: "GA", label: "Gabon" },
{ value: "GM", label: "Gambia The" },
{ value: "GE", label: "Georgia" },
{ value: "DE", label: "Germany" },
{ value: "GH", label: "Ghana" },
{ value: "GI", label: "Gibraltar" },
{ value: "GR", label: "Greece" },
{ value: "GL", label: "Greenland" },
{ value: "GD", label: "Grenada" },
{ value: "GP", label: "Guadeloupe" },
{ value: "GU", label: "Guam" },
{ value: "GT", label: "Guatemala" },
{ value: "XU", label: "Guernsey and Alderney" },
{ value: "GN", label: "Guinea" },
{ value: "GW", label: "Guinea-Bissau" },
{ value: "GY", label: "Guyana" },
{ value: "HT", label: "Haiti" },
{ value: "HM", label: "Heard and McDonald Islands" },
{ value: "HN", label: "Honduras" },
{ value: "HK", label: "Hong Kong S.A.R." },
{ value: "HU", label: "Hungary" },
{ value: "IS", label: "Iceland" },
{ value: "IN", label: "India" },
{ value: "ID", label: "Indonesia" },
{ value: "IR", label: "Iran" },
{ value: "IQ", label: "Iraq" },
{ value: "IE", label: "Ireland" },
{ value: "IL", label: "Israel" },
{ value: "IT", label: "Italy" },
{ value: "JM", label: "Jamaica" },
{ value: "JP", label: "Japan" },
{ value: "XJ", label: "Jersey" },
{ value: "JO", label: "Jordan" },
{ value: "KZ", label: "Kazakhstan" },
{ value: "KE", label: "Kenya" },
{ value: "KI", label: "Kiribati" },
{ value: "KP", label: "Korea North" },
{ value: "KR", label: "Korea South" },
{ value: "KW", label: "Kuwait" },
{ value: "KG", label: "Kyrgyzstan" },
{ value: "LA", label: "Laos" },
{ value: "LV", label: "Latvia" },
{ value: "LB", label: "Lebanon" },
{ value: "LS", label: "Lesotho" },
{ value: "LR", label: "Liberia" },
{ value: "LY", label: "Libya" },
{ value: "LI", label: "Liechtenstein" },
{ value: "LT", label: "Lithuania" },
{ value: "LU", label: "Luxembourg" },
{ value: "MO", label: "Macau S.A.R." },
{ value: "MK", label: "Macedonia" },
{ value: "MG", label: "Madagascar" },
{ value: "MW", label: "Malawi" },
{ value: "MY", label: "Malaysia" },
{ value: "MV", label: "Maldives" },
{ value: "ML", label: "Mali" },
{ value: "MT", label: "Malta" },
{ value: "XM", label: "Man (Isle of)" },
{ value: "MH", label: "Marshall Islands" },
{ value: "MQ", label: "Martinique" },
{ value: "MR", label: "Mauritania" },
{ value: "MU", label: "Mauritius" },
{ value: "YT", label: "Mayotte" },
{ value: "MX", label: "Mexico" },
{ value: "FM", label: "Micronesia" },
{ value: "MD", label: "Moldova" },
{ value: "MC", label: "Monaco" },
{ value: "MN", label: "Mongolia" },
{ value: "MS", label: "Montserrat" },
{ value: "MA", label: "Morocco" },
{ value: "MZ", label: "Mozambique" },
{ value: "MM", label: "Myanmar" },
{ value: "NA", label: "Namibia" },
{ value: "NR", label: "Nauru" },
{ value: "NP", label: "Nepal" },
{ value: "AN", label: "Netherlands Antilles" },
{ value: "NL", label: "Netherlands The" },
{ value: "NC", label: "New Caledonia" },
{ value: "NZ", label: "New Zealand" },
{ value: "NI", label: "Nicaragua" },
{ value: "NE", label: "Niger" },
{ value: "NG", label: "Nigeria" },
{ value: "NU", label: "Niue" },
{ value: "NF", label: "Norfolk Island" },
{ value: "MP", label: "Northern Mariana Islands" },
{ value: "NO", label: "Norway" },
{ value: "OM", label: "Oman" },
{ value: "PK", label: "Pakistan" },
{ value: "PW", label: "Palau" },
{ value: "PS", label: "Palestinian Territory Occupied" },
{ value: "PA", label: "Panama" },
{ value: "PG", label: "Papua new Guinea" },
{ value: "PY", label: "Paraguay" },
{ value: "PE", label: "Peru" },
{ value: "PH", label: "Philippines" },
{ value: "PN", label: "Pitcairn Island" },
{ value: "PL", label: "Poland" },
{ value: "PT", label: "Portugal" },
{ value: "PR", label: "Puerto Rico" },
{ value: "QA", label: "Qatar" },
{ value: "RE", label: "Reunion" },
{ value: "RO", label: "Romania" },
{ value: "RU", label: "Russia" },
{ value: "RW", label: "Rwanda" },
{ value: "SH", label: "Saint Helena" },
{ value: "KN", label: "Saint Kitts And Nevis" },
{ value: "LC", label: "Saint Lucia" },
{ value: "PM", label: "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" },
{ value: "VC", label: "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines" },
{ value: "WS", label: "Samoa" },
{ value: "SM", label: "San Marino" },
{ value: "ST", label: "Sao Tome and Principe" },
{ value: "SA", label: "Saudi Arabia" },
{ value: "SN", label: "Senegal" },
{ value: "RS", label: "Serbia" },
{ value: "SC", label: "Seychelles" },
{ value: "SL", label: "Sierra Leone" },
{ value: "SG", label: "Singapore" },
{ value: "SK", label: "Slovakia" },
{ value: "SI", label: "Slovenia" },
{ value: "XG", label: "Smaller Territories of the UK" },
{ value: "SB", label: "Solomon Islands" },
{ value: "SO", label: "Somalia" },
{ value: "ZA", label: "South Africa" },
{ value: "GS", label: "South Georgia" },
{ value: "SS", label: "South Sudan" },
{ value: "ES", label: "Spain" },
{ value: "LK", label: "Sri Lanka" },
{ value: "SD", label: "Sudan" },
{ value: "SR", label: "Suriname" },
{ value: "SJ", label: "Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands" },
{ value: "SZ", label: "Swaziland" },
{ value: "SE", label: "Sweden" },
{ value: "CH", label: "Switzerland" },
{ value: "SY", label: "Syria" },
{ value: "TW", label: "Taiwan" },
{ value: "TJ", label: "Tajikistan" },
{ value: "TZ", label: "Tanzania" },
{ value: "TH", label: "Thailand" },
{ value: "TG", label: "Togo" },
{ value: "TK", label: "Tokelau" },
{ value: "TO", label: "Tonga" },
{ value: "TT", label: "Trinidad And Tobago" },
{ value: "TN", label: "Tunisia" },
{ value: "TR", label: "Turkey" },
{ value: "TM", label: "Turkmenistan" },
{ value: "TC", label: "Turks And Caicos Islands" },
{ value: "TV", label: "Tuvalu" },
{ value: "UG", label: "Uganda" },
{ value: "UA", label: "Ukraine" },
{ value: "AE", label: "United Arab Emirates" },
{ value: "GB", label: "United Kingdom" },
{ value: "US", label: "United States" },
{ value: "UM", label: "United States Minor Outlying Islands" },
{ value: "UY", label: "Uruguay" },
{ value: "UZ", label: "Uzbekistan" },
{ value: "VU", label: "Vanuatu" },
{ value: "VA", label: "Vatican City State (Holy See)" },
{ value: "VE", label: "Venezuela" },
{ value: "VN", label: "Vietnam" },
{ value: "VG", label: "Virgin Islands (British)" },
{ value: "VI", label: "Virgin Islands (US)" },
{ value: "WF", label: "Wallis And Futuna Islands" },
{ value: "EH", label: "Western Sahara" },
{ value: "YE", label: "Yemen" },
{ value: "YU", label: "Yugoslavia" },
{ value: "ZM", label: "Zambia" },
{ value: "ZW", label: "Zimbabwe" }
const handleChangeOption = () => {
return setSelectedOption;
useEffect(() => {
if (selectedOption.value) {
setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, translate_list: selectedOption.value })
}, [selectedOption])
return (
<Select className={`col-12 o-languages`}
value={ngonNgu.translate_list ? { value: ngonNgu.translate_list, label: ngonNgu.translate_list } : { value: "Chọn những ngôn ngữ dịch", label: "Chọn những ngôn ngữ dịch" }}
options={options} />
const handleSubmit = () => {
let arr = [{
nameLanguage: ngonNgu.language_name,
mainLanguage: ngonNgu.main_lang,
titleLanguage: ngonNgu.title_lang,
descriptionLanguage: ngonNgu.describe_lang,
authorLanguage: ngonNgu.author_lang,
rateLanguage: ngonNgu.rate_lang,
reviewsLanguage: ngonNgu.reviews_lang,
transLanguage: ngonNgu.translate_list
ajaxCallPost(`save-lang`, arr).then(rs => {
Const_Libs.TOAST.success("Thêm thành công")
const resetData = () => {
language_name: '',
main_lang: '',
title_lang: '',
describe_lang: '',
author_lang: '',
rate_lang: '',
reviews_lang: '',
translate_list: []
return (
<button type="button" className="btn btn-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#myModalAddNgonNgu" style={{ fontSize: '14px' }}>
<div className="modal fade" id="myModalAddNgonNgu">
<div className="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" style={{ minWidth: '700px' }}>
<div className="modal-content">
<div className="modal-header">
<h4 className="modal-title">Thêm ngôn ngữ</h4>
<button type="button" className="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" />
<div className="modal-body">
<div className="col">
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Tên ngôn ngữ</label>
<input type="text"
className="form-control" id="name-campaign"
placeholder="Nhập tên ngôn ngữ...."
onChange={(e) => setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, language_name: e.target.value })}
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Tiêu đề</label>
<input type="text"
className="form-control" id="name-campaign"
placeholder="Nhập tiêu đề...."
onChange={(e) => setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, title_lang: e.target.value })}
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Mô tả</label>
<input type="text"
className="form-control" id="name-campaign"
placeholder="Nhập mô tả...."
onChange={(e) => setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, describe_lang: e.target.value })}
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Tác giả</label>
<input type="text"
className="form-control" id="name-campaign"
placeholder="Nhập tác giả (VD: Author)"
onChange={(e) => setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, author_lang: e.target.value })}
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Đánh giá</label>
<input type="text"
className="form-control" id="name-campaign"
placeholder="Nhập đánh giá (VD: Rate)"
onChange={(e) => setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, rate_lang: e.target.value })}
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Lượt đánh giá</label>
<input type="text"
className="form-control" id="name-campaign"
placeholder="Nhập lượt đánh giá (VD: reviews)"
onChange={(e) => setNgonNgu({ ...ngonNgu, reviews_lang: e.target.value })}
<div className="col">
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Ngôn ngữ chính</label>
<SelectMainLanguage />
<div className="row-2">
<label htmlFor="name-campaign" className="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder">Những ngôn ngữ dịch</label>
<SelectTransLanguage />
<div className="modal-footer">
<button type="button" className="btn btn-success" data-bs-dismiss="modal" onClick={handleSubmit}>Submit</button>
<button type="button" className="btn btn-danger" data-bs-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
export default ModalAddNgonNgu;
The backend is OK, so the problem is this thing. Can you show me the mistake? Thank you
You should never define a component inside another component.
Move both SelectMainLanguage and SelectTransLanguage out of ModalAddNgonNgu.
Then connect these two components and ModalAddNgonNgu with props.
Like this:
const ModalAddNgonNgu = (props) => {
const { handleGetLanguage } = props; ....
... rest of the component
} // end of ModalAddNgonNgu definition
function SelectTransLanguage({setNgonNgu}) { // setNgonNgu comes from ModalAddNgonNgu
const [selectedOption, setSelectedOption] = useState({}) ....
I am trying to filter array of objects (courses) with array of unique data (tag) using
checkbox button using react hooks. Its not working. please help me to add checked inside
<input type="checkbox" checked={ } />
Its working fine if input type="radio" but not working for type="checkbox"
import { useState } from "react";
const courses = [
{ id: "1", course: "React Tutorial", tag: "react" },
{ id: "2", course: "Object-oriented programming (OOP)", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "3", course: "Java Programming", tag: "java" },
{ id: "4", course: "JavaScript Course", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "5", course: "Spring Boot Tutorial", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "6", course: "Python Bootcamp", tag: "python" },
{ id: "7", course: "Spring Framework Course", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "8", course: "React with Redux", tag: "react" },
{ id: "9", course: "C#: Classes and OOP", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "10", course: "Java Masterclass", tag: "java" },
{ id: "11", course: "ES6 JavaScript Training", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "12", course: "Learn Python Programming", tag: "python" },
const uniqueTags = [...new Set(courses.map((item) => item.tag))];
const App = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState("all");
const [filterData, setFilterData] = useState(courses);
const handleFilterItems = (tag: any) => {
if (tag !== "all") {
const filteredItems = courses.filter((item) => item.tag === tag);
} else {
return (
checked={checked === "all"}
onChange={() => handleFilterItems("all")}
/>{" "}
{uniqueTags.map((tag, index) => (
<div key={index}>
checked={checked === tag}
onChange={() => handleFilterItems(tag)}
{filterData.map((course) => (
<li key={course.id}>
export default App;
the checkbox filtering logic needs some fix. Please find my solution - https://codesandbox.io/s/intelligent-chaplygin-0ot56e?file=/src/App.js
const courses = [
{ id: "1", course: "React Tutorial", tag: "react" },
{ id: "2", course: "Object-oriented programming (OOP)", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "3", course: "Java Programming", tag: "java" },
{ id: "4", course: "JavaScript Course", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "5", course: "Spring Boot Tutorial", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "6", course: "Python Bootcamp", tag: "python" },
{ id: "7", course: "Spring Framework Course", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "8", course: "React with Redux", tag: "react" },
{ id: "9", course: "C#: Classes and OOP", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "10", course: "Java Masterclass", tag: "java" },
{ id: "11", course: "ES6 JavaScript Training", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "12", course: "Learn Python Programming", tag: "python" }
const uniqueTags = [...new Set(courses.map((item) => item.tag))];
const App = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(uniqueTags);
const [filterData, setFilterData] = useState(courses);
const handleFilterItems = (event, tag) => {
if (event.target.checked) {
if (tag === "all") {
} else {
setChecked([...checked, tag]);
const addedData = courses.filter((item) => item.tag === tag);
setFilterData([...filterData, ...addedData]);
} else {
if (tag === "all") {
} else {
const removedData = filterData.filter((item) => item.tag !== tag);
setChecked(checked.filter((item) => item !== tag));
return (
checked={checked.length === uniqueTags.length}
onChange={(event) => handleFilterItems(event, "all")}
/>{" "}
{uniqueTags.map((tag, index) => (
<div key={index}>
onChange={(event) => handleFilterItems(event, tag)}
{filterData.map((course) => (
<li key={course.id}>
I am trying to filter array of objects (courses) with array of unique data (tag) using checkbox button using react hooks. Its not working. At start it shows all the list, but when I select tag one by one, it gets added below the list. You should see all the list first but after selecting tag it should show perticular tag data only. How can I achieve this?
Please find my code below:
import React, { useState } from "react";
const courses = [
{ id: "1", course: "React Tutorial", tag: "react" },
{ id: "2", course: "Object-oriented programming (OOP)", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "3", course: "Java Programming", tag: "java" },
{ id: "4", course: "JavaScript Course", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "5", course: "Spring Boot Tutorial", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "6", course: "Python Bootcamp", tag: "python" },
{ id: "7", course: "Spring Framework Course", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "8", course: "React with Redux", tag: "react" },
{ id: "9", course: "C#: Classes and OOP", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "10", course: "Java Masterclass", tag: "java" },
{ id: "11", course: "ES6 JavaScript Training", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "12", course: "Learn Python Programming", tag: "python" },
const uniqueTags = [...new Set(courses.map((item) => item.tag))];
const App = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState<any>([]);
const [filterData, setFilterData] = useState(courses);
const handleFilterItems = (event: any, tag: any) => {
if (event.target.checked) {
setChecked([...checked, tag]);
const addedData = courses.filter((item) => item.tag === tag);
setFilterData([...filterData, ...addedData]);
} else {
const removedData = filterData.filter((item) => item.tag !== tag);
setChecked(checked.filter((item: any) => item !== tag));
return (
<div style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
{uniqueTags.map((tag, index) => (
<label key={index}>
onChange={(event) => handleFilterItems(event, tag)}
<hr />
{filterData.map((course) => (
<li key={course.id}>
export default App;
You need to change two lines:
import React, { useState } from "react";
const courses = [
{ id: "1", course: "React Tutorial", tag: "react" },
{ id: "2", course: "Object-oriented programming (OOP)", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "3", course: "Java Programming", tag: "java" },
{ id: "4", course: "JavaScript Course", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "5", course: "Spring Boot Tutorial", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "6", course: "Python Bootcamp", tag: "python" },
{ id: "7", course: "Spring Framework Course", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "8", course: "React with Redux", tag: "react" },
{ id: "9", course: "C#: Classes and OOP", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "10", course: "Java Masterclass", tag: "java" },
{ id: "11", course: "ES6 JavaScript Training", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "12", course: "Learn Python Programming", tag: "python" },
const uniqueTags = [...new Set(courses.map((item) => item.tag))];
const App = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState([]);
const [filterData, setFilterData] = useState(courses);
const handleFilterItems = (event: any, tag: any) => {
if (event.target.checked) {
setChecked([...checked, tag]);
const addedData = courses.filter((item) => item.tag === tag);
setFilterData([...addedData]); <------------ this line
} else {
const removedData = courses.filter((item) => item.tag !== tag); <--this line
setChecked(checked.filter((item: any) => item !== tag));
return (
<div style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
{uniqueTags.map((tag, index) => (
<label key={index}>
onChange={(event) => handleFilterItems(event, tag)}
<hr />
{filterData.map((course) => (
<li key={course.id}>
export default App;
Edited: use the useEffect hook
import React, { useState } from "react";
const courses = [
{ id: "1", course: "React Tutorial", tag: "react" },
{ id: "2", course: "Object-oriented programming (OOP)", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "3", course: "Java Programming", tag: "java" },
{ id: "4", course: "JavaScript Course", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "5", course: "Spring Boot Tutorial", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "6", course: "Python Bootcamp", tag: "python" },
{ id: "7", course: "Spring Framework Course", tag: "spring" },
{ id: "8", course: "React with Redux", tag: "react" },
{ id: "9", course: "C#: Classes and OOP", tag: "oop" },
{ id: "10", course: "Java Masterclass", tag: "java" },
{ id: "11", course: "ES6 JavaScript Training", tag: "javascript" },
{ id: "12", course: "Learn Python Programming", tag: "python" },
const uniqueTags = [...new Set(courses.map((item) => item.tag))];
const App = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState([]);
const [filterData, setFilterData] = useState(courses);
const handleFilterItems = (event: any, tag: any) => {
if (event.target.checked) {
setChecked([...checked, tag]);
//const addedData = courses.filter((item) => item.tag === tag);
} else {
//const removedData = courses.filter((item) => item.tag !== tag);
setChecked(checked.filter((item: any) => item !== tag));
React.useEffect(() => {
if(checked.length == 0){
let filtered = courses.filter((el:any) => checked.includes(el.tag))
return (
<div style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
{uniqueTags.map((tag, index) => (
<label key={index}>
onChange={(event) => handleFilterItems(event, tag)}
<hr />
{filterData.map((course) => (
<li key={course.id}>
export default App;