Can React.useMemo second argument array contains an object? - reactjs

Can React.useMemo second argument array contains an object?
I ask this question because I have an expensive computation based on an object's value.
I don't know should I expand the object, or just simply pass the object into that array.

It is possible to use an object as 2nd argument. But it depends on how the object behaves. If there will be always a new instance of this object each time the affected value(s) has changed, React.useMemo will be able to detect the change. Since React.useMemo will only do an instance compare in case of an object, it will not detect changes within that object if the instance remain the same. If the instance changes more often then the affected properties, it would be better to extract only the required properties and hand them over individually. This will ensure the calculition will only be done if need.


What is the difference between ObservableMap and ObservableArray in mobx

As per the documentation, creates a dynamic keyed observable map.
Observable maps are very useful if you don't want to react just to the
change of a specific entry, but also to the addition or removal of
I may be the only one who doesn't understand the difference between these two mobx observable types. Even the doc says map can track addition or removal, following array also notifies the console by autorun when a new value is pushed into the array. So what is the real difference between the two?
window.q = observable([1,2,3]);
The difference is in the methods you use to interact with them. Think of one as an array, and the other as a map. Arrays stores indices, maps store keys and values.

Does "inout" affect array's copy on write behaviour?

I think inout makes you passes in a reference (is that accurate?), then if the reference gets changed many times, as you might do with an array, the array then does not have to copied many times because its now a reference type?
The semantics for in-out parameters in swift is different from passing value by reference. Here's exactly what happens when you're passing an in-out parameter:
In-out parameters are passed as follows:
When the function is called, the value of the argument is copied.
In the body of the function, the copy is modified.
When the function returns, the copy’s value is assigned to the original argument.
This behavior is known as copy-in copy-out or call by value result. For example, when a computed property or a property with observers is passed as an in-out parameter, its getter is called as part of the function call and its setter is called as part of the function return.
Array is value type in swift so it's fully copied in this scenario. Of course the swift compiler may optimize that but anyway you're guaranteed to see exact same behavior as it'd be with full copies performed.
If you want to pass an array by reference and allow the called function to modify elements quickly, you have the choice of either explictly creating an NSMutableArray, or creating a class where instances have an array as their single member.

Is there a way to ensure that a single reference to an object exists at a point in time?

I am not sure the practical value of such a thing, but I am wondering if in for example Java, an object can be instantiated so that if a variable holds a reference to it, no other variable can do so unless the first variable no longer does. The object could only be in a single list. Intuitively, this would correspond more to real life objects that can only be in one place at a time.

How to initialize a Ref<?> field in objectify to a dummy value

I have a collection(arraylist) of Ref `s ,the objectify documentation says that I need to initialize collections for them to be persisted and hence modified in the future.....
Now , Ref points to an object but when I launch my app for the first time I dont have any objects in the data whats the best way for me to initialize a dummy value......
Is my assumption that a Ref<> needs to point to a real object in the data store?
Two things:
You should just initialize an empty collection. You don't need to add anything to it. eg, field = new ArrayList<Ref<Thing>>();
It's actually not even required that you initialize the collection. It's just a good idea for reasons that will become apparent if you use the system for a while.

What is the difference between Freezable.Clone() & Freezable.CloneCurrentValue() methods

The documentation says
"Creates a modifiable clone of the System.Windows.Freezable, making deep copies
of the object's values. When copying the object's dependency properties,
this method copies expressions (which might no longer resolve) but not animations
or their current values."
"Creates a modifiable clone (deep copy) of the System.Windows.Freezable using
its current values."
It means both do deep copy. Then what is the difference?
If I understand the documentation correctly, Clone also copies the binding expressions. So if a property of the object is bound, it remains bound in the copy.
CloneCurrentValues, on the other hand, only copies the current values, as the name implies. Bindings are not kept, so the values in the copy won't be updated if the source of the binding is modified.
