Add calculated column - pivot-table

I'd like simply to add a calculated column to a pivot table that i got. This pivot table uses two sources of data. Each source provides one column to the pivot table. I wish I could divide one column per the other one.
I've tried to add a measure. In this measure, I'm not sure which table i should use it ("Table Name"). Besides that, I guess I'm defining the formula wrongly.
'definig the formula
I simply would like to add to the pivot table the division (percentage) between the two columns mentioned.

What you are missing is an aggregate function which tells DAX what to do with the Column.
In the example below, test_example 1 is not a valid formula since the engine does not know what you want to do with the column that you are referencing. In example 2, it knows that it needs to sum the column.
test_example := SourceA[ValueA]
test_example 2:= SUM( SourceA[ValueA] )

Ignoring the typo in your measure, you need to SUM the values from each table:
SUM ( SourceA[ValuesA] ),
SUM ( SourceB[ValuesB] ),
Using the DIVIDE function avoids DIV/0 errors


How to specify a column field in a calculated field formula when you have the same value evaluated as a count and a sum?

I am using a pivot table to summarize our status of completion of a project. The first value of the pivot table gives me a count of the entries in the spreadsheet column that have a value greater than 0. The next value of the pivot table gives me a count of the total estimated quantities from the spreadsheet. The third value gives me the sum of the entries from the same column of the spreadsheet that the first value uses in the pivot table. The final value of the pivot table is a sum of the total estimated quantities from the same column from the spreadsheet the second values uses for the pivot table.
My current working formula will only evaluate the SUM columns in the pivot table and is the following:
=iferror('Quantities Complete'/'Total Est Quantities',0)
This gives me a percent complete based on the SUM of those two columns from the spreadsheet. These values can differ because the first is a real value and the second is an estimated value. What I want is the below formula which I will put how the data is summarized in parenthesis for simplicity of understanding.
=if('Quantities Complete'(COUNT)='Total Est Quantities'(COUNT),1,iferror('Quantities Complete'(SUM)/'Total Est Quantities'(SUM),0))
This formula would allow me to evaluate if the count of complete items matches the total estimated items, if so the calculated field value is 100% regardless of actual sum values. Otherwise, it gives a percent complete based on sum value which is more accurate because each item can have vastly different values.
How can I refer to the 2 different uses of the columns in a calculated field formula?
I have tried the renaming the column headers to 'Items Complete' and 'Item Values' but the formula does not accept those and gave a parse error. I have tried using the "COUNTA of" or "SUM of" prefix for the column fields. I also tried typing the name as shown when I hover over the value field in the edit window which I tried in these methods: 'Quantities Complete' (Items Complete) and 'Quantities Complete (Items Complete)'. All of these yielded a parse error. I can't share my spreadsheet due to confidentiality requirements, but all I need to know is how to refer to the two different column headers that have the same name from what I can tell.


Note: tried in Excel and Google Sheets, but I have a preference for Sheets.
Basically I want to get the sum of a group of data using INDEX and MATCH (because the parameters are going to be drop-down dependent):
The desired result is:
So this will require a few things:
Converting the cell D13(April) to a Month
Converting the "weekof" column to a Month
Using INDEX and MATCH and MATCH again, I'm assuming because it's multiple cell references.
Here's my solution currently below:
This returns the NEAREST value:
Instead of:
Why this value?
270+500+34 = 804
If you are not strict to use INDEX and MATCH, you may use the following solution:
Add extra column name it "Month", this column will extract the month name from the date column using TEXT function as the following:
The if statements ensures that only filled dates will have a month value, since you have to fill this column with the above formula for a certain amount of cells.
Now you can simply use the SUMIF function in cell E13 or where ever you want:
If you don't want the Month column to appear within your data table you may put it at the end of your table and hide it.
You could directly use FILTER then SUM the result instead to simplify your formula to this one:
The above formula should also update when the value is dropdown. Dropdown is just data that can be changed with predetermined values, aside from that, it should be the same when using a normal cell.
To match columns, use MATCH and INDEX together with the formula above. See modified formula below.
Be careful of the circular dependency. make sure your ranges doesn't interfere with the actual cell where you put your formula.
Column Matching:
=SUM(INDEX(FILTER(D:E, TEXT(C:C, "MMMM") = E13),,MATCH(F12, D4:4, 0)))
You can use pivot table and group dates by year and month.

Google Data Studio, how to get a sum of all Max or Min values

I am working with a data set where i have to get Min or Max for different text fields. My dataset can have thousands of rows so below is a simpler example. So I have 3 categories having multiple values and I can put this dataset in GDS to build a table where I select Category as dimention and Value as Max(Value) in metric.
Now I need to see the sum of all those values too. But like the pivot table in excel, the subtotal in GDS shows the Max out of all the max listed above. So instead of 65, it shows 30 in GDS. Is there a way I can get it to show the sum?
To reach the desired result you will need:
Make a data combination, not being necessary to insert a second base, just so that a current base is defined as a data combination.
In the combination use the Category dimension and define the Max Value metric. The combination is only necessary for the metric to be used in the table as a dimension (this is a property resulting from the combination of data).
Configure the table with the Category dimension and Include the metric with the Value sum option. Remember that now Value is the maximum value (as defined in the data combination).
Finally, display the Summary line. And the desired result is obtained

Expression to get a percentage

I have a report which has a transaction type as a row group. There are two different types. I want to get the percentage of one type 2 compared to type 1.
I am not sure how to do this, I assume I need to use an expression which states the name of the transaction type and then make a calculation based on the other type.
So Instead of a total for July being 300, I would like the percentage of SOP+ compared to SOP-, so in this case 1.96%. For clarity, the figures in SOP+ are not treated as negative.
When you design a query to be used in a report, it is generally easier to work with different types of values being in separate columns. You can let the report do most of the grouping and aggregation for you. In that case, the expression would be something like this:
=Fields!SOP_PLUS.Value / Fields!SOP_MINUS.Value
Since they are both in rows in the same column, you have to use some logic to separate them out into columns and then do the operation.
You'll need to add two calculated fields to your dataset. Use an expression like this to get the values:
=IIf(Fields!TYPE_CODE.Value = "SOP+", Fields!SOP.Value, Nothing)
In other words, you will have new columns that have just the plus and minus values with blanks in the other rows. Now you can use a similar expression to earlier to compare them.
=Max(Fields!SOP_PLUS.Value) / Max(Fields!SOP_MINUS.Value)
Keep in mind that the Max function applies to the current group scope. When you add in multiple row and column groups to the mix this can get more complicated. If that becomes an issue, I would suggest looking at rewriting the query to provide these values in separate rows to make the report design easier.
WITH table1([sop-], [sop+]) AS (
SELECT 306, -6
SELECT 606, -14)
SELECT(CAST([sop+] AS DECIMAL(5, 2)) / CAST([sop-] AS DECIMAL(5, 2))) * 100.0 FROM table1;
Returns :

inserting an artificial column in mdx query

from some reasons I need to insert an artificial(dummy) column into a mdx expression. (the reason is that i need to obtain a query with specific number of columns )
to ilustrate, this is my sample query:
SELECT {[Measures].[AFR],[Measures].[IB],[Measures].[IC All],[Measures].[IC_without_material],[Measures].[Nonconformance_PO],[Measures].[Nonconformance_GPT],[Measures].[PM_GPT_Weighted_Targets],[Measures].[PM_PO_Weighted_Targets], [Measures].[AVG_LC_Costs],[Measures].[AVG_MC_Costs]} ON COLUMNS,
* ORDER( {([dim_ProductModel].[Warranty Group].children)} , ([Measures].[Nonconformance_GPT],[Dim_Date].[Date Full].&[2014-01-01]) ,desc)
* ([dim_ProductModel].[PLA Text].members - [dim_ProductModel].[PLA Text].[All])
* {[Dim_Date].[Date Full].&[2013-01-01]:[Dim_Date].[Date Full].&[2014-01-01]} ON ROWS
FROM [cub_dashboard_spares]
it is not very important, just some measures and crossjoined dimensions. Now I would need to add f.e. 2 extra columns, I don't care whether this would be a measure with null/0 values or another crossjoined dimension. Can I do this in some easy way without inserting any data into my cube?
In sql I can just write Select 0 or select "dummy1", but here it is not possible neither in ON ROWS nor in ON COLUMNS part of the query.
Thank you very much for your help,
ps: so far I could just insert some measure more times, but I am interested whether there is a possibility to insert really "dummy" column
Your query just has the measures dimension on columns. The easiest way to extend it by some columns would be to repeat the last measure as many times that you get the correct number of columns.
Another possibility, which may be more efficient in case the last measure is complex to calculate would be to use
WITH member Measures.dummy as NULL
SELECT {[Measures].[AFR],[Measures].[IB],[Measures].[IC All],[Measures].[IC_without_material],[Measures].[Nonconformance_PO],[Measures].[Nonconformance_GPT],[Measures].[PM_GPT_Weighted_Targets],[Measures].[PM_PO_Weighted_Targets], [Measures].[AVG_LC_Costs],[Measures].[AVG_MC_Costs],
Measures.dummy, Measures.dummy, Measures.dummy
* ORDER( {([dim_ProductModel].[Warranty Group].children)} , ([Measures].[Nonconformance_GPT],[Dim_Date].[Date Full].&[2014-01-01]) ,desc)
* ([dim_ProductModel].[PLA Text].members - [dim_ProductModel].[PLA Text].[All])
* {[Dim_Date].[Date Full].&[2013-01-01]:[Dim_Date].[Date Full].&[2014-01-01]}
FROM [cub_dashboard_spares]
i. e. adding a dummy measure that should not need much computation as many times as you need it to the end of the columns.
