useEffect props callback function causing infinite loop - reactjs

I have a problem very similar to this - How do I fix missing dependency in React Hook useEffect.
There is one key difference - I am passing a fetch function to a child component to be called from useEffect, so I can't simply move the function into the body of the effect. The fetch function is re-created every render and causes an infinite loop. I have other local component state that I want to cause the effect to fire.
I basically have a Container Component and a Presentational component. MyPage is the parent of MyGrid and sets up all the redux state:
const MyPage = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const items= useSelector(selectors.getItems);
const fetching = useSelector(selectors.getFetching);
const fetchItems = opts => dispatch(actions.fetchItems(opts));
return (
{fetching && <div>Loading...</div>}
const MyGrid = ({ fetchItems, items, fetching }) => {
const [skip, setSkip] = useState(0);
const take = 100;
const [sorts, setSorts] = useState([]);
// when query opts change, get data
useEffect(() => {
const options = { skip, take };
const sortString = getSortString(sorts);
if (sortString) options['sort'] = sortString;
}, [fetchItems, skip, sorts]);
In "MyGrid" "skip" and "sorts" can change, and should make the effect fire.
"fetchItems" is re-created everytime and causes an infinite loop. This
is my problem.
Now, the eslint react-hooks/exhaustive-deps rule is making me put fetchItems in the dependency list. I have prettier setup to autofix on save which makes it worse.
I know the Container/Presentational pattern is out of style with hooks, but it works good for my situation - I may allow swapping out MyGrid for MyList dynamically and don't want to repeat all the redux stuff in each child component.
I tried to useCallback and useMemo, but eslint just makes me put all the same dependencies in it's dependency array parameter.
Is there a way other than disabling the eslint rule
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
to make this work?

There are two ways, you can make it work.
Firstly, using useCallback for fetchItem like
const fetchItems = useCallback(opts => dispatch(actions.fetchItems(opts)), [dispatch, actions]);
Secondly using dispatch directly in child component
const dispatch = useDispatch();
useEffect(() => {
const options = { skip, take };
const sortString = getSortString(sorts);
if (sortString) options['sort'] = sortString;
}, [dispatch, actions, skip, sorts]);


react function component issue with usEffect and useState

Sometimes I have to use some native js libaray api, So I may have a component like this:
function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState(0)
useEffect(() => {
const container = document.querySelector('#container')
const h1 = document.createElement('h1')
h1.innerHTML = 'h1h1h1h1h1h1'
h1.onclick = () => {
}, [])
return (
<button onClick={() => setState(state => state + 1)}>{state}</button>
<div id="container"></div>
Above is a simple example. I should init the lib after react is mounted, and bind some event handlers. And the problem is coming here: As the above shown, if I use useEffect() without state as the item in dependencies array, the value state in handler of onclick may never change. But if I add state to dependencies array, the effect function will execute every time once state changed. Above is a easy example, but the initialization of real library may be very expensive, so that way is out of the question.
Now I find 3 ways to reslove this, but none of them satisfy me.
Create a ref to keep state, and add a effect to change it current every time once state changed. (A extra variable and effect)
Like the first, but define a variable out of the function instead of a ref. (Some as the first)
Use class component. (Too many this)
So is there some resolutions that solve problems and makes code better?
I think you've summarised the options pretty well. There's only one option i'd like to add, which is that you could split your code up into one effect that initializes, and one effect that just changes the onclick. The initialization logic can run just once, and the onclick can run every render:
const [state, setState] = useState(0)
const h1Ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
const container = document.querySelector('#container')
const h1 = document.createElement('h1')
h1Ref.current = h1;
// Do expensive initialization logic here
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
// If you don't want to use a ref, you could also have the second effect query the dom to find the h1
h1ref.current.onClick = () => {
}, [state]);
Also, you can simplify your option #1 a bit. You don't need to create a useEffect to change ref.current, you can just do that in the body of the component:
const [state, setState] = useState(0);
const ref = useRef();
ref.current = state;
useEffect(() => {
const container = document.querySelector('#container');
// ...
h1.onClick = () => {
}, []);

react-hooks/exhaustive-deps and empty dependency lists for "on mount" [duplicate]

This is a React style question.
TL;DR Take the set function from React's useState. If that function "changed" every render, what's the best way to use it in a useEffect, with the Effect running only one time?
Explanation We have a useEffect that needs to run once (it fetches Firebase data) and then set that data in application state.
Here is a simplified example. We're using little-state-machine, and updateProfileData is an action to update the "profile" section of our JSON state.
const MyComponent = () => {
const { actions, state } = useStateMachine({updateProfileData, updateLoginData});
useEffect(() => {
const get_data_async = () => {
const response = await get_firebase_data();
actions.updateProfileData( {user: response.user} );
}, []);
return (
<p>Hello, world!</p>
However, ESLint doesn't like this:
React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'actions'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
Which makes sense. The issue is this: actions changes every render -- and updating state causes a rerender. An infinite loop.
Dereferencing updateProfileData doesn't work either.
Is it good practice to use something like this: a single-run useEffect?
Concept code that may / may not work:
const useSingleEffect = (fxn, dependencies) => {
const [ hasRun, setHasRun ] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if(!hasRun) {
}, [...dependencies, hasRun]);
// then, in a component:
const MyComponent = () => {
const { actions, state } = useStateMachine({updateProfileData, updateLoginData});
useSingleEffect(async () => {
const response = await get_firebase_data();
actions.updateProfileData( {user: response.user} );
}, [actions]);
return (
<p>Hello, world!</p>
But at that point, why even care about the dependency array? The initial code shown works and makes sense (closures guarantee the correct variables / functions), ESLint just recommends not to do it.
It's like if the second return value of React useState changed every render:
const [ foo, setFoo ] = useState(null);
// ^ this one
If that changed every render, how do we run an Effect with it once?
Ignore the eslint rule for line
If you truly want the effect to run only once exactly when the component mounts then you are correct to use an empty dependency array. You can disable the eslint rule for that line to ignore it.
useEffect(() => {
const get_data_async = () => {
const response = await get_firebase_data();
actions.updateProfileData( {user: response.user} );
// NOTE: Run effect once on component mount, please
// recheck dependencies if effect is updated.
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, []);
Note: If you later update the effect and it needs to run after other dependencies then this disabled comment can potentially mask future bugs, so I suggest leaving a rather overt comment as for the reason to override the established linting rule.
Custom hook logic
Alternatively you can use a react ref to signify the initial render. This is preferable to using some state to hold the value as updating it would trigger unnecessary render.
const MyComponent = () => {
const { actions, state } = useStateMachine({updateProfileData, updateLoginData});
const initialRenderRef = useRef(true);
useEffect(() => {
const get_data_async = () => {
const response = await get_firebase_data();
actions.updateProfileData( {user: response.user} );
if (initialRenderRef.current) {
initialRenderRef.current = false;
}, [actions]); // <-- and any other dependencies the linter complains about
return (
<p>Hello, world!</p>
And yes, absolutely you can factor this "single-run logic" into a custom hook if it is a pattern you find used over and over in your codebase.

Custom hooks not working properly with useEffect

I wasn't sure on a title for this issue, but I can better explain it here. I have a custom hook that is relying on some information. Part of the information must rely on an async call.
I have three situations happening.
Tried conditionally rendering the custom hook, but react does not like that due to rendering more hooks on a different render.
The custom hook is only mounting once and not passing in the updated information it needs.
I tried passing the dependency to the custom hook and it causes an infinite loop.
Here is a small example of what I'm doing.
Custom Hook:
export function useProducts(options){
const [products, setProducts] = useContext(MyContext)
useEffect(() => {
// only gets called once with `options.asyncValue` === null
// needs to be recalled once the new value is passed in
const loadProducts = async () => {
const data = await asyncProductReq(options)
}, []) // if I pass options here it causes the infinite loop
return [products, setProducts]
Inside function calling:
export function(props){
const [asyncValue, setValue] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
const loadValue = async () => {
const data = await asyncFunc()
}, []}
const options = {...staticValues, asyncValue}
const [products] = useProducts(options)
return (
I know that I need to pass the options to be a dependency, but I can't figure out why it's causing an infinite reload if the object isn't changing once the async call has been made inside the func.
You were correct in adding options in the dependencies list for your custom hook.
The reason it is infinitely looping is because options IS constantly changing.
The problem is you need to take it one step further in the implementation and make use of the useMemo hook so options only changes when the async value changes, instead of the whole component changing.
So do this:
const options = React.useMemo(() => ({...staticValues, asyncValue}), [asyncValue])

useEffect re-renders too many times

I have this component, that needs to fetch data, set it to state and then pass it to the children.
Some of the data also needs to be set in context.
My problem is that using useEffect, once called the API, it will re-render for each setvalue() function I need to execute.
I have tried passing to useEffect an empty [] array, still getting the same number of re-renders, due to the fact that the state is changing.
At the moment the array is containg the set...functions to prevent eslint to throw warnings.
Is there a better way to avoid this many re-renders ?
const Home = (props) => {
console.log("TCL: Home -> props", props);
const classes = useStyles();
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(0);
const { listSavedJobs, setListSavedJobs, setIsFullView} = useContext(HomeContext);
const {
} = useContext(UserContext);
const [searchSettings, setSearchSettings] = useState([]);
const [oppData, setOppData] = useState([]);
const handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
const handleChangeIndex = index => {
useEffect(() => {
const triggerAPI = async () => {
const oppResponse = await API.getOpportunity();
const profileResponse = await API.getUserProfile();
const profileExtData = await API.getUserProfileExt();
}, [
Pass just an empty array to second parameter of useEffect.
React guarantees that setState function identity is stable and won’t
change on re-renders. This is why it’s safe to omit from the useEffect
or useCallback dependency list.
Edit: Try this to avoid rerenders. Use with caution
Only Run on Mount and Unmount
You can pass the special value of empty array [] as a way of saying “only run on mount and unmount”. So if we changed our component above to call useEffect like this:
useEffect(() => {
return () => console.log('unmounting...');
}, [])
Then it will print “mounted” after the initial render, remain silent throughout its life, and print “unmounting…” on its way out.
Prevent useEffect From Running Every Render
If you want your effects to run less often, you can provide a second argument – an array of values. Think of them as the dependencies for that effect. If one of the dependencies has changed since the last time, the effect will run again. (It will also still run after the initial render)
const [value, setValue] = useState('initial');
useEffect(() => {
// This effect uses the `value` variable,
// so it "depends on" `value`.
}, [value])
For more clarification useEffect
If you are using React 18, this won't be a problem anymore as the new auto batching feature:
If you are using an old version, can refer to this solution:

how to create a callbackRef with dependencies

This blog post and the official docs show how to use useCallback to create a callback ref.
But neither one has an example of a case where useCallback has dependencies.
How should I set that up?
For example, if I do the following, it won't work, because the callback will be triggered without any arguments whenever myDependency changes.
const [myDependency, setMyDependency] = useState();
const myRef = useCallback(node => {
doSomeMagic(node, myDependency);
}, [myDependency]);
I think the best way to do this is to split the logic out into a useCallback and a useEffect. useCallback is used to keep track of the node. useEffect is used to trigger whenever the node changes OR myDependency changes.
const [node, setNode] = useState();
const [myDependency, setMyDependency] = useState();
const myRef = useCallback(node => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
doSomeMagic(node, myDependency);
}, [node, myDependency]);
