Error running the app after updating to Android Studio 3.4.1 - android-studio-3.4

After updating to Android Studio 3.4.1, I was checking my app and came to understand that there is no error while debugging/building the app, but there is an error while running the app.
Ends up with an error something like below
error: duplicate value for resource 'attr/pivotX' with config ''.
error: resource previously defined here.
app\build\intermediates\incremental\mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values\values.xml: error: file failed to compile.

Guys I got the answer for the question...
Its in your .gradle file where you need to change the attribute name of the pivotX (attribute name shown in the error).
Location : C:\Users\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\constraint-layout-2.0.0-beta1.aar\85a709bd4659f28dc59c0ee0faf968d5\res\values\values.xml
check for the line number in the error and in the same line check for the attribute name and change it to other name and save.
This solved my issue.



So I've been trying to install the google app via ADB, but when i do it i get the following error:
[INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION: Package attempting to redeclare permission already owned by]
I already tried with another app and it worked, im not really sure why this error shows up. Any help?

CI/CD pipeline deployment of AngularJS1.5.11 to azure websites giving error "Failed to instantiate module app.core due to Unknown provider: ENV_VARS"

after deploying the "AngularJs_1.5.11" app to "azure-websites" using "azure-devops" continuous-integration and deployment gives error:
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app.core due to:
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: ENV_VARS
below is the screenshot of the error while accessing the AngularJS azure-website :
also find below screenshot of my build pipeline in azure-devops which deploys AngularJS application build to "azure-websites"
below screenshot is my application code in VSCode
I just started working on this new project which uses AngularJS_1.5.11 so I have no clue what is going wrong. I tried these links
unknown ENV provider in AngularJS from stack but as I am new to AngularJS I have no idea where to apply the changes in my code mentioned in the link.
Any suggestions would be of great help.
#Mark if you look at the screenshots below you will come to know how we are setting "ENV_VARS" in the code using "gulp.js, env.config.js, config.json" file
#Mark please find the screenshot of the 'config.js' file which gets created in the gulp task 'ng-config' using source file 'config.json' under "./src/client/app/config.js"
Here are the docs regarding the knowledge relevant to this issue.
Somewhere in your program, it is trying to reference one or more members defined in an angular provider registered as "ENV_VARS". Providers are angularjs objects that are available during compile time (see the table row for "object available in config phase" in this SO answer)
I would search the source of the application to see if this provider was further configured elsewhere (you can search by its name 'ENV_VARS') as it may not be getting sent over with your other source files.
To attempt a quick fix:
On the first line of your app.module.js, change it to this
angular.module('app.config', []).constant("ENV_VARS", {});
This will likely result in another error, but it should pinpoint you to what is trying to access this provider. I'm assuming this is either inherited code or from a purchased template so you may want to investigate the sources to that if possible.

Dispatch.yaml routing to a specific module version?

If there a way to route a custom subdomain ( to a specific version of a module?
This would mean I can use the following: - production site - testing site
I tried using the following in dispatch.yaml, but I got an error when trying to update it
- url: "*"
The error was:
Error parsing yaml file:
Unable to assign value '' to attribute 'module':
Value '' for module does not match expression '^(?:^(?!-)[a-z\d-]{0,62}[a-z\d]$)$'
in ".\dispatch.yaml", line 15, column 13
I know you can target versions in the queue.yaml, and CRON (i think) so why not dispatch?
If you read the error closely, you will notice it is complaining about the module name
Rename your module to dev-app and try again.

Not able to load Drupal site

I have downloaded a new theme from Themeforest however when loading the site I m getting the below error.
Even developer is confused about the error.
I believe its more of drupal issue can anyone help?
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\wamp\www\sites\all\modules\media\file_entity/' (include_path='.;c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\pear') in C:\wamp\www\sites\all\modules\media\file_entity\file_entity.module on line 13
Can you try using relative path like
Before that you need to find out the getcwd() for getting the current working directory.'
then give relative path according to that.
use below,
require_once(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/all/modules/media/file_entity/');

Wrong kohana3 error when i have syntax error

Everytime when i have syntax error, kohana show this:
HTTP_Exception_404 [ 404 ]: Unable to find a route to match the URI
Why? Before i see my syntax error...
My route is fine, whats happening is that every time there is some sort of syntax error , instead of showing the error stack it's telling me that it can't find the route. I think with the older versions of Kohana I was able to see that
I guess it's pretty normal that you don't see a syntax error, because kohana don't know where to start your application.
Go to your bootstrap file in the application folder and fix that specific route.
