SSRS The textrun uses a First aggregate in an outer aggregate (Different datasets) - dataset

Ok, I'm working on a multi-data report that merges data from many servers.
dataset1 = One of six datasets with the data I need.
ds_BusinessDays = A calendar table dataset with Specific dates and numbers that change every day/week/month.
I'm trying to use a SWITCH where MonthName(Date) from dataset1 = MonthName(Date2) from ds_BusinessDays. Then Sum the total count.
I have successfully used similar cross dataset calculations like
SUM(SWITCH when Data = "Product" then 1) / SUM(businessdaysinmonth, "ds_BusinessDays")
This was to get the Average. works like a charm.
SWITCH(Fields!Requested_Month.Value = MonthName(Month(First(Fields!PreviousBusinessDate.Value, "ds_BusinessDays")))
All Fields in ds_BusinessDays dataset are 1 entry results. Example, "PreviousBusinessDay" = "6/21/2019". So I want my code to do something like this.
When MonthName(Date) form dataset1 = MonthName(PreviousBusinessDate) from ds_BusinessDays then 1. Sum all of that up to get my a total for that month.
The problem is that FIRST and SUM are the only fields available to me when using fields from another dataset. They can't be used in an Aggregate within an Aggregate.
Is there a substitute that I can use for First in First(Fields!PreviousBusinessDate.Value, "ds_BusinessDays")?

Why are you using a SWITCH when you only have a single conditional? I think an IIF would be much easier to read. Also, if ds_BusinessDays.PreviousBusinessDate is a single entry, why do you even need FIRST? There should only be one result. If you're trying to do what I think you're trying to do, this expression should do it.
= SUM(IIF(Fields!Requested_Month.Value = MonthName(Month(Fields!PreviousBusinessDate.Value, "ds_BusinessDays")), 1, 0))
To add additional detail, a SWITCH is best used for more than 2 conditional statements. If you're only trying to compare two fields, you can just use a simple IIF. An example of when SWITCH is necessary:
=SUM(SWITCH(Fields!Date.Value = Fields!Today.Value, 1,
Fields!Date.Value = Fields!Yesterday.Value, 2,
Fields!Date.Value = Fields!Tomorrow.Value, 3,
true, 0))
This expression would check Date against three different fields and return a different count for each, ending with an always true condition that catches everything else. Your expression doesn't need a SWITCH.


SQL Report Builder: Use aggregate function on ReportItem

I've entered the following expression for a given cell, which is essentially a dollar value divided by a quantity to get a cents per gallon value, labeled as Textbox41:
=ReportItems!Total_Gross_Profit2.Value / ReportItems!Gallon_Qty3.Value
What I was trying to do is use this expression for an AVG aggregation in another cell =avg(ReportItems!Textbox41.Value), but I'm getting an error:
The Value expression for the textrun
'Textbox79.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a
report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items
contained in page headers and footers.
Is there some limitation that does not allow aggregations on ReportItems? I've also tried the following, which also did not work:
=AVG(ReportItems!Total_Gross_Profit2.Value / ReportItems!Gallon_Qty3.Value)
Where am I going wrong here?
Regarding your question:
Is there some limitation that does not allow aggregations on ReportItems?
You have your answer in the error message you provided.
As for the resolution, it's hard to give precise guidance with the information you provided, but in general, start thinking in terms of dataset fields instead of report objects. If you're operating from inside a matrix or table, and if the values for 'Total_Gross_Profit' and 'Gallon_Qty_3' look something analogous to this:
= ReportItems!ProfitsFromX.Value + ReportItems!ProfitsFromY.Value
= ReportItems!GallonQtyA.Value + ReportItems!GallonQtyB.Value
Point to the fields directly instead:
= Fields!ProfitsFromX.Value + Fields!ProfitsFromY.Value
= Fields!GallonQtyA.Value + Fields!GallonQtyB.Value
That way, when it comes to aggregation, it's more clear what to do:
= avg(
(Fields!ProfitsFromX.Value + Fields!ProfitsFromY.Value)
/ (Fields!GallonQtyA.Value + Fields!GallonQtyB.Value)
And if you find that cumbersome, you can create calculated fields on the dataset object, and reference those instead where appropriate.

How to filter or query an array made using {} in Google Sheets

this is the first question I've ever posted on here so I apologize if I did something incorrectly.
I've got a sheet that I used to keep track of the release dates of various products. I want to be able to filter all of these products based on whether or not their release date is the current day. However, I'm having trouble using FILTER or QUERY to do this. After doing some research I've learned how to "stack" the list of products on top of each other as an array to then filter, but I can't quite get it to work. I had it to where it would work if rows in both of the sections I was testing in had a match, but if one didn't then the whole formula returned an error. This was also only using a few rows for each section, where ideally I'd want to look at the entire section.
Here's an example sheet:
And this is the formula I'm using in cell B3:
=FILTER({F3:H; J3:L; N3:P; R3:T; V3:X; Z3:AB}, D3:D = 9/20/2019)
But this gives me an error saying it expected a different amount of rows, which makes sense but I don't know how to fix. Specifically, it gives me this error:
FILTER has mismatched range sizes. Expected row count: 654. column count: 1. Actual row count: 109, column count: 1.
I've also tried using QUERY but I don't know how to select what I'm looking for. I tried using both Col1, Col2, etc. and A, B, etc. but it kept giving me errors no matter what I tried.
Between this error and the one I mentioned previously, I'm stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
it needs to be like:
=FILTER({F3:H; J3:L; N3:P; R3:T; V3:X; Z3:AB},
{H3:H; L3:L; P3:P; T3:T; X3:X; AB3:AB}=DATE(2019, 9, 20))
then for today you can use:
=FILTER({F3:H; J3:L; N3:P; R3:T; V3:X; Z3:AB},
{H3:H; L3:L; P3:P; T3:T; X3:X; AB3:AB}=TODAY())
and QUERY would be:
=QUERY({F3:H; J3:L; N3:P; R3:T; V3:X; Z3:AB},
"where Col3 = date '"&TEXT(TODAY(), "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'", 0)

Count the SSRS Dataset rows after applying the filter

So I have a dataset in SSRS called "CRMDecisions". I am counting the number of rows for this Dataset using the following expression in a text-box outside of the tablix:
Now, this dataset also has a number of duplicate records and i want to toggle between the unique counts and everything including the duplicate counts. I have used the below filter to hide the duplicate rows I don't want to see:
=IIF(Fields!Company.Value = Previous(Fields!Company.Value) AND
Fields!DaysAway.Value = Previous(Fields!DaysAway.Value) AND
Parameters!ShowPortfolio.Value = "False", True, False)
Right now, I get a count of all the rows no matter what filter view I am using. How can I get the count of the dataset after removing the duplicate rows?
For counting all the rows you can use (like you already did):
For counting all the unique rows (without duplicate) you can use the following expression (note that you need put the field into the expression which holds the duplicates):
If you want some special counts you can always use this expression:
=Sum(IIF( 'Your True condition' , 1, 0))
=Sum(IIF(Fields!Company.Value = "MyCompany", 1, 0))

Single search box Web2py, union usage

I am trying to create a single search box on my website.
First I split up the search input in multiple strings using split().
Then I am looping over the multiple strings I created with split(), with every string I create a query. These query's will be stored in a list.
In the next step I am trying to execute all those query's and store the results (rows) in another list.
The next thing I want to do is union all these results(rows). In this case the final result will be an output of a query containing all the different keywords used in the searchbox.
This is my code:
def ajaxlivesearch():
str = request.vars.values()[0]
items = []
q = []
r =[]
for partialstr in a:
for query in q:
for results in r:
for (i,row) in enumerate(results):
items.append(DIV(A(B(row.id_user.first_name) ,NBSP(1), B(row.id_user.last_name),BR(), I(,I(','), NBSP(1), I(row.speelsterkte),I(','), NBSP(1),I(row.plaats),HR(), _id="res%s"%i, _href=row.id_user, _onclick="copyToBox($('#res%s').html())"%i), _id="resultLiveSearch"))
return TAG[''](*items)
My question is: How do I union the multiple results(rows)?
You can get the union of two Rows objects (removing duplicates) as follows:
rows_union = rows1 | rows2
However, it would be more efficient to get all the records in a single query. To simplify, you can also use the .contains method rather than using .like and wrapping each term with %s.
fields = ['sport', 'speelsterkte', 'plaats']
query_terms = [db.profiel[f].contains(term) for f in fields for term in a]
query = reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, query_terms)
results = db(query).select()
Also, you are not using any aggregation functions, so it is not clear why you have specified the groupby argument (and in any case, each record has a unique id, so grouping would have no effect). Perhaps you instead meant
Finally, it is probably not a good idea to do request.vars.values()[0], as request.vars is a dictionary-like object, and the particular value of interest is not guaranteed to be the first item in .values(). Instead, just refer to the name of the particular variable (e.g., request.vars.keyword), which is also more efficient because you are extracting a single item rather than converting all values to a list.

Determining Difference Between Items On-Hand and Items Required per Project in Access 2003

I'm usually a PHP programmer, but I'm currently working on a project in MS Access 2003 and I'm a complete VBA newbie. I'm trying to do something that I could easily do in PHP but I have no idea how to do it in Access. The facts are as follows:
Tables and relevant fields:
tblItems: item_id, on_hand
tblProjects: project_id
tblProjectItems: project_id, item_id
Goal: Determine which projects I could potentially do, given the items on-hand.
I need to find a way to compare each project's required items against the items on-hand to determine if there are any items missing. If not, add the project to the list of potential projects. In PHP I would compare an array of on-hand items with an array of project items required, using the array_diff function; if no difference, add project_id to an array of potential projects.
For example, if...
$arrItemsOnHand = 1,3,4,5,6,8,10,11,15
$arrProjects[1] = 1,10
$arrProjects[2] = 8,9,12
$arrProjects[3] = 7,13
$arrProjects[4] = 1,3
$arrProjects[5] = 2,14
$arrProjects[6] = 2,5,8,10,11,15
$arrProjects[7] = 2,4,5,6,8,10,11,15
...the result should be:
$arrPotentialProjects = 1,4
Is there any way to do this in Access?
Consider a single query to reach your goal: "Determine which projects I could potentially do, given the items on-hand."
Count(pi.item_id) AS NumberOfItems,
Sum(IIf(i.on_hand='yes', 1, 0)) AS NumberOnHand
tblProjectItems AS pi
INNER JOIN tblItems AS i
ON pi.item_id = i.item_id
GROUP BY pi.project_id
HAVING Count(pi.item_id) = Sum(IIf(i.on_hand='yes', 1, 0));
That query computes the number of required items for each project and the number of those items which are on hand.
When those two numbers don't match, that means at least one of the required items for that project is not on hand.
So the HAVING clause excludes those rows from the query result set, leaving only rows where the two numbers match --- those are the projects for which all required items are on hand.
I realize my description was not great. (Sorry.) I think it should make more sense if you run the query both with and without the HAVING clause ... and then read the description again.
Anyhow, if that query gives you what you need, I don't think you need VBA array handling for this. And if you can use that query as your form's RecordSource or as the RowSource for a list or combo box, you may not need VBA at all.
