How to map drive as system account via batch file - batch-file

I need to map a network drive as a the local system account on a server, I can achieve this fine by running psexec -I -s cmd.exe then the net use command
My issue is the drive disconnects on reboot, even with persistent set to /p:yes
I’ve been trying to create a batch file that will run at startup that will run cmd via psexec, and then execute the net use command.
I can get to this point where cmd runs but I can’t get the next part of the command for net use to appear in the new cmd window.
Has anyone got any ideas/a better way of doing this altogether?
As a side note, the network share requires separate credentials to connect to it so it has to be mapped in such a way that credentials can be specified.

Have you tried saving the file as a .cmd file type and placing it in the shell:startup folder? It will run automatically every time you log in to the pc.


Getting back a file sent from remote PC using BATCH with PsExec C#

I am coding a program in C# to communicate with a remote PC in an Wifi AdHoc network. I execute a BATCH file in the remote that will send to the local a CHECK.txt file. I use PsExec.
Everything works fine in my C# program when I execute this batch file remotely with PsExec from the local PC to copy the CHECK.txt file in any of the remote's directories. The problem comes when I modify this BATCH to copy the text file to the LOCAL:
copy C:\Windows\CHECK.txt \\\C$\Windows
It seems that the process PsExec, used to execute the BATCH in remote, blocks the communication of the network when the BATCH tries to send back to the local the text file. Ports 445 and 139 problem? Any idea of what is blocking the file to be sent back?
Everything is set for a transparent dialog between remote and local (no firewall, etc).
Thanks in advance...
I just noticed the -s parameter on your PSEXEC command. The -s means Run the remote process in the System account.. Removing it should allow your batch script to write back to local computer.

How can i connect to the server and run a command to run a batch file from within the server?

This is the .bat file I am currently working on:
#echo off
net use \\servername\ /user:admin admin
call "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\RBDPAY.bat"
However when running the .bat file from local machine it give me this error:
The system cannot find the path specified.
SysInternals has a tool called psExec that does just that.
PsExec is a light-weight telnet-replacement that lets you execute
processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for
console applications, without having to manually install client
software. PsExec's most powerful uses include launching interactive
command-prompts on remote systems and remote-enabling tools like
IpConfig that otherwise do not have the ability to show information
about remote systems.
Your example would look like this:
psexec \\servername"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\RBDPAY.bat"

The system cannot find the specified drive in Jenkins

I want to copy some files from a network shared drive (mounted at my local machine as drive Z). I have written a Batch file to copy the contents of Z drive into my local drive. This batch file runs successfully on cmd, but i am having issue when i trigger it through Jenkins. The Jenkins gives the following error:
"The system cannot find the specified drive"
Any help regarding this, will be greatly appreciated.
If you don't want to use Jenkins-plugins or schedule-Tasks here is a "groovy" way:
By Hand:
You can use the Groovy Script-Console provided by Jenkins>Manage Jenkins>Script Console and execute the command to map the network-drive within the Jenkins-service. (Must be repeated, once the Jenkins-service is stopped)
Write your Groovy commands to a file named "init.groovy" and place it in your JENKINS_HOME-directory. So the network-drive gets mapped on Jenkins-startup.
Groovy Commands - Windows:
Check available network drives using the Script-Console:
println "net use".execute().getText()
Your init.groovy would look like this:
def mapdrive = "net use z: \\\\YOUR_REMOTE_MACHINE\\SHARED_FOLDERNAME"
Yes Jenkins uses different login credentials. To map a drives through Jenkins use below command in Jenkins command prompt:
Subst U: \drive\folder
then after that your queries.
You might run into permission issues. Jenkins might be executed with different user credentials; so it does not know the configured drive for the windows share. Instead of using shell scripts I suggest to use a plugin. There is a set of Publish-over plugins that allow deployments to remote systems via a couple of protocols (ssh, cfis etc). Have a look at the CFIS plugin that allows to send artifacts to a windows share. Once the plugin is configured (ie the host is specified in the Manage Jenkins section) you can add to the post build steps Send files to a windows share where you can specify which file(s) shall be sent to which location.
Had this issue where my jenkins job was unable to read files present on the network drive.
I resolved it by adding "net use" command in your pre-build step. i.e.
Open your job.
Go to Pre Steps
From the drop down, select Execute Windows Batch Command
Enter the following command:
net use E: \[server name][Folder name] "[password]" /user:"[userid]"
Click Save
Execute the job
I was able to read files from my network drive by following the steps mentioned above.
It seemed to be a one time activity as after the initial run, I had removed the batch command from my job and it seemed to remember the mapped drive command.
Try adding debugging commands to that bat file, or as separate build step, such as net use, set (pay attention to vars like like HOMEPATH and USERNAME) and plain dir Z:\.
As said in another answer, most likely reason is that Jenkins runs as SYSTEM user, which has different permissions. One way around that is, go to services (for example open Task Manager, go to Services tab in it, click the Services button at the lower right corner of that tab), find Jenkins service, open it's properties, go to "Log on" tab and set your normal user account as one that runs Jenkins.
Basically you can access your network shared drive (Z) using by servername or IP from jenkins command. Write \\\Your_Folder instead of z:\Your_Folder.
For example:
mkdir \\\Your_Folder
I was trying to copy files from one remote computer to other, the easy solution which worked for me is COPY iphone.exe \192.xx.xx.xx\dev(dev is the folder name on c drive in that ip address)
A similar issue showed up for us on Jenkins slaves set up on Windows Server 2008 following this documentation. The Jenkins agent failed to access the mounted network drives even after configuring the agent service with the correct user credentials.
Jenkins could access the mounted network drives by their drive letters when connected via the JNLP agent (Launch agent via Java Web Start).
It stops recognizing the drive letters soon after we install the agent as a Windows service. Configuring the correct user credentials and restarting the agent does not help.
We could still access the drives via the command line while logged in to the machine with the above user.
Stop the agent service from services.msc and then uninstall it by running the command jenkins-slave.exe uninstall. The slave is disconnected at this point.
Reconnect the slave by launching the JNLP agent via Java Web Start. The agent can now access the network drives again.
Do not install the slave agent as a Windows service to keep accessing your mounted network drives using drive letters. But this is highly unreliable as the agent might fail to restart after a machine reboot. Alternatively, see if Jenkins can access them via \\<ip_address\of\network\drive>.
In order to access your remote drive
just use the command in cmd prompt
pushd "\sharedDrive\Folder1\DestinationFolder"
mkdir FolderName
pushd >> It navigates to the shared drive by creating a virtual drive..
popd >> Gets you back to the local directory

BAT script to delete a remote file

I have a backup harddrive shared (SMB/CIFS) on my local Windows network. Now I need a windows BAT script that deletes some of the shared files in the backup drive. In Linux+bash it would be fairly simple but on a SMB/CIFS shared drive and using only batch scripting I could not find any solutions!
There a few things you can try.First to 'enable' deleting on the share you can first map the drive with net use' :
NET USE [driveletter:] \ComputerName\ShareName[\volume] [password | *] [/USER:[domainname]username] [/PERSISTENT:YES]`
And you probably will have access to the files with the DEL command.
If this does not work you'll need to execute the delete via SSH on the unix machine.For this you can use plink:
The documentation is descriptive enough I think..
And if this does not work too you'll need the heavy weapon -> Cygwin which is also can be used via script to send commands via SSH

Batch runs manually but not in scheduled task

I don't generally write batches, but I currently have a batch that uses forfiles to copy my FLVs from one folder to another. When I run the batch manually it works every time, but from a scheduled task, it throws a (0x1) error.
forfiles -p "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 4.5\applications\name\streams" -m *.flv -s -d -1 -c "cmd /c copy #file ^0x22C:\Program^ Files\Adobe\Flash^ Media^ Server^ 4.5\applications\name\output\"
Not sure what syntax the scheduled task doesn't like.
Under my scheduled task, Actions I have the following:
Program/script: name.bat
Start in (optional): \\servername\file\to\batch
Hi might be this is helpful,
I also face the same issue.
Just set the startin path like:
Here start in path is the path of batch file:
like you have enter in program script:
"E:\program related files\demo.bat"
then in startin just pass:
E:\program related files & done!
When my Start in (optional): path was a UNC path, it wouldn't work. So I moved my batch on the server and everything worked correctly.
UNC in Windows Batch Files
forfiles with UNC path
On Server 2008 R2 when running the batch file under domain user credentials, with confirmed "log on as a batch job" security in the Local Security Policy>Local Settings>User Rights Assignment,
even then my batch (copying a log file to a network share) would not run as scheduled task, until I selected in tab General the option "Run with highest privileges" (default NOT checked!)
The option Run whether user is logged on or not was also selected, with radio-button, but I guess this is quite standard, when selecting to run the task using a domain user account.
For the tab Actions : specifying the entire batch file name including its path, directly in "Program/script:" works fine (with Server 2008 R2)
Using double quotes inside the batch file causes no problems.
See the screen shot bellow.
You need to change the user to system
Most common reason for such problems is permissions: scheduled tasks does NOT always run with your user credentials. If you want scheduled task to run as you you will have to set it up as you or alternative user.
Besides that I hope that your line of code is a content of your batch file, you are not trying to run this command directly. Or are you?
P.S. What are these ^0x22 and ^ doing in your code?
I know this is an old question, but just wanted to share some info.
The (0x01) error code can also refer to resources that are not found. Therefore:
all files/folders referd from within the batch file should be accessible to the user which account is being used to run that scheduled task;
pay attention when using network locations in combination with "Run whether user is logged on or not" option;
the above-mentioned option can be tricky to use because some resources may be available only after log on.
For .bat files to run inside your scheduled task, you need to specify your .bat file path inside the start option - despite the fact that your .bat file is at the same directory as your .exe. Also, I flagged it to run with highest privilege. After I have done those two things, the task suddenly takes off without any problem!
