Should variables always be initialized with literals? - c

int a = 5, b = a, sum;
sum = a + b;
printf("sum is %d",sum);
In this C Program, will variable b be initialized at compile time or at run time?
Is it compile time initialization?
(C language)

No, variables should not always be initialised with literals, although some folk like to insure that variables are initialised at the point of declaration (and some firms insist on it) in order to avoid the reading of uninitialised variables in poorly crafted code.
As for any run-time behaviour: the as-if rule applies. Your source code merely describes what you want the behaviour to be, not the machine code that will be generated. Your variables will probably not exist in the compiled binary, which will be equivalent to
int main()
printf("sum is %d", 10);
(The expression int a = 5, b = a is well-defined since , is a sequencing point, so a is initialised at the time its value is read to assign to b.)

depends on whether the compiler/interpreter implemented the algorithm of constant propagation or not.
C standard does not impose not to use constant propagation. If one detects that that variable is not mutated it can be replaced with the precomputed value. The as-if rule says that one can do whatever optimization we want as time as the result is the expected one.


default values for long datatype in c programming

I am trying to add two long variables with default values. But one of the variable is getting assigned to value 1. But As per my knowledge it should get assigned with 0. why it was happening?
#include <stdio.h>
long add(long, long);
long xno;
long zno;
long sum;
printf("xno = %d, zno = %d \n", xno, zno);
sum = add(xno, zno);
printf("sum = %d", sum);
long add(long x, long y) {
printf("x = %d, y = %d \n", x, y);
return x + y;
xno = 0, zno = 1
x = 0, y = 1
sum = 1
Objects with automatic storage duration are not initialized by default. The C standard specifies they have “indeterminate” value, which means they do not have any fixed value. Essentially, it means your program is broken.
In a program where the objects had been initialized or had been assigned values, the compiler would manage their values properly: If it needed the value of xno and did not have it in a processor register already, the compiler would generate a load instruction to bring it into a register. If it had it in a register, it would use that register for the value of xno. So, in a working program, the compiler generates appropriate instructions.
What you are seeing is that, since xno and zno were never initialized or assigned values, the compiler is omitting the instructions that would load their values. Instead of filling a register with the value loaded from memory, the program executes using whatever data was in the register from some prior use. Further, the register the compiler uses for that may be different each time xno or zno is used. So a program could behave as if it is using different values for xno and zno each time they are used.
Further, in some circumstances, the C standard specifies that using an uninitialized automatic object has undefined behavior. (This occurs when the address of the object is never taken.) In this case, the C standard not only does not specify what value the object has, it does not specify what the behavior of the program is at all.
There is no default value for non static local variables in the c language.
You can think of having a non fixed 'random garbage value' for those declared variables.
Also, in printf for printing long you should use %ld rather than %d

How to filter the expression akin to `int c = 1/0*0` in C language?

OS: Ubuntu 18.04
GCC: 7.5.0
I'm writing an expression generator to test my simple debugger, and want to filter the expressions with division by zero behavior. However i encounter a troubling problem.
As for the definite division by zero behavior akin to int c = 1/0, it will raise a signal so i can handle these cases by signal(). Nevertheless, in the case akin to int c = 1/0*0, cis equal 0 , and the program will never trap into the signal handler.
The test code as below.
void ss(int sig){
printf("division by zero.\n");
int main(){
int c;
signal(SIGFPE, ss);
c = (1u/0u)*0u;
printf("%d\n", c);
Here is the result.
gcc -o divide_0 divide_0.c
divide_0.c: In function ‘main’:
divide_0.c:15:11: warning: division by zero [-Wdiv-by-zero]
c = (1u/0u)*0u;
How can i capture the warning in this case?
Forcing the compiler to execute a division by zero is actually hard:
First, as you have noted, the compiler may evaluate 1/0 at compile-time. To prevent it from knowing the divisor is zero, we can use a volatile object, as in volatile int zero = 0; c = 1/zero;. The volatile qualifier tells the compiler the object may be changed by means unknown to it, so it cannot assume it is zero and must get the value when the expression is being evaluated.
Multiplying by zero in (1u/0u)*0u is counterproductive, even after we change the divisor to zero. The compiler can reason that any defined result of (1u/zero)*0u is zero, and therefore it is allowed to use zero as the union of the defined results (zero) and the undefined results (whatever the compiler likes), so it can replace (1u/zero)*0u with zero, 0. That is, it must still evaluate zero because it is volatile, but then it is free to just produce zero as the result without doing the division.
The compiler does not have to use a division instruction to evaluate a division operator. I tested with Apple Clang 11, and it was evaluating 1u/zero with instructions equivalent to zero == 1 ? 1 : 0;. In other words, it just did a compare and a set, not a division, presumably because compare and set is faster. When I changed this to 13u/zero, then the compiler used a divide instruction. I expect your best bet for getting a divide instruction would be to use volatile int unknown = 0; unknown = unknown/unknown;. Even then, a compiler would be allowed by the C standard to perform the division using any instructions it wanted, not a divide. But I presume compilers will generally generate a divide instruction in this case.
Then this code will execute a division at run-time. Whether that causes a signal and what happens with that signal depends on your computing platform.
Division by zero is not guaranteed to generate a signal.
Whenever your expression evaluator performs a division, it needs to check if the divisor is 0, and if so perform an appropriate action.
I assume that the compiler somehow just removes the division. It is allowed to do that. So instead try this code:
int main(int argc, char **argv){
int c;
int d = argc - 1;
signal(SIGFPE, ss);
c = 1u/d;
printf("%d\n", c);
Call it without arguments. The trick here is that the compiler cannot know how many arguments you will give the program, so it cannot optimize it away. Well, not as easily anyway.
The compiler itself complains about this since it can tell that your code is faulty and unsafe. However, you can try to use -Wno-div-by-zero argument for gcc at your own risk.

Programmatically determine if a variable's value was computed at compile time or at run time

Is there a way in C to programmatically determine that variable's value was computed at compile time or at run time?
const double a = 2.0;
const double b = 3.0;
double c1 = a / b; // done at compile time (constant folding / propagation)
double c2 = *(volatile double*)&a / *(volatile double*)&b; // done at run time
compute_time_t c1_ct = compute_time(c1);
compute_time_t c2_ct = compute_time(c2);
assert(c1_ct == COMPILE_TIME);
assert(c2_ct == RUN_TIME);
In C (as in, defined by the language standard), no, there is no way.
There are however compiler-specific ways using which you can get really close to achieving what you want. The most famous, as #Nate Eldredge notes in the comments, is the builtin function __builtin_constant_p() available in GCC and Clang.
Here's the relevant excerpt from the GCC doc:
Built-in Function: int __builtin_constant_p (exp)
You can use the built-in function __builtin_constant_p to determine if a value is known to be constant at compile time and hence that GCC can perform constant-folding on expressions involving that value. The argument of the function is the value to test. The function returns the integer 1 if the argument is known to be a compile-time constant and 0 if it is not known to be a compile-time constant. A return of 0 does not indicate that the value is not a constant, but merely that GCC cannot prove it is a constant with the specified value of the -O option.
Note that this function does not guarantee to detect all compile-time constants, but only the ones that GCC is able to prove as such. Different optimization levels might change the result returned by this function.
This built-in function is widely used in glibc for optimization purposes (example), and usually the result is only trusted when it's 1, assuming a non-constant otherwise:
void somefunc(int x) {
if (__builtin_constant_p(x)) {
// Perform optimized operation knowing x is a compile-time constant.
} else {
// Assume x is not a compile-time constant.
Using your own example:
const double a = 2.0;
const double b = 3.0;
double c1 = a / b; // done at compile time (constant folding / propagation)
double c2 = *(volatile double*)&a / *(volatile double*)&b; // done at run time
You ask,
Is there a way in C to programmatically determine that variable's
value was computed at compile time or at run time?
No, there is no way to encode such a determination into the source of a strictly conforming C program.
Certainly C does not require values to be tagged systematically in a way that distinguishes among them based on when they were computed, and no C implementation I have ever heard of or imagined does that, so such a determination cannot be based on the values of the expressions of interest. Furthermore, all C function arguments are passed by value, so the hypothetical compute_time() cannot be implemented as a function because values are all it would have to work with.
compute_time() also cannot be a macro, because macros can work only with (preprocessing) tokens, for example the identifiers c1 and c2 in your example code. Those are opaque to the preprocessor; it knows nothing about values attributed to them when they are evaluated as expressions according to C semantics.
And there is no operator that serves the purpose.
Standard C provides no other alternatives, so if the question is about the C language and not any particular implementation of it then that's the end of the story. Moreover, although it is conceivable that a given C implementation would provide your compute_time() or a functional equivalent as an extension, I am unaware of any that do. (However, see #MarcoBonelli's answer, for an example of a similar, but not identical, extension.)

Is an optimized out variable allowed to hold a value out of its range? [duplicate]

If I have:
unsigned int x;
x -= x;
it's clear that x should be zero after this expression, but everywhere I look, they say the behavior of this code is undefined, not merely the value of x (until before the subtraction).
Two questions:
Is the behavior of this code indeed undefined?
(E.g. Might the code crash [or worse] on a compliant system?)
If so, why does C say that the behavior is undefined, when it is perfectly clear that x should be zero here?
i.e. What is the advantage given by not defining the behavior here?
Clearly, the compiler could simply use whatever garbage value it deemed "handy" inside the variable, and it would work as intended... what's wrong with that approach?
Yes this behavior is undefined but for different reasons than most people are aware of.
First, using an unitialized value is by itself not undefined behavior, but the value is simply indeterminate. Accessing this then is UB if the value happens to be a trap representation for the type. Unsigned types rarely have trap representations, so you would be relatively safe on that side.
What makes the behavior undefined is an additional property of your variable, namely that it "could have been declared with register" that is its address is never taken. Such variables are treated specially because there are architectures that have real CPU registers that have a sort of extra state that is "uninitialized" and that doesn't correspond to a value in the type domain.
Edit: The relevant phrase of the standard is
If the lvalue designates an object of automatic storage duration that
could have been declared with the register storage class (never had
its address taken), and that object is uninitialized (not declared
with an initializer and no assignment to it has been performed prior
to use), the behavior is undefined.
And to make it clearer, the following code is legal under all circumstances:
unsigned char a, b;
memcpy(&a, &b, 1);
a -= a;
Here the addresses of a and b are taken, so their value is just
Since unsigned char never has trap representations
that indeterminate value is just unspecified, any value of unsigned char could
At the end a must hold the value 0.
Edit2: a and b have unspecified values:
3.19.3 unspecified value
valid value of the relevant type where this International Standard imposes no requirements on which value
is chosen in any instance
Edit3: Some of this will be clarified in C23, where the term "indeterminate value" is replaced by the term "indeterminate representation" and the term "trap representation" is replaced by "non-value representation". Note also that all of this is different between C and C++, which has a different object model.
The C standard gives compilers a lot of latitude to perform optimizations. The consequences of these optimizations can be surprising if you assume a naive model of programs where uninitialized memory is set to some random bit pattern and all operations are carried out in the order they are written.
Note: the following examples are only valid because x never has its address taken, so it is “register-like”. They would also be valid if the type of x had trap representations; this is rarely the case for unsigned types (it requires “wasting” at least one bit of storage, and must be documented), and impossible for unsigned char. If x had a signed type, then the implementation could define the bit pattern that is not a number between -(2n-1-1) and 2n-1-1 as a trap representation. See Jens Gustedt's answer.
Compilers try to assign registers to variables, because registers are faster than memory. Since the program may use more variables than the processor has registers, compilers perform register allocation, which leads to different variables using the same register at different times. Consider the program fragment
unsigned x, y, z; /* 0 */
y = 0; /* 1 */
z = 4; /* 2 */
x = - x; /* 3 */
y = y + z; /* 4 */
x = y + 1; /* 5 */
When line 3 is evaluated, x is not initialized yet, therefore (reasons the compiler) line 3 must be some kind of fluke that can't happen due to other conditions that the compiler wasn't smart enough to figure out. Since z is not used after line 4, and x is not used before line 5, the same register can be used for both variables. So this little program is compiled to the following operations on registers:
r1 = 0;
r0 = 4;
r0 = - r0;
r1 += r0;
r0 = r1;
The final value of x is the final value of r0, and the final value of y is the final value of r1. These values are x = -3 and y = -4, and not 5 and 4 as would happen if x had been properly initialized.
For a more elaborate example, consider the following code fragment:
unsigned i, x;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = (condition() ? some_value() : -x);
Suppose that the compiler detects that condition has no side effect. Since condition does not modify x, the compiler knows that the first run through the loop cannot possibly be accessing x since it is not initialized yet. Therefore the first execution of the loop body is equivalent to x = some_value(), there's no need to test the condition. The compiler may compile this code as if you'd written
unsigned i, x;
i = 0; /* if some_value() uses i */
x = some_value();
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
x = (condition() ? some_value() : -x);
The way this may be modeled inside the compiler is to consider that any value depending on x has whatever value is convenient as long as x is uninitialized. Because the behavior when an uninitialized variable is undefined, rather than the variable merely having an unspecified value, the compiler does not need to keep track of any special mathematical relationship between whatever-is-convenient values. Thus the compiler may analyze the code above in this way:
during the first loop iteration, x is uninitialized by the time -x is evaluated.
-x has undefined behavior, so its value is whatever-is-convenient.
The optimization rule condition ? value : value applies, so this code can be simplified to condition; value.
When confronted with the code in your question, this same compiler analyzes that when x = - x is evaluated, the value of -x is whatever-is-convenient. So the assignment can be optimized away.
I haven't looked for an example of a compiler that behaves as described above, but it's the kind of optimizations good compilers try to do. I wouldn't be surprised to encounter one. Here's a less plausible example of a compiler with which your program crashes. (It may not be that implausible if you compile your program in some kind of advanced debugging mode.)
This hypothetical compiler maps every variable in a different memory page and sets up page attributes so that reading from an uninitialized variable causes a processor trap that invokes a debugger. Any assignment to a variable first makes sure that its memory page is mapped normally. This compiler doesn't try to perform any advanced optimization — it's in a debugging mode, intended to easily locate bugs such as uninitialized variables. When x = - x is evaluated, the right-hand side causes a trap and the debugger fires up.
Yes, the program might crash. There might, for example, be trap representations (specific bit patterns which cannot be handled) which might cause a CPU interrupt, which unhandled could crash the program.
( on a late C11 draft says)
Certain object representations need not represent a value of the
object type. If the stored value of an object has such a
representation and is read by an lvalue expression that does not have
character type, the behavior is undefined. If such a representation is
produced by a side effect that modifies all or any part of the object
by an lvalue expression that does not have character type, the
behavior is undefined.50) Such a representation is called a trap
(This explanation only applies on platforms where unsigned int can have trap representations, which is rare on real world systems; see comments for details and referrals to alternate and perhaps more common causes which lead to the standard's current wording.)
(This answer addresses C 1999. For C 2011, see Jens Gustedt’s answer.)
The C standard does not say that using the value of an object of automatic storage duration that is not initialized is undefined behavior. The C 1999 standard says, in 6.7.8 10, “If an object that has automatic storage duration is not initialized explicitly, its value is indeterminate.” (This paragraph goes on to define how static objects are initialized, so the only uninitialized objects we are concerned about are automatic objects.)
3.17.2 defines “indeterminate value” as “either an unspecified value or a trap representation”. 3.17.3 defines “unspecified value” as “valid value of the relevant type where this International Standard imposes no requirements on which value is chosen in any instance”.
So, if the uninitialized unsigned int x has an unspecified value, then x -= x must produce zero. That leaves the question of whether it may be a trap representation. Accessing a trap value does cause undefined behavior, per 5.
Some types of objects may have trap representations, such as the signaling NaNs of floating-point numbers. But unsigned integers are special. Per, each of the N value bits of an unsigned int represents a power of 2, and each combination of the value bits represents one of the values from 0 to 2N-1. So unsigned integers can have trap representations only due to some values in their padding bits (such as a parity bit).
If, on your target platform, an unsigned int has no padding bits, then an uninitialized unsigned int cannot have a trap representation, and using its value cannot cause undefined behavior.
Yes, it's undefined. The code can crash. C says the behavior is undefined because there's no specific reason to make an exception to the general rule. The advantage is the same advantage as all other cases of undefined behavior -- the compiler doesn't have to output special code to make this work.
Clearly, the compiler could simply use whatever garbage value it deemed "handy" inside the variable, and it would work as intended... what's wrong with that approach?
Why do you think that doesn't happen? That's exactly the approach taken. The compiler isn't required to make it work, but it is not required to make it fail.
For any variable of any type, which is not initialized or for other reasons holds an indeterminate value, the following applies for code reading that value:
In case the variable has automatic storage duration and does not have its address taken, the code always invokes undefined behavior [1].
Otherwise, in case the system supports trap representations for the given variable type, the code always invokes undefined behavior [2].
Otherwise if there are no trap representations, the variable takes an unspecified value. There is no guarantee that this unspecified value is consistent each time the variable is read. However, it is guaranteed not to be a trap representation and it is therefore guaranteed not to invoke undefined behavior [3].
The value can then be safely used without causing a program crash, although such code is not portable to systems with trap representations.
[1]: C11
If the lvalue designates an
object of automatic storage duration that could have been declared with the register
storage class (never had its address taken), and that object is uninitialized (not declared
with an initializer and no assignment to it has been performed prior to use), the behavior
is undefined.
[2]: C11
Certain object representations need not represent a value of the object type. If the stored
value of an object has such a representation and is read by an lvalue expression that does
not have character type, the behavior is undefined. If such a representation is produced
by a side effect that modifies all or any part of the object by an lvalue expression that
does not have character type, the behavior is undefined.50) Such a representation is called
a trap representation.
[3] C11:
indeterminate value
either an unspecified value or a trap representation
unspecified value
valid value of the relevant type where this International Standard imposes no
requirements on which value is chosen in any instance
NOTE An unspecified value cannot be a trap representation.
trap representation
an object representation that need not represent a value of the object type
While many answers focus on processors that trap on uninitialized-register access, quirky behaviors can arise even on platforms which have no such traps, using compilers that make no particular effort to exploit UB. Consider the code:
volatile uint32_t a,b;
uin16_t moo(uint32_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t z)
uint16_t temp;
if (a)
temp = y;
else if (b)
temp = z;
return temp;
a compiler for a platform like the ARM where all instructions other than
loads and stores operate on 32-bit registers might reasonably process the
code in a fashion equivalent to:
volatile uint32_t a,b;
// Note: y is known to be 0..65535
// x, y, and z are received in 32-bit registers r0, r1, r2
uin32_t moo(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z)
// Since x is never used past this point, and since the return value
// will need to be in r0, a compiler could map temp to r0
uint32_t temp;
if (a)
temp = y;
else if (b)
temp = z & 0xFFFF;
return temp;
If either volatile reads yield a non-zero value, r0 will get loaded with a value in the range 0...65535. Otherwise it will yield whatever it held when the function was called (i.e. the value passed into x), which might not be a value in the range 0..65535. The Standard lacks any terminology to describe the behavior of value whose type is uint16_t but whose value is outside the range of 0..65535, except to say that any action which could produce such behavior invokes UB.

(Why) is using an uninitialized variable undefined behavior?

If I have:
unsigned int x;
x -= x;
it's clear that x should be zero after this expression, but everywhere I look, they say the behavior of this code is undefined, not merely the value of x (until before the subtraction).
Two questions:
Is the behavior of this code indeed undefined?
(E.g. Might the code crash [or worse] on a compliant system?)
If so, why does C say that the behavior is undefined, when it is perfectly clear that x should be zero here?
i.e. What is the advantage given by not defining the behavior here?
Clearly, the compiler could simply use whatever garbage value it deemed "handy" inside the variable, and it would work as intended... what's wrong with that approach?
Yes this behavior is undefined but for different reasons than most people are aware of.
First, using an unitialized value is by itself not undefined behavior, but the value is simply indeterminate. Accessing this then is UB if the value happens to be a trap representation for the type. Unsigned types rarely have trap representations, so you would be relatively safe on that side.
What makes the behavior undefined is an additional property of your variable, namely that it "could have been declared with register" that is its address is never taken. Such variables are treated specially because there are architectures that have real CPU registers that have a sort of extra state that is "uninitialized" and that doesn't correspond to a value in the type domain.
Edit: The relevant phrase of the standard is
If the lvalue designates an object of automatic storage duration that
could have been declared with the register storage class (never had
its address taken), and that object is uninitialized (not declared
with an initializer and no assignment to it has been performed prior
to use), the behavior is undefined.
And to make it clearer, the following code is legal under all circumstances:
unsigned char a, b;
memcpy(&a, &b, 1);
a -= a;
Here the addresses of a and b are taken, so their value is just
Since unsigned char never has trap representations
that indeterminate value is just unspecified, any value of unsigned char could
At the end a must hold the value 0.
Edit2: a and b have unspecified values:
3.19.3 unspecified value
valid value of the relevant type where this International Standard imposes no requirements on which value
is chosen in any instance
Edit3: Some of this will be clarified in C23, where the term "indeterminate value" is replaced by the term "indeterminate representation" and the term "trap representation" is replaced by "non-value representation". Note also that all of this is different between C and C++, which has a different object model.
The C standard gives compilers a lot of latitude to perform optimizations. The consequences of these optimizations can be surprising if you assume a naive model of programs where uninitialized memory is set to some random bit pattern and all operations are carried out in the order they are written.
Note: the following examples are only valid because x never has its address taken, so it is “register-like”. They would also be valid if the type of x had trap representations; this is rarely the case for unsigned types (it requires “wasting” at least one bit of storage, and must be documented), and impossible for unsigned char. If x had a signed type, then the implementation could define the bit pattern that is not a number between -(2n-1-1) and 2n-1-1 as a trap representation. See Jens Gustedt's answer.
Compilers try to assign registers to variables, because registers are faster than memory. Since the program may use more variables than the processor has registers, compilers perform register allocation, which leads to different variables using the same register at different times. Consider the program fragment
unsigned x, y, z; /* 0 */
y = 0; /* 1 */
z = 4; /* 2 */
x = - x; /* 3 */
y = y + z; /* 4 */
x = y + 1; /* 5 */
When line 3 is evaluated, x is not initialized yet, therefore (reasons the compiler) line 3 must be some kind of fluke that can't happen due to other conditions that the compiler wasn't smart enough to figure out. Since z is not used after line 4, and x is not used before line 5, the same register can be used for both variables. So this little program is compiled to the following operations on registers:
r1 = 0;
r0 = 4;
r0 = - r0;
r1 += r0;
r0 = r1;
The final value of x is the final value of r0, and the final value of y is the final value of r1. These values are x = -3 and y = -4, and not 5 and 4 as would happen if x had been properly initialized.
For a more elaborate example, consider the following code fragment:
unsigned i, x;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = (condition() ? some_value() : -x);
Suppose that the compiler detects that condition has no side effect. Since condition does not modify x, the compiler knows that the first run through the loop cannot possibly be accessing x since it is not initialized yet. Therefore the first execution of the loop body is equivalent to x = some_value(), there's no need to test the condition. The compiler may compile this code as if you'd written
unsigned i, x;
i = 0; /* if some_value() uses i */
x = some_value();
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
x = (condition() ? some_value() : -x);
The way this may be modeled inside the compiler is to consider that any value depending on x has whatever value is convenient as long as x is uninitialized. Because the behavior when an uninitialized variable is undefined, rather than the variable merely having an unspecified value, the compiler does not need to keep track of any special mathematical relationship between whatever-is-convenient values. Thus the compiler may analyze the code above in this way:
during the first loop iteration, x is uninitialized by the time -x is evaluated.
-x has undefined behavior, so its value is whatever-is-convenient.
The optimization rule condition ? value : value applies, so this code can be simplified to condition; value.
When confronted with the code in your question, this same compiler analyzes that when x = - x is evaluated, the value of -x is whatever-is-convenient. So the assignment can be optimized away.
I haven't looked for an example of a compiler that behaves as described above, but it's the kind of optimizations good compilers try to do. I wouldn't be surprised to encounter one. Here's a less plausible example of a compiler with which your program crashes. (It may not be that implausible if you compile your program in some kind of advanced debugging mode.)
This hypothetical compiler maps every variable in a different memory page and sets up page attributes so that reading from an uninitialized variable causes a processor trap that invokes a debugger. Any assignment to a variable first makes sure that its memory page is mapped normally. This compiler doesn't try to perform any advanced optimization — it's in a debugging mode, intended to easily locate bugs such as uninitialized variables. When x = - x is evaluated, the right-hand side causes a trap and the debugger fires up.
Yes, the program might crash. There might, for example, be trap representations (specific bit patterns which cannot be handled) which might cause a CPU interrupt, which unhandled could crash the program.
( on a late C11 draft says)
Certain object representations need not represent a value of the
object type. If the stored value of an object has such a
representation and is read by an lvalue expression that does not have
character type, the behavior is undefined. If such a representation is
produced by a side effect that modifies all or any part of the object
by an lvalue expression that does not have character type, the
behavior is undefined.50) Such a representation is called a trap
(This explanation only applies on platforms where unsigned int can have trap representations, which is rare on real world systems; see comments for details and referrals to alternate and perhaps more common causes which lead to the standard's current wording.)
(This answer addresses C 1999. For C 2011, see Jens Gustedt’s answer.)
The C standard does not say that using the value of an object of automatic storage duration that is not initialized is undefined behavior. The C 1999 standard says, in 6.7.8 10, “If an object that has automatic storage duration is not initialized explicitly, its value is indeterminate.” (This paragraph goes on to define how static objects are initialized, so the only uninitialized objects we are concerned about are automatic objects.)
3.17.2 defines “indeterminate value” as “either an unspecified value or a trap representation”. 3.17.3 defines “unspecified value” as “valid value of the relevant type where this International Standard imposes no requirements on which value is chosen in any instance”.
So, if the uninitialized unsigned int x has an unspecified value, then x -= x must produce zero. That leaves the question of whether it may be a trap representation. Accessing a trap value does cause undefined behavior, per 5.
Some types of objects may have trap representations, such as the signaling NaNs of floating-point numbers. But unsigned integers are special. Per, each of the N value bits of an unsigned int represents a power of 2, and each combination of the value bits represents one of the values from 0 to 2N-1. So unsigned integers can have trap representations only due to some values in their padding bits (such as a parity bit).
If, on your target platform, an unsigned int has no padding bits, then an uninitialized unsigned int cannot have a trap representation, and using its value cannot cause undefined behavior.
Yes, it's undefined. The code can crash. C says the behavior is undefined because there's no specific reason to make an exception to the general rule. The advantage is the same advantage as all other cases of undefined behavior -- the compiler doesn't have to output special code to make this work.
Clearly, the compiler could simply use whatever garbage value it deemed "handy" inside the variable, and it would work as intended... what's wrong with that approach?
Why do you think that doesn't happen? That's exactly the approach taken. The compiler isn't required to make it work, but it is not required to make it fail.
For any variable of any type, which is not initialized or for other reasons holds an indeterminate value, the following applies for code reading that value:
In case the variable has automatic storage duration and does not have its address taken, the code always invokes undefined behavior [1].
Otherwise, in case the system supports trap representations for the given variable type, the code always invokes undefined behavior [2].
Otherwise if there are no trap representations, the variable takes an unspecified value. There is no guarantee that this unspecified value is consistent each time the variable is read. However, it is guaranteed not to be a trap representation and it is therefore guaranteed not to invoke undefined behavior [3].
The value can then be safely used without causing a program crash, although such code is not portable to systems with trap representations.
[1]: C11
If the lvalue designates an
object of automatic storage duration that could have been declared with the register
storage class (never had its address taken), and that object is uninitialized (not declared
with an initializer and no assignment to it has been performed prior to use), the behavior
is undefined.
[2]: C11
Certain object representations need not represent a value of the object type. If the stored
value of an object has such a representation and is read by an lvalue expression that does
not have character type, the behavior is undefined. If such a representation is produced
by a side effect that modifies all or any part of the object by an lvalue expression that
does not have character type, the behavior is undefined.50) Such a representation is called
a trap representation.
[3] C11:
indeterminate value
either an unspecified value or a trap representation
unspecified value
valid value of the relevant type where this International Standard imposes no
requirements on which value is chosen in any instance
NOTE An unspecified value cannot be a trap representation.
trap representation
an object representation that need not represent a value of the object type
While many answers focus on processors that trap on uninitialized-register access, quirky behaviors can arise even on platforms which have no such traps, using compilers that make no particular effort to exploit UB. Consider the code:
volatile uint32_t a,b;
uin16_t moo(uint32_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t z)
uint16_t temp;
if (a)
temp = y;
else if (b)
temp = z;
return temp;
a compiler for a platform like the ARM where all instructions other than
loads and stores operate on 32-bit registers might reasonably process the
code in a fashion equivalent to:
volatile uint32_t a,b;
// Note: y is known to be 0..65535
// x, y, and z are received in 32-bit registers r0, r1, r2
uin32_t moo(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z)
// Since x is never used past this point, and since the return value
// will need to be in r0, a compiler could map temp to r0
uint32_t temp;
if (a)
temp = y;
else if (b)
temp = z & 0xFFFF;
return temp;
If either volatile reads yield a non-zero value, r0 will get loaded with a value in the range 0...65535. Otherwise it will yield whatever it held when the function was called (i.e. the value passed into x), which might not be a value in the range 0..65535. The Standard lacks any terminology to describe the behavior of value whose type is uint16_t but whose value is outside the range of 0..65535, except to say that any action which could produce such behavior invokes UB.
