Method (step) get a NotImplementedError in file A but in file B not - python-behave

I implemented step:
#given('my step')
def step_impl(context):
In file this method (step) get a NotImplementedError but if i moved this method to another file eg. step is running properly.
I don't know why and how can i fix it

You provide not enough information to answer your question.
Provide the StackTrace or look at the StackTrace when you get the NotImplementedError.
Could be a weird Unicode encoding problem in ""
(Unicode has also invisible characters)


PollingConsumer using smb protocol and pollEnrich()

Problem: The file is not consumed from the server
I am using
.aggregationStrategy((Exchange oldExchange, Exchange newExchange) -> {
//do things
return newExchange;
I have no error, I am sure that the url is ok, because when I am using the same url in the from(), the file gets consumed.
I don't understand what is happening here, I am using camel 2.24.0 and camel-extra:camel-jcifs:2.23.1. I have tried to use smb2 using the library from github.jborza.camel-smbj, still the same outcome.
I tried to debug, I can see in the GenericFileComponent class in the createEndpoint method, that the endpoint is correctly created, then I tried (in debug mode) to get the exchanges from my endpoint, I can get them successfully, further this will be a SmbEndpoint, when I try to get the exchanges from my smbEndpoint it returns exactly the needed file from the server, further a EventDrivenPollingConsumer is created for this endpoint, I had a look at it, is started (seems ok). When it hits the consumer.receive() from the PollEnricher it blocks, no file is consumed. I tried using a timeout, than returns null, so somehow cannot find the file, or the consumer is wrong, I honestly have no clue at this point.
I had a look here too:
and I have played with delays
Then I tried to implement with processor like here:
The same result :(
At some point the file was consumed, suddenly, but this happened only once, I cannot understand this behavior.
Sounds that you have a readlock problem, can you find any files in .done with the same name as the file you try to consume?

camel-smooks returns null in body

I am using talend-ESB and want to parse EDI message to XML using smooks & I am getting null in body. The code looks as below.
"file://D:/cimt/InvoiceEDI_Mapping/" + "?noop=true"
+ "&autoCreate=true" + "&flatten=false"
+ "&fileName=InDev_EDI_Msg.txt" + "&bufferSize=128")
"TestSmooksConfig.cLog_1", "${body}")
.to("log:TestSmooksConfig.cLog_2" + "?level=WARN")
My Talend route looks as below.
I used following set of external dependencies.
Also, I see a strange behavior that, upon execution, I still see "starting" prior to cJavaDSLProcessor, which initially made me wonder if at all it gets executed. But later, when I intentionally made a mistake in EDI-Mapping, then the route was throwing errors, which kind of convinced me that it does parse the EDI message.
I did also search before posting this question here, and found a similar problem in this link
And I tried to lower my revision of org.milyn.* jars to 1.4.0, and got an exception that the route could not register smooks component. So I continued using 1.7.0 version of org.milyn.* jars.
For the benefit of others who might bump into similar issue, I 'assume' that the output of the smooks gets written into an Object of type StringResult.class. However, in my initial implementation, there was no such option and hence the output body was null.
Later, I tried alternative approach from where they used processor endpoint.Actually they had even made a statement that the data could be retrieved through exports element. The below code snippet helped to fix issue.
Smooks smooks = new Smooks("edi-to-xml-smooks-config.xml");
ExecutionContext context = smooks.createExecutionContext();
smooks.setExports(new Exports(StringResult.class));
SmooksProcessor processor = new SmooksProcessor(smooks, context);

protractor: test download file without knowing filename

I followed this answer and it looks almost the thing I need.
The problem there is that he already knows the filename and I am doing e2e test for downloading a file, but the filename depends on the current time (even with milliseconds) so I don't really know the name (or it would be very difficult to get it).
I think I am missing something very simple here, but I was thinking of two ways:
Recreate filenames (with the same function that returns the name of this file) and start checking for existance of a file with that name, if it doesn't exist, then move to the next millisecond until I hit the right name.
Check the download folder for existance of "any" file, if I find one there then it should be the file I am downloading (for this case I don't know how to check an entire folder in protractor).
Hope you guys could help with these alternatives (I would like some help with point 2) or maybe give me a better one. Thanks
I ended up following #alecxe's suggestion and here is my answer:
var glob = require("glob");
browser.driver.wait(function () {
var filesArray = glob.sync(filePattern);
if (typeof filesArray !== 'undefined' && filesArray.length > 0) {
// this check is necessary because `glob.sync` can return
// an empty list, which will be considered as a valid output
// making the wait to end.
return filesArray;
}, timeout).then(function (filesArray) {
var filename = filesArray[0];
// now we have the filename and can do whatever we want
Just to add a little bit more background information to the #elRuLL's answer.
The main idea is based on 2 things:
browser.wait() fits the problem perfectly - it would execute a function continuously until it evaluates to true or a timeout is reached. And, the timeout mechanism is already built-in.
glob module provides a way to look for filenames matching a certain pattern (in the worst case, you can wait for the *.* - basically, any file to appear)

Dart Language: encoding (related to HttpRequest and http_server package)

I'm creating a file and writing a String on it with encoding set to LATIN1. However, the finished file is set with a different encoding (us-ascii or utf-8 returned by "file -bi" on Linux, depending on the method I use to get the String).
Here follows the creation method:
new File("/home/username/dart_test/file.xml").create(recursive: true).then((file) {
file.writeAsString(_methodReturnsAString(), mode: FileMode.WRITE, encoding: LATIN1);
Any ideas on what could be wrong?
There's no problem on the method described above. The problem was the data that was being provided to the method inside "writeAsString". That data comes from an HttpRequest that was not being processed properly (in fact, the setting of the encoding to ISO-8859-1 was causing the problem).
There's no problem with the method described on the question. Actually, the problem lays in an http request body handler that was not set properly.
So I'm answering my own question in order to help others with the same problem.
Here follows my request handler (from http_server package):
HttpBodyHandler.processRequest(request/*, defaultEncoding: Encoding.getByName("ISO-8859-1")*/).then((body) {
// Do something with body.
}, onError: _printError);
Take a look at the commented out "defaultEncoding". That was the cause. I don't think you can set it if you are not processing any files (blobs) on the request. I don't know if there's any situation where you should set it when just processing some String (I would appreciate if someone could complete this answer with this information).

"ExistenceError" in simple AppEngine + Google Cloud Storage application

I have a simple AppEngine handler as follows:
class TestGS(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
file_name = '/gs/ds_stats/testfile', mime_type='text/html')
with, 'a') as file_handle:
However, when I call this handler, I get ExistenceError: ApplicationError: 105 at the line with
This seems like a super simple scenario, and there's no indication at all as to why this is failing (especially since the right above it seems to have succeeded, though, is there any way to verify this?).
Looking through the source code, I see the following problems can cause this error:
if (e.application_error in
raise ExistenceError()
That's a pretty large range of issues... Of course it doesn't tell me which one! And again, strange that the 'create' seems to work.
The problem turned out to be a lack of clarity in the documentation. returns a special 'writeable file path' which you need to feed in to open and finalize. A correct example looks like this:
class TestGS(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
file_name = '/gs/ds_stats/testfile'
writable_file_name =, mime_type='text/html')
with, 'a') as file_handle:
