Multiple controllers bad for performance? - scrollmagic

Does it have an impact on performance to use multiple controllers for the same container?
I'm asking because I'm using several layout modules in my project. I'd like to know if it is easier to have separate controllers and scenes for every module.

the performance is not linked to number of the controllers directly
more controllers for further functionality.
Users Controller where users can create new accounts.
admin interface where you can edit the resources with higher privileges.
is depend on the context of your application you put in one controller if the context is the same
one controller for every table in your database that users can access. But this is really only a very crude measurement.


WPF App User Control

I have a WPF Application where I register many users in my apps inner Data Base. I have many classes that would like to query which user is logged in currently.
I wonder which is the best architecture for this kind of scenario.
So far I can think of:
A Singleton object storing the current logged in User.
Use Dependency Injection and pass an object containing all the login information for every class that needs it (and to some classes that won't need it directly, but might have to pass it along to another one later).
Singleton has its disadvantages, and DI could lead to many dependencies being shared all over the place and could be a maintenance nightmare on the furniture. I wonder if there is a better solution for this issue.

Angular controllers: 1 per view - does it make sense?

I have been thinking about this lately. Up until now I have always subscribed to John Papa's recommendation which can be seen here:
Define a controller for a view, and try not to reuse the controller for other views. Instead, move reusable logic to factories and keep the controller simple and focused on its view.
He gives a reason that I don't understand but for me it was primarily motivated by ease-of-work/maintainability. Basically, in working on large applications, it really sucks to come upon a bloated controller that is responsible for several disparate views. If a developer wants to clean up the controller, he/she has to go to each view and determine what is being used and why (so that methods can be consolidated if they are very similar) which is a big job. Typically (especially if they are under time constraints), they choose to just add whatever functionality they need to the model and to "come back to it later" which is how it got bloated in the first place. Also, I have always used the controller/directive as an indication of whether logic is repeated in many views or not (i.e. if another developer walks up to a controller that I have written he/she can be sure that I have only used it with one view because otherwise it would be directive).
This is a similar problem to the endpoint-problem which basically has people adding endpoints on an as-need basis and the eventually due to new people not knowing about old endpoints or simple forgetfulness the API gets super bloated and repetitive.
However, as I said, recently I have been thinking that this 1-1 controller to view relationship really works against the entire MVC pattern because it couples the model to the view and destroys the separation of concerns. I mean, as long as a controller stays focused (i.e. we have an EditUserCtrl whose job it is to edit a user etc.) then why shouldn't two views be able to use that controller? I mean if the business decides it needs a new view in another place that has the same function, why shouldn't I just write a new view and hook it up to the old controller? I guess what I am saying is that I am having trouble reconciling a convention that goes against the fundamentals of a framework.
Would love to hear others thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.
Like you said yourself. If a controller is responsible for more than one view, any developer can walk up to it, change something in the hopes of adding new functionality to view A and not even knowing it's breaking view B. I think the primarily goal would be to keep controllers clean and neat. That way, it's best to have 2 controllers almost identicals, but with only 2~3 line of codes than to have files being referenced by a numerous number of other files that nobody has control over it.
At one hand, you have to change 2 controllers if something drastically changes in view A and view B, but if it's a complex task, you'll probably have the controllers calling some sort of Gateway and that might mean that you won't have to change any of the controllers at all (good outcome).
On the other hand, if you have 10 different views repeating the same 2~3 lines of code, maybe it's time to abstract the controller functionality.
It doesn't couple the model because the it's best practice to have the business logic in services and view logic in directives , and have there be no real logic in the controllers. So you can one controller per view, but that controller should be very skinny. Personally, I like to only use controllers to assign and communicate variables between services and directives. If you want to reuse controller code, what's stopping you from either putting that logic in directives and services?
Almost none of the controllers I write (and for my job I write a large enterprise application in angular) have logic in them. Granted sometimes logic in controllers is unavoidable, but try to keep as little as possible there.
In this way, the controller stays focused. For a large application, with, say, 10 pages, it's better for both usability and readability to have small controllers for each page instead of one giant controller with a mix of variables, and when you want to re-use methods and functions, put them in services. If you find yourself having three pages with a form or button that has the exact same logic, then that might be better served with a custom directive.

AngularJS: controller vs service

I have read a couple of posts regarding proper usage of angularjs entities: services, factories, controllers and directives.
My particular concern is a comparison of a controller and a service. None of the posts though told me what is that a controller can do what service cannot and vice versa.
Can this be listed or is it just a matter of being canonical in angular's usage?
Controllers are typically used to be bound with a view. Controllers manage a view's life cycle, and should be thought of as View Controllers. A new controller will be created for each instance of a view, meaning that if you navigate away from a certain view, and then back again - or if you have more than once instance of a certain view, a new controller will be created each time.
Services are typically used as the business logic of your application. Services are similar to singletons in the sense that they are created once, and the instance is maintained throughout the entire life cycle of your application. It is a good place to put your logical functions which many views or components will require, and also hold global cache which needs to be accessed throughout multiple areas in your application.
controllers - responsibilities: initialize the view, mediate interaction between view/scope and services. It has dependencies on the view and model, but is more concerned with the view and making it work.
services - responsibilities: provides business services that is not dependent on the view or the controller. Its primary concern is delivering services, regardless of the consumer (controller/view/other services).
I'm not convinced if persistence factors into the differences.
As per the AngularJS documentation,
Controllers are to do with view related business logic. Services, on the other hand, are to do with reusable business logic independent of the views.
In addition to what have been said above. Controllers may also hold the logic of your application while the application isn't so big. But as you application grows you would need to move the logic to use services(like factory). This would allow variables and functions needed around your application to be easily accessible.

Is AngularJS the right tool for a new project that covers various platforms with different UI?

We're getting started on a new application that will run on several platforms (web, mobile, tablets etc). The goal is keep the models and controllers the same for all the platforms. Only the views will be changing. For example, if I have Roles view (and RolesCtrl) and Persons view (and PersonCtrl) on different pages (roles view redirects to persons page with role id as query string or something) on one platform, these two views might be combined into a single page (role id should not transfer to person page but to another view on the same page) on a different platform. I understand I can have separate divs and keeping the controllers intact, but since the UI flow is different for different platforms, how can that be handled? Is it feasible to keep the controllers unchanged?
Is this the right approach? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would suggest proving this out by creating a small project to implement some piece of functionality backed by a service that AngularJS will communicate with.
It sounds like you might have some behind the scenes complications here. I would suggest that if you do use AngularJS to make sure all of the developers are making their HTTP communications done through AngularJS and not try to go work around it.
From my short experience with AngularJS I think it would work fine and may actually make things simpler because of it's easy single application model.

CakePHP - where to put service logic

I am Java programmer who tries to investigate CakePHP - currently I have problem with application structure/design. I could not understand where to put core logic of application.
When I am developing in JavaEE, common approach looks like following:
Model classes are simple beans which represent data entities (products, people etc) - mostly like data structures with getters/setters;
Controller classes are simple enough classes which aggregate necessary data and inject them into dedicated View template which is then sent to user;
DAO (DataAccessObject) or Repository classes are ones which can load and store entities into database;
Service classes are usually singletons which contains certain business-logic methods - these are called by controllers, by other services or by scheduled actions, on the other hand they themselves call DAO / Repository methods to fetch or modify data.
For example if I have entities Person, Product and Order, when user selects some product and clicks "put it into my cart/basket" new Order for this Person should be created and this Product should be added to this Order (we may check that Person is not bad debtor and that Product is present at store etc.) - all this work is performed in methods of OrderService called by some controller.
Usually some kind of IOC (Inversion of Control) is used so that all services and controllers have links to necessary services etc.
Now I am slightly bewildered about how this all is done in CakePHP. Where should I put this business-logic etc. ?
In CakePHP the model layer is made up from collection of active record instances, called AppModel. They combine the storage-related logic (that you would usually put in DAOs and/or Repositories) with business logic (what usually went into your "models").
Any other domain related logic (from your Service) becomes part of controller.
If you want to know, how you are supposed to implement domain business logic in CakePHP, just look up articles which praise active record pattern.
Personal opinion
CakePHP and CodeIgniter are two of the worst frameworks in PHP. They are filled with bad practices.
Actually, if you were doing correct-ish MVC, then model layer would contain all of the business logic and everything that is related to it. Model layer is made of DAOs, Repositories, Domain Objects (what you call "models") and Services.
While your descriptions of Java-based code indicates, that you are kinda moving in that direction, CakePHP is not even remotely close to it.
Then again, it might be that my understanding of MVC is just wrong.
The controllers should only contain logic relevant for the whole thing being a web application. Your business logic belongs into the models. I think it is one of the basic mistakes that you find in many cakePHP applications, that to much logic is put into the controllers, which actually belongs into the models.
In CakePHP. the "M" is just a bunch of Data Models instead of Domain Models.
In my opinion. CakePHP is made for RAD development. It is not a good fit for enterprise applications.
My opinion though.
